The Beast And The Blessed

Chapter 100

The Beast And The Blessed Chapter 100
One Hundred: Natalie
Natalie’s P.O.V
Joselin looked right over me. Her face looked gaunt, and what little color she had to her skin had faded. I had wanted to speak
with her to see if she was okay, but she hadn’t been around lately.
Since we came home, this was the first time I had seen her outside of my visit to the infirmary days ago.
But I jumped at the chance when I saw her out and about. I hadn’t seen her teleporting recently, and I took advantage of the
opportunity, following her on foot to Agatha’s grave.
Joselin whispered an incantation softly as she lifted the soil and let it fall through her fingers. She was hurting, and in turn, so
was Tobias. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. So I sat where he could see her as we waited.
I found a bench and waited for her, keeping my eyes averted to give her privacy. But Tobias openly stared at her with longing.
His hands clenched and unclenched as he stood guard several feet in front of me and to the side.
When she was done, she walked right past me, her eyes floating over me as if she hadn’t recognized me. It was awful to see her
in so much pain. She hadn’t even stopped to acknowledge Tobias.
That had concerned me more than anything. Until now, the woman had been mad about wanting him to notice her. She was in it
deep, and while I knew he was too, he had yet to cave into her.
“Joselin!” I called out, jumping to my feet and chasing after her. She stopped and turned, lowering her body into a curtsey,
something I had never seen her do before when she didn’t have to. My lips parted in surprise as I stared at her.
“Yes, your majesty?” Her reply was curt, short, and almost offensive. She was the one who had insisted on us being friends.
Now, her sarcastic, quick, and witty attitude was gone. Her tone was void of any emotion.
I glanced around in confusion, but no one here could overhear her. Her respectful and reserved fagade was usually only saved
for public interactions.
It was just my guards and us.

“What’s going on? What happened?” I wished I could see more in her white eyes, but she didn’t take her gaze away from my
chin, refusing to meet my stare. I waited as she pressed her lips together, but I grew frustrated when she refused to speak. “Did I
do something to offend you?”
Her eyelids widened before lowing again, her chin tilting further down. “No, you didn’t. We are fine. I just need time.”
“Are you leaving?” I was almost scared to ask. Our relationship had been rocky initially, but I had grown to care about Joselin. I
didn’t want her to go. She had been the only one here consistent in their treatment of me and everyone around me. She may
have been socially awkward, but she was funny and good.
“Of course not. I can’t leave you here with Rona roaming the halls. That bitch is up to no good.” Joselin ground out from between
her teeth, and I narrowed my eyes. I was there when Rona had admitted to stealing her mother’s magic and killing her, so she
could take her place on the council. Nothing indicated Rona was doing it to Joselin now, but I would be watching very closely.
I didn’t trust her at all.
To be fair, I didn’t trust anyone on the council, which was worrisome, but I had no other choice. Killian had told me that they had
been chosen because they were the strongest of their kind and the most loyal to the throne.
Joselin was the only one I trusted. But she was clearly hurting, and I wanted to show my support. I reached out, squeezing her
arm gently.” Okay, but whatever it is, don’t let yourself sit on it for too long. I’m here for you when you’re ready to talk.”
She nodded, looking away from me to hide her emotions. “Don’t be so mushy. It’s annoying.”
I smiled when I saw the corner of her mouth twitch with amusement before she turned and stomped off. It reassured me that she
would be fine, but when I turned to Tobias, the look in his eyes told me not to talk to him about her.
Something might have happened between them, but it was not my place to press for information on their relationship.
I narrowed my eyes at him, but he held my stare unashamed, revealing no emotions. There was no way that he would be giving
me any information. He barely talked as it was. I doubted he would tell me what was happening in her head.Jf he knew.
The way she had blatantly ignored him wasn’t a good sign to me, but I needed to give her the space she asked for. I would be
here when she was ready.
Thomas cleared his throat, making me look at him, but he stared straight ahead. If I had to guess, it was his attempt to spare his
friend from my glare. But I gave up, turning to walk back into the castle.

