The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 33

(Chapter song ‘Fresh eyes' by Andy Grammar)



I run down the stairs with an ear to ear grin on my face. I jump the last few steps and sprint to the common room. I leap over the back of the couch that Claudia is sitting on.

“WHOA!” She leans back and laughs as I bounce us on the couch.

I throw an arm around her neck. “Read it!”

She grabs the paper from my hand and I hang off her shoulder, leaning my cheek on it as she reads.

She whips her head to me. “Ya got in.”

I sit up and turn to her. “I’m in!”

“AHHHH!” We both scream and throw our arms around each other for a big hug.

I push back and take the paper. “I can’t believe it. Axelridge University.”

“You’re gonna be the best personal trainer out there.” Dia smiles as she taps the paper with her nail.

I drop the paper and my brows stitch up. “Thank you. I could’ve have done it without you.”

“You did it yourself, princess. You’re smart. Own it.” She taps my chest.

I lean to her lips. “You helped.” I give her kiss.

She smiles pulls me beside her and we get comfy on the couch.

“I’m going to need so much stuff. Want to help?” I smile.

“Are ya kidding? I love shopping. We can go to dinner after.” She suggests

“I’d love that.” I tuck her hair behind her ear.

I grab her hand in mine. “Dia. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I couldn’t have come this far without you. I like that you get me and don’t want to change me.”

She leans her head on mine. “Why fix what’s not broken?”

My eyes meet hers. “It’s a little broken.”

“OK. It’s a tiny bit broken, but…” She turns me to her. “You are so brave to want to fix it. You’re amazing, princess.”

I look down. “Dia. I think I need to tell you something. I hope you don’t get weirded out, but I can’t fight how I feel.”

“I wouldn’t get weirded out. You can tell me anything.” She smiles.

I take a deep breath as I prepare to pour my heart out. I can’t help who I fall in love with. I love Marcus with all my heart, but there’s something inside me that’s telling me there’s more.

“Claudia. You are so great. I love being with you. I love talking with you. I love that you listen to my garbage and not judge me for it or tell me to just forget about it. I’ve never had that before and I love having it. I don’t know what I do if you weren’t here.” I say as I lock her gaze.

“Awe…I love being with you too, Soph.” She strokes my cheek with her thumb.

“Ok. Here it goes…” My skin tingles and my heart pounds. This is way out of bounds so I hope I’m doing it right. “Claudia…I think I…”

“There’s my Angels!”

We turn and Marcus walks in takes off his jacket.

“Hey, Slugger. How was your day?” Claudia gets up and I’m left on pause.

“Same old…swimming in sewers.” He chuckles. “So glad I have you gorgeous ladies to come home to.”

Claudia goes to kiss him and juts backs. “I can smell it.” She covers her nose and so do I.

He looks himself over. “Yeah. I’m hitting the shower. Wanna join me?” He looks at Claudia and bounces his brows.

She shakes her head. “No. We were just celebrating Sophie’s good news.”

His brows go up. “You have news?”

“Uh, yeah…” I stand. “I got into Axelridge U.”

“Wha?!” He smiles. “Baby! That’s great!” He rushes me and picks me up. He spins me around forcing a giggle out of me. He drops me down and holds my cheeks. “I knew you could do it.” He kisses me passionately and I melt.

I push him away as I laugh. “You stink!!”

“So do you. Come shower with me.” He kisses my lips.

I push him back more. “Later. Dia’s helping me get ready. We're going shopping then dinner later.”

“Isn’t it date night?” He looks to Dia.

She pulls out her phone and checks the date. She drops her arm to her side. “Slugger, I forgot.” Her lips drop.

“I didn’t.” He pulls her to us and holds her nape. He leans down and kisses her. “I have the reservations already made.”

“Can't you do it tomorrow night?” I ask as he walks away to the kitchen.

“They’ve been booked for a week, princess. I can’t cancel.”

“So dinners at 8, wear red.” He pulls out a bottle of wine and crooks a finger to Claudia.

“My shopping trip.” I walk to the island and look him over.

“Awe, princess. I know you had your heart set on dinner with Claudia, but we need our time too.” He pulls out two glasses and sets them on the counter.

“Yeah, ok.” I mumble and head to the stairs.

“Soph.” He walks over to me and I turn. “Why don’t you join us? It’ll be nice to have you there, too.”

“No, thanks. We'll just do it another day. You guys have fun.” I turn and climb the stairs. I walk to my room and flop on the bed.

