The Bastard Queen (Viciously Yours #2)

Chapter Chapter Sixty: Business First

Stilling, I stopped trying to break Cillian’s grip so I could rip the Dwarf in half and turned my head to the door. Standing in the grand doorway of the Seelie Castle cut from gold, marble and glass, stood Oberon. The man was almost an exact replica of his youngest son except for a couple of important details. Oberon had long golden curls framing his face and matched me in height with a body that almost mimicked Cillian’s powerful build. What really caught my eye though, was how his Fae coloring was the shiniest shade of gold that I had ever seen. And his nickname as the Summer King suddenly made a lot more sense.

Cillian’s arms withdrew from around my waist and he stepped back to a more appropriate distance for a Commander. I bristled a little that he did so when Oberon came thumping down the steps to greet us but I understood his reason for it. It was too dangerous to come out as mates to anyone other than our trusted friends at the moment and it also wasn’t proper for a Commander to be so close to his Queen or King. But that didn’t mean I had to like it.

The impressive King came to a stop a few steps in front of me and looked me over with shining eyes, “Macha O’Riordan, The Unbreakable Divine. It’s a pleasure.”

“Oberon. It’s nice to finally meet the man who hunted me in my youth.”

Our eyes locked in a stare down as the others around us shifted in discomfort. Powerful energy crackled and surged between us silently, the kind that always emerged when two powerful beings occupied the same space. Golden eyes flickered with a teasing glint that I wasn’t used to coming from his kind or expecting. So when he held his hand out for me to take, I slipped my right hand against his forearm and gripped it in a warriors hold.

“With only good intentions, I assure you.” He laughed, giving my hand on his elbow a pat with his free one. “I was impressed at how well you slipped away from my soldiers. It’s not everyday a child of around six hundred can outsmart a group of adult Fae.”

I pulled my hand back with a shrug, “I’ve never really been a child, Babes.”

“I can see that.” He replied, catching my hand and pressing his lips to my skin.


Odd. Lilly’s deep baritone gritted out.

My thoughts exactly.

Eyes narrowing slightly, I discreetly tugged free of his grip and raised a brow but before I could say anything his golden eyes shot to the left.

“Pucky! My boy! How have you been? How was your experience living with the Unseelie?” Oberon boomed, taking a step to the side to ruffle his son’s hair.

Puck beamed up at his father, “Great! I can’t wait to tell you and mother all about it! But you’ll have to let us in first.”

“Of course! Of course! Where are my manners? Everyone please, follow me!” The sharp lines of his smooth face caught the sun and caused his golden skin to almost sparkle as he retreated into the Castle.

This jolly motherfucker’s up to something.

It could just be the way he greets women? Or a Seelie thing, Quinn did try to hug you. Lilly replied in disdain as he followed me up the Castle steps from an appropriate distance.

The internal untrusting, paranoid, pessimistic bitch in me didn’t agree. Maybe...

Thoughtfully humming in suspicion, I strolled to a stop in the middle of the grand foyer and scanned the decor. A glass flooring revealed the bright green field and colorful flowers below us in a whimsical display of nature. Vines of gold crawled along the pristine white marble walls flaring out from time to time with detailed leaves. Decorative vases filled with sunflowers sat on marble pedestals while glass windows and animated paintings lined the walls. A breeze seemed to flow down the halls from every direction bringing along with it the smell of honeysuckle and summer. In short, the Castle was gaudy as hell.

“Macha, this is my Queen Consort, Fiadh. Fiadh, this is The Unbreakable Divine.”

A woman of average height with brown skin and an admittedly gorgeous auburn afro threaded through with flowers stepped forward. Glass heels with red petals sealed inside clicked over the glass flooring and brought attention to her shapely legs. A white dress matching Oberon’s outfit of all white, hugged her chest and sides before it flared out around her waist at different lengths. Round eyes created a doe-like look to her defined features, dramatized by the gold paint lining her lower lash line. The woman was a knockout and by the smile parting her rosy lips, she knew it.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Divinity.” Fiadh said, lowering her head followed by her eyelids before lifting her left arm to show off the silver paint swirled over it. She glanced up at me coyly, “I have to admit I’m a huge fan of yours. Perhaps, you could spare me a dance tonight at the ball? I’d love to ask you a few things.”

Oh, give me a break. Lilly huffed, mentally. She’s way too old for that look.

