The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 30 🔥🔥

(Chapter song ‘Bad Habits' by Ed Sheeran, ‘All The Things She Said' by t.A.T.u)


“I knew I should of went with you!” I clench as I pace in front of Claudia on the couch. Marcus stands off to the side of me.

“Soph, calm down.” Marcus tries to stop me.

“No, Marcus. You both could have died. From now on, I go with you on these trips.” I point to him and eye him intently.

He grabs my hand. “Baby. I understand you’re freaked. I can’t be putting you in danger.”

I thump my chest with my finger. “I am danger, Marcus." I point to the stairs. “I have a full arsenal up there and a garage full of weapons…”

“Excuse me, what?”

“Soph…calm it down before…”

“I don’t care, Marc! You tell me Lefu is out there wanting Claudia and I’m supposed to worry about my fucking secret?!” I glare at him.

“Secret? What secret?”

“Sophie…We aren’t ready to have this conversation.” Marcus folds his arms as he tilts his head to me.

I step up to him. “When’s a good time, Marc? When Dia’s dead? Or you?” I snap at him.

“Hey, if your secret keeps me living…”

I hold a hand up to Claudia. “Tell me. What’s more important. Dias life or that I’m the White Mace.”

“WHOA! Wait a minute!”

He groans and holds the bridge of his nose as Claudia stands in front of me.

She crosses her arms and studies my eyes. “You. You’re the psycho white biker that broke up my party?”

“You just had to.” He shakes his head as he meets my eyes.

“If I’m going to protect you guys, then yes, I did. Claudia, I’m sorry.” I say as I tick my head at Marcus then turn to her.

“I’m supposed to believe you went up against my Aunts men and kicked their asses?” She scoffs.

I nod. “Yes. Obviously, that was before…”

She scrunches her brow. “Before what?”

I shake my head. “Nothing. The point is I can protect you and Marc is blocking me from it.” I turn to Marcus and lock eyes.

“Slugger?” She looks to Marcus with confusion.

“It’s true.” He side eyes her.

He gets his back up and points to my eyes. “You aren’t supposed to be doing that anymore. We agreed it’s not healthy for you.”

“No. You and Jax agreed. I never did. In fact, I’ve been fighting you two on it since I came back! Now, why don’t you put your dick away and let me do my job.” I grit.

He points to my nose. “You’ve been hanging out with Audrey too much.”

I blow out a breath and shake my head. “I have the skills. I have the training. I have the fucking mace. Now, you’ve pissed off not only 2 mafia families, but a bunch of fucking demons! You’re gonna bench me? No.” I shake my head. “No way.”

“Slugger.” Claudia puts her hand on his bicep and my wolf perks up. “She has a point. This seems like a ‘everybody in’ kinda situation. I’m cool with Soph being the White Mace.” She turns to me with a smirk. “I won’t tell anyone. Cross my heart. That’s really cool.” She slightly giggles.

“Thanks.” I smile as my cheeks warm.

Marcus lets out a breath. “Ok.” He shakes his head and drops his arm. “Just promise me you won’t make a move without me, please. I don’t want to be your brother chasing you around hells half acre like an insane person.” He whines.

I smile. “Yeah, ok. I can agree to that. You promise to keep me in the loop. If not, it’s not going to be pretty.”

He walks up to me. “Now why would I intentionally piss off a Dupree?” He says as he leans in.

“That would be pretty stupid.” I chuckle.

He slides a hand onto my nape. “Yeah. I know.” He kisses my lips and I melt at the feel of them. I feel my wolf calm and I start to relax a bit. He pulls back. “Just settle down. They’ll be a while before they retaliate. That bomb was pretty big.”

I shrug. “I get scared.” My eyes flick to Claudia’s and she smiles.

“I know you do, baby. We'll get this done. Don’t worry.” He hugs me and I hug him back. I find comfort in his arms and I see Claudia fidget.

I reach out. “Come here.”

She grins. “Awe…you guys.”

Marcus laughs as he pulls us all in a group hug.

“I’m glad you guys are OK.” I mumble.

