The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 2

(Chapter song ‘Mony Mony’ by Billy Idol)



‘It’s a beautiful day for the opening game, eh Frank?’

‘Better believe, Matt. Listen to that crowd.’

‘Yep. They want the king of the Bullets, Marcus Cooper. With the highest batting average in the league, this season is looking pretty good.’

‘Let’s see if all that off season practice pans out for him.’

I walk to the bat rack with a huge grin on my face. I put on my helmet and step out of the dug out.

The crowd cheers as I jog to home plate. I knock my cleats then the base with the tip of the bat.

The sun beats down through the open roof and the Silver Bullets stadium is packed to the rafters.

The stadium is an addition to Jax's LaCrosse field. He built it for me when I got my in and made my own team, The Axelridge Silver Bullets. I never moved it because it's sentimental now. I don’t care as long as I can play ball.

The umpire stands behind the squatted catcher.

“Don’t be throwing yourself into the ball, Cooper.” The catcher mutter.

“We all know you’re the sucker for balls, Pesenke.” I smirk and bounce my brow.

I ready my stance and lift my bat over my shoulder. I eye the pitcher as he receives his signal from the catcher.

“Come on. Pick one.” I grit as I watch his head shake.

Finally he nods and readies. He lifts his leg and throws. I watch the ball travel and then drop outside the plate.

I drop the bat as the umpire calls ball.

“A slider? Really?” I give attitude to the catcher. “This isn’t slow pitch.”

“Whatever, Cooper.” Pesenke snorts.

“Pitch something good, would ya?” I shake my head and raise my bat.

They send signals back and forth and he makes the pitch.

The ball comes in with a curve and I glue my eye to it. Like I fall into a zone, I swing and feel the bat connect.

The balls flies out to outfield and bounces.

“That’s more like it.” I throw the bat and run to first. I round to second as the outfielders grab the ball and fire it infield. The shortstop between second and third base lifts his glove, catches the ball just as I pass him.

He fires it to third and the baseman gloves it just as I dive. My shirt hits the dirt and I reach my hand out for the base. Dust and dirt fly in my face as I slide in touch the bag and he touches my side.

“SAFE!” The baseline Umpire yells as the cloud around me settles.

The crowd goes insane and I stand up. Brushing myself off, I smirk to the baseman. “Gotta be quicker than that.”

He turns to me and smirks. “Hey, Cooper. Didn’t know it was you. Thought it was the mascot.”

I sneer at him and get ready for the pitch. I take some side steps off base and watch him like a hawk.

He throws a bad fastball and the umpire makes the call.


“Come on, Tucker! I’ve seen more heat in a toaster!” I yell as I walk back to base.

“I'll be burning your ass!” He glares at me over his shoulder.

“You wish.” I cackle.

He turns to me and I make a kiss face at him. He turns and shakes his head.

He gets his signals from the catcher as I step out again, ready to run.

He stands tall then throws to third. I dart back and slide on my ass to base. The baseman catches the ball, swipes his glove down and misses my leg as my cleat hits the base. Dirt flies in the air and covers us both.

He tosses back to the pitcher as I stand. “You must really love missing me.” I chuckle.

“Shut up, Cooper.” He glances back.

I prepare to burn the line to home plate as the pitcher winds up.

Tucker sets up again and throws. The batter cracks the ball to left field and I take off.

My thighs are on fire as I run for home. The catcher covers the plate as the ball is thrown in.

The third baseman throws and I hit the dirt. I slide sideways to the plate and reach between hit legs. We’re lost in the cloud.

I feel his glove on my back as I freeze and wait for the call. It feels like forever.


The stadium explodes and the catcher pitches a fit. He starts yelling at the umpire and I stand up laughing. I wave to the crowd and walk back to the dug out.

It's 7 – 4 at the bottom of the ninth. The game is pretty much won at this point. A great start to the season.

I can already tell this is going to be one hell of a year.

As the bats fly, I quell the fans by signing autographs, hats and balls.

“What's ya name, sweetheart?” I ask without looking up from the ball cap handed to me.

“Brody Douglas.” He yells.

I look up and grin. “Brodster! When’d you get in?”

“Last night! Damn…this place is bouncing more than I remember.” He looks to the stands.

“Yeah. The ball parks where it’s at.” I chuckle and sigh his hat. I hand it back and he throws it on backwards.

