The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 46

(Chapter song ‘Bloody City’ by Sam Tinnesz)


Unfortunately, much to my disappointment, duty calls so, I have to put my second marking on hold for a bit.

Axelridge is in need of serious help and it’s all hands on deck.

I walk into the Hub and am greeted with jabs and ribs.

“My man!” Jax gives me a standing ovation as the others laugh.

“Yeah, whatever.” I laugh and wave him down.

I walk over to my seat and slide my pack off. I sit down and Jax sits, clapping my shoulder as he does. He pulls my tank then looks on my other shoulder. “Only one?”

“I would have two, but earthquakes, demons and who knows what else.” I scowl as I slump back.

“Sorry, Marc. We'll try to get you out of here as soon as possible.” Finn says.

“It’s cool. I know there are more important things right now. Dia’s being entertained by Sophie so, I can focus on this.” I lean back and lace my fingers on my chest.

“Ok. So, for obvious reason, the floor is open to update the quake.” Finn leans on the table.

“Aye. We haven’t found the source persay, but it topped an 8. They’re getting worse.” Griffin informs.

“The five levels below the surface sewer system are flooded. The water is pushing on the first level. From what I can tell, either the quakes are cracking the infrastructure or the water is busting through, causing the quakes. The question is why?” Jax says as he scratches his temple.

“Can we get Hunter to send over the Dolphin?” I ask.

“I can send a message out. Transport will be the issue. The planes can’t get in because the tarmacs are destroyed, but we’re checking for a boat big enough to cross over and haul the necessary equipment and supplies.” Finn sighs.

“How long for the bridges?” Noah asks.

“At least another six months. We're focusing on the south bridge first. Any Canadians here are being escorted to Ajax by volunteer ferry services. Which reminds me. Don’t forget to have your Financials contact the ticket boxes. The refunds are going to hurt guys.” He eyes us all.

“Fuck.” Jax slams back in his seat and rubs his forehead.

“Sorry, but until we solve this quake issue, box seat holders aren’t going to want to come.” Finn shrugs.

“Ok. So, do we have any idea how to stop this?” I look around the table.

“Quakes are one of three movements. Tectonic plates rubbing against each other, plates colliding and pushing on each other or one plate pushed under another.” Griffin says as he makes his hands perform the actions as of they were the earth’s floating crust.

“How does this pertain to us? The fault lines under us have been dormant for years.” Finn says.

“Aye, save one. The Lawrence Fault zone. Though not previously very active, this area seems to be building something.” He stands and calls the holographic monitor. “Studies are proving that the activity along the zone have been increasing over the last 30 years or so. It’s just the rumbling has been too weak to feel until now. It’s entirely possible Axelridge is sitting over a potential vent from an underwater magma pocket. If I’m correct, which I most likely am, it’s pushing magma up through us instead of where it should be, the northeast part of the lake. Sorry to say, Finn, me boy. Your granddad may have fecked the lot by constructing his own land here.”

“Shit." Finn rakes his fingers through his hair and shakes his head.

I huff a chuckle. “So what? Axelridge is a lava pimple?”

“Essentially, yes.” He hits the remote. “There’s no way to tell for sure without drilling, but what I hypothesize is, as the ground below raises, it’s pushing Axelridge up. This is causing the quakes. The epicenter seem to be traveling inward. Under the very center of the island. Water is being forced through cracks made in the bottom of the island and into our sewer systems. Eventually, the water will turn acidic, becoming undrinkable and heat to around 88 degrees Celsius. As the magma climbs higher to the surface, it will start to boil.” He runs a simulation of a magma vent with lava in it traveling to the surface.

“Once it breaks through the crust…well…we better not be here when it does.” He says solemnly.

His simulations shows the magma hit the water under us and the entire island goes up in pieces.

I point to the screen. “Yeah. I don’t wanna explode!” My brows shoot up and look around at all the guys.

“How much time?” Finn asks.


“One year.”

We turn to the door and Ivy is standing with a file at her thighs.

“Jesus.” Griffin groans and throws his remote on his desk.

“Griff, don’t start. I’m trying to save lives just as much as you are.” She warns as her heels click down the stairs.

“Griff. Settle.” Finn warns.

“Go ahead.” He waves her on.

She stops at the table and swipes her thick bangs to the side. Her long, black ponytail is tied back with a red bow thing and it swings behind her as her eyes float around the table.