“I wouldn’t let anything happen to either of you.” Marcus floats his head between ours. “Understand this now. I will have to be dead before anyone touches you guys.”

We both smile and hug him harder.

He pulls back. “I have to go to the Hub. I need all the info I can on Lefu and why he all of sudden decided to head the Lycans.” He kisses my cheek and holds Claudia’s hand. “I call in a bit. I shouldn’t be long.”


“See ya, Slugger. Good luck.”

I stand beside Claudia and I’m so full of relief that she’s OK and Marcus saved her.

I turn to her. “I guess you’re not the only hero in the house.”

“No, I’m not, Miss white mace.” She giggles.

“I was talking about Marcus.” I give her a push.

She wraps an arm around me. “Up for a movie?”

“Sure. Avengers?” I ask as we walk to the stairs.

“Sounds good.”

We climb the stairs to her room for a girl’s movie night, giggling away as Claudia tells me how freaked out her aunt was when I attacked her men. Makes me feel real good inside. It’s probably the first time I actually felt honestly good. Top that with the fact that Claudia didn’t freak out when I told her my secret, makes it better somehow.


We laid at the end of her bed, on our stomachs, hugging pillows as we watched the Avenger series.

The credits roll and I smile. “Hawkeye's pretty hot, eh?” I turn my head to her and my heart stutters.

She’s tucked her arm under her chest and is sleeping so soundly.

I lay on my pillow as I watch her sleep. I quietly sigh to release all the tension I built up. It’s weird. Marcus holding me and his smile with little kisses, can calm my fired up wolf in an instant. Claudia? Seeing her face, seems to be able to do the same and I love that. I need that. I’m always so pent up. To have someone around me who can release that, I think I know how Rey feels around Jaxton. Only, I get it from two people. I feel kind of lucky.

It wasn’t long before I drifted off. It’s probably the easiest time I had to fall asleep in 20 years. The usual tormenting dreams didn’t happen either.

She’s doing something to me and I can’t figure out what. It’s all so confusing. I’m sure it’s just the excitement of a new friend. My only friend, to be honest. Rey was my mother for the most part. I had no room for friends.

There’s also the kiss we shared, but I think that’s a side issue right now.

I’m glad I can find friendship in Dia. I really think I needed one and I won’t let her go.


My mind filled with all kinds of images of me and Dia. Things I’d never think of. I tried to make sense of it as my mind floated to reality. Then they became a haze as my eye opened and focused on chocolate brown hair.

I didn’t realize it, but sometime last night, I wrapped Claudia in my arms. Her back is on my chest and she’s so warm. I bury my nose on her hair and take in her scent.

I was about to fall asleep again when she stirred. The room is bright with the sun breaching the other 5 towers and casting its rays of sunshine on us.

She cuddles into me more and I hug her tight with a small smile. I should be weirded out, but I don’t feel weird at all.

She stirs more and I squeeze her.

“What are you doing?” She chuckles in the sweetest morning voice I’ve ever heard.

I adjust my face in her hair. “You’re comfy.” I mutter.

“Apparently. Ya gonna let me go?” She giggles more.

“No.” I say and pull her into me.

She laughs. “Soph. I need to use the bathroom.”

“Ugh, fine!” I playfully protest, let her go and roll onto my back.

I pick up my phone off the floor and surf it while Dia does her thing.

“Hey, you really some kind of superhero?” She yells over the water from the sink.

“Yep.” I say, popping the ‘p'.

“Wow. So, you like…catch bad guys…stop bank robberies…save little old ladies….That sort of thing?” Her words go in and out as she washes up.

I roll to my back. “I guess. A lot don’t really make it to jail. I don’t think I’ve ever save a little old lady before.” I swipe through the news cycles to search for anything about the explosion.

She pokes her head out as she applies lotion to her cheeks. “You kill people?”

I roll to my back, prop up my leg and rest my other leg on it. “People who deserve it. I give them two options. Stop fighting or…most choose option 2. I haven’t gone out in while though. Not since your party.”

“Well…” She adjust her sleep shorts and walks out. “I’m not sure I like the whole killing people thing. I don’t think a hero should be doing that.”

