The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 21

(Chapter song ‘We Will Rock You’ by In This Moment, ‘Heroes And Ghosts' by The Coronas)


After calling all I could, we pulled into the lot for the Falcon Ridge Council house. By the time we got there, everyone was in the chamber.

The room was bustling after hearing the news as I walk in with my Ivy behind me. She's still quite shook and I don’t blame her. It shook me up something fierce, if I’m being honest.

“We need to quash this devil problem, like right now!” I growl as I walk in.

“Griffin.” Finn turns and meets me half way. “Are you two alright?”

I glance back at Ivy who’s fighting to hold it together. “Aye, physically. We faired alright. Emotionally…”

She looks away, wipes a tear and sniffs. I pull her to me and rub her back. “I want these rat bastards dead.” I grind.

“We will.” Finn assures.

“Griffin.” I look to Bastian. “Did they say anything about their plans or where they are?”

“Naw. I didn’t give ‘em time. We legged it out before we could ask. We just know who’s behind it.” I answer.

“Ivy, your brother?” Finn asks.

She swallows and nods. She pushes off me and approaches the council. “Yes. He's working with demons. He killed my…” She lowers her head and I hang onto her shoulders.

“It's alright, love. Sit silent.” I whisper in her ear. I raise my head to the boys. “Her other brothers are dead. Hearts taken. Ivy’s the only one left.”

“The ritual is almost complete then.” Abraxas pipes up. “If Ivy dies, Lucifer will rise. My father will win.”

Finn scratches his temple. “Ok. Noah, how’s the announcement coming?”

“Just need to say when.” Noah says.

“Fine. We’ll head to the city and do it first thing. Jake. Can you guys find Genesis?” Finn asks.

“Cosmic beings aren’t easy to find. If they were, the others would have found her by now. Why?” Jake’s brows cinch together.

Adam steps to the table. “When we remove my father from Eddie, he’ll seek out Brock. Once he takes hold of him, we'll need a trap. A piece of fabric from her dress will trap him in Brock. He won’t be able to leave. Then all we need is to figure out how to send him back to hell.”

“Wait. A cosmic beings skirt is a suppression collar now?” Luke asks.

“Yeah.” Adam confirms.

“This shit just keeps getting weirder.” He sits back and rubs his forehead.

“You’re just noticing now?” River snorts.

Luke shoots him a nasty look and River snarks back.

Jayson leans forward. “How the hell are we supposed to get that? Not like she’s going to just let us rip her dress off.”

“You could wine and dine her, Casanova.” Luke grins.

“Gross!” Jayson shoves him as he cackles.

Darcy pipes up. “That’s actually not a bad idea.”

All eyes turn to him.

“No really.” He sits forward. “We call her, put on some smooth moves…you know…as a distraction…while someone sneaks up the back and snips the fabric.” He smiles and looks around the room.

“Oh, yeah. Great plan. Seduce a God. Who’s going to do it? You?” Jake says with sarcasm.

He puts up his hands. “Oh no.” He chuckles with a half smile. “Sam would murder me.”

All eyes turn to Luke.

His brows go up. “I’m not doing it. God’s aren’t my type. Besides, it’s too risky.” He points to his mouth. “These lips…way too dangerous to be let loose.” He grins.

“Ya got that right.” River snorts and Luke punches his arm as he cackles.

The room groans.

“Ok. Luke’s out because he’s afraid of Alexi.” Jake says.


Jake waves him off. “Anyone else?” Jake asks.

“Why not you? You’re a Zeta.” Mateo motions to Jake.

“Are you kidding? I can’t talk to women. I'm barely able to talk to my Lunas.” Jake’s brows go up as he backs off.

“Well, someone’s got to do it.” Owen looks around the room as the Alphas all turn their eyes away.

“Ugh…fine…I’ll do it. Fecking cowards, the lot of ya.” I scowl as I cross my arms and look them all over.

“You?” Luke smirks.

“Yes, me. Ya got a problem?” I narrow my eyes.

