The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 10

(Chapter song ‘Tidal Wave' by Harald Klosner)


“This is incredible.” I reach for the rock to inspect it closer.

We took the now dormant rock to the Security Complex for further study.

“Ivy, don’t.” Griffin grabs my hand and pulls it away.

“I just want a closer look, Griff.” I pull my hand out of his and rub it, because he’s had this weird static feeling since he was cloned.

“No. Griff’s right.” Finn leans on the table. He leans down to look at the black and red rock. “We don’t know what it’s doing. I don’t think we need what happened down in the lake to happen here.”

“The clones wouldn’t die then.” Noah says.

“Except mine.” Adam clenches. “If he didn’t fall apart, I would have killed…myself.”

“Yeah. Why did he fall apart? He had a few more days left.” Jax questions.

Fin scratches his chin and looks at Adam. “The only thing I can think of is that if Adam is primarily a vamp, he’s technically dead.”

“Wait, so, this…whatever…only works if original is alive?” Marcus holds his hand out to the rock.

“Seems so. You all got cloned? Not just me?” Griffin looks around the room.

Finn nods. “Yep. They all drowned like the guy on the video because they had no gear.”

“What blasted wreck.” Griffin rubs his nape.

“So, we pulled this thing up. Does that mean that it’s over?” Jax asks.

Just as he utters his words, the room starts to shake.

We all hold on to the table as the earth below us gets more violent.

“EARTHQUAKE?” I duck down as shelves and ceiling panels start to fall.

“HANG ON!!” Griffin throws an arm around me and covers me.

“UNDER THE TABLE!” Finn orders.

We scramble under the table and Griffin still covers me. “It’ll be ok, love. Almost over.” He whispers to my ear as I hold his arms and whine.

The glass windows break and things fall off the walls. The rock bounces off the table and rolls under it with us.

“DON'T TOUCH IT!” Finn yells as it hops across the floor in front of us.

Pieces of the ceiling hit the table above us as I yelp out screams.

“ALMOST OVER, IVY!” Griffin yells as he holds me tighter.

The shaking increases and it felt like a bomb went off outside.

“Oh…my…God.” Finn says with shock.

“Finn, what is that?” Adam growls.

“I don’t fucking know.” His jaw falls as the quake delivers something much worse than cracked buildings.

We look out the window to see a huge column of water rise into the air. It rose so high so fast, we couldn’t see the top from the 3rd floor we were on. It was so thick, it had to be at least 10 city blocks around. About the size of the cave we were in.

My jaw falls as I watch pieces of buildings, cars and debris get thrown through the air. It was like a capped geyser just blew its top.

“Holy Christ!” Griffin crawls to Finn and they both hang onto the edge of the table and watch the water seem to endlessly rise.

The shaking slowed and the water started to fall.

We all crawl out of from under the table and stumble over debris to the window.

The column starts collapse on itself quickly and spread out as it lands. We watch as surrounding streets get consumed by tidal waves of flash flooding.

Cars, people and smaller buildings are pushed in all directions as the water takes over the island.

All our eyes widen as a large wave heads our way between the towers.

“MOVE BACK!” Jax and Finn grab us and we run to the back of the room.

The building shakes as the wave hits with such a force, the water is forced up the outside wall and rushes through the broken windows of our room.

“OH, SHIT!!”

Our bodies are hit with massive amounts of water.

Griffin grabs me and shields my head with his arms as we get pinned to the wall with the top of the wave.

The room is washed out and we’re pulled by the undertow as the waves circles the room and washes back out the window.

“GRIFFIN!!” I lose my grip on him and the water pulls me to the windows.


I call my claws and try to grip the carpet, but the water is moving so fast, I can’t get an anchor.

He runs and jumps, reaching out, he catches my hand. He grinds as the water threatens to pull him out too.


Finn grabs his leg and Jax grabs Finns waist. He hooks his arm around a shelf attached to the ceiling.