“Thanks, man. Hey, you having that contest again? The win a date thing? My girl would love it!” He grins as he leans on the railing.

I remove my ball cap and wipe my brow. “Naw. I told my agent I didn’t wanna do it this year. I gotta girl at home and it wouldn’t be fair.”

His brows go up. “Oh yeah? A girl? I never pegged you for the boyfriend type.”

“Hell ya. I love girlfriends. Especially this one. She’s so sweet and thoughtful. I lucked out big time with her.” I smile as the thought of my Sophie at home comes front and center on my head.

“That’s great, bro. Good luck to you!” He reaches down and I shake his hand.

I point to him as I walk back to the dugout. “Call me! We'll hang out!”


I sit in my spot on the bench and watch the runners as my phone rings.

I pick it up out of my bag and I don’t recognize the number.

“Marcus Cooper.” I answer.


“Soph. Hey, baby. What’s up? Where you calling from?” I cinch my brows as I look at the number again.

“I’m kind of…”

She doesn’t sound happy. “Soph?”

“I’m in jail.”

“WHAT?” I sit up and my guys all stare at me. I get up and walk to the entrance to the locker room hall. “What the hell, Sophie?!”

“It’s nothing. Just some reckless driving and maybe some minor assault charges on Enforcer, but it's not a big deal…”

“Not a big…Sophie?!” I grit under my breath.

“Just…Can you come bail me out? I can’t call Jax. He'd flip.”

I sigh and turn to the field. The game’s pretty much won, I just hate not finishing a game. “OK. I’ll be there soon.”

“Thanks. Luv ya lots!”

“Luv ya, too.” I mumble and hang up.

An hour later, I’m walking into the Enforcer station in downtown Oxford.

I sign the bail papers as they bring her out. She’s in Jean shorts and a small tank. She collects her things and her bike helmet.

I cross my arms and chew my cheek.

She pulls her light brown hair up into a bun and eyes me. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Look at ya like what? Like ya didn’t just punch law enforcement? Like ya didn’t almost cause a pile up on the south bridge? Like you’re not out trying to deliberately ruin your life?” I scowl.

“Ugh…I don’t need a lecture.” She pushes past me and I follow.

We step out onto the street and I lead her to my car. “Sophie, ya know better than this! Why would you do this?”

“I don’t know! I was bored!” She stops. “Jax and Rey took the only thing I’ve ever known away from me and expect me to be normal. No.” She whips around and starts to walk away.

I grab her arm and turn her to me. I cup her cheek as I stare into her blue eyes. “Baby, I know it’s hard when you’re used to one life and have to make another one, but this isn’t helping you. It’s self destructive, ok. You’re better than that.” I hold her head and kiss her full, pink pouty lips. I pull back and tilt my head. “Look. Just focus on school and getting to know your brother. Leave all the crap behind you.”

She rips me off her and turns. “I was focused on school then I had to choose my courses and…Marc, I can’t. I have no idea what I want to do other than smashing the heads of bad guys!”

I look around wildly and then hush her. “Don’t say that out loud!”

“Sorry.” She grumbles. “The point is I’m not good with careers.”

I walk in line with her and stuff my hands in my pockets. “Don’t think too hard about it. Try something and if you don’t like it, change it.”

“Yeah, I guess.” She mumbles.

I wrap my arm around her. “I know this burger joint up the street here. Let’s go.”

She smiles. “Ok. Don’t go telling Jax.” She warns.

I lean to her. “Keep that sexy ass out of the slammer and I won’t.” I smirk.

She blushes and tucks her hair behind her ear as I kiss her temple.

I don’t like keeping secrets from Jax, but Sophie is just struggling and she’s right. Jax, God love him like a brother, would only lose his shit and yell at her. Sophie doesn’t need that. She’s been through enough. I get it. I was once there, too. It’s hard when you only know what you’ve been taught. It took me a few tries to truly straighten out, but when I did, I’ll never go back. I only want that for Sophie. If she needs me to save her, I will. I see a good woman and I won’t let her do this alone.

I’m sure other guys wouldn’t waste the time, but I see the beautiful woman she is. I see the potential and she’s so smart. This is all just adjustment. With me backing her up, I can fix her. She needs someone like me. Someone that won’t blame her for her faults, but direct her to moving past them with a caring hand.

Every day we get closer. I’m hoping soon that she sees I’m trying to help her and move me out of the friend zone. For now, I’ll just show her what a special princess she is.

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