The Bastard Queen (Viciously Yours #2)

Chapter Chapter Sixty-Two: On The Front Lines

Panting, I tried to keep my breathing quiet while searching the shadows of the trees. The men and women beside me tried their best to do the same as they patched up those who had gotten injured. Gripping the tree, I gritted my teeth at the pain shooting up my left leg from the deep gash on the back of my calf. Fucking Gnomes and their fucking biting. Who the fuck bites anymore? My eyes flew down at the touch to my ankle and I instantly went to shoo away the medic’s third attempt to bandage the wound. But the sight of tightly spiraled silver curls stopped me in my tracks and I allowed him to continue.

On one knee behind me, a dirt covered Cillian ripped the sleeve from his blood stained tunic. Shoulders curled in fatigue, he grabbed his cantine of water and poured some out on the sleeve. Winding it around my calf over the wound, I grimaced as he yanked it tight and tied it off. Pulling my cantine of water from my waist chain, I held it up over my shoulder for him to take when he got to his feet and leaned against me. His deep gulps caused his chest to brush against my back and I felt the droplets of water that missed his mouth soak into the shoulder of my tunic.

Ever since we had left Seelie territory two days ago, we’d been fighting in battle after battle without a break. Mab’s troops pushed beyond territories slaughtering entire villages and cities in search of our camp. There were even public bounties on me and Cillian’s heads, worth over five million gold pieces for just mine alone. I thought it was funny but Lilly informed me that Mab putting a price out on us was not amusing to him. What wasn’t amusing to me however, were the innocents dying in her quest to find our main base.

So while my troops did their best to protect the cities and evacuate villages, we attacked Mab’s bases. Seven in two days and the troops with me were growing tired. Many of them had been replaced with fresh soldiers when they needed to rest or were too severely injured to continue. Others like me and Cillian had held out, reassuring everyone that they were okay to continue. Some of them fought with their families in mind giving them strength and others fought with a burning sense of duty in their souls. No one wanted to allow a future where Mab ruled the realm.

“The base is twenty feet in front of us. Fifty soldiers inside.” Cillian rasped out, handing me back my cantine.

I took a swig before clipping it back to my chains, “I know. This is our last one and then we head back to camp.”

“Good. We could all use a few hours of sleep.”

I nodded and then shoved away from the tree, crouching in a low sprint through the bushes. Soldiers in royal blue tunics peeled away from the trees and followed after me. Cillian was close enough that I could hear his boots crunching the grass right behind me. Keeping low to the ground, my swords slipped down my back and over my arms to solidify once again in my palms. Flames from torches began appearing between the trees the closer we got to base.

With the sun going down, the soldiers must have started lighting the torches along the perimeter in early preparation for tonight. Pressing against the closest tree trunk, I peered around the side of it and motioned the others to stay down. Soldiers in purple walked the perimeter in pairs creating the first line of defense for the tents behind them. The tent design of the base would make it easier to take down than the concrete compounds at other bases.

Raising my hands just enough for the others to see, I angled my hands in an upside down V before sliding one hand under the other. Wiggling my fingers of the hand on top, I waited until I was sure everyone saw it, including Cillian, and then moved. Seelies with the ability to bend fire beneath their will shadowed me closely. As a small team of ten, it was much easier to move around to the back of the base without the thirty-five others accompanying us. Without a word, we left the shadows of the trees and positioned ourselves behind a pair of soldiers.

Flipping my grip on a sword, I swung my right arm out and slashed the blade through their spinal cords in a violent motion. And that’s why we don’t stand side to side with our backs to the forest when on perimeter duty, kiddos. Stepping over their bodies that crumpled to the ground like wet wood, I caught the gaze of a frozen soldier and smiled. Before he could shout or cry out, I cut the tip of my sword over the dirt in his direction. A thin line of blue flames raced over the ground towards him and obliterated him with a boom the second it made contact with his boots.

Warning yells rang through the base as the Seelies with me began exercising their abilities. Balls of angry red flames ripped through purple and white tents like paper. Smoke quickly thickened the air as multiple tents in the camp erupted into flames. Balls of ice and water were flung back at us in an effort to extinguish the flames to no use. Pushing past the pain, I ran towards a circling group of Fae and flung a sword their way. It broke apart midair and pierced each Fae through a vital organ as a large female raced towards me.

