The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 27

(Chapter song ‘Holiday' by Green Day, ‘Start A War’ by Klergy)


“How are you feeling today? You look better.” I fold my arms and watch Griffin come out of the room as he pulls on his t-shirt.

“I can see out me eyes. Jax was right about that. Heads not full of drunkard jackasses.” He chuckles. He does up his belt then puts his hand on my cheeks. “And you, my beautiful Ivy girl, are a sight, to be sure.” He grins then kisses my lips.

I fix his unruly curls. “You ready to save my clone?”

He raises a brow. “Not sure about saving, love, but this may be a way to see what we’re up against. They'll be distracted thinking she’s you and we can lean an ear in, get me?”

“You…You don’t want to save me?” My lips fall and my brows stitch.

His brows shoot up. “Wha? No, love…I mean, yes! Of course, I want to save ya. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Then if you do, that means my clone, too.” I lift my chin to him.

“She may not make it out, Ivy.” He crosses his arms.

“She better make it out.” I warn.

“What if she doesn’t? You can make a new one, if ya fancy.” He scowls.

I stand firm. “I don’t want a new one, I want the one that saved my life.”

He eyes me. “Is that a princess demand?” He questions.

I turn my side to him. “If I must demand it, I will.” I nod my head with a little royal flare.

He lowers his head as he shakes it. He raises it and chews the inside of his cheek. “Fine, but if I get wet, yer backside is gonna feel it.” He purrs as he points to me and steps up close.

“Is that a threat?” I challenge as I lock with his eyes.

He swats my ass and I yelp as he grabs it and pulls me to his chest. “Oh, it’s a promise.” He smirks.

He slams my lips and I make an oomph sound. His chest vibrates and I have to push him off. “Oh no, Alpha. We have a rescue mission.”

I turn him and start to push him to the door.

“Alright, lass! Ya not shoving me to a few scoops! Yer doing a runner to death!” He growls as I stop and open the door.

“I know. Get your coat.”

“Tá mé I ngrá le duine dÚsachtach!” He grits as he shoves his arms in his coat.

“What was that?” I question.

“I love you.” He smiles and kisses my cheek.

He turns to the door and I think about it.

“Wait a minute! That’s not I love you!” I say to his back.

“Did I say I love you, I meant, you’re beautiful!” He responds.

“Griffin, what did you say?”

“You’re gorgeous!”

“Griffin!” I bark as I shut the door behind me.


“I’m in love with an insane person.” I press my lips together and drop my phone. “Seriously?”

“Can we focus, please?” He says as he parks the jeep down the block down from my grandmother’s estate house. Even the outside looks evil. It’s the kind of big, dark house that kids dare other kids to touch.

We get out and meet in front of the Jeep.

“From now on, English only.” I clench as I point to him.

“Really, now.” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. “Mo ghrá shíoraí iontach. My stunning eternal love.” He whispers as he traces my lips with his.

“Ok. Except when you say stuff like that.” I breath as my knees get weak and my middle flutters.

“Crazy girl. Let's go.”

He takes my hand and we crouch run onto my grandmother’s property.

‘Jax, Finn…You lads ready?’ Griffin says over the open link.

‘Gotcha, Griff. There’s heavy action at the boat house in the back.’ Finn responds.

‘Units. Stealth mode. Groups of 3. Move now.’ Jax orders.

We avoid the property lights as we duck across the grass to the lake.

My grandmother’s house backs onto a private lake. It’s dark and the white, full moon hangs over the lapping water.

My chest tightens when I think of all the times I sat out here with my mother while she braided my hair and told me stories. It hurts me that my memories are now soiled forever by evil.

We run up to the side of the blue slat boathouse. It’s divided into two parts. The front is a small house with two bedrooms and the back is a boat dock. The front is where we need to see.

We try to see in the side window, but there’s people in the way.

“This way.” I whisper and duck down. We crouch around to the dock, dip into the port and make our way to the house. There’s three windows on this wall with a door.

We sneak under one window and peek up over the sill.

She's tied to a chair and there’s a bunch of big men in black clothes standing around the room. She's crying and I can tell she's scared. Being this close to her, I almost feel like I’m with her.

I see bruises on her and blood on her face. I can see drips of blood on her t-shirt. I’m surprised she’s held together this long.

Griffin peeks up beside me. His face twists into anger. “Those manky bitches.” He growls.

“I know. We have to do something.” I whisper back.

“We will.” He grits.

We asses the situation as my clone begs for her life.

“Please. Let me go. I won’t tell.” She sobs.

A demon walks up to her, grabs her hair and pulls her head back. He leans to her face. “Shut up, bitch.” The shoves her head and walks away as she cries.

“Really, Ivy. Blubbering again.”

My eyes move to the side of the room and my heart jumps into my throat.

