The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 43

(Chapter song ‘Porcelain’ by Moby)


I round a corner and the hospital is flooded with people and medic vehicles. It looks like hundreds are being rushed in and I feel like it will be impossible to find my mates in this mess.

I rush into the emergency entrance and it’s complete chaos. People crying and in pain. Doctors, nurses and other medics are running around, tending to the worst cases and yelling out what they need.

Confused family members are frantically asking where their loved ones are and are being systematically directed or told to go home.

I grab a nurse. “Alpha Marcus Cooper.”

She looks at her list. “Try over there.” She points to a doctor.

I push past people and stop him. “Marcus Cooper?” I stare into his eyes with hope.

“Uh…yeah. He just went into surgery.” He says as he reads his clipboard.

“Claudia Vinelli.”

He looks again. “She should just be coming out. You can go to the third floor and wait for her there.”

“Thank you so much.” I smile and run to the elevators.

The ride up was more horrible than seeing her under the wood. I just want to take her home and keep her safe. I want to see Marc's smile. I want to hold him and tell him how much I love him. I want us to be together like we should be right now.

I waited for four hours before anyone would tell me anything. I can't blame the medics that are trying to save the lives of everyone. They’re up to their necks in a crisis. The last thing they need is me getting impatient with them.

“Miss Dupree?”

I raise my weary head as a young man with black hair walks over to me.

I stand and rub my hands together. My heart flutters as I wait his news.

He stops and smiles. “Claudia is fine. I’m confident she’ll make a full recovery.”

I slam a hand over my eyes and try to fight breaking down. “Thank you.” I choke.

He places a hand on my shoulder. “She had a nasty head wound, a few broken ribs and bleeding on her spine. She’ll need a couple weeks to make sure her healing can repair her spinal cord and brain properly before we can release her.”

I look up at him and nod. “Can…Can I see her?”

He smiles. “Of course. This way.”

I prepare myself as I walk down the halls.

He stops at a room and motions me in. “I’ll come back in and hour.”

“Thank you so much.” I give a half smile.

“You’re welcome.” He nods and turns around.

I slowly walk through the door and the sight of Claudia bandaged and broken almost killed me. Hang onto the bond, Soph. Hang on.

The monitors beep quietly as she opens hers tired eyes. “I thought that was you.”

I choke a laugh as I walk to a chair beside her bed. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Don’t cry, princess. I’m fine.” She whispers.

“I can’t help it.” I grab her hand and hold it to my lips. “I was so scared.”

“So was I.” She looks at me through her good eye because her other one is bandaged over.

I play with the hair that I can see. “You’re so beautiful.” I mutter. The bond accelerates my emotional state now that we're close.

“I’m a mess.” She tries to laugh.

“But I love you…so much.” I lean down and kiss her. “Whether you’re a mess or not, you’ll always be my gorgeous lycan. My Luna.”

She places a hand on my cheek. “You'll always be my beautiful shifter. My hero and the most amazing woman I could ever fall in love with. My Luna.”

I press my lips to hers as she slides her hand behind my hair. Our lips part and our tongues collide. She pulls me to her and I deepen the kiss. The bond snaps faster as our hearts race. The heat rises and I feel changes inside. As much as I want to, she’s in no shape for a marking so, I have to push the changes down.

I slowly pull back. “You get better quick, you hear me? Don’t make me wait to mark you.” I rest my head on her forehead and stare into her big brown eyes.

She lightly laughs. “Ok, Miss Dupree.”

“I sounded like my brother, didn’t I?” I smile.

“Just a little.” She smiles.

“God.” My cheeks flush and she pulls my head to her chest as she giggles.

I throw my arms around her chest and lay there, just listening to her heart beat and feeling the bond. I don’t want to go home. I just want to stay right here forever. Smelling her. Feeling her. Taking in her warmth and her love. It’s all I need. All I’ll ever need.


I sit up and turn to the doctor in the doorway.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but we need to perform some scans.” He looks at his clip board. “Marcus is out of surgery. He’ll be up and walking in about 3 days. He’s lucky. There shouldn’t be any permanent damage. As long as the bones set right, we shouldn’t have to go in again. He'll be back to running bases in no time.”

“Oh thank god.” Claudia breathes.

“Everything will be fine.” I squeeze her hand and smile.

