The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 18

(Chapter song ‘Feeling Good' by Michael Bublè)


“Uncle sent the tickets.” I smile as I wave the two first class tickets in the air.

“Ok.” Marcus mumbles as he packs his suitcase.

“You’re not going to be miserable this whole trip are you?” I fold my arms and lean the doorframe of his bedroom.

He glances at me with irritation. “I just shattered my relationship. How do you expect me to feel?”

“Ok. I understand you’re heartbroken, but nobody out there knows that. Ya show up in Vegas without a smile, they’re gonna notice.” I warn.

“Whatever.” He grumbles and grabs his bags. He pushes past me and heads downstairs.

I follow him down and he walks out to the limo that will take us to the airport. “I'm not saying to ignore your feelings, but can ya bury them just a little bit. Try to look like we're a happy couple.”

He hands the driver our bags and turns to me. “Don’t worry, Dia. I’ll put on the fake ass smile ya want. No one’s gonna know I don’t give a shit about ya.” He snarls and pushes past me again to go back into the house.

I fold my arms and chew the inside of my lip. That kind of stung. I get he’s upset, but I don’t think he needs to be cruel.

He comes back out, grumbles under his breath and gets in the limo.

This is going to be a fabulous trip, I think as I shake my head.


On the plane, he stares out the window.

“So, we get the 3rd floor penthouse and all the room service we want.” I say as I read the email my uncle sent me.

He doesn’t say anything.

“Marc.” I say to get his attention.

He turns his head and meets my eyes. “What? Yeah, ok.” He adjust himself in his seat.

I drop my phone and tilt my head. “Marcus. Ya did the right thing. Ya can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.”

“Ain’t that the pot calling out the kettle.” He snorts.

I stitch my brows together. “What’s that mean?”

“It means…You and Skylar.” He says with a raised brow.

“I’m not saving Skylar.” I fold my arms and cross my legs.

He leans on his knees and shoots me a snarky look. “Not you trying to change a street thug into a human being. He’s never gonna be what ya want, Dia. The sooner ya realize that, the better off you’ll be.”

I narrow my eyes. “Ya don’t know him to say something like that.”

He challenges me. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

“You’re wrong.” I say smugly.

“And yet again you lower yourself by lying your lips off. You know. At least Sophie showed some promise.” He sits up and crosses his leg. “I just wish it was enough.” He mumbles as he stares out the window.

I lift my phone and the picture of me and Skyler stares back at me. I open my messages and there hasn’t been anything new since he told me he moved to Axelridge. Not even a good morning, baby. How was your day? Nothing.

I drop my phone and look out my window. My eyes flick to Marcus and I stare at him as I remember the date we had.

In my entire time with Skylar, I’ve never had anything like that. I liked it. I liked it a lot. I didn’t know there was men out there who cared like that. Maybe he’s right. Maybe there is something better out there for me.

The problem is I’m in love with Skylar so much, I want that better man to be him. Maybe after this trip, I can encourage him to do the things Marcus does.

I smile and look back out the window as I think of dancing with Sky on the dance floor and him twirling me around like a butterfly. It warms my heart to see him in my daydream looking at me like Marcus did right before we…

My eyes flick back to him and his eyes meet mine. The connection held for a solid minute before I looked away.

No. Sky is who I want. I know he can be the man I need. I just need to show him what I need. That’s all. In the end, we'll be happy and I can have my prince like I was meant to have.


I flicked through my phone and waited at the gate for our plane while Marcus went to the boys room.

He came back with a briefcase. He sits beside me and sets the case down on the floor.

“What’s that?” I point to it and look at him.

He thumbs over my shoulder. “Got a visit from my dad’s messengers. He wants me to drop this off. It’s part of the truce.”

I chuckle. “What is it? A bomb or something?”

He shakes his head and sits back. “Ya right. Naw. Just some cash and papers. An exchange of good wills they said.”

I nod. “Ah. OK.”

We boarded the private plane and flew the five hours to Vegas. We were both beat so, we decided to leave the introductions until dinner and head to the room.