The hot mid-day sun beat down on my shoulders with cruel intent, and I was eager to get back inside.
Rona was smiling widely as she spoke to Lindsey, Killian’s ex. Lindsey’s shoulders tensed, and her eyes widened when she saw
me enter the courtyard. Two power-hungry women becoming friends was never a good sign.
The bright red, curly hair was impossible to overlook in the sun, and I watched her smile harden as she turned to look at me. It
was incredible how malicious she looked as she lifted her hand and waved her fingers in my direction. The long pointed grey
nails resembled claws so closely that I imagined she was just waiting for the chance to sink them into someone’s chest and rip
out their heart.
Maybe she would eat it too. A woman willing to kill her own mother for power was a woman I would never trust.
My groan of annoyance was caught in my throat, and I plastered a smile on my face as Rona left Lindsey and jogged up to me.
“Natalie!” She exclaimed with feigned excitement, and I gritted my teeth.
“It’s Your Majesty.” Thomas corrected with a clipped tone.
“Hm, yes. It is.” She hummed in agreement, falling in step with me as I climbed up the castle’s front entrance. Her failure to
correct herself had my already thin patience disappearing rapidly.
“Is there something you need, Rona?”
The witch’s arm brushed against mine as she moved closer. “I thought that maybe we could get to know each other. I can help
you train until your mother comes back.”
I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back my distaste. I didn’t want her hovering around at an already stressful time for me. If
anyone would piss me off to the point of me unintentionally committing mass murder, it would be her. Because she was known to
kill for power and with how powerful my mother and I were, I didn’t want her anywhere near us. Then again, they always did say
to keep your enemies closer.
It could be an opportunity to watch her and ensure she wasn’t getting up to anything she shouldn’t be before she left.
Rona took a step back as I walked through the door, and my beast hummed in pleasure in my head as the witch finally showed
me some respect. Whatever game she was playing, I would get to the bottom of it.

“That sounds lovely, Rona. But right now, I have plans with the king. We will have to catch up later.” I smiled at her as genuinely
as I could before walking ahead of her to head to our bedroom. Killian had requested a lunch date, and I would have been stupid
to deny him.
My race upstairs was more of a brisk walk as I tried to remain calm. As long as I could keep my emotions under control, I would
be fine. Everyone would be okay.
The door to the bedroom was cracked open when I arrived, and I shivered with pleasure as it slammed shut behind me.
“We have something that we need to discuss before our date, my love.” Killian’s low growl made my stomach turn to butterflies,
and the hair on the back of my neck stood up as he moved up behind me.
“Do we?”
His finger slid up my spine, stopping to pull gently on a strand of hair. The anticipation was enough to form wetness between my
legs as his hand was placed gently on my shoulder. He slid it around my collar until he could grab my jaw.
His thumb pushed against it, tilting my head to the side until I was looking over my shoulder. Killian bent his neck and hovered
his lips over mine. His chest pressed against my back, and I let out an involuntary whimper when he refused to kiss me.
“It has been a week since you have let me touch you. A week since I have been inside you.” His hardness pushed against my
ass as evidence of his intentions, and my eyes slid shut. His tongue teased my lips as he stole a taste. “A week since I have
heard your sweet little moans or the way you cry out my name while you’re cumming on my cock.”
“Is that what you want to talk about, Killian? How long it’s been since I let you inside me?” I opened my eyes, my hands moving
back to grab the
sides of his muscular thighs to steady myself. “I have to say that when you asked me to meet you for a lunch date, the last thing I
expected was to hear the king begging me for sex.”
I gasped when he grabbed my bottom lip between his teeth, sucking on it momentarily before letting it go. My tongue
involuntarily traced the flesh where his lips had just been, wanting a taste of him.
“I don’t recall begging.”

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