The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 24

(Chapter songs ‘Flower' by Moby, ‘Building Thunder' by Daniel Law Heath, ‘Top O The Morning' by House Of Pain)


‘It’s been a perfect day for a ballgame here at the Axelridge Ball Stadium, Rod.’

‘It has. The sun shining on all those happy fans in the stands. All waiting for the Cooper Grand Slam, Ted. With bases loaded at the bottom of the ninth, the Bullets could really use one right now.’

‘I'll tell ya, this game has been intense. The back and forth these teams have gone through has got to be frustrating. Not to mention, the calls…’

‘That’s right. Marcus Cooper has some serious horseshoes right now. They just can’t pick him off. With the highest number of stolen bases and lowest number of outs, no wonder people are questioning the umpires. He just can’t be tagged.’

‘Teflon Cooper…but seriously. The last few calls do look pretty good. The team is still out on that last one.’

‘No, Ted. It was clear from where I sit. The second base mitt clearly missed him. They won’t call it. But, sooner or later, Coopers luck will have to run out. Let’s hope it’s not this game.’

I blow out a breath and adjust my helmet. My eyes catch the fans and I drown out their cheers and focus.

“Grand Slam. Grand Slam.” I chant to myself as I swing my bat a few times before stepping up to the plate. I glance at my three runners ready to cross the home plate.

I plant my feet at the base and swing a couple more times before locking eyes with the Cardinals pitcher and lifting my bat to my shoulder.

“Come on. Fastball.” I whisper under my breath as the pitcher keeps shaking his head no.

“Pick something, you son of a…” I grit just before he nods yes.

As if the air froze, he slowly winds up in my vision. My gloved hands wring the handle and my eyes narrow.

He lifts his leg, reaches back and throws a perfect fastball right up the middle.

Like a sniper, I target the ball and wait for the zone. My eyes find it and I swing.

The crack could be heard in the silence of the stands and the ball flies deep into center field.

I face the outfield and watch it with a smirk as it flies over the walls and the stadium erupts into cheers.

I throw my bat and was just about to run when the stadium starts to shake.

I try to keep my balance as do the rest of us in the field. Some in the outfield drop to their hands and knees.

The fans scream and hang onto their seats.

Glass from the windows shatter and pieces of the retractable roof break off and crash in the stands

A large crack forms and the stands at right field spilt. The wall collapses and I fall to my knees.

The shaking intensifies as I watch the crack crawl with a sharp, pressured zigzag across the diamond, grass and dirt fly from it like a water spout.

The pitcher is looking around him as the crack hits his mound.

You could feel the pressure in the air and I saw the mound rise.

“MOVE!!” I wave to him.

He looks at me with frightened confusion and goes to step, but he's shot in the air by a 50 foot geyser of water.

The people gasp in fear as he flails through the air and lands on his stomach at first base.

My head whips to the geyser. The water sprays the infield as the column seems to grow taller.

As the earthquake continues, the water pulses and shakes with it. I back off as the infield starts to flood.

It gives one more final large push put of the ground and the shaking starts to subside.

The stadium is full of murmurs as I stand and watch the column of water drop down back into the hole it came from.


The infield was soaked with mud and the pitcher plate lands at the edge of the dirt.

I throw my helmet and run to the dugout.

“Marcus, what was that?” Thompson, my catcher, asks.

I sit down and pull out my phone. “I don’t know. I’m calling the council.”

I pant as I wait for Finn to pick up. “Finn…Yeah…Yes, damage at the ball diamond…What was that? A fucking geyser almost killed the pitcher…” I look out and he’s being helped to his feet. He dusts himself off and limps to the Cardinal dugout. I turn back to my phone. “A water main?...You serious? What the hell is a water main doing under the pitchers mound?” I look to the hole and the ripped earth. “Yeah. I’ll be there in 20.”

I hang up and stand. I grab my bag and quickly collect my things.

“A water main? Really?” Thompson says.

“I don’t know. They think that’s what it is. I gotta go.” I leave for the locker room and it’s a mess, I go to my change area and find my jacket with my keys.

I dial as I walk. “Soph. Baby, you ok?...I’m fine princess. Just a little shocked. Listen, I’m headed to the council. I’ll call you later. I know…yes, baby…I love you, too.”

I jump in my car and start it.

I almost put my phone down then hesitated. I bring it back to me and dial. I put my phone to my ear. I close my eyes when I hear her voice. “Dia. Are you in the city?...” My heart pounds at the thought. “Are you alright?...I know. Yeah, it takes a lot to shake ya up. I’m…I’m glad you’re OK….I’m fine. I’m going to the council to find out what happened. Just get home and wait for me…Dia, I…I'm glad you’re safe…” I chuckle. “Yeah, I know I already said that. I’ll see ya later, baby. Bye.”

I hang up and smile at the phone. I feel better hearing their voices and know both girls are safe. Now, I need to find out what the fuck is going on.

I drive through the city, only to find the south-east bridge cracked in sections. The lakeshore parkway is closed off and I have to detour around the streets to make it to the Security Complex. Buildings are missing windows and roads are cracked. What the fuck?