Even as exhausted as I was, I couldn’t help the grin that crawled over my face. Calling my sword back to my hand, I crossed the blades in time to block the yellow dagger hurled my way. With a ping it flew back to its owner and she hurled it at me again, this time connected to a thin chain. The dagger whistled through the air like a whip and I dodged the initial hit with a well timed front flip but it caught my side on the pull back.

Hissing, I caught the chain the next time she tossed it and yanked her forward. Dropping my swords, I pulled my fist back and gave the bitch two jabs to the jaw. Dazed she fell back a step as I swung the chain around her neck and pulled. Choking, she grabbed the yellow chain in an effort to free it from me. Grinning, I went to give it a final yank when a glint of metal flickered in the bottom of my vision. Throwing my head back, I gritted my teeth at the stinging line of pain that erupted on my chin. The yellow dagger flew higher into the air between us before I ripped it from her will with a snap and willed it back down.

The dagger slammed into the middle of her forehead up to the hilt and I dropped the metal. Swiping the back of my hand against my chin, I sneered at the blood on my skin and called my swords back into my palms. The second wave of my soldiers had flooded the base taking advantage of the panic that the fire had caused. A few feet away, Cillian cut his way through a small crowd of soldiers with his blue axes making it impossible for them to be ripped from him. Twirling my swords, I looked for my next victim but a dull roar stole my attention.

Turning around at the sound, I raised a brow at the line of Unseelie standing about ten feet away. Hands linked together, the large mass of water above their heads swished in an angry mimic of their combined wills. It wasn’t something my kind did often but when another Fae’s will was too strong, they worked together. As I watched, the water mass curled and hardened into large shards of ice that hovered with their points in my direction. Taking a deep breath, I released it and relaxed my body pushing away all the tension that had gathered in my muscles.

My swords slithered down to cover my arms and molded over my chest in a thin flexible breast plate. Eyeing them, I cracked my neck and bent my knees, “What? You waiting for a fucking formal invitation, Babes?”

A few broke, their short tempers snapping them into action and sending ice shards whistling towards me. Bending quickly to the side, I felt an ice spear grate against the metal covering my side. Lip curling, I threw my body to the left and hit the ground in a roll as ice shards pelted the earth behind me. The earth turned springy underneath me, giving me enough bounce to propel myself on to my feet at a dead run. Leaping with a twist, I turned my shoulders in line with my legs and narrowly slid between two sheets of sharp ice.

Laughing, I twisted on my heel and pushed my will over the water but a sneaky shard slammed into my shoulder knocking me off balance. Arms pinwheeling, the ground underneath me shot me into the sky causing me to flip repeatedly through the air. Ice followed me, piercing through the sky around me with a whistle at an unnatural speed. Wheeee, I thought with a grin. Spinning my body in a flip, I pressed my hands together and dived back to the ground. Using my arms, I maneuvered around the shards still racing towards me before I finally managed to get it beneath my control.

Water and ice began to circle around my descent as the Fae on the ground started to scurry for cover. Spreading my fingers out, thin shards of ice hailed to the ground in deadly precision. Fae in purple tunics abruptly dropped to the ground with spikes of ice poking out from their chests or necks. Ten feet from face planting harshly into the ground, a hole opened up and swallowed me whole. Dirt pushed against the bottoms of my feet, propelling me in an underground dive until the tunnel I created curved upwards. The golden light of dusk met my eyes once more as the earth opened up and spit me back out.

Taking a deep breath of air, my boots hit a solid surface when I fell the five feet back to the ground. Coughing, I pulled the metal holder from my hair and shook out the long locks. Little clumps of dirt fell from the grit dulled blue strands and I started slapping my hands over my clothing. Dirt plumed from off the fabric making me shake my head in distaste, metal rolling over my limbs to reform into my swords. Giving them a glance, I dropped my grip on them and watched them glide over my head to slide back into their sheath.


Head snapping to the left, I squinted through the smoke to see a flash of silver. Feeling lazy, I closed my eyes and traveled to his side. A brief sense of weightlessness was all I got and then my boots were connecting with the dirt once more. Eyes opening, I glanced over the two short rows of soldiers in purple kneeling in the blood clumped ash and dirt.

“This is all that’s left of the base.”

Nodding, I stepped forward, “You have a choice to make. You can either join me or you can die on your knees for a Queen who would never do the same.”

Long Live Queen Mab!” A male with brown hair shouted pridefully.