“I’m surviving just like they are. I don’t murder, I defend myself against an asshole who’s doing wrong. If I need to stop a crime, I need to use every means necessary to do that.” I place my hands behind my head and reflect on the training Audrey gave me.

“I get that, but take it from someone who’s constantly surrounded by death, killing people changes ya and not for the better. You’re too sweet to be ruined like that. I love that ya help fight the bad guys, but now I see why you’re the way ya are.” She sits on the bed and leans her arm on my knee. Her cheek lays on her arm as her brown eyes meet mine.

I play with the hem of tank top. “I said I was messed. That may be a big reason, but I want to help. I want to do this.”

She pushes off my leg, hops over me and lays on her stomach beside. “It sounds good, princess, but if ya lose yourself because it, how is it helping. Ya can’t save people if your heads not right. Ya can be the big bad vigilante, I’m not saying that. Just do more capturing rather than killing. Ya get me?”

I pick at my nails as I think about what she’s saying. “Yeah. I think I do.” I roll my head to her and tap her arm. “Speaking of which…Since this threat is out there, I want to teach you how to fight.”

“I already know how to fight.” She smirks.

“Without your lycan?” I raise a brow.

She thinks then scrunches her nose. She shakes her head no.

“That’s what I thought.” I sit up and get off the bed. “Come on. Get up.”

“What?” She looks confused as she climbs off the bed and stands in front of me.

“I’m going to teach you some basics.” I stand tall in front of her. “So, I’m going to grab you and you try to stop me.”

“Sure.” She shrugs.

I reach out for her shoulder and she pushes my arm away, but I grab her other arm, spin around her and wrap my arm around her neck. “That didn’t work. I have two hands.” I smirk at her cheek.

“I wasn’t ready.” She scowls.

I let her go and take my stand. “Again.”

I make the same move and she blocks both attempts, but I come in with a third, trip her and she lands on the floor. I straddle her and pin her wrists above her head. “You didn’t anticipate. You need to fight back. I’m not going to stop trying to grab you unless you fight back. Blocking isn’t making me go away.”

She giggles. “Ya realize it’s hard to take this seriously.”

I lean down to her nose and arch a brow. “Your life isn’t a joke. Again.”

I let her go and stand.

I come at her again and she blocks, but then swings a punch and I dodge it. She swings again and I grab her wrist. I try to grab her, but she grabs my arm and twists around, putting me in a head lock. “Now, I got you.”

I flick my eye to hers and smirk. I pull her down, lifting her off the floor. I grab her legs and throw us both on the bed with a huge bounce. She yelps, groans under my weight as I land on her and breaks into laughter. I can only laugh too as I roll off her onto the bed beside her.

“OK! Enough!” She tries to catch her breath.

I sit up on my elbows. I smile and push her hair off her face. “That was good. You learn fast.” I smile. “We'll do more formal training.”

She rolls onto her stomach and mirrors her posture. “You're really worried about me, aren’t ya?”

I glance at the blanket and then back up at her. “I mean, yeah. I don’t want to see you hurt.” I look back down. “I like you.”

She leans to me. “I like you, too.” She whispers.

I roll my eye to her and feel that same feeling I had the other night. Only this time it’s more.

I lock her eyes and lean closer. I hesitate as my eyes flick to her full lips and I bite my bottom lip. I feel it. A desire I never thought I would have for a woman.

I can’t…

I grab her nape and bruise her lips. She whines as my tongue asks for entrance and glides with hers.

Her taste, scent and the feel of her skin went straight to my core. My heart pounds and I feel myself getting heated. She moans as I sit us up and hold her cheeks. She wraps her arms around me as I deepen the kiss and thread my fingers into her hair.

I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I’m with Marcus, but Claudia is different. She touches me in ways Marcus can’t. She feels right and wrong at the same time and it’s exciting me even more.

My wolf howls as I slide my hand down her neck to her shoulder and down her chest. I cup her breast through her tank and she moans on my lips.

I break the kiss, but don’t leave her lips. “I think…” I mumble.

She shakes her head and plays with my lips. “Don’t think.”