“Griffin!” I struggle against the current as the water keeps rushing in and back out of the room.

“GOD, GIVE ME STRENGTH!” He growls as he pulls.

“PLEASE, GRIFFIN!!” I cry out.

My fingers start to slip.

“NO, IVY!!” His eyes widen just as I lose my grip.

“GRIFFIN!!” I scream as I’m washed out to the window


I flail and kick as I’m sent to the edge.

He runs and slides on his but. His feet hit the frame and he grabs my arm. My legs go out the window and I scream.



Adam, Marcus and Noah jump into the gap and the six of us all hang on for dear life as the water continues to hit the building.

The Alphas all growl loud as they’re pushed to their limits.

Like white water rapids, the water hits my head as I try to breathe.

Griffins knees start to bend and his legs begin to shake.

“Ivy!!” He cries out.

“HELP!” I choke.

“FUCKING PULL!!” Jax yells to the group.

They all call their wolves and bear down. It’s like trying to pull against a hurricane as they move back through the rushing waves.

As I feel myself move back into the room, the strength of the water starts to weaken.

The waves shrink back and water pours out of the room like a waterfall.

The Alphas, heaving breaths, collapse in the shallow water.

Griffin pulls me up to him and I can’t help but let my terror out into his chest. He holds my head and hugs me. His heart is beating just as fast as his breathing. “It's alright, love. It’s alright.”

“Thank you.” I sob.

“Shhh…” He pets my hair as Finn walks by and stands at the edge of the window.

“Finley.” Griffin breathes.

I raise my eyes and watch Finn hold his head.

The others stand behind us.

“It’s gone.” Noah whispers.

I sit up. “No.” I squeak.

Griffin stands and pulls me to my feet.

He holds me as we look down at Axelridge completely submerged in water.

The center of the city seems to still be gushing water as the geyser lowers to the hole it came from.

Smaller buildings are flooded to at least their second stories and there’s barely any street that’s not under water.

“How many hover boards do we have?” Finn says solemnly.

“Uh…ten, but they’re in the training facility.” Jax answers.

Finn turns. “I don’t care. I need to get to April and the kids.”

“We'll help.” I say as I grab Griffins hand.

“Aye, lass.” He pulls me to follow Finn.

“Us, too.” Jax says as he pulls Marcus.

“My girls better be alright.” Marcus growls.

“They will be.” Noah and Adam jog up behind Griffin.

We all run through the halls to the side of the Security Complex that has the training yard on it. We run into an office and go to a broken window.

Finn leans out and looks down at the water flowing across the facility. The 30 foot deep skate park is shaped like bowl and it’s gone under water.

“We’ll have to swim.” Finn says.

“That’s waters pretty raging. Ya think that’s wise?” Griffin eyes him.

“We can make it. It’s the debris that’s the issue.” Jax says.

I look down and see pieces of people’s lives floating fast in the currents.

“Can we hook it?” Marcus asks.

Jax looks to the training building. “I think so, but the grappling gear is in my lab. Two floors down and under water.”

“I can run over.” Adam says. “I’ll swim down and get them.”

“Do it.” Finn orders.

Adam breaks into a blur out the window and we see his wake as he crosses the flood water. He splashes down under when he reaches the training building.

We wait with anticipation as the water flows around the building.

“Why is he taking so long?” Marcus grits.

“Maybe he can’t find them.” Finn responds.

We jump when the water in the training yard explodes and Adam rockets into the air.

“WOOO!!” He yells as the jet powered hover board takes to the sky.

“YEAH!” Marcus throws a fist up as the rest of us jump and celebrate a way out.

Adam banks around, drops down and pulls up to the window. “Need a lift.” He grins.

“Give me that.” Marcus jumps on with a smirk and shoves Adam back.

“Ok. 5 more coming up.” Adam says.

He jumps off the board and blurs back to the building. It’s not long before everyone has a board except me and Adam. I jump on Griffins and hang on to his waist.