I open my phone and bite my lip as I stare into Dias photographed eyes. “I love you.” I roll over, grab my pillow and bury my face in it.

I’m so fucked up.



“Should ya have done that?” I ask Marcus as he pours out two glasses of wine and caps the bottle. He hands me one and I take it.

“Done what?” He asks before he takes a sip.

“Stepped on Soph like that. She was really excited about her win and you ruined it with Date Night.” I lean on the island.

“I didn’t…” He cinches his brows together.

I twist my lips, cross my arms and nod yes.

He looks to stairs. “Shit.” He looks back to me and rubs his neck.

“I suggest ya apologize to her.” I raise a brow to him.

“Yeah. I guess I should.” He walks around the island, jogs to the stairs and takes them two at a time.

I certainly don’t appreciate being used as a tug toy, but it kind of makes me feel special. I went from years of abuse to being wanted so much, it’s hard to keep it straight.

I’m sure this whole thing isn’t what I think it is. It’s fun. Exciting. Different.

But none of it’s real.

I have feelings for Marcus, but I know I can’t give in to them. He’s just caught up in the fun. Soon, he’ll come back down to reality and focus on Sophie. I got one foot out the door.

With the truce blown to bits, our arrangement is different now. I don’t have to stay. I don’t have to go back to Skylar. I don’t have to go back home. I’m a free lycan princess.

I can’t waste it on feelings that won’t mean anything. Better to have loved and lost, right?

As far as Sophie goes, I’m gonna miss her like crazy. She’s doesn’t know what she did for me. Maybe she does, but I owe her a lot and when the fantasy ends, I’ll never forget her. Maybe I’ll stop in from time to time, but I need to accept the fact that this home I have is going to evict me and I’ll be on my own.

For now, Marcus is my King and Sophie, my Queen. Honestly, I love them both and it’ll kill me to leave, but what can I do? It’s not healthy pining as a third wheel to fated mates.

I know their fated. I can feel it. Marcus adores her. Sophie is lost without him. You can’t find that kind of love just anywhere. I knew this fake relationship would never be real when two fated mates are right there.

Marcus is infatuated. In his mind, he can have us both regardless of what the moon says.

A few more months and I’ll be planning my exit strategy. It was fun while it lasted, but it’s time to move on and make it on my own.

Maybe I will find my Marcus…or Sophie. Who knows?

Fate knows. The signs are clear as day. Claudia Vinelli isn’t included and that’s perfectly OK.

I casually sip my wine and continue thinking about how messed up this is.

The problem I have now is…

I don’t want to go.



I get the my room and gently knock in the door.


She sits up on the bed. She tucks her phone in her pocket. “Hey. You probably want to get ready for your date.” She slides off the bed and walks to the door. “I’ll get out of your way.”

She squeezes past me and I grab her arm. “No. I want to talk.”

“What’s to talk about?” She says as she pulls her arm out of my hand.

She turns and walks back into the room. “I’m fine. There’s nothing to discuss.” She folds her arms and stares out the window.

“Baby. What’s wrong? Is it Claudia? Is she making you uncomfortable? If she is…” I say to her back.

She spins around. “It’s not Dia.” She looks to the floor.

I step to her. “Is it me? The situation? What?”

She shakes her head. “It’s not you.”

“It's gotta be something, princess. You’ve been edgy with for the last few weeks now and I’m sensing somethings off. It feels like I’m doing something wrong.” I analyze her to get some hint of what I did.

“I’m sorry for what I did down there.” I point to the door. “I didn’t mean to ruin your good time. It’s just…Dia is needing a little extra attention. She’s sitting outside us and I need her to feel included. That requires a bit more attention.”

Her brows cinch together and she glances at me. I know that look. “You don’t like Dia getting attention.”

“That’s not true.” She turns around.

I step around to her face. “No. It is true.”

She turns to me. “No. It’s not…it’s…you’ve been spending a lot of time with her and I’d like to spend time with her too…like girlfriends.”

“You guys hang out all the time.” I say.

“Hardly. You’re always around. You always but in and we can hardly get alone time.” She grumbles.

I cross my arms and tilt my head to her. “Ok. I get that girl time exists, but I’m building something here and it requires patience.”

“Patience? I think I’m extremely patient. Especially for allowing another woman into our relationship. Don’t talk to me about patience.” She scowls.

I hold up my hands. “I didn’t mean it like that. All I meant was for the three of us to work, we need to corporate and help each other.”

