The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 112

The Beast And The Blessed Chapter 112
Seven: Joselin
Joselin’s P.O.V.
Natalie dodged effortlessly as I swung at her. It was challenging to balance the need to get my frustration out and not hurt her. I
knew she could handle herself, but I was going easy on her, and she knew it.
’This is ridiculous,” Natalie said as she stopped. “Are you trying to let me win?”
She placed her hands on her hips, and her glare made me smile. “Yes. It’s to boost your confidence, so when I take you to the
ground in a minute, you won’t be upset by how easily I do it.”
Several people laughed, including Natalie. She threw her head back. Her long brown hair was in a high ponytail and swayed
behind her slightly as she let out the musical sound. She may not have grown up as royalty, but she sure had it mastered after
the few months she had been here.
Everything about her was flawless, and I was positive that if she were to shit her pants right now, she would still find a way to do
it with dignity and grace.
“Then perhaps you need a stronger opponent to really challenge you.” Her smile widened, and I saw a mischievous glint flash in
her eye as her gaze flickered over my shoulder. I didn’t need to turn around to know Tobias was lifting weights on the other side
of the large room.
From the second he entered the room, I felt his eyes on me, making me second-guess every move I made. It was impossible to
focus with him here, but I did what I needed to do. Until the pain in my chest stopped, I needed to pretend everything was the
same as a few months ago. A time when we were friends and civil. I had kept my feelings to myself as much as possible and
hadn’t fallen all over myself trying to get him to notice me as more... and, in turn, fell all over him too.
“Don’t interfere, Natalie,” I said lowly, praying that he couldn’t hear me but knowing he would. Still, my heart dropped, and my
hands went clammy when I heard the sound of large weights falling to the ground.
“I didn’t even say anything.” She shrugged, but I could feel him moving closer. Natalie leaned in, whispering into my ear softly. ’I
really didn’t. I promise, not even through the link. This is all him.”

She winked as she pulled back, and my eyes widened as I felt him stop only a few feet away, sending her a silent plea to be a
good friend and save me from him. I wasn’t ready to touch him again, not so soon. She looked torn, and for a moment, I thought
she would help me out of this, that she had seen the pain and defeat on my face.
The low growl behind me made every muscle in my back tense, and I turned slowly, keeping my gaze on his chest. A light sheen
of sweat covered his torso, his muscles swollen and bulging from his workout. He had the kind of build that made me want to
toss any pride I had left aside and climb him like a tree in front of everyone.
“I am done training for today, actually.” As soon as I spun toward the training field to get some air, his hand wrapped around my
wrist. My head snapped up to Natalie, but she had her back to me as she moved to one of the open treadmills.
The heat of his hand felt like I was being burned, and the fleeting thought that I could be okay with a scar of his hand around my
arm swam through my mind. It would be his mark, even if it wasn’t the one I wanted. I would be able to carry it with me forever.
I closed my eyes as I realized just how insane this man had made me. It was unnatural.
I hated how much of a hold he had over me. My lips pressed together in irritation as I ripped my arm out of his grip, my anger
fueling me as I swung my arm around for a punch.
If he wanted to insist on sparring, so be it.
His arm lifted, blocking my attack with his forearm. I jumped to the side as he swung his leg around to knock my feet out from
beneath me.
Tobias cocked one eyebrow at me, and I could see he was enjoying this. It was a sick game of cat and mouse as I threw jab after
jab at him and dodged his attacks. His smirk and the heated look in his eye only made me hit harder.
Every move and touch felt sensual, awakening my body as we danced around each other on the mat. It was torture, and I knew
as his eyes melted from their usual brown to black that he could smell the effect he was having on me.
The collection of pack members coming in to watch from the training field made the room grow so loud that it was distracting, but
I did my best to push them to the back of my mind.
I gasped as he hooked his leg around mine, taking me to the ground. The impact of my back on the mat knocked the breath out
of me, but my head was cradled in the palm of his hand. He wasted no time setting it down as he straddled me, his hands

pinning my arms down by my head.
His lips were mere inches from mine, and his eyes glanced down to my mouth, making me hold my breath. My usual confidence
had taken a blow last night, or I would have lifted my head up and met him halfway, kissing him for the first time in front of
But I wasn’t ready to face that kind of rejection again, not so soon. I felt like Tobias was playing with me like a toy.
At least when I had been making an advance on him, I actually wanted him. I wanted all of him.
He just enjoyed my attention.
I was positive I could feel him getting turned on where he was pressed against me, and while it was invigorating last night, right
now, I felt like I was the butt of a joke. A very mean joke.
If this was his payback for the bug in his food, he was taking it too far.
His warm breath fanned against my lips, and I felt my heart stop as he began to lean down.
“I don’t like this.” The whisper made him pause, but I had shoved him away with my magic before he could stand on his own. He
flew through the air to the other side of the mat and landed on his back, growling as I scampered to my feet.
Everyone was staring, and I could feel my skin vibrating as the runes and knots that decorated my body buzzed with humiliation.
“Joselin?” Natalie called out, but I didn’t want to look at her. She was my only friend, and the rogue voices in my head warned me
that if I opened my mouth to speak to her, I would say something I would regret.
“We are done here.” My clipped tone seemed to surprise Tobias as his growl ceased, and he leaned forward to rest his arms on
his knees. I knew he was confused, trying to figure out how this game between us was working; what the rules were.
I admit that it was a game at first. I had enjoyed pulling a reaction from him over the past few months. It made me happy to see
how his eyes would follow me, wondering what I would do next and admiring the different outfits I had picked out and worn just
for him.
Then the game grew old when I finally accepted that he wasn’t interested. Now that I decided to step back, he suddenly wanted
to play. But was he in it for the entertainment and attention, or did he want to win?

Either way, he did not deserve to see me in my moment of weakness. None of them did.
I could feel his stare on my back as I lifted my chin and strode from the room like I owed the fucking place. I wasn’t his toy to play
with, emotional or physical. If he wanted me, he could have me, but it was all or nothing.

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