The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 48

(Chapter song ‘Flower' by Moby, ‘Baby, Baby' by Amy Grant)


The events of the last few weeks must have caught up with me in the sleep department. I was out. Benched after my marking with Dia.

I only woke up when the security lights outside went on.

I wearily lift my head and look out my window. It’s probably just a cat or something.

I cuddle into Dia more and start to drift off when I hear something crash outside.

My head lifts and my mouth shrinks. I look out the window and see a shadow cross the trees on the other side of my driveway.

“That’s no cat.” I grit quietly as I throw my pants on and grab my jacket. I slip out of the room and run down the stairs.

I throw the door open and look out to the lit driveway. I hear a can knock and turn to the noise. My garage door is open and I see a black shadow moving around my car.

“Son of a bitch.” I jog down the steps and stride to the garage.

I stand as I see the car door close and the back lights turn on.

The car starts to roll and I step in front of it.

He gets about five feet and I see the brake lights come on. The car stops and my eyes meet his in the rear view mirror.

I take two fingers and motion to put the car back.

He drops his head and I see the lights changed. I place my hands on the trunk and push. I roll it back into my garage.

“Park it!” I bark.

He does and sits in the car. Probably shitting himself.

“Get out!” I bark again.

The door opens and my jaw goes slack. I could be staring at myself. Are you kidding me?

He has moppy black hair, a grey sweatshirt and baggy black pants. His face looks freaked and his brown eyes barely look at me as he walks along the car to the outside.

I pull my keys out of my Jacket pocket, hit the fob and my car locks.

He tries to walk on, but I stop him. “Where ya going?”

He looks to the car and back at me. “Look. I’m sorry, ok? I’ll just bounce.”

“Naw. No ya won’t.” I look the kid over. He’s taller than what I was, but my God. I was a scared kid, that’s for sure.

“Mister…uh…Alpha…I…I can’t…please…I’ll just go.” He looks around and although he could bolt he seems glued to the spot.

I hold up my hand and chin. “Relax, kid.”

His eyes meet mine and he nervously nods.

I look him over. “What’s your name?”

“Corbin.” He mumbles.

“Ya got a last name?” I ask.

“Myles.” He answers.

“Corbin Myles. OK.” I chew my lip. “What are ya doing here?”

He looks to my garage.

“I know the obvious, but I can tell this is the last place ya want to be.” I say as I study his body language.

He kicks some pebbles with his sneaker and puts his hands in his pockets.

“How old are you?”

He glances at me. “19.”

I step closer to him. “This is your life? Boosting my car?”

“No.” He grumbles. “My brother…”

“Your brother.” I nod as I bite the inside of my lip.

Fuck. History does repeat, doesn’t it. I play with the keys in my pocket. Time to pay it forward.

I pull my keys out and toss them in the air. He dives and catches them. He hops and stands just in front of me. He looks at the keys in his hand.

“Good catch.” I point to the keys and stuff my hands in my pockets.

“I’ll tell ya what, Corbin.” I tilt my head. “I won’t tell the Enforcers who stole my car if you show up my at my door at 9 am tomorrow.

“Why?” He’s puppy dog eyes meet mine.

I smirk and point to the keys. “Someone did the same for me once. I realized I wanted something better. I guess I have an eye for someone who wants more than jacking cars.”

“You didn’t steal the car?” He asks.

“Naw. I steal bases now.” I smile.

“Oh.” He lowers his head.

“Enjoy the car.” I salute him and walk back into the house. I give him a few minutes and make some coffee because I’m wide awake.

I casually walk to my front window with my cup. I nod as I bring my cup to my lips. “See ya at 9, Kid.” I smile at the sight of my keys on the ground gleaming in the light of the security spotlights.

I drink my cup and feel damn good about this kid. I can tell he’s in a tight spot, but it doesn’t feel like mine. He might just have an asshole brother who’s trying to turn him into a criminal like he is. If that’s the case, getting him away from that life will be a piece of cake compared to my family, but it doesn’t mean he won’t need to work for it.

If he shows, I’m willing to put as much in as he willing take. Just like Jax did. Who knows? We may have a new Alpha on our hands.

I turn to the door to collect my keys. Grabbing the handle, I contemplate. “Alpha Myles. Yep. I like it.” I grin and open the door.


The search for Eddie over the last six months has been frustrating as fuck. He’s nowhere. I’m really starting to worry about him. I can’t think of the bad stuff. I have to keep the faith. In the meantime, I’ve been focusing on Brock. He’s coming around nicely. Adam said there’s no cure, but I don’t believe that.

Anyway, as screwed up as everything is, it'll be nice to come home to a nice, calm, quiet house for an evening with my Lunas.

I get the to door of the penthouse and I hear screaming.

“Not today apparently.” I sigh and swipe my card.

I have to wince as I open the door.


I walk in just as Dia jumps down the stairs and runs across the room.

“What the hell?!”

Sophie jumps down the stairs. She’s definitely pissed. “CLAUDIA!!” She yells.

“Soph!” I hold out my hands and step. My foot catches a bag on the floor and I almost land on my face. I scowl and turn to the stairs. “CORBIN!!”


“GIRLS!” I try to yell louder as they run up and around my common room. Dias cackling her fool head off as Sophie growls.

Dia stops on one side of the couch and Sophie on the other. They’re both panting hard. Sophie juts out her chin. “Give it back!”

They’re staring at each other hard. Dia flinched left, Sophie goes right. They do this a few times.

Claudia grins and shakes her head. “Nope. I’m telling him.”

Sophie narrows her eyes. “You tell him, I will mess you up.” She grits.

“Sophie!” I scowl.

“Ok, Jax!” Dia laughs.


“THAT'S IT!” Sophie leaps over the couch with a growl.