Medical units and other emergency crews fly up roads with sirens blaring.

I’m guessing a magnitude 8 maybe 9 on the Richter scale.

When I get to the Complex, the main lobby has people running around, tending to broken glass and the injured. By the looks of it, one of the elevators broke and crashed. It doesn’t look like anyone was on it.

I run up the stairs and rush to the door of the Hub.

The guys are there, picking up monitors off the floor and trying to fix the holographic display.

“Finn.” I breathe as I walk in.

“Marcus. Good. I need the satellites configured and an assessment on the full scope of the damage on the island.” Finn says as he runs his fingers through his hair.

“So, the island was the epicenter.” I state.

“Oh, yeah.” Eddie flops in his chair. “Made me puke.” He groans as he rubs his stomach.

“Preliminary readings set it as a 6.4” Jax informs.

“6.4? That’s it?” I scrunch my face and look around the room.

“Well, it’s not like this island is designed for earthquakes.” Finn flops in his chair and rubs his head.

“Even still. What the hell is going on?” I ask.

“Aye. I still have to confirm it, but it’s entirely possible the infrastructure under the surface is collapsing.” Griffin informs as he boots up his monitor.

Jax checks his monitor and reads incoming reports from emergency units. “Good thing is only minor injuries are being reported and no deaths. The next one may not be so good.” He says grimly as he stands beside me.

“Wait.” Noah says as he leans back in his chair. “Since when do sinkholes cause earthquakes?”

“No one’s saying it’s a sinkhole.” Finn shakes his head.

“It’s the only thing we can conclude, Finn. The maintenance of the levels down there have gone slack over the years. I believe what we are seeing is a section failing.” Griffin rocks in his chair. “We need a team and need it fast.”

“It’s not the sewers.”

We turn to the door and a rather pretty woman is standing at the top of the steps in a red blouse, black skirt and carrying a briefcase. Her black hair is pinned up in a bun and she has a milky white skin that almost looks like snow. Her blue eyes stare at us from behind red rimmed glasses and she smirks with full red lips. She definitely has that sexy nerd look down pat. I wouldn’t say no.

Griffin groans and covers his face with his hand as he leans on the arm of his chair. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” He sits up and shakes his head. “Ivy, not now.”

She narrows her eyes to Griffin. “That's Dr. White to you.” She corrects with annoyance. Her attention turns to Finn. “I’m sorry, Alpha Trezner, but what I have is extremely important.” She walks in and drops her briefcase on the table.

“I’m listening.” Finn says as he crosses his arms.

“No. Don’t listen. The lass doesn’t know what she’s talking about, alright?” Griffin whines.

“Shush.” Ivy scowls at him and he scowls back.

“Now. For those who don’t know me, I’m Dr. Ivy White. Lead scientist in the Environmental Unit. Over the last 5 years, we've been studying the island and mapping its history. How it came to be, it’s longevity and…it’s failings.” She shoots an eye at Griffin as she hands out reports to all of us.

I flip through mine and it’s filled with all kinds of historical documents and graphs.

She hands one to Finn. “As you know, Alpha Trezner, this island is man made. It was built on a much smaller island which is underneath the downtown core of the city and for years, it's been stable.”

“Yes, Dr. White, we know the history of the island.” Finn says as he sits down.

“Right. Well, unfortunately for us, that tiny island is degrading.” She says as she leans her hands on the table and floats her eyes around to all of us.

“What the hell does that mean?” Eddie’s brows go up.

“It means nothing because it’s not true!” Griffin moans.

“It means…” Ivy talks over him. “If our simulations are correct, by this time next year, Axelridge will find itself at the bottom of Lake Ontario and we all will drown along with it.”

“Whoa. Hold on.” Jax says.



“Of all the cockamamie malarkey.” Griffin slams his hands on the table and stands. “There’s no proof of that whatsoever.” He challenges as he strides up to her and gets in her face.

“The seismic activity is increasing, Griffin. You ignore this and Axelridge will be destroyed.” She crosses her arms and watches him approach her.

“No. My programs constantly monitor the integrity of the island and not one is showing what you’re suggesting. You’re outta yer gourd.” He glares.

“Outta my…We have been monitoring the water levels around the island. The water level has risen 3 inches over the last four years! We need to do something before it’s too late!” She protests.

“Sweet God in heaven! 3 inches…Woo! Let’s panic! Listen here…My programs are pure perfection! If they say the quaking is from the pipes below, than that’s it! We ain’t sinking!” He juts his chin out at her.

“Griff…Calm it down.” Finn says.

“Don’t use that condescending Irish tone with me, Mister.” Ivy warns as she points in his face.

All our eyes flick between the two. In the corner of my eye, I see Noah and Eddie roll their chairs together, kick back with grins on their faces and start to enjoy the show. The only thing they’re missing is popcorn.

“Condescending?!” He gets up in her face. “Aye! Wind yer neck in, lass. Ya may be an absolute stunner, but ya got a thing or two to learn.”