“Due to the increase in time and strength of the quakes, the environmental unit predicts we will have one year, maybe less to evacuate the island before it is destroyed.” She points to the monitor. “What Griffin has brilliantly shown is the birth of a volcano. This is no minor event.”

“Wait…brilliant?” Griffins jaw goes slack.

Ivy clears her throat. “Yes…um…” She pushes up her red rimmed glasses. “Your simulation does have some fascinating qualities. I will admit that.”

I flip my eyes between them.

She fixes her blouse and short blue skirt. “Moving on.” She holds her chin up.

“Thanks?” Griffin mutters.

“So, a volcano is rising in the middle of the city.” Finn states.

“We believe so. Of course, we can’t know for sure without proper investigation. I’ve tried to reach out to the Science Unit and seem to have hit…a road block.” She turns her eyes to Griffin.

He sits up. “Aye…We…just…” He furrows his brow. “You have your own bloody resources.”

Ivy leans on the table. “I have a limited supply and a budget that’s half of yours. We need help. I’m not asking to take from you. I want you on our team.”

“Naw, lass. You be on my team. No other way about it.” He shakes his head.

“Griff. If Ivy needs the assistance of the Science Unit, you’re under obligation to assist.’ Finn reminds him.

“But…” He holds a hand out to Ivy.

“I don’t want to hear it, Griffin. You check your ego and help the lass…uh…lady.” Finn glances at Ivy who smiles at him.

“Bollix!” He leans back in his chair. “Fine!” He sits back up. “I get equal calls on the shots! We be partners, you and I. I won’t be spinning wheels for likes of you, got it?”

Ivy scowls. “Agreed.”

“Ok. Now that that’s settled. Ivy. Welcome to the council. You can have a seat.” Finn invites.

Ivy smiles and pulls out a chair. “Thank you, Alpha Trezner. I’ll try to be at your service as much as I can.”

“All I ask is that you keep me in the loop.” Finn grins.

“She be having no problem with a mouth like hers.” Griffin grumbles.

“Griff.” Finn side eyes him. “Professionalism is required in this council room.”

He mumbles in Gaelic and turns his chair.

“Alright. Jax?” Finn continues.

“Right. It’s not good. 20 dead. All blunt force traumas from the collapses. Numerous injuries and three deaths that were not related to any of it.”

“Excuse me? What?” Finn questions.

“Three bodies. Two males, one female. All were found with broken necks, but that's not what killed them.” Jax informs.

“Ok…” Finn furrows his brow.

Jax opens his morgue files. “Malnutrition, dehydration, numerous broken bones, unhealed lacerations, damaged lungs, enlarged hearts, liver damage, all blood levels completely out of whack…” He looks up at us all and points to his computer. “These people were pretty much dead before their necks were broken.”

“So, what’s the time of death?” Finn leans on the table and laces his fingers together.

“The time of the quake. Give or take an hour. Reality is, these people were literally walking dead before that. The time frame for most of their conditions is years in the making.”

“What happened to them?” Noah asks.

“They were possessed.”

We all turn to the door and see Adam walk in with Astrid behind him.

“Really?” Finn motions to the door. “Anyone else just want to walk in here.”

“Adam. Nice to see you with your clothes on.” Jax snickers.

I hide my lips as I try not to laugh.

“What?” Astrid looks up at him.

“Nothing.” He side eyes her then walks the to table. “The people you found were possessed. Demons don’t eat, sleep or drink. They have zero care for the bodies that carry them. If a demon leaves the body, they’re trained to destroy it before they do. That way the person can’t talk.”

“Wait. How come Brock’s still alive?” I question.

“That’s a fair question. My father would only know the answer to that.” Adam stands straight and crosses his arms.

“We can ask Brock.” I suggest.

“Has he passed his addiction?” Adam arches a brow.

“No.” I mumble.

“He won’t tell you.” Adam paces in front of the table with his hands behind his back. “No. We must hunt my father down and make him tell us his plan.”

“Wait. We?” Finn puts a hand up.

Adam stops. “Yes. Until this is solved, I’m not leaving this city. As of right now, I’m included in the Axelridge council.” His eyes turn black. “Anyone have a problem with that, can answer…to me.”

Abraxas eyes us all.

“Uh…Finn?” Noah glances at Adam then Finn.

Finn juts his chin out. “We trusted a demon once. It lost us some very good friends.”

“You trusted the wrong one…obviously.” Abraxas says.