Marcus sets the case on the front desk. “This is for P1.”

The clerk nods and takes the case to the back. He comes back out with a thick envelope. “And this is yours.” He eyes him and Marcus nods.

He grabs the envelope and shoves it in his back pocket. I know an errand when I see one. That was a huge wad of cash. I can see Marcus' apprehension, but his natural professionalism is more than Skylar’s.

The clerk hands us the key and we head upstairs.

As we ride up, I side eye him. “Running errands for the family now?”

He shrugs. “That’s the deal.”

“Are you ok with that?” I ask.

“What makes you think I’d be ok with any of this, Claudia?” He scowls.

“I was just asking.” I grumble and fold my arms.

“Stop asking.” He barks quietly.

I keep my mouth shut and the door opens. He leads us down the hall and finds our room. He opens the door and we walk in.

“Oh my god!” I grin ear to ear as I walk into the spacious penthouse. “It’s gorgeous!” I spin around the living room. “Marcus, look at the view.” I throw open the doors to the balcony and step out.

Vegas sings and flashes below and the lights fill my eyes. It all so breathtaking.

I spin around and lean my arms across the railing. “Marc. Come look.”

“I’m trying to figure out where I’m gonna sleep!” He yells from inside.

“What?” I walk back in and turn to the French doors where the bedrooms are. Only there’s only one. “Uh…oh.” I cross my arms as I stare at Marcus' back and the oversized king sized bed In front of him. “I’m mean, it’s large enough to share.”

“I’ll sleep on the couch.” He grits and leaves the room.

“No.” I follow him to the living room. “I can sleep on the couch. I’m used to it.” I shrug.

He drops his bag. “What?”

“Skylar snores so, I sleep on the couch most nights. It’s no big deal.” I say as I grab my bags and take them to the room.

“He makes you sleep on the couch?” Marcus follows me in.

I shake my head. “He doesn’t make me. I do it on my own. He’s busy and needs his sleep. I don’t have a right to disturb that.” I say as I fold my clothes and put them in my dresser.

He brings the rest of his bags in and starts to unpack. “That still sounds pretty shitty.” He mumbles. “I’d never allow it.” He puts his shirts away and hangs his suit.

“Skyler doesn’t own me like that. He doesn’t dictate what I can and can’t do.” I smile as I hang my dress.

He walks up to me. “Naw. What I meant was, I’d fix whatever was wrong with me so, I don’t disturb you.” He points to my chest as my lips fall. My eyes meet his and I suck in a breath.

He leans to me. “The women I’m with don’t sleep on couches. Ever. You’re in the bed, got it?”

“Got it.” I whisper.

I get a puppy dog look on my face as he walks away. I’ve never been spoken to like that before.

I quietly go back to unpacking. My middle is flipping as I try to process what’s going on inside.

I look at my phone and realize I better start getting ready for dinner. “I’LL BE IN THE SHOWER!” I yell to the living room.

“Yeah, ok!” He yells back.

The whole time of me getting ready, Marcus spun in my mind.

His words are hitting me in spots I didn’t know existed. I shake my head and dismiss it. I can’t get wrapped up in them. I need to focus on Skylar. That’s all. I don’t care how Marcus treats his women. Obviously it can’t be as great as he’s making it sound or he’d still be with Miss Perfect.

I struggle with the zipper on the back of my black, floor length dress and get frustrated. Throwing open the door, I scowl as I walk out.

I freeze in my tracks as he turns from the closet mirror as putting on his bow tie. My eyes slowly rake over him and I’m soaking in how distinguished he looks. His hair is slicked back and his jacket is well tailored.

He arches a brow and steps to me.

I snap out of it and spin around. I lift my hair. “A little help.”

I wait then look over my shoulder. He standing like a deer caught in the headlights. “Marc?”

He clears his throat. “Right.” He mutters and stands behind me.

I feel his hands slowly grab my dress and the zipper. He glides it up and hesitates.

