The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 16

(Chapter song ‘Here Comes The Rain Again’ by Eurythmics)


This whole thing is escalating way too fast for me. Now, my friends are involved and I had every intention of keeping them out of this.

When I chased Sophie out and ran into her brother. He just finished watching the highlights of the game. I could tell I was sunk.

“What did you do?!” He growls loud as he storms over to me.

I put my hands up. “Ok. It’s not what it looks like.”

He glares into my eyes. “A fucking Lycan? A Vinelli? You have a fucking death wish?! And I don’t mean me, Marc. These people are fucking evil to the core! You chose her over my sister?!” He throws his arms out and I try to find answers.

“Look…Dia…She’s not her family…”


“She’s not! Look. My dad says it’s good for the truce and I believe him. Dia’s…wonderful.” I chew my lip as I lie through my teeth.

He crosses his arms. “Your dad. The one who would put you six feet under without a second thought. That guy you trust.”

“I know it sounds bad, but trust me. I’m saving lives, ok. Claudia may be a Vinelli, but when you get to know her…” I say as I try to diffuse the situation.

“Do you, Marc?” He leans to me. “Do you really know her?”

I rub my nape. “No, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to. I understand you’re concerned for Sophie. I can’t help who I like. Sophie’s great. A wonderful friend, but I want more. I’m sorry.”

The way I’m apologizing, I feel like I’m breaking up with him instead of his sister.

“If that’s what you want, but you better be leaving Sophie alone. I won’t allow you to string her along while you find more.” He warns.

“I wouldn’t do that! You know me better than that!” I scowl.

“Since you got back from New York, I’m starting to question that.” He looks me over with almost an contemptuous look. It shocked me. “Audrey.” He barks. He walks away and wraps his arm around her neck.

As I walk to my car, I feel the thousand pound weight of guilt slam onto my chest. Lying to my brother was not included in this. Well, not to this level. I can’t fill him in on the plan. He’ll stop it in its tracks. Maybe it’s better if I have him believe I’ve moved on from Sophie. At least if she’s mad at me, he’ll think it’s because of that and not the fact that this fake out is putting stress on her. I know it is.

When I got home, Aster was there to give me a once over too. He didn’t hesitate to tell me how much better Sophie is and I should be doing everything I can to protect her. I am, just not in the way he likes.

Claudia adding her two cents, after she walked in, didn’t help matters. I know she’s right when it comes to my father and her aunt. They’re not stupid people. We have to be on our toes at all times. Like she said, if they question the validity of us, we’re in big trouble.

I have no choice but to comply. I just wish Sophie would answer my texts so I can tell her how much I care about her.

Realizing she’s ghosting me, I decide I should go with Dia. I get we have to play along, I just wish it would stop feeling so dirty.

Walking through the halls of the mall, I look at my phone for the millionth time.

Dia stops at a dress rack. “Still no answer, huh?”

I shove it back in my pocket and switch her bags to the other hand. “Naw. I wouldn’t talk to me either after the embarrassment she must be feeling.”

“She’s not embarrassed, slugger. She’s jealous.” She picks up a dress and inspects it. It’s a low-cut red dress. I like red. I also like low cut.

“Well, I don’t get why. She’s getting the action, not you.” I motion my arm out in my confusion.

She faces me and holds the dress up to her front. She raises a brow, looking for an opinion.

I contemplate. “It’s nice.” I shrug.

“Yes, but can ya see me in it?” She asks.

“I mean, yeah, but…” I rub my nape.

“You don’t want to.” She finishes.

I blow out a breath and toe the tile floor.

“Ok.” She puts it back on the rack. “I’ll keep looking.”

We walk for a bit before she starts back to Sophie. “She’s not jealous of the action, ya big oaf. She’s jealous of this.” She motions to us walking around the mall. “She can’t do this with ya because it would look bad. She’s protecting herself by trying to not attach herself to ya.”