She pushes his challenge. “Are you suggesting that because I may be sexually attractive, I’m stupid?!”

I step in between them. “Ok, Griff…”

“Naw, lass. I’m confused at how ye can be a finer and an awful thick. Yer ears are certain to be glued shut, they are.” He furrows his brow.

I can tell the madder Griffin gets, the thicker is Irish accent becomes. I need to cool him off before he says something he regrets.

I look to Ivy then lean to Griffin. “Hey. Why don’t we let the lady talk, ok? We can do it your way first.” I whisper him as I meet his eyes.

His green eyes flick to Ivy’s blue ones, narrow and steps back. “Bollix.” He grumbles, waves her off and turns back to his seat.

Noah pushed off Eddie and they separate. Griffin pulls his chair back in, slams himself into his seat and leans to his computer. I can tell he’s now tuned us all out and will further pout in the waves of the internet.

I sigh and sit down beside Jax who holds a hand out. I slap it and we both lean back in our chairs.

“Ok. Arguments aside. I will agree that we need to find the source of these quakes. If it’s the infrastructure, we’ll repair it. If it’s something else, we'll need a plan. Eddie. I’ll need all the Enforcers online with evacuation procedures and medics will need an emergency plan of action.” He instructs.

“Yep. Already on it.” Eddie says.

“Good. Marcus, Jax. I need robots. Drones to send to the tunnels.” He says.

We both look at each other. “The pig.” We say at the same time.

“God. Not that thing.” Noah laughs.

“What? He’s brilliant?” I scowl.

“Yeah. If you like sewage cleaners who get drunk off the water.” He snorts.

“It was glitch!” Jax snarls. “We fixed it.”

“Is that why the last test ended up bursting five pipes and the damn thing ended up in the lake?” He grins.

He thumbs to me. “That was his fault. He’s colorblind.”

I turn to him. “You told me yellow!”

“I said red. You heard yellow.” He crosses his arms and smirks.

“How the hell do you miss hear yellow and red?!” I throw up my hands and sneer at him.

He shrugs. “You tell me? I said red.”

“You lying sack of…” I snarl.

“Marcus!” Finn barks.

I slam back in my chair and fold my arms.

“Is it fixed?” Finn asks calmly.

“Yes. I fixed the wiring issue.” I reply.

“I said red.” Jax talks out the side of his mouth.

I haul off and slam a fist into his bicep and he cackles as he cringes away. I narrow my eyes. “You said yellow!”

“Enough!” Finn growls then sighs. “Ok. Launch the pig. I want video of every inch of the place. All levels.”

“Finn. Half the place is blocked off or underwater.” Noah says.

“OK. Well, we’ll deal with those areas later. Get visual of what we can, then we can address any problems we have.” We both nod to Finn and he nods back.

He faces Ivy. “Dr. White. Thank you.”

She picks up her briefcase. “You’re welcome. Thank you for your time. Alphas. Griffin.” She shoots him a look and he glances up at her. He didn’t look really mad though.

He grumbles something in Gaelic under his breath and went back to his computer.

I would almost think he didn’t like being mad at her, but he’s so stubborn and prideful, he takes offense to anyone who tries correct him.

It must be an Irish thing.

When Ivy was gone, Finn laces his hands on the desk. “The other thing I need to address is security caught a small group of lycans by the north bridge last night. They jumped the bridge and swam to shore. My question is, how? Marc. I though you plugged the holed in the firewall.”

“I thought I did too.” I cinch my brows. “Unless, Alist…” I stop myself and flick my eyes to Eddie who’s still rubbing his sick stomach. “Uh…Unless, the hacker got in another way.”

“How?” Finn asks.

“I’ll have to see the code for the firewalls. Short of super genius, I don’t know how.” I say as I sit up.

“Do we have a motive?” Jax asks.

My thoughts immediately go to Claudia. Could they have been here looking for us? Are they the goons my father sent? Shit. I need to talk to Claudia.

“None yet. The Enforcers report says they were not doing anything suspicious except being in the city unauthorized. Until, we catch them, I won’t be able to tell you. Just keep an eye out. I have a feeling the Vinellis are going to make a move sooner rather than later.” He says.

Finn dismisses us and we all stand.

As I approach the stairs Griffin is still grumbling as he passes me.

I grab his arm. “Man. You ok? Ya can’t be that mad at the Doctor.”

He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t be raging with her if she’d quit being a muller and trying to cause mass bloody panic.” He clenches.

I cross my arms and analyze him with a mischievous grin. “You like her.”

“WHA?! Yer away with the fairies if ya think that woman does my head in.” He points at me then in the air. He shakes his head. “Naw. That little lass is mad as a box of frogs, she is!” He walks up the steps. “Nope. No way. I'd be a can short of six pack to even think of yoking that pox of a woman!” He yells as he heads out.

“Top ‘O the mornin'!” He waves me off as he walks out the door.

I smirk to myself. “Oh, yeah. He’s hot for the wee lass.” I chuckle and leave the room.

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