“Stay with me, Lass, alright.” He says as he eyes me over his shoulder.

“Oh, don’t worry about that.” I smile as I look down to the water.

Finn powers up and takes to the air. The 5 boards follow. We rise and turn over the building to see the scope of the damage.

We drop down to the water level and it’s as if someone pulled a plug and water is being released.

The Alphas faces fill with worry and sadness.

“This is so strange. It should have equalized by now. Where’s it all coming from?” I say as I watch the waves travel into the streets.

Griffin whines.

“What?” I say to his back.

“My bloody pitch was just there.” He practically cries.

“Oh. Oh right.” My brows shoot up as I look to the dark blue circle where the Axelridge Bulldogs stadium used to be. “Griffin…I’m so sorry.”

He glances back. “It’s fine. I’ll just…rebuild it…somewhere.”

“Look!” Jax points out to the lake from higher up.

We rise to him and look.

“Oh, thank God.” Finn breathes.

I look around in a circle and see the bridges are still intact and filled with people. The water around the island is filled with all manner of boat and floatation devices and surrounding rooftops start to fill with people looking for help.

“They’re alive.” I smile with a sigh of relief.

“I’m sure not everyone, but at least it gives me some hope. Come on. We need to get to our families.” Finn waves us on and we fly to the towers.

As we fly to the Hammers tower, there’s already quite a few people on it.

They rush the roof edge as we hover beside it.

“Alpha!” A lot shout as they look for help.

Finn jumps from his board to the roof and holds his hands up. “Help is coming! I need to find the Luna.”


Finn smiles and crouches down. “Hey, Button! You’re ok!”

Tristan, who can’t be more than 4, runs and jumps into Finns arms. He hugs her tight and gives her several kisses on the cheek. I can hear his thankful prayers as if they were my own.

“Daddy, why the house need a baff?” She says as points out to the city.

“I don’t know, Button…um…Where’s mommy?” Finn looks to the crowd.


“Oh, thank god.” Finn lets out a huge breath and holds his arm out to April as she pushes through the crowd. He pulls her into him and kisses her deeply.

Ben walks from the crowd behind her. “Dad. What happened?” He looks behind his family then back at his father.

“I’m trying to figure that out, son. Right now, I need your help.” He gives Tristan to April and places his hands on his hips. “I’ll take you to shore and I need you guys to call everybody you can. We need choppers and medical supplies. We also need guards to surround the city.” He turns to April. “Can you organize that for me?”

“Yes, but where are you going?” April says.

“We need to rescue the rest of the Lunas and try to save as many as we can until help arrives." Finn looks to his pack. “I’m not sure how much power we have left in the city’s grid. Once that goes, our boards will run on reserve power until they run out. I want to get as many people to safety before that happens.”


Finn grabs Tristan. “Come on, baby. You’re riding with daddy.”

“YAY!” Tristan squeals which actually was just needed in such a disastrous time. It made me smile to see her light up.

April jumps on behind Finn. Ben jumps on with Jax and we fly off to the mainland.

Once on the ground, April starts making calls from Finns phone.

Audrey, Sophie and Claudia were all at the Lumber Jax tower when the flood struck.

Marcus took his very pregnant Lunas to safety and Audrey stayed with Jax to help with the rescue.

Griffin dropped me off with the Lunas and we all helped the people stay calm and try to find their families.

It was slow going. Each board can only take two riders at a time.

All my mind could think about was how my brothers must be worried sick. I’m sure they heard by now.

“April. Can I use your phone? My brothers are medics.” I ask in a bit of a panic.


She hands it to me and I immediately call Richard.


“Yes, Rich. It’s me.” I say with a rushed tone.

“Thank fuck, where are you?”

“On the mainland by the south bridge.” I watch as Adam runs with people and drops them off.

