The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 105

The Beast And The Blessed Chapter 105
One Hundred Five: Killian
Killian’s P.O.V
I should have been over the gut-wrenching feeling that settled in my stomach whenever I approached my family crypt where my
father lay.
The more time that passed, the more secrets I learned about my parents. Every secret I learned about them made me hate them
a bit more.
Joselin stood before the doors to the crypt, holding my father’s crown in her hands. She had been stalling on doing this, and I
knew it would be hard for anyone, even her.
Disturbing one’s rest in the afterlife was frowned upon, not that she hadn’t done it before. But my father was different.
Not only had he taken her in as family, but we already knew he was still wandering between realms. He hadn’t made contact
since before the war, and I was almost positive he had moved on. Yet, disturbing his body could anger his spirit; if he was still
here, that could mean trouble for her.
“I can do this if you would like, Joselin.” I offered, moving to stand at her side, our shoulders only inches apart. “He’s my father.”
Joselin looked away from the building before us, her hands tightening around the crown. ’That won’t be necessary. I need to
reseal the vault anyway since someone was able to get it. It shouldn’t take long, but if his spirit is angered, his wrath should not
be targeted at you. You have more important things to deal with.”
Only five steps led down into the crypt beneath the church where my family was buried, and we stood at the top, surrounded by
beautiful flower arrangements to honor our people’s fallen leaders. If only the people knew just how awful the ones before me
had actually been...
If they didn’t before, then after my mother’s speech on the battlefield, they probably were getting an idea. My mother hadn’t been
laid to rest here. After what she did, I refused to let her lay with the rest of our blood. She was cremated and released into the
wind so no one could ever find her remains.
“Do you want me to go in with you?’ I offered, curling my top lip in disgust at the idea of seeing my father’s preserved body.

Joselin snorted as she smiled, but I could see the tension on her face. “I don’t need an escort.” “Then what’s stopping you?” I
raised my eyebrow at her, amused when her face turned pink with anger. I was taunting her, and I knew getting her worked up
was the only way to give her the push she needed to go in there. Over time I learned that the easiest way to get Joselin to do
something was to challenge her.
“Nothing!” She snapped like her usual headstrong and stubborn self. I watched, amused, as she stormed down the steps and
into the crypt. Joselin was in there only a few minutes before she came racing out empty-handed like a demon was chasing after
her. “There, it’s done.”
We were all scared of something. Joselin, in particular, hated being around corpses even though she could cut any creature
down faster than anyone I had ever seen. She was lethal, but she still had a soul.
“Was that so hard?’ I joked, eyeing the goosebumps on her arms, the only sure sign that she had been affected by going in
“You’re such an ass,” Joselin muttered as she stopped at my side, looking back at the castle. ’I don’t know how Natalie puts up
with you.’
I smiled at the thought of my mate. I didn’t know how she did it either. A woman that strong and beautiful was bound for
greatness no matter who the Goddess chose for them. I was proud that Natalie had been tied to me instead of someone else.
Before her, I never thought I could be loved the way she loves me, nor did I think I could ever give my heart to anyone and walk
away unscathed. “She doesn’t. She’s stuck with me.”
Joselin laughed, bumping her shoulder into mine as we continued to face opposite directions. My eyes were locked on my future,
on the entrance to the crypt holding my parents ‘ bodies, which would one day hold mine.
Hers was on our present, on the castle where our loved ones were.
“You were wrong,’ Joselin muttered, and I looked down at the little witch who had stuck by me for so many years. She had been
through her own hell. Our shitty childhoods helped us to form a connection, and I wanted her to be happy even if I didn’t know
how to talk to her about it. “When Natalie first arrived, I told you to go for it and be happy, and you told me to do the same thing. I
should have just kept my feelings to myself. I made a move, and he wasn’t interested.”
My eyes widened in surprise as I turned and faced the castle with her.