He eyes me. “If she like the loud, yelling type. Face it, man. You’re about as soft as sandpaper.” He chuckles.

“I'll give ya sandpaper, ya maggot!” I growl as I take a step to him.

Finn plants a hand on my chest. “Griffin, he’s right!” He pushes me back.

“No offense, Griff. You’re not exactly a smooth talker.” Jax snorts.

“Oi! My tounge is a smooth as a babe’s arse, alright!” I snarl as Jax tries to hold back his snicker.

I thump a finger in my chest. “I have the skill with lasses. My Irish charm isn’t just for show. My words have floored many in Dublin and Irish lasses aren’t the push overs. I be hardchaw because it’s you lot I can’t stand.” I wave him off and look around the room. “I can sweet talk anyone. God or not! She be putty by the time I’m done, don’t ya worry about that, lads.”


I turn my eyes to Ivy and my brows go up. “Oh! Oh no! Don’t worry, love. It’s all play. I’d never…”

She stops me then holds a hand out to me. “I-I know. I just…Don’t you think it’s a little dangerous?”

“Aye. Maybe. I got a plan, love. It’s covered..” I smirk.

“What plan?” She asks.

“One I need Azriel for. Where is he?” I turn to the Alphas.

“At his hotel room.” Bastian answers.

“Ring him up. We need that rock fixed, yesterday. We save Eddie then hunt out Genesis. We can try and cure Brock, but it may be too late for that.” I instruct.

Bastian nods then pulls out his phone.

“In the meantime, you two need to fill me in on everything that happened and what the plan is.” Finn looks to us both.

“Right, mate. Later.” I raise a brow. “Ivy.” I hold out my arm and she slides under it. “Now, I need to get the lass to a room. She’s completely exhausted.”

Finns face falls to Ivy. “Sure. We'll call you when Azriels ready.”

“Thanks, mate.” I tap his shoulder with a smile.

“Ivy, I’m so sorry.” He says quietly.

All she can do is nod and bury her face in my chest. My chest twists and I feel a deep rager coming. I need to bottle it before Ivy feels it. It’s comfort she needs now to process what’s happened.

“We'll see ya, yeah?” I look to Ivy.

She nods again.

“Get some sleep.” Finn says as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I hold Ivy’s head to my chest as I escort her out of the council room. A good bath and warm bed will be just the medicine needed for her broken heart and mine.

This whole thing is about to pop off and although I’d enjoy it, I know me Ivy doesn’t. So, this night will be about making her feel safe and loved.

Yeah, I said it.

Not sure I should say it to her yet, but I’m starting to feel like ‘love’ isn’t just a word anymore.

I mean, why not? She’s brave, beautiful, deadly when needed. She also puts up with my mangy arse. She’s everything anyone could ask for, really. Is it possible she really is my perfect person?


After paying for lodging, I help Ivy get cleaned up.

I run her a warm, bubble bath and keep the lights low. I don’t want to put advances on her. That wouldn’t be fair play right now. Instead, I sit at the side of the tub and just talk.

“You didn’t.” She says.

“Did, too. I wasn’t very smart ladies-wise, in my younger years.” I wash her face with a cloth as she plays with the bubbles. “I carried those red cards in my pockets for years, but only one green card.” I hold up one finger for emphasis.

“What was that one for?” She asks.

I smile and look down. I flick my eyes back up to hers. “For…the one.”

“Did you ever…hand it out?” Her eyes blink and I can tell she’s preparing herself for the answer.

I shake my head. “Never found her. So, no.”

“But these red cards…You’d hand these out to women? For real?” She tilts her head to me as I softly run the cloth across her eye and down her cheek.

“Aye. Too short, red card. Too tall, red card. Face of a donkey, two red cards.” I lean to her.

“Griffin Ford! That’s awful!” Her brows shoot up.

I chuckle. “I know. I’m not proud of it. I was a cocky sod. I’m still like that, if I’m honest. My cards are just up here now.” I tap my temple.