“I can say, Abraxas is very trustworthy. I trust him with my life as his mate.” Astrid steps forward.

“Mate?” I smirk. “You dog!” I slap the table with a chuckle.

“I am not…a dog.” Adam says as his eyes turn green.

“You’re half a dog.” Jax shrugs.

“Hardly.” Adam narrows his eyes. “Finley.” He barks.

“OK. Astrid. You say we can trust him as your mate then I guess it’s OK, but I will say again. I don’t agree with others outside of our Alliance joining our team.”

“I told you there would be a time where you would need help. This is that time. Do not turn me away. You will need me and Astrid.” Adam adjusts his black leather jacket. “Now…Can I sit or do you need to speak to the demon again?”

Finn motions to a chair.

Adam pulls out a chair for Astrid and he sits beside her. Ivy looks…uncomfortable.

She leans to Astrid. “He’s a demon.”

“Not just that. He’s also part vampire.” Astrid smiles.

Ivy sits up. “Excuse me, Alpha. Something’s come up. I must go.”

“No problem, Ivy. Have your report on the system by tomorrow.” Finn smiles.

“I will.” She gets up and leaves like her heels were on fire. I would say Adam scares her, but I felt like there was something else going on. Weird.

“I will agree we need to find Eddie as soon as possible. How are we on the hunter situation?” Finn asks.

“I put the word out to the High Council. I have yet to get a response.” Noah informs.

“Figures. Zanders never where you need him.” Finn mutters. “Start a search. Search everyone dead or alive. Eddie has to be somewhere. We can’t let him go too long with Alistair in him.”

“I know how to call him.” Abraxas says.


“Dangle a carrot.” He ticks his head.

“What?” I scrunch my brow.

“Brock. He’s alive for a reason. I don’t think it was an accident. Demons do not make mistakes. Not obvious ones anyway. Alistair needs Brock alive and I think it’s because Eddie is unstable. He may have possessed Eddie before, but the environment in him is different. If we manage to separate them, he’ll need Brock to run to. So, we dangle the carrot. Threaten to kill off his escape.” Adam slowly looks around the room.

“But then he’ll just stay in Eddie.” Jax shrugs.

“Not if we empower Eddie to push him out. If Eddie truly wants to be free of the demon, he will listen.” Adam states. “As long as nothing angers him to a point of craving revenge, he should be strong enough to do it. Once back in Brock, we can bind him.”

“Bind him? You mean lock him up?” I ask.

“No. Magically. We bind the demon to the body and he can’t escape even if he wanted to.” Adam leans back and places an arm around the back of Astrid’s chair.

“You can do this?” Finn raises a brow.

“I can. I just need an opportunity then I will kill him.” Adam says stoically.

“What? No…Finn, we just got Brock back. We can’t kill him.” I protest.

“I agree. We can’t kill a friend. This was not his fault.” Finn says sternly.

“You said yourself. He’s damaged beyond repair. There is no hope when the demon scar is that big. Eddie has a chance. Brock does not.” Adam says.

“Look. You can’t come here and start talking to us about murdering a friend. No way. Well find another way.” Jax growls.

I looks to Astrid. “It’s like River all over again.” He shakes his head. “Fine. Have it your way. You’ll come to realize he must die in the end. All you’re doing is torturing yourselves. Now we’re tired and need accommodations.”

Adam stands with Astrid.

“See the clerk outside. She’ll give you keys to a condo in the Alpha tower.”

“Thank you.” He bows his head slightly. “We will talk to tomorrow and start the search. Astrid.” He holds out his arm to his mate.

“Thank you for having us. It will be an honor to fight with you.” She smiles.

“You’re welcome.” Finn smiles.


Adam stops and turns back.

I look him over. “How did you get on the island? The bridges are out.”

“I ran.” He shrugs.

“It’s really fun.” Astrid giggles.

Adam drops a kiss on her hair. “Let’s go.”

She waves bye and we watch them leave.

We sit in silence for a good minute.

I raise a brow. “Finn?”

He’s staring at the door. “I’m waiting for someone else to walk through the door.”

We look at the empty doorway.

Satisfied, Finn clicks his computer. “Ok. Moving on…”

“Alpha! Lycans are attacking!” Finns assistant runs in huffing breaths.

“DAMN IT!” He slams his computer shut. “Move out.” He growls as he waves us to the door.

“Grand Central here now.” I chuckle.

“You got that right.” Jax fist bumps me. “Let’s go.”

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