I glance at him and drop my hair. “Thank you.” I whisper.

“You’re welcome.” He nods. “We should go.”

I nod and grab my clutch from the dresser and walk out.

“I think you’ll like Cecil. You two really aren’t much different.” I say as we leave.

“Really?” He asks.

“Well, except the whole, killing ya and making ya disappear never to be found again, thing. Yeah. Exactly the same.” I grin as I walk down the hall.

“Sure. If ya say so.” He furrows his brow as the elevator closes.



The elevator opens and if it wasn’t for Claudia’s scent, my wolf would be pitching a major fit right now. The lycans are thick here.

We step out and I get my game face on. Claudia is looking…no. I’m not gonna say it.

That dress is just…it dipped so low in the front, the sight of her cleavage had my wolf howling for mercy.

It didn’t help that I was so close to her bare back, my mouth watered like I hadn’t eaten in a year.

I can’t. I can’t be having these thoughts. Focus Marc. Keep your mind on Soph and our next move. That’s how I’ll survive this trip. Sophie’s beautiful smile.

I adjust my jacket and paste a smile on my face as we approach the entrance to the Pharaohs Crown Casino.

The doorman smiles. “Welcome. The bank is to your left. Enjoy.” He opens the door and the sounds of the casino flood us.

“Thank you.” I say in a smug, but polite tone.

We saunter in and stand at the top of the steps of the extra large room.

The slots ring out and people are engaged in laughter, shouts and celebrations of wins.

Chips fly, alcohol flows and everyone is dressed to the nines.

I guide Claudia down the steps and take in the atmosphere. It has that 1940s décor that you don’t see very often in casino’s anymore. I kind of felt like I belonged here. So, I owned it. I stuck my chin up and strutted my stuff as we walked to the bank.

I let go of Claudia and presented my credit card.

The “teller" looks at the name. “Alpha Cooper. Alpha Vinellis already banked you. Your table waits in the VIP lounge.”

I take my card back. “Oh. Alright. That’s very kind of him.”

“That’s my Uncle.” Claudia smiles.

She takes my arm again and we walk through the aisle to the VIP room.

“Ok. Play it cool. Cecil’s old. He’s one of the rare lycans that made it past 75. He’s a big fan of the rat pack and is easily offended if ya say something stupid.” Claudia whispers as I grab the door and open it.


Sounds of cheers greet us as we enter. The place is busy with elites gambling their money away.

“OK. What’s stupid?” I ask as we stop just before the black jack tables.

She leans to me and motions to the floor. “Anything shifter.” She grins.

“Wait, what?”

“Just watch your P's and Q's and ya wont get holes in this nice jacket.” She’s tugs on my lapel as I sweat and my face falls.


I see a man well above 70 walk toward us with his arms out. He’s wearing a grey suit, fedora and bronze colored sunglasses. A cigar sits between his teeth and he definitely holds that old school lycan look.

“Uncle Cecil.” She leaves me and wraps her arms around his shoulders. “You’re getting younger every time I see ya.” She pushes away from him.

He wags his cigar fingers at her. “Don’t lie to me, Missy.” He places the cigar back in his mouth. He looks to me. “Is this the sucker?”

I press my lips together and step forward, extending my hand. “Marcus Cooper.” I introduce.

“He’s a professional ball player.” Claudia rest her hand on my chest as she grins.

Cecil shakes my hand firmly then places his hand in his pant pocket. He puffs his cigar. “Ball player, huh? Well, Marc, I’ll tell ya what. You’re lucky my niece loves ya or you’d be holding my silver in between those pretty eyes of yours for even touching her.”

Claudia starts to chuckle and so do I as I pull at my collar to relieve my nerves. “He kids. It’s ok. He’d never.”

“Oh yeah, I would. My niece is as good as my own. I saved her from the culling because she held a soft spot in my hard heart. So much so, I’d kill just about anyone who hurts my princess.” Cecil looks me square in the eye and I’m thinking I should just smile and nod and try to not end this night in a body bag.