I shook my head in disappointment as a blue axe embedded itself in his chest. Looking them all in the eye, I grew frustrated at their stubborn expressions, “What do you see her? Why give your loyalty to a Queen who just decimated a good portion of her Kingdom two days ago? Where is your Queen now? Because she sure as shit isn’t fighting alongside you! Is it fear that grips you? Speak up! Don’t give your lives for a Queen who views you as nothing more than numbers on a map!”

The soldiers on their knees didn’t shift or blink in response to my words. Tired and frustrated that this would be the third base marked by massacre, I spit, “Fine. Then you can all die in the name of your beloved Queen.”

With a harsh slash of my hand from my left shoulder to the ground on my right side, the earth rumbled. The vibrations grew until the dirt under the soldiers shifted and began to break apart. Nothing they did changed their fate as they tumbled into the mass grave I had created. Stepping up the edge, I gazed down in disappointment at my brethren, “Tell my father, he’s still an asshole for bringing me into this world.” And with those parting words a layer of earth slammed over them, hiding their bodies and screams away from the realm.

Cillian put a hand on my shoulder as I stared at the earth, “Let’s return to camp. There’s nothing here for us.”


Macha! Thank Divines, you’re here!”

“My Queen, the Seelie are having issues-”

“Your Divinity, we are-”

“Macha, are you-”

Sucking in a deep breath, I spun around at the entrance of my tent and gazed at the group that had been clamoring for my attention since we appeared. “I have exactly one minute to spare. One at a time, go.”

Seeing my eyes on him, the Troll immediately started speaking, “Your Divinity, Coaimhe wishes to know when the Trolls will be taken off protection duty.”

“When I say so. Next.”

“My Queen, the Seelie are having issues with the Banshees.” Erick quickly announced.

Sighing, I began taking off my sheath, “Tell Afric, flowers don’t grow in the winter. If that doesn’t solve it, come get me. Next.”

Bria stepped forward, “Macha, the water Fae want to know what they can do to help.”

“Tell them, I’ll come speak with them later.” I said, shooting Lilly a thankful look when he helped pull my sheath free of my arms. “Next.”

“Macha, are you okay?” Dani questioned, sincerity shining in her pink eyes.

“Ask me again tomorrow. Next.” I replied, grabbing the hem of my tunic and pulling it up with a wince.

Lilly swiftly moved in front of me and started crowding me into the tent, “Okay. That’s enough for now. Fuck off, the Queen needs to sleep.”

Blinking heavily, I left him at the entrance and pulled the rest of my clothing off on the way to the tub. Dirty blood covered clothes created a trail to the tub behind the privacy screen where I filled it with hot water. The steaming liquid flowed from the pot to the tub on its own as I sunk down into the bath. Laying my head back against the rim, I released a content sigh at the way the water burned my aching muscles and open wounds. Keeping my eyes closed, I didn’t have the energy to ask what he was doing as my hands were pulled from the water.

The gentle scrape of the soapy washcloth rubbed from my fingertips to my shoulder in a soothing motion. Sinking deeper into the water, I was barely conscious as I listened to Cillian ring the washcloth and scrub my skin clean over and over again. Distantly, I felt him go from limb to limb before slipping into the tub behind me. Shifting us, my head rolled back against his shoulder as he gently scrubbed my neck clean of blood and dirt. Water dribbled back into the still water of the tub when he rang it dry and, I’m assuming by his little movements, started to clean himself off.

When I came to, I was beneath the furs of the bed with Lilly’s body heat radiating around me. Reluctant to move, I glanced around the pitch black tent and smiled a little when a blue flame lit the candle. With everything bathed in a soft blue light, I caught sight of the trays on the desk and the dirty clothes still littering the carpeted floor. Lifting an arm as slowly as possible, I flicked my fingers sending my swords, a waist chain and rings from the floor to the desktop with a clink.

Lilly’s arm crushed me back against him as his sleep laden voice rasped, “Sleep.”

Well if he’s already up….“Did you really have the audacity to put my metal on the floor?”


“How did you even get my chains off? I don’t remember doing it.”

He released a huge sigh that ruffled the hair on my neck, “You didn’t. You got into the tub with them. I chopped them off.”

Eyebrows flying up, I twisted around to face him to his great annoyance, “You chopped them off? How?”

“Only one. The looser one. With my axe.”

Pausing, I realized there was another warm, lighter, weight around my waist. But still…“You could’ve killed me, you dick.”

“Probably. Didn’t, though.”

Huffing out a laugh in disbelief, I raised a hand and forced one of his silver lashed eyelids up, “Why didn’t you just leave them on me?”