Snorting a laugh at his words, I nodded at Fiadh, “You can ask, Babes. Doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” The royal couple laughed along with me thinking my amusement was for them and not at them. Letting my chuckles die off, I turned to the side and motioned to each of my council members, “Allow me to introduce you to the esteemed members of my Unseelie council. Afric, a very logical Den Head, who represents the Banshees. Caoimhe, a sweet and calm Troll, who represents our Troll Clans. Bria, an enthusiastic Fae, who is temporarily representing the Unseelie Fae. Fitzgerald, a gold hearted Dwarf, who is temporarily representing all of the smaller Faekind. Sinead, a loveable Kelpie, who is temporarily representing the water Fae and Forest Fae as a whole.”

Grinning at my half truthful speech, I laughed when the Kelpie tossed her large head with a snort. Turning on my heel, I motioned Cillian forward and dropped a hand on his shoulder, “And last but never least, my faithful Commander, Cillian Grymes.”

The couple’s eyes had followed along with every Fae I introduced but stared at Cillian a beat longer. Before I could place the sharpness in their gaze at odds with their smiles, they blinked and it was gone. If I hadn’t known better or had a weaker set of instincts I never would have noticed but I did. Bouncing my eyes from gold to auburn, I felt a thrum of dangerous excitement race up my spine. Whatever Oberon was up to his Consort was in on it.

Oberon motioned with a gliding hand towards the line of servants taking up spots along the wall, “My staff will show you all to your rooms. The ball isn’t for a few hours but feel free to roam about the grounds as you wish. Macha, if you’d follow us, we’ll show you to your rooms.”

“Actually, I’d like to brief your council on information that we’ve become aware of. So if you’d lead the way to wherever it is you normally meet that’d be great, Babes.” I replied, with a sickly sweet smile. “Business before pleasure and all that.”

Taken aback, the couple flicked a glance at each other before Oberon nodded with a pleasant smile, “Of course. Everyone, follow us to the throne room then.” Turning, he held out his elbow for his Consort to link her arm through before turning and offering his other arm to me.

Take it.

I don’t want to.

I don’t want you to either but you should at least try being diplomatic.

Giving Lilly a long suffering sigh, I glided towards the couple with confidence and a false smile. Bringing my right hand up, I let it drift over the large diamond resting on my chest before linking my arm with the Seelie King.

Our walk was relatively short with the royal couple pointing out important or historical items that they had collected over the years as we went. Fiadh had left Oberon’s side to motion at a moving painting that depicted a war and then linked her arm through my free one. Sandwiched between them, their body heat began to grate on my nerves and it was everything I could do not to snap at them.

Pushing it all to the back of my mind, I internally sneered at the smiling idiots who passed us in the halls. A male even cartwheeled passed us humming a tune while something small and green raced around him. This whole trip was starting to feel like a drug induced hallucination and Divines help them when I started to come down. Because the high from the people’s ballad was beginning to wane as a headache from their nauseous happiness was settling in.

Slowing to a stop in front of a pair of floor to ceiling gold doors, the pair of soldiers guarding it didn’t budge from their positions blocking our path. Oberon and Fiadh finally released me to walk a few steps forward before turning to face us all. My brow raised at the way the guards moved closer to us now, holding some kind of basket between them.

“Weapons are not allowed in the throne room for safety purposes.” Fiadh announced with the tone of someone used to being obeyed.

I laughed, “Thanks for the reminder, Babes.”

With a half formed thought, my metal that had been forming the sign I’d left outside snapped into place. The weight of my swords settled back between my shoulders and the chains locking around my waist jangled as my forearm guards and rings weighed down my arms. Giving her a wink, I walked straight through the space they left between them and waved a lazy hand at the door. At my will, the golden doors slammed open in a flourish revealing the Fae waiting inside.

The sun warmed my skin from above as my boots hit the cobble stone path and the tinkling of my waist chains demanded the attention of the Fae sitting around the large wooden table. Long and oval in shape, dark high backed wooden chairs lined the length of it on each side. Faekind of every description watched from their seats as I passed them with a smile. Giving a finger wave to a slack jawed Banshee with a silver painted neck, I laughed. This place was doing wonders for my ego.

Ankle tall grass covered the sides of the courtyard and threatened to climb the walls that were already lined with ivy. Flowers in glass vases flecked with gold decorated the long table but the head of the table held my attention. Elevated so all could see, sat two thrones made from thickly woven branches with bright green leaves and golden cosmos. Though the smaller of the two had red ones blooming beside the golden ones, causing the eye to be drawn to it.