She looks me over. “All I see is you helping yourself.” She says with attitude.

I lean back. “I knew it. You’re jealous of Claudia.”

“What? You’re crazy!” She turns back around and I follow.

“No. I see in it your face. You are. Baby, you don’t have to be jealous. I love Claudia just as much as I love you.”

She raises her head to me. “You love her?”

I smile and nod. “Yeah. I’m madly in love with both of you.”

“No wonder you hog all her time.” She turns and walks away from me.

“Sophie.” I say with confusion. “I’m not hogging Claudia.”

She turns. “Yes, you are. Every chance you get. You kiss her, touch her. Like I can’t…”

My brows go up as I realize what is going on.

“Oh my God.” I place my hands on my hips and give her a questioning look. “You’re not jealous of Claudia…You’re jealous of me…aren’t you?”

She crosses her arms looks to the floor and toes the carpet.

“Is that what this is? You’re pulling a Jax on me. You’re mentally chest bumping me.” I accuse.

“No, I’m not.” She denies.

I step to her. “Yes, you are. You’re throwing your Alpha out. I can feel it. You don’t want me touching Dia.”

She avoids me as I try to reason this out.

I step close and try to find her eyes. “Baby. Do you love Dia?”

“No.” She mumbles to the floor.

I reach under her chin and lift her eyes to mine. “The truth, princess.” I lock her in a stare.

She pulls away. “Maybe.”

I chew my lip. “Do you still love me?” I whisper.

She looks up at me. “Yes.” She chokes. “But, I…”

“But what?” I question.

She turns and sits on the bed. “I love her because she helps me. She the only person who seems to really care about what I want and how I feel. I mean, you do. It’s not the same, though. You and Jax, you want what’s best. I understand that. Claudia does too, but she understands that it’s not that easy and understands that I actually like being the White Mace. She lets me feel that instead of trying to change my mind about it. I don’t want to insult you. I love you so much, but I really feel like helping people is what I want to do. Regardless of the danger. That’s why I went into physical education. I want to help people learn to defend themselves and be healthy. I also want to kick bad guys asses. Is that so hard to understand?”

I stare into her eyes as she pours everything out and lays it in my lap. I never really looked at it from that side before. That the way Sophie is, it might actually be who she is and we're trying to make her something she’s not. Mostly, it’s out of fear, but I’m a soldier before I’m ball player. I’ll throw myself into a fight at a moments notice. Is it hard to believe Sophie would feel the same? Dia brought out this truth to me. Dia is making me listen to Sophie with full attention. This is incredible and I don’t want to mess it up.

“Come here…” I pull her into me for a hug then hold her cheeks in my hand. “First. Thank you for being honest with me. All I want is you to be happy. I see what Dia does for you. That’s one of the reasons why I have her. For you.” I point to her chest. “If she’s given you something I’m failing at, then my job is done. I completely understand that there are perspectives that I can't provide. It’s true that I don’t want you doing crazy, dangerous stuff so, I try to sway you from the White Mace. I realize now, that’s not the way. You're a fighter. Always have been. Me or your brother, shouldn’t change that. You certainly couldn’t do it to us or Audrey. I get it now.”

I kiss her hair. “And so you know, you don’t have to be jealous of either of us. This is all new. We're all learning where we fit. So, I’ll tell you what. I’ll set up equal time. Dia time, you time and girl time. If I overstep that, clock me.”

She laughs and I shake her as I laugh too. “Sophie. I really want you happy with me. I feel so much for you. I really think this is serious. I can’t wait to stand under the moon with you.”

She blinks at me. “You want to stand under the moon with me?”

I turn and place my forehead on hers. “I wanted that from day one. You’re mine, princess. In every sense. I really think fate made me the luckiest man on the planet.”

“I do, too. I know I’m a giant pain, but I can’t picture not being with you.” She whispers. “I can’t wait either.”

I hold her cheeks and kiss her gently. “I love you. You will never know how much. I love Dia, too. Both my girls make me who I am and I won’t have it any other way.”

“Are you asking Dia?” She looks into my eyes.

“Yeah.” I grin. “I’m going to make it so special for both of you. This will be the best moon ever.” I kiss her again.

She wipes her eye. “It’s not how I expected this to go, but as long as I get to spend time with Dia, I’m okay with it.”

“Good.” I kiss her forehead. “Are we good? The truth.” I eye her.

She looks around then back at me. “Yes. We're good.”