They fall to their knees from the shock of being carried by a vamp. Adam is working as hard as he can, but I can tell he’s tiring quickly. He’ll either have to feed or put his vamp away. I hope it’s the latter. A hungry vamp is the last thing we need right now.

People join our growing group as they walk off the bridge tired, soaked and injured. The Lunas and anyone with medical training run to help.

“Ivy, what happened?”

“I don’t know. It’s like the lake is pushing up through the center of the island. Richard, there’s so much water, I’ve never seen anything like it. I need you guys here. We have a lot injuries that could use you.” I say quietly.

“Ok. I’m on my way. You better be there.”

“I will. Thank you.”

I hang up and hand the phone back. “My brothers are coming to help.”

“Thank you.” April smiles then turns to organize the confused pack members.

The guys land and take a break for food and water.

I rush to Griffin with a pack and drop to my knees at his feet as he leans to on a tree trunk. I open a bottle of water and hand it to him.

He takes it and swigs it back. “Thanks.” He pants as he drops the bottle and wipes his mouth.

“I-I have a sandwich. It’s not much.” I reach into the pack, pull it out and hand it to him.

“You’re a bleeding godsend.” He smiles.

He opens the wrapper and takes a huge bite. “Bloody hell, that’s good.” He grins as he chews. He leans his head back and closes his eyes.

“How’s it going out there?” I sit on my but and lean an arm on his knee.

He opens his eyes. “When they’re not trying to toss us in the drink, it’s fine. I get they’re scared, but don’t try to kill us all by swarming the feckin' board.” He shakes his head.

“People panic. We just have to do the best we can.” I try to reassure him.

He sits up and looks around at the people suffering around us. “How many?”

I glance at the crowd. “We've been in contact with the other two bridges. It looks like we’re in the 5000 range so far. Severe injuries, but they’ll live.”

He hangs his head as he leans on his knees. “The devil be testing, he does. This is Alistair. I know it.”

“Alistair.” I try to find his eyes.

“Aye. Nasty demon.” He raises his eyes to me. “He means to kill us and what better way then drown the city.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Shit and giggles, mostly. Once this is over, I’m taking him out.” He grits.

“This demon. When did he show up?” I ask.

He thinks. “About 17 years ago. At least that’s when we found him. He could have been here longer for all we know.”

My mind flashes to my mother in her casket. “Why was he here?”

“He said he was hiding from some bad demon named Lefu. It turned out to be a lie and we lost some dear friends.” He drinks some water then caps the bottle.

“What was he really here for?” I tilt my head.

“Him.” Griffin motions his hand and I turn to see Adam helping a lady.

“Abraxas.” I breathe.

My hand goes to my scar and slowly rubs it as I watch Adam carefully.

‘A gift…from Alistair.'

The words hit my brain as I remember staring into the black eyes of my attacker. The same black eyes of Abraxas.

I turn to Griffin. “What does he plan…”


“Oh good. The bleeding cavalry.” Griffin stands and takes my hand.

He pulls me up as five Blackhawk helicopters fly over our heads to the island. As they pass over the trees, the branches shake and rain leaves down on us. I see a bird that’s made of fire on the side of each one and the word ‘Phoenix’ written on under it.

We join the Alphas just as the crowd parts.

A large, thick, muscular, blonde haired Alpha and another muscular man with dark hair come from the gap with a collection of military men behind them, dressed in grey/blue and cream/orange camouflage uniforms.

“I heard you need some help?” The dark haired Alpha says.

Finn places his hands on his hips. “Took you guys long enough, Owen. Bastian, wipe the smirk off your face.”

“It’s was only a matter of time, Finley. Only a matter of time.” Bastian shakes his head slowly, crosses his arms and eyes us all as more helicopters fly over head. These ones had bald eagle heads on the side with ‘Falcon Ridge’ written under them.

They speed off to the city and I turn to Griffin. “Falcon Ridge.”

“Aye. The world’s gone right to pot, now.” He side eyes me as I turn back to the two military Alphas standing tall in front of us.

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