I stop and face her. “But I told her shit like this was gonna happen. Now, she’s mad?”

Dia steps up to me. “Thinking it and seeing it are two completely different things. Trust me.”

“So…she saw it and now, what? It’s real for her?” I ask.

“Yep.” She says as she stops and picks up a short blue dress.

She holds it up and scrunch my nose.

“What don’t ya like?” She blinks at me.

“Blue.” I shake my head.

“Ok. No blue.” She sighs, racks the dress and continues to look.

“Anyway. Yes. Now that we’re public, her nightmare is real. There’s nothing ya can do about that.” She waves me off. “All ya gotta be concerned about is that she doesn’t let the cat out of the bag.”

“I have more to be concerned about, Dia. I really, really like her. I hate that I have to do this to her.” I whine.

She stops me. “Slugger. I get it. I hate doing this to Skylar, but we have no choice. Whining about it ain’t gonna make it better. Maybe…the four of us should have some sort of date or something.”

“Ugh…no.” I grumble and start to walk.

“Why not?” She asks as she catches up.

“Because, Dia. The last thing I wanna do is have dinner with Skylar.” I furrow my brow as I look ahead.

“What’s wrong with Skylar?” She asks.

I side eye her. “I only know talk, so I can’t say for sure. Only you can confirm it, but from what I hear, the guy's a loser and a half.”

“He is not! He’s a brilliant artist and he’s gonna hit a big time record deal soon!” She stops and crosses her arms.

She actually looks kind of cute like that. Like a little girl who tries to argue after being told Santa’s not real.

I turn to her and walk back. “Oh yeah? How many gigs has he played?”

She thinks. “None.”

“How much money has he earned from singing?” I ask.

“None.” She mumbles.

“Answer me this. How much have you spent on bail?” He stares into my eyes.

She sighs and flops her arms to her sides. “Too much…But being an errand runner gets ya pinched a lot.”

I shake my head. “Naw. Ya get pinched when you’re stupid, Dia. I know that and you know that. I ran errands for two years and never got pinched once.” I wag my finger at her and continue to walk. “Well, maybe once, but I was never arrested for it.” I say as the sight of Jax in the rear view mirror came to mind.

“Some people aren’t so lucky, okay. Some of the runs are dangerous. Skylar’s brave for doing them and he does the best he can…for me.” She snubs.

“Ya ok. That’s why you’re here and not with him.” I scoff.

She stops at a rack and picks off a white dress. She holds it up. I give a wishy washy look.

She huffs and puts it back. “I’m here because of the deal. That’s it. Trust me, if I could be with Skylar, I would be.”

“You’re a bad liar.” I glance at her.

“I’m an excellent liar.” She smirks.


We turn and three paparazzi start snapping photos.

“Really, guys?” I hold out my arms and whine at them.

Claudia wraps her arms around my waist. “Don’t pay attention. Just come on.” She smiles, gives a little pose and pulls me away.

I shake my head in frustration. “Ya know. I never had the press hound me until you showed up.”

“See. I’m better for ya already.” She giggles and back hands my chest.

We shopped a bit more and went home.


As I prepare for my dinner reservations, I think about Sophie. It’s been over a day and she still hasn’t answered me and I’m starting to worry if she ever will. I hate pretending to be happy while my love life gets fucked over.

I’ll have to see her tomorrow.

I put on my dinner jacket and leave my room.

“About time.”

I slow my descent down the stairs and my mouth goes small. My brows raise as I point to Claudia waiting for me at the front door.

“Red.” I mumble.

She smiles. “I bought it while you were in the bathroom. It got the most reaction so, I said what the heck.” She spins. “Ya like?”

It's amazing. It hugs her curves in all the right places and the dipped front shows off her chest like a movie star. I’m not supposed to enjoy this, but twinge in my pants says I’m fucking weak.

“Let’s get this over with.” I grumble as I open the door for her.