“Ok.” I stand and stand her up. “Get in the shower.”

She raises her eyes to me.

I point to the bathroom with a smirk. “Don’t give me that look. You go in there and make yourself beautiful and be ready to have some fun.”

“But…” She starts.

I lean to her lips. “Hurry up. Dias waiting for your date night. I won’t wait up.” I wink.

“You serious?” Her brows go up.

I lean to her. “Dead serious. You better thank me because it’s a great table.” I smirk.

She smiles, smashes her lips on mine then hugs my neck. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me for making my princess happy. It’s what I’m here for.” I push her back, give her another quick kiss and she spins around.

I didn’t realize it, but I had been playing favorites. I wanted to make sure Claudia could accept that she has a place with me and I was neglecting Sophie and her needs. Now that I know she loves Claudia too, I can balance this better.

To make sure this doesn’t happen again, I need to make a phone call.

I pull out my phone and dial.

I walk out to the hallway. “Jake? Marcus.”

“Marcus? What’s up?”

I slowly close the bedroom door. “Ya gotta minute to talk?”

There’s a huge amount of talking in the background on his end. I can’t make out all the words, but demon came up more than once. What’s going on?

“Yeah. I got a minute.”

“I need to ask you about your wolves and how that’s working out.” I toe the carpet as I talk.

“My wolves?”

“Yeah…um…Do your mates like…love each other?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I guess so.”

“But they don’t…like show it.” I whisper the last two words.

“I don’t understand.”

I look up at the ceiling. “I mean girl on girl stuff.”



“Why are you asking?”

I swallow. “I really think…” I take a deep breath. “I have two fated mates.”

“What? Really? Are you sure?”

I open the door and the bathroom is open. Hot, steamy air comes floats into the bedroom. “Pretty damn sure, but not only that…the girls…I think I have a fated triangle, man. Are your girls fated?”

“No. Only to me. The wolves get their own mate. I’m just a side chick.”

He laughs and I chuckle.

“Marcus, you only have one wolf, but you’re attracted to two women?”

“I know…it’s fucked, but I don’t want to change it for anything. I just need to know if it’s possible.”

“Maybe you have another wolf.”

“Naw. I read your book. There’s nothing like that going on in my head. I feel perfectly normal, but these two women are so deep under my skin. It’s gotta be, right?”

“Stranger things have happened.”

“So, your girls don’t have a relationship?” I ask as I watch for Sophie.

“Well, they're best friends. They go everywhere together. Maybe. I don’t know.”

“What about…you know…bed stuff. They’re fully involved, right?”

He chuckles. “No. Not fully. More like they take turns. Why? Are yours?”

“You have no fucking idea, man. It’s so unreal. Like every fantasy in two.” I smile.

“Wow…” He pauses. “I’m think I’m going to have to set up a family meeting.”

I laugh. “Good luck, buddy.”

“Right. Taylor, maybe. Trin? No way.” He laughs too.

“Ok. Thanks, man. You’re the only one I can talk to about this.” I say.

“No problem. I not an expert in poly relationships by any means, but I can give you some advice. Make sure they have their time and make sure you're available for when they need yours, within reason, of course. Too much and they’ll kill you with pleasure. I’ve come to learn, they control how it goes, not you. It’s not going to be the same everyday. Just go with the flow. Don’t try and force anything.”

“That makes sense.”

“You standing under the moon?”

I grin. “I’m thinking about it.”

“Good luck. Call me and tell me how it went.”

“I will. Thanks again.” I hang up and walk into the bedroom.

I texted Dia to get ready and waited for Sophie to come out of the bathroom.

After a half hour or so, the door opens and Sophie is pinning her hair up as she walks out. She’s wearing a thin strap, flowy, pale yellow dress that comes to her knees and looks absolutely beautiful. It hugs her breasts and gives the perfect amount of cleavage that makes my mouth water. It's not very often she’s in a dress and it makes me sink my teeth into my bottom lip as I look her over.

“Wow.” I purr as I get up off the bed with a hungry grin. “Dia’s lucky she gets you tonight.”

I slide up to her and try to snuggle her.

“You still stink!” She laughs as she pushes me away.

“Right.” I kiss her cheek. “You have fun and you better tell me about it in the morning.”

“I will. Bye!” She grabs her clutch and practically skips out of the room.

“Bye!” I wave and shake my head as I rip my shirt off over my head and toss it in the hamper.

“The things I do for my girls.”

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