“I guess I should thank you for having a heart…for Dia…I mean.” I say as I glance at Claudia who’s smiling politely.

“I know.” He waves his cigar at me. “I caught a lot of flack for not passing judgment on her, but I mean, come on, how can you judge and execute this face?” He holds Claudia’s chin in his fingers.

We both chuckle. “Right. It’s not like it’s morally wrong or anything.” I say as I laugh.

Cecil and Claudia stop laughing.

I raise a brow. “What?”

“Are you saying my job is immoral?” Cecil steps in front of me.

I have a few inches on him, but I try to not make myself look bigger. “Uh…no…No, not at all. I understand. Killing pups for the good of the pack. It’s an honorable position. Who thinks it’s bad…Not me. I’m cool with it...” I start to sweat again as Cecil stares me down.

Claudia interrupts. “Marcus just needs a drink. It’s been a long day and he’s got a little jet lag, ya know.” She taps my chest as I blow out a breath.

“Oh, yeah? I understand that.” He smiles and backhand my chest. “I took this trip to Fresno last year. I was so beat, I slept for a week.” Cecil laughs as he grabs Claudia’s arm.

“How is Aung Harriet?” Claudia asks.

“An old bat, that’s what she is! Listening to her moan, I want to put her down, but she’s my sister so, I let her live.”

Claudia looks back at me and I rub my nape. The old man droned on as he lead us into the arena full of tables.

He stops. “So here’s your table. Your chips are there. Have fun and I’ll check in later. Got some family business to attend to.”

We sit and he smiles. “A pair of precious love birds, ya are. Marc, you’re a lucky man with this one. Remember that.” He wags a finger at me.

I glance at Claudia. “I will.”

He slaps my cheek. “Good man. Treat her good.” He warns and walks off.

I shake my head and turn to the table.

“That went well.” Claudia grins.

“Did it? Because I feel like puking.” I hang my head.

“Uncle Cecil loves you. Don’t worry. You’d have to really mess up to get on his bad side.” She picks up her side of the chips and motions for cards.

“Like how?” I motion for cards too.

“Oh, I don’t know. Break up with me or something.” She chuckles as she taps the table for another card.

“Wonderful. So when this is over, I’ll be on Cecil’s hit list.” I shoot her a concerned look.

She waves me off. “Just stay out of Vegas. He’ll get over it. Stop worrying and have fun.” She points to my cards and I try to flush out my concern.

“Yes! Black Jack baby! Come ta mama!” Claudia bounces in her seat as she rakes in her chips. She laughs and nudges my arm.

“Good one.” I smile back at her.

She gives me a toothy grin and think, I really shouldn’t worry. Claudia has a way of winning people over. She has Cecil wrapped around her finger. I think, if it came down to it, Dia wouldn’t let Cecil hurt me.

I watch as she tucks her hair behind her ear and bets again.

There’s just something about her makes certain people want to protect her. I know she can handle herself, but it feels like she shouldn’t have to.

I was just about to throw my chips in and she grabs my hand. She pulls the chips to her lips and blows on them. She lets go and smiles.

“What was that?”

“You know…for luck.” She motions to the table.

I throw them out and the dealer flips the card. An Ace and 10.

I lean back. “No fucking way.” I grin.

She laughs. “See. I’m lucky.” She slaps my arm.

“Oh yeah. Real lucky.” I chuckle.

She leans on the table and sinks her teeth into her bottom lip as she bounces her brow.

I shake my head and go back to playing. I pick up my chips and hold them in front her.

“Do it again.” I whisper.

I watch her lean forward, prepare her lips and softly blow on them. I lick my own lips as she leans back.

My suit starts to get hot as I throw my chips and side eye her.

The King is covered and the card on top is flipped.

“21!” The dealer shouts.

“Fuck me.” I hit the table at the Ace. “Damn.” I laugh.

I turn to her and lean in. “You aren’t leaving my side all night.” I smirk.

“Don’t plan on it, slugger.” She winks.

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