Which to choose, which to choose...Climbing the steps, I stopped in front of the largest throne and twisted on my heel to face every one. Grinning, I caught Lilly’s eye as he rounded the table heading straight for me while the others sneered at their surroundings. Sinking into the throne, I ignored the gasps and settled in with a content sigh. Arms resting on the sides with my knees spread comfortably in a very unqueenly way as I’ve been told in the past, I looked down at them all.

“My name is Macha O’Riordan, on this side of the realm you might know me as The Unbreakable Divine.” I announced, projecting my voice to be heard clearly. “Many of the things you’ve heard about me are true. Good and bad but I have something I’d like to say.” Meeting the eyes of each Seelie, I continued, “As future Queen of the Realm, I will destroy any enemy of yours because they are mine. I will ride into their cities and burn them to the ground. And as the ash is falling, I won’t stop until their blood and guts soak our grounds. There is no enemy that I will not face to protect Tir Na Nog and the Faekind that live here. I have my faults, I am not perfect but I will give everything I have to ensure our enemies never win. I will give everything I have in the upcoming war to bring Mab and her supporters to their knees. Their heads will line the new gates of Tir Na Nog or I’ll die trying.” Seeing their expressions, I remembered that these were Seelie, “Oh, And I’ll do everything I can to bring peace to the realm too.”

Silence met my speech from the shocked faces of the Seelie below me until Afric broke it by releasing a whoop of joy. Oberon and Fiadh stood blinking up at me from where they had been walking up the steps towards me. Having reached my side mid-speech, I felt Lilly’s body heat shift towards me in a motion of silent support.

When the silence stretched, I raised a brow, “Any questions before we get down to business? Now’s the time.”

“While a Divine and neutral Fae now, you were born Unseelie and display many of their attributes. How can we trust that the Seelie will be treated fairly under your reign?”

Catching the leaf green gaze of the Nymph who spoke, I waved a hand at the table, “You’re looking at it. I will absorb your council into my own to ensure that the Seelie are equally represented on decisions regarding their kind as a whole. You can even keep Oberon as your representative for the Seelie Fae on my council if you chose to.”

A female Lamia tilted her head in a rolling motion that snagged my attention as she hissed, “You’ll be fighting in the war? On the ground with our soldiersss?”

“Of course, I’ll be on the front lines. As any good leader would be.”

Her purple slitted eyes glanced at the royal Seelie pair along with others of the council before her tongue flicked out and she leaned back into her seat. Ooooo, definitely some tension there.

“Who will rule in your place if you fall in battle? You have no heir, protege, sibling or even a mate! We’ll be left to flounder in a realm without a ruler.” An angry looking Troll snapped, brown hair bouncing with his words.

“Untrue.” I replied, drumming my fingertips on the armrest of the throne. “My Commander will rule in my place if I fall.”

Immediately everyone’s eyes whipped over to Cillian.

Macha, He barked in surprise. What the hell are you doing? I’m not a King, I’m a soldier. I don’t belong on a throne.

Him?” Someone called out in disbelief.

Narrowing my eyes, I challenged, “Why not him? Cillian Grymes has thousands of years experience in the cruelest court this realm has ever seen. He’s from a well respected Noble family known for it’s loyalty and skill as warriors coveted by all. My Commander is a brilliant man with a mind for political and military strategy. He is more than capable of holding this realm together and more importantly, he is the only one I trust leaving the realm to. Cillian Crymes will rule in the event of my death as King of the Realm.”

This time the Seelie weren’t the only once’s in shock, the Unseelie with me were as well. They knew we were close and few knew we were mates but apparently none of them realized what that would mean. Not even Cillian because I hadn’t seen his chest raise in a breath since I started justifying my choice. Muttering broke out among the Seelie as they consumed the information that I had just dropped on them. Some seemed to be thinking on my choice while others looked utterly confused.

Macha, you can’t be serious.

“Macha, he isn’t royalty. Does he even have an ability? He’ll never be able to hold the throne.”

Cocking my head at Oberon, I faked a gasp, “Really? Power is all you need to rule a Kingdom or the Realm? Then I should just take your throne, shouldn’t I? Crush your cities and force your army to fight for me? Take the realm by force because I can? Is that what you’re saying?”

“I understand the point you’re trying to make but-”

Grinning, I spread my hands wide, “Are you all praying for my death? No? Then it is only a possible outcome of the war.” My grin dropped along with my hands, “Stop your bitching. In the event of my death, you will all bow to him as your appointed King. Whatever he and the people decide in the long run is out of my hands. I trust him to make the right decisions.”