“Did…Did I get a card?” Her lips fall and I cup her cheek.

“Naw, lass.” I stare into her eyes. “I couldn’t.”


“Because…There’s just some things that don’t need a whistle call. It’s not bad nor good, it just…is.” I smile.

“I don’t understand.” She raises a brow as she lays her head on her arms on the side of the tub.

“Maybe, I don’t want to subject ya to that. Yer too good for my childish happenings.” I scrunch my brow and lock her eyes. “Ivy, I can’t card ya because everything you possess inside isn’t on any list I made in my fecked up head. You’re different, Ivy. There’s no card for that.” I swallow as I feel like this moment might be the one to tell her how I feel.

“That’s so sweet.” She hitches.

“Awe, love. Don’t cry.” I rise to my knees and hug her head. “I didn’t mean to make ya cry.”

“I’m sorry.” She softly sobs.

“It's alright. Don’t apologize.” I whisper. “Why don’t we dry off, climb under the covers and watch some Tele?”

She sits up and wipes her tears. “I’d like that.”

“Yeah? Well, lassie, get out here, with ya.” I smile.

I help her out and carefully dry off every inch of her body. After drying her hair, I slowly dry her cheeks and lean in for my best passionate kiss I have ever delivered in my life. It was full, soft, sensual. I loaded it with my heart and can only pray she feels it.

Almost as if by mockery, I see the red cards in my mind. They tear into tiny pieces in the blackness of my thoughts and disappear. In the front of my mind…a single green card. I won’t tell her, of course, but lad, my heart exploded at that moment. The one. If I didn’t believe in fate so strongly, I wouldn’t believe it at all. When you want to be with a person through everything. Ride them through the worst possible garbage and firmly believe you’ll make it out, it's true. Green card or fate, this moment feels like it can’t be wrong.

I break the kiss, help her dress and we get into bed.

I raise the remote to the TV on a stand on the wall opposite the bed. “Let’s see if we can’t find some funnies.” I smile as I place my hand behind my head and flip through the channels.

“Funnies?” She asks.

“Comedy, love. I think we could use a bit of a gas.” I glance at her and grin.

She picks at the blanket. “Thank you, Griffin.”

“I told ya, love. Don’t thank me.”

I see her lip tremble. “Awe…C'mere to me.” I whisper.

I pull her back into my chest and she lets it all out into her forearms. I bury my head in her hair and feel her pain with her. Every quiet sob was like a knife in my chest. Every ounce of her pain, fueled my conviction to make it right by her. My arms wrap around her and I act like a shield that gives her the space to feel everything that happened.

“I know it hurts, love. Yer heart hurts something fierce, but know this…”

I hold her tight as she silently grieves for her brothers.

“It'll mend and it'll be stronger with them in it. Ya know what else? No one will take it from you because you’re mine. I’m sure of it. You and yer heart are under my protection and I’ll be damned if anyone takes that from me. That’s a solid vow I’m making right here and now.” I tuck her hair behind her ear and unstick it from her wet cheeks.

“You’ll be my prince?” She hitches.

“I'll be more than that. I’ll be your forever. Mo shíorghrá.” I whisper in her ear.

“Muh…He-Heer…” She tries repeat the bit of Gaelic I let out.

“Muh-Heer-Ggawh.” I supply.

She sniffs. “What’s that mean?”

I hug her so close. My lips sit right at her ear. “My eternal love.” I hold my breath as I wait for her reaction.

She covers her eyes and breaks into tears and although I know she’s an emotional ball right now, I feel relieved she reacted this way to my proclamation. I felt very exposed at that moment and the fact that she opened more to me just makes what I believe to be more real. She is mine. All mine and I’m hers. I’ll prove to her that I’m what she needs. I’ll spend my life proving it if I have to, but ultimately, I’ll show her I will keep her safe and protected. She will never doubt my loyalty.

I could never and will never leave me Ivy. Ever. It would have to be a strong bit of magic to make that happen, I’m telling you that right now.

I truly believe the fates have spoken…


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