Tobias always had his eye on her. I had never talked to him about that specific topic, but his feelings for her were obvious since
we all grew up together. His rejecting her was the last thing I expected.
“So, make another one. You’ve never been one to give up.”
Joselin shifted uncomfortably as I threw my arm over her shoulders supportively. She had also never been one to need comfort,
at least not from me. She used to go to Tobias, and I was glad about it. It saved me from having to have uncomfortable
conversations. But if he was the issue, maybe it was time for me to step up... or encourage her to talk to Natalie.
“Trust me, I have made dozens at this point. I did everything except strip down and crawl into his bed to get his attention. I may
not act like it, Ian, but I do feel it. It hurts each time he turns away from me or pulls back at my touch. At some point, I have to
move on.”
I was stunned as she let the side of her head rest against my chest, and I tightened my hold on her. “Sometimes it takes people
a long time to accept the love they are offered.
It took me months to finally let myself care for and be cared for by Natalie.” “Yes,” Joselin agreed, but she looked at me with a
sad smile. ‘But it has been over a decade, Ian. I don’t think this situation is the same. He doesn’t feel the same way, and it’s time
to stop humiliating myself.” “I’m sure other men would fall to your feet to get your attention if Tobias is too stubborn to grab a
good thing when it’s handed to him.” I offered, and she pulled away from me.
“Maybe. I’m sure I’ll find one eventually,” Joselin’s voice trailed off as my gorgeous mate came into view with her guards, the
devil himself in tow.
She was magnificent, and my eyes trailed over her body instinctively as she drew closer. Her toned legs, wide hips, tapered
waist, the swell of her breasts... She was perfection in every way. I couldn’t wait to see her round with our children.
Joselin pulled away, throwing her hair over her shoulder as she stood up straight. Any sign of emotion was gone, and for the first
time, I saw the emptiness she displayed to be what it truly was. Loneliness.
She had been excited to bring Natalie here because she had wanted a friend. With Tobias, she had wanted to love and be loved
by someone.
I stared at her for a moment longer as Natalie approached. When I turned my gaze to my woman, she was staring at Joselin with
the same look. Curiosity and confusion. She knew something was wrong too, and with any luck, my mate could help Joselin.
’Everything okay?” Natalie asked with concern as she leaned up and kissed my cheek.

“Yes, my love. Everything is fine. We were just discussing the future.” My gaze darted past my mate to land on her guard, seeing
his eyes sweeping over Joselin like I had Natalie, confirming her well-being and admiring her form.
“Hm,’ Natalie hummed distractedly, noticing the same thing I did before gesturing to the side with her head. “It is time for the run
with my father. Would you like to come?’
My arm looped around her waist, pulling her against my body as I leaned in and let my lips hover over hers. “And you came all
this way to ask me instead of linking me? What are you up to, my mate?”
Natalie threw her head back and laughed loudly as she lit up like the Goddess she was. “I knew you were more likely to say yes
if I came to ask you in person, and I really want you to go.”
I didn’t think I could have said no to her if I wanted to. After how long I spent resisting her and saying no back then, I wouldn’t
dream of ever saying no again. She could ask me for my heart, and I would reach into my chest and rip it right out. It was hers
“Then, yes. Tobias, you are dismissed for the evening.
Tomorrow, I would like to discuss a rotation change with you.” He dipped his head, spared one last but brief look at Joselin, and
went on his way.
We didn’t need multiple guards on Natalie anymore. As long as she remained within the walls of our well-guarded castle, I
trusted that Natalie was safe on her own. She must take someone with her if she ever left to go to the city or anywhere else. But
she was strong, and I knew she could handle herself once she felt more confident in her training.
“Oh, before you go, Joselin!’ Natalie called out, and my best friend turned on her heels to face my mate. “Don’t worry, I won’t hug
you against your will this time. I just wanted to thank you again for the study. It means a lot to me.’
Joselin smiled back, laughing at avoiding a hug, and began to walk away as she yelled over her shoulder. “It’s no problem. I’ll
send you a bill for it later.”
Natalie curled into my chest, pressing a kiss over my heart before looking up at me. “I can’t wait to run with you.”
My chest swelled with pride as I picked her up to have her legs wrapped around me and took off toward the forest, where I
caught traces of Henry on the breeze. Natalie also seemed to smell him, dropping her legs as we got closer.

He wasn’t alone, and I heard Natalie’s heart pick up when she saw her mother’s white wolf standing next to the brown wolf that
was her father. He licked the side of Aurora’s neck, making the woman shiver in her white fur before she looked away and
noticed us intruding on their moment.
Natalie cleared her throat with discomfort before going behind a tree to remove her clothes and shift. I did the same, not
bothering to preserve my clothes as they shredded around me.
It was fascinating to watch as Henry approached Natalie, and they began to sniff and bump their heads against each other’s
sides. The run was a good starting point in their relationship. I was glad my mate was finally getting the family she always
wanted. I just hoped one day soon, it would be us taking our kids for a run.

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