Her eyes are filled with as much lust as mine. I kiss her again and lift her shirt. I slide my hands under and find her breasts. As I twist and pinch her nipples, her arousal grows.

I reach up, grab her hair and lick and kiss her neck.

Sitting back, I rip her tank off and bend down to suck and taste her full breast.

She moans as she holds my head and sits with her legs spread around me. She moves my hair and watches as I lick her soft skin.

I don’t know what I’m doing, I just know what I like and I want to give that to her.

I bite my way up to her lips. “Can I touch you?”

She tries to kiss me as I softly run circles around her mouth. “Yes.” She breathes.

I kiss her again and my hand floats down her chest in between her breasts and down her soft stomach.

I pull the hem of her shorts and slide my hand into them. She’s not wearing panties and I feel my core become even wetter. My middle burns with arousal as my fingers find her slit.

“Oh…God…” She pants as I keep my eyes trained on hers.

I rub her pussy and it’s dripping wet. “Like that?” I whisper.

“Yeah…like that." She whispers back.

I consume her lips to muffle her moans.

I feel extremely hot and want to take this so much further, but I don’t want to freak her out more than what she might be.

I circle her inner lips and rub her wetness in. Her clit is nice and hard and her smell is so fucking sweet.

“Can I taste you?” I ask between kisses.

God, please say yes.

She nods. “Uh huh…”

I sit back, push her to her back, pull her shorts off and spread her thighs.

A few more runs of my thumb over her pretty, wet pussy and I lean down to her apex.

Like I said, I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I’ve watched Marcus and now, I want to try.

As I dart the tip of my tongue out, I lick her slit and she lets out a high pitched gasp.

She’s tastes incredible. It’s so soft and so good, the hunger in me grows. My tongue laps at her clit and she moans. She’s up on her hands and watching as I flick her clit. Her eyes meet mine as she straightens my hair.

“Yes, Soph…So good…” She moans.

I lick her up and down and taste her juices as she rolls her head back.

She looks so beautiful laid out like she is.

I take her pussy into my mouth and flick her clit fast.

“Yes! God, like that!” Her moans get louder as I watch her pant. My hands wrap around her thighs as her hips start to buck.

She grips my hair. “Soph, yesss!”

My wolf barks, growls and celebrates. She wants this as much as I do.

I pause to lick my finger and squeeze it into her entrance. Going back to sucking her clit, I pump my finger and she clenches her screams.

She watches as I work my tongue to push her over the edge. I want to come too, but making her do it will be goal achieved. She’s mine to pleasure right now.

I thrust into her faster and her thighs shake as she moans loud and grips my hair harder. Her hips push her pussy into my mouth and I purr in response.

“Yess! God…Right there! Yes, yes, yesss!” Dia leans her head back as her legs shake and her hips buck faster.

My own core is burning with desire and I’m not sure what’s turning me on more, her taste or her sounds.

I pump my finger faster and her pussy tightens up around it. I feel her muscles tense and her screams become labored as she tries to keep quiet. I think she doesn’t want Marcus to know just as much as I do. It may be cheating, it may not be. I don’t know. All I know is I want this moment.

I nip her clit and assault her with my tongue and that was enough to push her over. Her climax rushes through and her hot wetness pours over my tongue. I lap up every drop as she squeals and moans it out. She pants and heaves breaths as her body quakes.

The way my core felt, and the heat inside me, it almost felt like I went over the edge too.

I slow it down and give her pussy a few more licks and kisses.

I kiss my way back up to her lips.

“Fuck, you’re good at that.” She pants.

I smash her lips and she kisses me back hard. The ache between my thighs grows to an unimaginable level.

My mind is saying this is so wrong, but it feels so goddamn right.

She pushes me off her and smirks. “My turn.”

I start to smile as I realize we're not done, but my lock on her eyes is interrupted by a creak of a floor.

Both of us whip our heads to the door which is open a crack. I could’ve sworn we closed it last night.

My eyes widen as I look back at Claudia. She looks just as freaked as I do.

I slowly turn my head to the dark crack. “Marcus?”

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