“He’s still groggy and on pain medication, but he’s in room 7 if you want to check in.” He goes to leave and stops. He turns back. “Oh. Congratulations. Marcus told me. You are some lucky ladies.” He grins.

“Thank you.” We both say at the same time.

“You’re very welcome.” He taps the door frame and walks away.

I turn back to Dia. “Are you going to be ok?”

“I’ll be fine. I’m in good hands. Go see our Alpha. Tell him I love him.” She grins.

“I will.” I give her another slows passionate kiss, pull back and heave a sigh of relief as I take her all in.

“Go.” She orders.

“Yes, ma'am.” I salute with a giggle then leave the room.

I feel so much better knowing my loves are ok. It eases my heart and my brain that we still came out on top. Even when the world was ripping apart.

I have to pause and think how lucky I am to find two of the most amazing people. Really, I have a ton of amazing people in life. When my entire life went to shit, these people eventually helped me find my way back.

Jax was right. I’ll never be alone again. I’m surrounded by people that love me and I love them all. I didn’t think it was possible until I saw Jax in that alleyway. My nightmare ended on that day and I was stupid to try and fight anything that happened after that.

Fate had a plan and I may have kicked and screamed the whole way, but I see it now. She doesn’t only deal in love, she deals in life. She gave me more than Marcus and Claudia. She gave me the life I was supposed to have. The life that sad little eight year old girl was missing. I will thank her profusely and apologize for ever doubting her.

I walk to room 7 and step into the door. The familiar beeps greet me and I see Marcus laying on bed. He’s sleeping and his legs are hung, casted past his knees.

I suck in a quiet breath as I step in. It’s just as hard to see him broken as it was Claudia.

“Hey, princess.” He says with his eyes closed.

I laugh because he must of caught my scent. “Can’t sneak up on you.” I smile.

He opens an eye and thumps his chest with his finger weakly. “I felt you…come here.”

I rush to the chair beside his bed and he reaches for me. He wraps his arm around my head as I quietly let everything go in his neck.

“It’s ok.” He whispers. “You were scared, but so fucking brave. I love you so damn much.”

“I love you.” I choke.

He pushes me back and wipes my wet cheeks. “When I get out of here, me and you, we're gonna have a marking that will knock your socks off.” He grins.

“I'd like that.” I sniff.

“How’s Dia?” He asks as he straightens my hair.

“Good. She’s stuck here for a couple weeks. Her spine and head are damaged.” I mutter.

“Hey, she’s strong. She’s not going anywhere. She wants your mark just as much as I do.” He encourages.

I nod and smile. “Yeah. I know.”

“Baby, I want you to know that this may have not gone the way I planned it, but I’m going to try my hardest to make it special for both of you. This isn’t stopping anything. I don’t want you to remember this, ok? You kick this whole night right out of your head.” He talks softly.

“Not the whole night. Before everything else, I had an amazing time. I got you and Dia. I don’t want to forget that.” I smile and wipe my eye.

“Sure.” He chuckles. “I won’t forget that part either, but don’t let the quake ruin that for you, ok?”

“I promise.” I whisper.

“Good girl. Lips.” He taps his chin.

I lean down and kiss him with deep. His tongue meets mine and just like Dia, our bond snaps. I feel it come again and I tell it to wait.

He breaks the kiss. “My Luna.” He gazes into my eyes. “I’ll never stop questioning why I deserve so much.” His thumb gently rubs my cheek and bottom lip.

“You deserve more than what I can give you. You’re the most wonderful Alpha any woman could have. I’m damn lucky to have both of you. You and Dia saved me. I can never repay you for that.” I smile and lean into his hand.

“You will never have to repay me. Ever. I owe you so much. You gave me something to fight for. It was only a matter of time before my family tried to suck me back in. You gave me the strength to fight back and do what’s right. Yet, again, a Dupree comes to my rescue.” He chuckles.

I look down, take his hand and play with his fingers. “You come home quick, alright?”

“As quick as I can, baby.” He smiles.

I sat with him for at least an hour before he fell asleep. I stared at his handsome face and reflected on everything that’s happened.

We all make the best team. Each one adds to the whole story. It’s never a competition. We all have a part in this love and I’ll make sure my part will be done to its fullest for both of them.

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