That seemed to calm the Fae and even the royal couple looked to contemplate it. Watching them all, I ignored the couple climbing up the rest of the stairs to take a seat on the smaller throne. Oberon settled in before Fiadh perched on the arm rest closest to me, once again bringing the three of us within touching distance. I bristled slightly at the picture we painted, with both of them in the throne reserved for the ruling Fae’s Consort.

My eyes slid over to them and caught the smiles they beamed my way. Nails digging into the wooden throne, I finally caught onto their song and dance. Should’ve been obvious but I foolishly believed they were above these political games. Because I was bisexual they thought they could seduce their way into the position of my Consort. A ruler traditionally only took on one at a time but since I was a God, I don’t think anyone believed I’d play by the same rules. And they’d be right.

A slow smirk crawled over my features as I looked at them, The Seelies want to dance, Lilly. It’d be undiplomatic to decline, right?

Divines, help them. He replied in dry amusement, stepping forward to place himself directly between the thrones.

Turning back to the united council, I grinned and mentally purred, No. I don’t think I will.


The rest of the council meeting dragged on as I told them of what I’d found out about Mab and what it could mean. I also informed them of my plans to move up the war in response to Mab’s undeniable paranoia induced explosion at any time. The Seelie members of the council surprised me by offering to join their troops over to Unseelie terrority. I wasn’t expecting them to want or crave the consequences that came along with war. But they explained that they wanted to gain a better understanding of their more violent kin.

Not one to deny anyone the chance of participating in a battle, I agreed. Half of the Seelie troops would be leaving with us tomorrow morning while the rest would join us in a few days. A few of the Seelie had come up to speak with me as the meeting was officially called to an end. They wanted reassurances about the representation of their kind and I made sure each of them knew that a Seelie and Unseelie council member for each Faekind would be present for each meeting. Others asked what it was like to die and the Seelie Banshee was so excited to meet me that his riddles streamed together almost endlessly.

Lilly was finally able to pull me away with the excuse of us needing to get ready for the ball that was due to start in less than an hour. With a hand on the small of my back, he led me from the room with Oberon leading the way. Fiadh had disappeared with Puck and Quinn sometime in the middle of the meeting, whispering about the wrong color drapes. Boots and the sound of hooves, clomped over the glass flooring as the Seelie King led us deeper into the castle. The halls all looked the same but two tall vases filled with blue flowers banked the entrance designated as ours for the night.

Members of my group peeled off the farther we traveled down the hall into their own rooms on either side of the hall. Eventually, Oberon slowed as we came to the end where a large pair of golden doors stood. Instead of politely gesturing to the room and walking away like he had with the others, he gripped the door handles. Yanking them open with a flex of his muscular arms, he walked inside and spun on us with a wide grin.

“My son informed us in his letter that you’d prefer a joint room and of your personal tastes. Your attire for tonight has also been delivered and is hanging in your closets.” He said and motioned to a door on the other side of what looked like a small foyer. “Commander, that’s your room. Macha, if you’d follow me.”

Me and Cillian shared a glance before I followed the King into the other room. It was such a startling difference in decor that I stopped in my tracks while Oberon let the door fall shut behind us. Sheer royal blue fabric hung around the thick gold four poster bed like a delicate web, hiding white sheets in half shadows. The glass flooring and walls were the same but instead of golden vines climbing the marble walls, these ones were alive. Bright green vines blooming with glowing Willow Wisps that sporadically jumped from vine to vine.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Oberon asked, his voice booming off the marble walls.

Walking to the nearest wall, I gently touched a vine and watched another willow wisp bloom, “It is.” Unlike their cousins the Will-Ó-Wisps, Willow Wisps didn’t lead you to a certain place. Their sole purpose was to confuse and get their human followers lost, they were still very pretty to look at however.

“Royal blue and gold go well together, wouldn’t you agree?”

I rolled my eyes and turned to face him, “I’m partial to royal blue and silver, Babes.”

Golden eyes narrowed ever so slightly, “But is it really a lasting match? When silver holds no political or military value, not even a fortune? Unlike gold.”

“Why? When blue has all of that herself?” Done with the cryptic game, I commented, “Shouldn’t your Consort be here?”

He smirked, “Who said she wasn’t?”