“Oh.” Lilly tried to blink but my thumb didn’t allow it. “I didn’t think about that.”

I laughed and he groaned, flipping onto his back to stare up at the ceiling, “I’m awake now. You woke me up.”

“That sucks. Goodnight.” I murmured, giving him my back and snuggling into the warm furs.

The mattress bounced before I felt his knuckle run down my bare back, “You’re not really going to sleep are you?”

“Oh, would you look at that? After turning me down three times, I get to turn you down. This might be better than sex. Actually,” I grinned, climbing from the bed. “some chocolate would make this be-”

Yelping as I was yanked backwards in a spin, my hands slapped against his hard chest before he rolled us across the mattress. Fingers laced through mine, he pinned my hands to the soft bedding with the fur between us keeping our bare skin from touching. Breath mingling, I raised a brow at the amusement ghosting over his sharp features.

“You think I don’t want to fuck you? I always want to fuck you. ” He said, punctuating his sentence by grinding his erection down between my hips. “But between you almost dying again, the Seelie Ball and these past two days of nonstop fighting, where would we have found the time?”

“At any point in time during those events if you weren’t so responsible.”

Silver pools gaze down at me, “Did you really expect us to have sex in the middle of a battle?”

I shifted my eyes to the ceiling above him in thought and huffed, “Well, when you say it like that. I sound like some unreasonable sex maniac.”

“You kind of are.” He laughed, dropping his head to press kisses along my neck. “But we have time now…”

I grimaced, “Yea but now I feel like some kind of predator.”

“Macha,” He replied, barely audible through his laughter. “Don’t you remember how Puck reacted to our age difference? If one of us should feel like a predator, it should be me.”

“That’s right! I feel so much better now.” I purred, rolling my hips up against the fur still between us. “Maybe that’s why I find you so attractive. You have the distinguished silver fox look without the actual aging.”

Lilly pulled his head from my neck to give me a look, “Should I be concerned that that’s why my looks appeal to you?”

“No. It’s just my daddy issues manifesting. ” I shrugged and then leaned up to press my lips to his.

Lilly held still for a moment like he wanted to discuss that more but thankfully let it go. His hands tightened around mine, keeping them flat beside my head as his tongue pushed into my mouth. Tilting my head to the side, I deepened the kiss and slowly lowered my head back to the pillow. Tongues gliding in a languid motion, I bent my knees causing him to slip down tighter against me and pull moans from us both. Though mine was more out of frustration that the fucking fur was still between us.

Cillian must have felt the same because one of his hands left mine for a second and then we were blessedly skin to skin. My fingers flexed in his grip as he pushed them over heads, pressing out chests together and fitting his hips tightly to mine. A surprised breath left me when I felt his member slip between my folds and the slow grinding began. Back arching, I threw one leg over his back and pressed down on the mattress with the other to rock up against him. Never entering, his shaft rubbed through my wet heat and dragged agonizingly slow over my clit.

The sound of loud panting filled the air the longer he kept up his teasing motions and I started to squirm in search of release. Silver eyes glinted down at me in the dim blue light and he slowed to a stop, his hands trailing from my hands to my hips. His calluses caught and scratched over my skin before gripping the warm chain around my waist and tugging. More interested in our pleasure, I pushed my hands between us and wrapped a hand around his shaft. His eyes narrowed in warning but I smiled innocently back, giving his hard flesh a firm stroke.

While he released a groan, I took advantage of his distraction and shoved him to the side. By the time he realized he was on his back, I was already straddling his waist with my nails digging into his chest. Sharpened teeth flashed my way but I ignored it to watch little pink welts raise up on his torso in the wake of my nails. A hard hand wrapped around the top of my throat, pushing my head back as he jolted up. His free hand yanked on my chain again while I panted at the growing heat between my thighs at his angry expression.

Take it off.” He ordered, voice harsh. “In two. Now.”

I cocked a brow in mock offense, “Please?

The hand on my throat tightened, restricting my air flow and making my eyelids hood in arousal. His other hand snuck up and pinched my nipple making me jump in response as he spoke in a hoarse whisper, “You submit while I dominate in the bedroom, Macha. Don’t act like you don’t enjoy that. Now, do what I asked before I make you scream loud enough to wake the camp. Unless that’s what you really want.

And holy fuck, was it the way he finished with a lick and then a bite to my lips that had me giving up all thoughts of being difficult for fun.