My grandmother stands tall by the wall, surrounded by demons with Richard smiling smugly beside her.

“I’ll go away. I promise. You’ll never hear from me again if that’s what you want.” My clone begs.

My grandmother takes big steps to her. Her face is filled with disgust as she grabs my clone by the hair and gets in her face.

“What I want is for you to feel the pain I’ve felt for the last 50 years. I want you to suffer what I did when your grandfather left me. Lastly, I want WHAT WAS STOLEN FROM ME!” She yells in her face.

“What she on about?” Griffin asks.

“I don’t know.” I shrug.

“WHAT DID I TAKE?!” My clone cries out.

My grandmother lets go of her hair violently and turns. She’s crosses her arms walks to Richard and turns back. “Everything, Ivy. You and your mother took everything from me. Just like you took from her.”

“I don’t understand.” She sobs as she shakes her head.

“You selfish bitch. We gave you life. We gave you everything and what did we get in return?” My grandmother growls. She raises her hands out in front of her and inspects them. “Wrinkles. Bad hair. Our youth, Ivy. You took our youth!”

My clone raises her soaked eyes to my grandmother. “I did no such thing…”

“YOU DID!!” My grandmother roars. “Now, I want it back!”


“Do you know what she’s talking about?” Griffin turns to me.

“Not the slightest. How did I take her youth?”

“Listen, Ivy. It’s simple.” Richard strides in between the women. “Years ago when the White bloodline started, a couple tried very hard to have a son. When they were finally pregnant, they were happy. The celebrated the baby. Everything was going well until the Prince caught the eye of a Witch. She put the moves on him and he denied her. He said he couldn’t leave his wife and son. His son would be his heir. The Witch was angered. In a fit of jealousy, she cursed the prince with a daughter. With no heir to his throne, he’d have to leave the princess because it took them so long to have this child. The Witch thought she won, but when the prince fell in love with his daughter, she lost it. At the child’s introduction to the kingdom, the Witch reared her ugly head. She gave a blessing to the child to be the most beautiful woman in the land. What they didn’t know is the cost of that would be her mother’s youth and beauty. As the now Queen grew unnaturally old in a matter of a few years, the King could only look at her in disgust. He was so turned off by her that he broke their bond and left them.”

He paces in front of my clone as he eyes her with disdain.

“True…It’s not your fault. You can’t help being born, but it doesn’t make it any less criminal. The curse carried for generations. Our great grandfather, grandfather…Our father. We grew up without a dad because of you.”

“I didn’t do this Richard.” She cries.

“Not directly, but your existence allows it to happen.” He leans on her arms and stares into her eyes. “Because of you, I will fall out of love with my fated because she will be ugly to me. Yes, it works on me, too and I can’t have that. I need my fated to remain beautiful and I refuse to let you or our brothers get in the way of that.”

He pushes off her and walks away.

“Is he batty?! What the feck?” Griffin growls.

“This is…I caused my father to leave?” My brows stitch up and my lip trembles as I process this. I turn to Griffin. “You'll leave me?”

He grabs my shoulders then points to my nose “No. Don’t ya even. No pox will drive my heart away. Don’t be believing it.”

“You heard them, Griffin. Every time. The men leave without fail.” A tear falls from my eye.

He holds a hand on my cheek and tries to calm me down. “I can’t prove it to you when we're not mated, but I will hold my vow. You will never be too old for me, love.”

I wipe my cheek. “Well, if we don’t have a baby, that may be true.”

“But…I want wee ones.” He leans to my eyes.

“I understand, but the curse" I whisper.

“Alright, now’s not the time to discuss babes. Before that happens, we’ll break this curse.” He says as he cups my cheek. “Trust me, Ivy.”

I press my lips together and nod.


We turn back to the window.

“We can and we will.” My grandmother turns to a demon and opens a box. She pulls out a knife. “The moment I take your heart and complete the ritual, the curse will be broken. The bloodline will be cleansed and I will get my beauty back. Richard will get what he wants and we will live happily ever after. Isn’t that want you want? For your family to be happy, Ivy?”

My clone drops her head as she cries.

“How's the happy family?!”

A man with dark hair, leather jacket and jeans walks in through the door. He’s surprisingly chipper for the situation and my blood runs ice cold when I see his dark eyes.

“Who’s that?” I ask.

“Brock.” Griffin growls.

“Brock…” I whip my head to him. “Alistair?”

“Aye. The real reason this is happening.” Griffin clenches.

“This really isn’t about the curse.” I say low.

“Naw, love. If Brock is here, he’s using your grams to raise Lucifer, like Adam said. The spell is a trick. If he gets yer heart, the planet is done for.” Griffin slides down to his but.

‘Finn, ya catching this?’ He links.

‘Copy that, Griff. Moving into position. Ivy, you need to evacuate. We can’t have you anywhere near this.’