“Cheer up. It’s just dinner.” She walks by me and I’m hit with her scent. I close my eyes and walk out. Please let this night go by fast.

I help her into the car and get in. We drive to Adriano's. A classy Italian place in downtown Axelridge.

It has every thing. Fine dining. Fine wine and a fine dance floor.

We are escorted to our table and I seat her. She looks at me nervously like no one’s ever held a chair out for her before and she’s unsure of how to act.

She picks up the wine list. “So what’s good here?” She asks as I sit across from her.

I take the wine list and the menu from her. “I know what to order. You'll love it.” I smirk.

“Oh…um…ok.” She blinks at me.

“Trust me.” I smile.

“Sure.” She smiles back.

I order a fabulous and expensive red wine to go with two orders of pappardelle mimmo that is absolutely to die for.

As we ate and drank, I found out some things. Like how she was classed as a princess. They measure class by growth rate. If the female grows slower than the rest, it means her pups will be slow to grow. That puts her out of the running for Queen.

I found out she likes reading and used to dance in the ballet when she was younger. She didn’t shift until she was 8 and didn’t mature until she was 15. Definitely the slowest I’ve ever heard of. Other than that, she seems healthy enough.

Truthfully, if I was to relate, I didn’t really mature until after that too. If Jax didn’t pull me out, I think I would have ended up like Stevie. Completely immature and looking to get himself killed.

“What about you? Where did you grow up?” She leans on the table after the waiter clears our plates. She smiles and I just happen to notice the light hit her eyes that almost makes them twinkle.

I dismiss it quick when I feel my wolf perk up.

I pick up my glass and sip the wine I have left in it. “With a friend. His family took care of me after I left my family. I owe them a lot.”

“Wow. Just like that.” She says.

I run my finger around the rim of my glass as she plays with the small gold heart on a tiny chain around her neck.

“Just like that.” I give a small smile and watch her head drift to the dance floor.

I turn and watch them too. An urge pops up and I can’t believe I’m asking this, but what the hell. “You…uh…wanna spin around?”

She meets my eyes. “Dancing?”

“Yeah. You dance.” I state.

She chuckles. “A mushroom in the Nutcracker Suite is a bit different.” She straightens her place settings and I see her sun kissed cheeks flush with a light pink color.

I lean on the table. “You can follow right?”

“I mean, yeah, but…” She says quietly.

I drop my jacket on the chair beside me, stand up and hold out my hand. “Let’s go.”

She nervously slips her hand into mine and I guide her to the floor.

We walk to the floor as ‘Here Comes The Rain Again’ by Eurythmics starts. Not really a song to ballroom dance to, but I’ll give it a whirl.

I pull her to the center of the floor and shake my arms out. I warm myself up and try to get her relaxed.

She laughs and I feel a tickle in my chest.

“You can do this?” She asks as she looks to all the others dancing around.

“Oh, yeah. My Ma taught me. ‘Bambino. A good man dances. You must learn how to treat a lady.’” I say in my mother’s thick Italian accent.

She laughs again and I hold out my hand.

She takes it and I gently guide her other hand to my shoulder. I place my other hand in the curve of her waist and lock her gaze.

“Follow my lead.” I say quietly.

I step forward and she steps back. I slide to the left and she follows. To the right and she’s right with me. I turn us and step back. Float left then right. Her hips swing and her body twists as we slightly bounce with each step across the floor.

“Smaller steps. Don’t go try to out dance me.” I tilt my head and grin.

She starts watching my feet and I raise her chin with my knuckle. “Don’t watch my feet. Look right here.” I point to my eyes. “Feel it. Flow with me. Trust me.” I whisper as her lips fall and she nods.

Her steps match mine perfectly.

“Good. A little faster. Feel the tempo. Listen to my body.” I instruct. “Let go of everything.”