The chain fell from my waist, breaking in two without another order and my core clenched in response to his tone. He gazed down at me as he dropped his hand from my throat to pull my arms behind my back. “Because I don’t trust you to keep your hands where I want them.” He said, winding the short length of chain around my wrists. I melded the links together when he finished pulling it taunt and fidgeted in overwhelming lust as he leaned closer to look over my shoulder.

A deep groan pulled from his throat when he saw the way my wrists were bound behind my back and I tried to press my thighs closer to ease the ache he awakened in response. Lilly pulled away to lean against the headboard with hooded eyes that resemble heated pools of silver. As his eyes trailed over my bound body, I watched his hand disappear beneath his pillow and come back with a condom between two fingers. Cillian continued to watch me watch him while his hands slid the covering over his member.

“I don’t need to get you ready, do I? I can feel the heat coming off you.”

I swallowed hard and shifted until I hovered over his hard shaft without a word.

His right hand brushed over my tattooed thigh before lining himself up with my core and nudging the head against my entrance, “This is your favorite position, right? Because it gives you control? Let’s see how much you like it when we do it my way. Drop down, take just the head inside.”

Cillian.” I moaned, following his direction and barely resisting the need to take his length completely at the way the tip filled me.

“Eyes open.” He replied.

Opening my eyes, my hands flexed in their restraints as I caught sight of the other half of the chain dangling in his hands. Bringing it up, he laid it over the diamond pendant before pulling my hair free. Panting, I squeezed down around his head causing the veins in his neck to budge when he brought the lengths together on either side of my neck. Knowing what he had in mind and completely on board with the idea, I sped up the process because my thighs were beginning to shake and I wanted him inside me now.

With a pictured thought, I molded the metal of the pendant and the chain to create a smooth silver collar with the brilliant blue diamond nestled in the front. A thin silver chain ran from the middle of the collar down to Cillian’s hand where I mentally wrapped it around his fist. I grinned at the look of dark hunger that spread over his face when he looked at it and then cried out when his free hand brutally yanked my hips down. His length drove up to the hilt inside me with that one thrust that was equal parts pleasure and pain.


Shit.” I panted out and rocked my hips to chase the overwhelming sensation.

When my head dropped back as I began to lift and drop back down on him at a steady pace, he pulled on the chain and brought my gaze back to his. The eye contact should have felt awkward and way too intimate for comfort but it increased the sensations of the moment. Our breathing turned labored once again and the blue light gave our sweat slicked bodies a shiny tint. My stomach tightened as my orgasm started to build, my hips picking up the pace to drive me there quicker. Sensing my new urgency, Lilly’s hips snapped up to drive himself deeper inside me.

Macha, Cillian, wake up! We need to talk to you-Oh, my Divines!

“What are you- NO. NO, no, no, no, no. So much skin, too much skin! My eyes! MY EYES!

“Chains, why are there chains! Bria, why are there chains?”

Brows coming together in irritation, I tried to push their frantic voices from my head that threatened to ruin my orgasm by riding Cillian harder.

Get the fuck out!” Lilly roared angrily and leaned over to throw something that I completely ignored.

Come on, come on, almost there. I’m almost there. I thought desperately, trying to keep my arousal from waning.

Cillian wrapped arm around my waist and rolled us aggressively to the side. My bound arms pinched from my position on my back but was quickly forgotten when he started drilling into me. His thrusts were hard and angry in a way that was definitely going to hurt later but was successfully bringing me back into the moment. Unable to match his pace, I arched my back and took everything he was giving me with a moan. My orgasm rose quickly within reach and I clenched down around him, crying out in pleasure when he yanked the chain of the collar harshly.

The sound of his ragged breathing filled my ears as his thrusts turned choppy and his muscles bulged, “You need to cum, now.

In any other situation I would have laughed in pride that he was about to cum first but unbelievable sexual frustration had tears building in my eyes, “I can’t….it’s...I need…

Grabbing my left leg, Cillian yanked it up over his shoulder and slammed his hips down one final time with a shout of my name. The sudden switch of the angle had a short scream bursting from my throat and tears slipping from my eyes at the over stimulation his pulsing member provided. We stayed in the same position, chests heaving and bodies shaking as our orgasms tore through us.

Minutes or hours later, who the hell fucking knew or cared, his hand dropped from my leg as it fell off his shoulder. The metal binding my wrists slithered away and I tugged them out from beneath my back to lazily shove at Cillian, who was practically dead weight slumped on top of me. He groaned in response and buried his face deeper into the mattress against the left side of my throat.