Claudia yelps, spins and runs around me.

“GIVE IT!” Sophie takes a swipe at Dia.

“ALRIGHT! ENOUGH!” I yell as I grab Sophie’s waist and pull her back.

Dia hides behind me.

Sophie tries to grab her from around me.

“SOPHIE!” I push her back.

“Come out from behind the muscle, beautiful. We'll see how tough you are.”

“Not a chance.” She laughs. “You’re too hormonal right now.”

“Shut up!” Sophie tries to grab her again as Dia cackles.

“WHAT’S GOING ON?!” I yell to the ceiling.

“She's a pain in my ass!!” Sophie yells.

“You love it.” Dia smirks, kicks out a leg and crosses her arms.

Sophie ticks her head. “Yeah? Show your face and I’ll show you how much.” She lunges at Dia and I grab her.

“Enough, Sophie!” I plant her on the floor and I hold the bridge of my nose. “God. It’s me and your brother in girl form.” I hold out my hands between them. “Calm down and tell me what the hell this is about.”

“She has my test and won’t give it back!” She glares at Dia. “You have your own!”

“I want to tell him!” Dia stresses.

“Dia!” Sophie whines and stamps her foot.

My head flicks between them. “Excuse me? Test? What Test?”

“You weren’t going to so, I am.” Dia grins.

“I want to confirm it first.” Sophie clenches.

“You can tell him before then. Better yet, I will.” She turns to me.

“No!” Sophie jumps at Claudia and she has something in her hand. They struggle as Dia plays keep away.

“ENOUGH!” I growl loud and snatch what Dia has.

“MARC, NO!” Sophie spins around just as I look what’s in my hand.

My air is gone and my jaw goes slack.

“Marc?” Soph says quietly.

I scrub a hand down my face and walk into the living room. I can’t take my eyes off them as I slump on the couch.

“Slugger? You ok?”

The girls walk to the living room and sit on the coffee table at my knees.


I wave her down then rub my lips and chin and just take this all in.

“See! We shouldn’t he told him like that.” Sophie shoves Dia.

“It’s your fault! I would have done it delicately, but you had to…”

“No…” I raise a hand. “No…It’s fine…” I say quietly.

I finally break my eyes from the sticks in my hand. My eyes float back and forth between the eyes of my Lunas.

I swallow and hold the sticks to them. “This says…um…This…I’m a dad?”

The girls grin.

“Sure are, slugger.”


I hold up two fingers and they both nod.

I sit up and look at the sticks. An ear to ear grin spreads across my face. I start to laugh.

I hold them up again. “I’m a dad.”

“Yes.” Sophie giggles.

“Two pups.” I chuckle more and shake them.

“Yes, Marc.” Dia giggles.

“Come here!” I stand and growl. I pull Sophie up and kiss her within an inch of her life.

I break the kiss and grab Dia. “You too.” I smash her lips and I break the kiss.

I hug them both so hard. “I love you both so much! Thank you!!”

“We still need a doctors confirmation.” Sophie says in my shoulder.

“Don’t worry.” I push them back. “Between me and Corbin, you two will have everything you need.” I pull out my phone. “I’ve gotta call Jax. And you two. That’s it for the rough play. Especially, you.” I point to Sophie’s nose.

She laughs. “Ok.”

I turn to the stairs. “CORBIN!!”

The teenager runs down the stairs and pulls out his ear buds. “Is it safe?”

“Yeah, it’s safe.” I chuckle. I snap to his bag. He nods and goes to pick it up.

“Jax…Guess who’s going to be a dad?...No, not Finn…Why would Griffin be a dad?...Does Adam look like dad material to you?” I growl. “No! Me, jackass!...Stop laughing!...Fine…I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hang up with a scowl and point my phone to Sophie. “If I didn’t love your brother, I’d hate his guts.”

“What did he say?” Sophie blinks.

“He said congratulations.” I smile and kiss her lips then Dia’s.

Corbin joins our circle. “Wow…um…babies. It’s gonna get crowded around here.”

I point to him. “Don’t even think it. There’s plenty of room here. You focus on getting your act together, right?”

“Right.” He smiles. “Hey, congrats.” He waves at my Lunas then runs upstairs to his room.

“He’s right.” Dia stuffs her hands in her back pockets. “This family’s getting big.”

I cup her cheeks. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I kiss her.

I step back, cross my arms and take in my Lunas.

“I’M A DAD!! WOOOO!” I throw up my arms, grab Sophie and spin her around then spin Dia around too.

The girls belly laugh and it’s music to my ears.

I point to both of them. “I’m going to be the best damn father out there. These kids will know everything from throwing a fastball to fixing a transmission. You two won’t have to worry about a thing.” I turn and head for the door.

“Where are you going?” Dia asks.

“Someone has to get started on the nurseries. You two relax. I got this.” I smile. “WOOO! DADDY COOPER, COMING THROUGH!” I yell as I walk out the door.


I didn’t think I’d want to be a dad after what I went through with my own, but the way I see it is, this is my chance to show the world how it’s done.

Alfonso wasn’t a father. All my skills that will come when my babies arrive will come from Jax's dad and my love for my Lunas. That’s all I need.

My father was incapable of love. The fact that Fate gave me two, only proves what I’m capable of.

It wasn’t hard. These girls stole my heart. These babies will steal more of it, but I know there’s always room for more.

What’s more? Corbin will know the benefit of being an Alpha and how he needs to be. I will teach him just like I would my own son.

There’s more than enough Cooper to go around. The beauty of it is, what I teach now will live on well past my life.

As long as my family is full of love, trust and respect, that legacy can live on forever.

You do things right and you’ll bat 1000 every time.

Grand Slam!

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