Following his gaze, I scoffed at the sense of deja vu as she came gliding out from the bed’s sheer curtains. In the same outfit as earlier, she came walking over to her King’s side with what I’m sure was supposed to be a tempting smile, “Us at your side would bring the Seelies to heel under your reign.”

“You’re assuming I need you for that. I don’t.

Oberon grinned, “You do. The Seelie will start to question and fight back if they feel that you are favoring the Unseelie too much.”

We can help with that.” Fiadh purred, moving closer. “You can even keep your relationship with the commoner Commander. You wouldn’t be the first ruler to take on a mate and a Consort or two.”

Following behind her, they stood a hair’s breadth away on either side of me. Unamused, I gave them an indulgent smile and slid my hands up from their chests to their necks. They grinned at my lingering touch until my grip tightened and my smile disappeared. Forcing them in front of me side by side, I looked from one idiot to the other, “Are you telling me what to do?”

They shook their heads.

“Really?” I squeezed tighter, making their eyes bulge. “Because it feels like you’re trying to tell me what to do.” A vine snapped out from the wall to lock around my wrist and break my hold on him. Flicking my eyes from it to Oberon, I flashed a smile with sharpened teeth, “Cute. Big fucking mistake. But cute.”

Releasing their throats, I stepped back and watched vines shoot off the walls to wrap them up from ankle to chin. Panicking, Fiadh wiggled and struggled causing me to tighten the vines until they fell to their knees in front of me. Bored already with the lack of swearing and death threats, I started to pace circles around them. Oberon’s golden eyes peaked with interest and a healthy dose of weariness as he watched me.

“First things first, I’m not going to kill you. Boring, I know. But you were right about one thing. I do need a Seelie close to me in a powerful position to settle your people. I have an idea on how to solve that that doesn’t evolve you. Boo for you.” I said, raising my hands to pretend to rub my eyes in a childish mimic of crying. “I don’t fault you for making the play. Any Fae worth their salt would do the same. But I feel the need to warn you two about something.”

“What? That if we try something like this again your Commander will do unspeakable things to us?” Fiadh scoffed, bluffing her bravo.

Coming to a stop, I crouched down in front of her, “No. Where’s your sense of girl power? Huh? Geez. I was going to say, if you two do anything that harms that commoner Commander, I’ll pull your spines out through your mouth. Duh.” I finished with a laugh and booped to her nose with my fingertip.

“You wouldn’t.”

Wouldn’t I though?” I purred, turning my eyes to Oberon. “What would possibly hold me back?” When they didn’t respond, I leaned between them with a grin and stage-whispered, “Let me let you in on a little secret because I have a feeling we’re going to be good friends. Have you ever seen a deranged Brucks bear? The kind that roams the forest killing everything in its path without mercy? And how a sniff of black truffle can bring it back to reality? Yeah? Perfect. Well, I’m the deranged bear and Cillian’s the black truffle. Get it, Babes?”

The weariness in Oberon’s eyes grew, “I think I do.”

“Fantastic!” I shouted, clapping my hands and sitting back on my heels. “So, what have we learned?”

“That for the sake of the realm, Cillian Grymes is untouchable in every way.”

“Oooooh, I love it when they understand!” Standing, I released them from the vines and helped them stand, “No hard feelings, right Babes? I just needed to make that clear so you didn’t waste any more of your time. I’m nothing if not considerate.”

It took a moment and then the pair’s signature grins reappeared. Oberon held out his hand, “You’re going to make a fine Queen of the Realm.”

Taking his hand, I gave it a firm shake, “It’ll be a pleasure to have you both on my council.”

“I apologize on both our behalf, we had to make sure you weren’t like Mab.”

I raised a brow, “By propositioning me?”

“You showed us that you cared more about someone than you did political gain. That’s all we needed to know.” Oberon boomed happily, throwing an arm around his consort.

“And you two are supposedly Seelie?”

They laughed loudly and Fiadh waved an amused hand, “When you live to be our age the lines between our kind begin to blur.”

“Not too much though, just enough to get things done in unexpected ways.” Oberon protested.

Shaking her head, she patted his side and started guiding him to the door, “Come on, Obie. Let’s leave her to get dressed. We need to get ready as well. See you down there, Your Divinity.”

As they stepped through the doorway murmuring happily to each other, I pressed my fingers to my temples in confusion. Smiling fuckwits. All them, smiling fuckwits.


Macha came off particularly deranged and badass in this chapter. I’m obsessed with her at this point, lol.

You know what to do,

Smooches, Verbage💋

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