“Lilly...get off.” I panted out. “You’re crushing me.”

He muttered something and then pushed himself over to land on his back beside me. Our eyes were pinned to the ceiling for a few moments in silence as we fought to catch our breath before Lilly broke it, “You screamed.”

“It was very short.”

“Still counts.”

“Fuck off, you almost came first.”

Almost and can you blame me?” He panted. Lifting a hand, he gave the chain connected to my collar a gentle tug as he looked at me from the corner of his eye, “I like this….I like this a lot.

My core gave a painful pulse that had me trying to shift away from him and groaning, “I know, so do I. Divines, I’m going to be feeling you for days.”

“I think my hips are numb.”

No one told you to hate fuck me into the mattress.”

Lilly snorted, “You did the same thing, you didn’t even stop when we got interrupted.”

“Why the fuck would I stop? This is my tent.” I panted. Looking at him from the corner of my eye, I raised a brow, “Did you throw something at them?”

“Yeah. My axe.”

Laughing, I asked, “How much do you think they saw?”

He raised a brow back at me, “Based on their hysterical screaming? Too much.”

“We should call them back. It sounded like they needed us.”


“Yes.” I laughed at his disgruntled expression and used my limp arms to sit up.

Lilly pushed himself to his feet, took care of the condom, and then came back to sit up against the headboard. Grabbing the furs, I positioned it over his waist and then tucked it under my armpits as he pulled me into his side. Tucked under his arm, I laid my head against the side of his chest and watched the two little idiots bumble into the tent. Bria had one hand on Puck and the other waving in front of her as she blindly led them inside. Puck had both hands over his eyes while taking slow steps behind his girlfriend.

“Are you decent?” Puck called out.

“Why would we tell you to come in if we were still fucking?”

Bria bumped into the desk before stopping, “I don’t know, the last time we came in I saw wayyyyy too much of my brother and my Queen for that matter.”

“You mean, when you came in unannounced?” Cillian rumbled.

“You didn’t even stop, Cillian. Do you know how traumatizing that was for me?”

He rolled his eyes, “You didn’t see anything.”

And you threw an axe at me when my eyes were closed!”

“It’s not like it hit you.”

Bria gasped, “I’m telling mom.”

“Go ahead. I don’t care.” Cillian huffed, unconcerned.

“Liar.” Bria snapped back as she and Lilly locked narrowed eyes.

“You guys really should have put a warning sign or-”

“Yes, Flower Stem. Let me announce to my entire army that I’m getting fucked.” Rolling my eyes skyward, I snapped, “What was so urgent that you two almost ruined my orgasm for?”

Puck spread his fingers to peek at us while Bria fake gagged before he dropped them, “We need to get our informant out now.”

“What are you talking about?” I sighed.

“He reached out to me an hour ago, he’s not safe with Mab anymore. We need to get him out. Like within the hour.”

I sat up, “How did he reach out to you?”

“Normally, we meet up at a spot we used to hangout at as kids. We’ve been meeting every Monday and Friday but this time he didn’t show up, someone else did. They gave me a message from him, he’s in trouble.”

“How do you know it isn’t a trap?” Lilly asked, sitting up as well.

Puck shuffled forward, looking at us with worried eyes, “Because he used the word apricot. He’s only supposed to use it if he was in serious danger.”

“Who is he?” When he didn’t answer, I tried again, “Puck, I know you don’t want to tell me but I need to know who we’re going to rescue.”

“I can’t. If I tell you, you won’t go save him.” He replied with a pleading tone. “He’s like my brother, Macha. We need to go get him. He’s helped us so much.”

“Where is he?”

Puck looked at Cillian, “I can take you guys there.”

Me and Cillian shared a look.

Could be a trap.

What isn’t these days and the informant did help us. Without him giving Mab the proof about Tidhg, Mab might not have had a breakdown.

We have no idea who or where he is.

Puck does.

You trust, Puck?

I shrugged, We have a deal.

“Tell the others and get ready to leave in thirty minutes. If he’s not dead already, he won’t be dead when we get there. Move your asses, we have an informant to save.”

Puck cheered and grabbed a still glaring Bria before racing from the tent.


I went through so many emotions throughout this chapter, lmao. I think this might be the kinkiest sex scene I’ve written so far and I no longer blush a little when I post these. In other news, the informants identity is finally reveled in the next chapter!

Thank you to everyone who’s read my book this far, drop a comment if you wish! My silent readers, I adore you as well!

Smooches, Verbage💋

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