‘I'm not going anywhere, Finn.’ I link as I stand firm. I’m not letting my grandmother get away with this.

“Love, ya can’t stay. Your clone will suffice when we go in. You need not be in the way.” Griffin states.

“I understand, but I want a piece of this. She made my life hell, Griff. I’m not leaving.” I cross my arms and affirm my position.

“At least, stay back. We will take care of the bulk.” He leans to my eyes.

“Fine, but only because you asked nicely.” I smirk.

“Hey, I’m trying.” He smirks back then kisses me.

We check out the room once more.

“Alistair.” My grandmother greets.

“Hey, beautiful.” He saunters up to my grandmother and kisses her passionately.

“Ugh.” I groan.

“I think my breakfast is repeating.” Griffin chokes. “I don’t know which is more mangy. The evil woman or the fecking torture demon.”

“They deserve each other.” I clench.

“Is everything ready?” Brock asks.

“Yes. Just waiting for the moon now.” Richard informs.

“Good.” He rubs his hands together and turns to my clone.

These clones must be good if they can trick a demon. Axelridge really does have something special.

He leans to her. “Ivy. How are you? You seem scared and tormented. I hope it’s all to your liking.”

She spits in his face.

He wipes it away with a smile. “I sense hostility. That’s reasonable. You’re being gutted by your family. That can make anyone emotional.”

He walks up to my grandmother and holds her hand with the knife in it. “Remember, you have to feel it. As you sink this into her chest, you have to feel like you’re ending things by taking her life. Don’t be afraid to make a few extra cuts…just to be sure. You have to counter the dark curse by being even more dark.”

Richard crosses his arms. “That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think?”

Brock glances at him then to my grandmother. He thumbs to Richard. “What? Why?”

My grandmother shrugs. “I had no opportunity to kill my grandsons so I recruited some help.”

“OK, but you realize he counts, too.” Brock crosses his arms.

My grandmothers lips turn up in a evil grin. “I know.”

“What?” Richard looks confused.

In a second, she plunges the knife into his neck.

My clone and Richard scream bloody murder as they fall to the floor.

With a yelp, I cover my mouth with my hands.

“Jesus!” Griffin grabs my head and I try to look away, but can’t.

She cackles loud and the demons laugh as Ivy screams and kicks in the chair. “RICHARD!!”

My grandmother hacks and carves at his chest. Blood flies from the knife as she raises it and plunges it into his chest.

I watch his body shake with every attack as Brock and the demons all smile.

After a few more blows to Richard, my grandmother stumbles to her feet. She’s covered in blood, chest heaving and holding the dripping knife down by her thigh.

Her pinned back hair is disheveled and she’s sporting the sickest smile. She pushes loose locks out of her face with her blood soaked hand holding the knife, then raises the other one.

I feel sick when I see what’s in it. I turn into Griffins chest, but then turn back.

In her palm, she presents Richard’s heart to Brock.

Brock smiles. “You know, I knew you’d be the one to break the curse. So much murderous hate.” He kisses her blood splattered lips and takes the heart.

“Kill or be killed, my dear. Every successful business woman knows that.” She grins.

He leans to her. “Yes. Mergers and acquisitions are murder, I’ll give you that.” He winks then turns to a demon. “Put this with the others.”

The demon takes the heart and leaves.

“Now…” Brock claps his hands and turns to my clone. “What time is it?” He pulls out his phone and his brows go up. “5 minutes to show time, boys and girls. Ivy, are you ready?”

“Fuck you.” She chokes.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He laughs as he looks to his demons who laugh too.

I look to the moon and it’s almost at its peak. “5 minutes.”

“Don’t worry. Once they figure out she’s not you, the plan will be ruined.” Griffin says.

“Is that so.”

We spin on our heels behind us and our jaws drop.

“Hey guys.” Brock smirks with five demons behind him. “Nice placeholder, but we really need the real deal.”

“I'll kill ya!” Griffin lunges and Brock snaps his fingers.


I scream into the air and stop when I realize everything has changed. I look around and see that I’m tied to a pole, standing on the floor. The room is like a warehouse with high up, broken windows and a skylight with the moon shining its light down into the room.

I whimper as my jaw drops to the floor. I’m surrounded by a ring of lighted candles and at my feet is a silver bowl.

My eyes float around the ring and in-between the candles is the hearts of my brothers. I whimper every fast breath and try to look for Griffin.

To my right, I see Griffin on a table. He’s unconscious and shirtless. His hands and feet are tied.


“He will.”

My head whips to the dark in front of me. My terrified eyes widen as I tremble and my lips shrink.

Brock strides out of the dark with my grandmother and his demons behind him.

He stops just outside the ring. “Once I start carving him up like Thanksgiving turkey, that is.”

His face twists into a gruesome, demonic monster and he roars as my blood curdling scream fills the air.

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