The people dance around us, but it’s like they aren’t even there as I glide and step back and forth. I twirl her out, her dress lifts out and I pull her back in. I feel so light with her as the lights and music surround us. She sways with my movements and her body is in my full control.

I turn her around and wrap my arm around her chest. She leans back on me and our cheeks touch. As I step back to front and side to side, my lips graze her ear.

“Like this.” She breathes as she turns her head to me. Her gorgeous eyes are slits and my touch is soaking up her energy.

“That’s right. Just like that. Let me take care of you.” My nose brushes her cheek as I get drunk off her scent.

I turn her back around and my eyes meet hers. I pull her close and we dance all around the circle we inadvertently created. Her body is putty in my hands and I’m lost in all of her.

I dip her down, pull her up and our faces are inches apart as I pause then start moving again. The lock we have on each other doesn’t break as I take my steps with this amazing woman. A smile grows on my lips and hers is bigger as I spin us around.

I don’t know what came over me, but between the music, the lights playing on her skin and the atmosphere, I felt the need to slip my hand behind her silky hair and pull her lips to mine.

A tiny moan escapes her throat as her lips part and my tongue dances with hers.

My chest fills with all kinds of emotions as I deepen the kiss. She tastes so good. My wolf spins in his cage as my hand find her cheek. The feel of her soft skin was almost too much. Her delicate lips glide over mine and I melt into her.

I need to stop this, but I can’t.

I’ve never had a woman so responsive to my touch.

I think I want more.

It's not until the floor breaks out in applause and whistles that I come back to reality and break the kiss.

I pull back and feel my face flush as I wave the people off. “Thanks…uh…Isn’t she great?”

More whistles are blown as I present Claudia to them.

I guide her off the floor. I’m dumbfounded by what I just did. I try to wrap my head around it as I sit her back down.

She seems flustered and I can barely make eye contact.

“Um…that was fun. Thank you.” She smiles.

“Yeah. Yeah, it was.” I swallow and lick my lips. “Listen. About what I did…”

“Don’t worry about it. Really, it was just a kiss. Nothing to get excited about.” She adjusts her skirt and her eyes flick to mine.

“No. I know. I just…I know you’re taken…”

“You're taken too.” She adds.

“Yes, Sophie.” I chuckle. It’s getting incredibly uncomfortable now.

“Sophie.” She whispers.

My mouth shrinks and I stare at her. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

“Done.” She says with all seriousness.

“Wanna get out of here?” I motion to the door.

“Yes. How much do I owe you?” She says as she grabs her purse.

The corner of my lip ticks up. “Nothing. I got it.”

She smiles. “Thank you, Marcus. Really.”

I drop my eyes then flick them back up. “My pleasure.” I whisper.

It was.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but I wasn’t expecting that. She was classy. Well behaved and so lady like, I would swear it was a different girl. This is a side I never thought I’d see.

Then to kiss her…

What have I done?

That night was filled with the feel of Claudia in my arms.

The feel of her skin. The electric shivers I got from her touch still tickle my skin.

Her heat was so desirable, I’m glad we said good night and went straight to bed. Not that I was getting much sleep, but at least I didn’t give in to the moment. The kiss was enough to send that guilt through the roof.

I’m going to have to tell Sophie. It’ll kill me if I don’t.

I finally found some deep sleep when my phone rang on the night stand beside me.

I crack an eye, come back to reality and suddenly my mind snaps to Sophie.

I almost drop my phone on the floor as I grab at it and sit up.

“Sophie.” I answer.


I look at my phone as my eyes try to focus in the dark.

“Jax? What time is it?” I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

“4:30. Marc. I’m at the hospital.”

“What? What happened?” I fill with concern as I rip the blankets off.

“It’s Sophie. Marc. It’s not good.”

I can hear him choke up as my own throat closes. “I’ll be there in 30.”

I quickly get dressed and grab my keys.

Fear fills me as I peel out and head to Axelridge General.

She better be ok. Please, God. Don’t punish me like this.

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