The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 14

(Chapter song ‘I Beg Your Pardon’ by Kon Kan)


I wait patiently outside the team locker room to give Marcus the biggest hug ever for an amazing game.

It was my first baseball game ever and it was so much fun. I never pegged myself of a sport fan, but I am now. Jax bought me tickets so I could surprise Marc. Boy, was I surprised.

I bite my lip as I stand with a bunch of fans waiting for autographs and photos.

Some of the team come out and I fix my hair. I straighten my clothes and grow a big toothy grin on my lips.

Like he walked out of a dream, I see him in an open jersey and his duffle bag over his shoulder. His abs are so tight, I just want to lock him all over. He looks so sexy in his black track pants. I can’t believe he’s mine.

He sees the fans behind the rope and smiles. It’s so pretty, it kills me every time.

The people start shouting and crowding as security holds them back.

“MARCUS!” I jump and wave behind some big guys, but can’t get close enough.

I huff a breath, cinch my brow and worm my way under their arms.

He’s on the other side signing hats and talking with people.


He poses and the fans go insane as they snap photos. They drown out my calls. I need to get closer.

I duck between a group of girls and get to the rope with a security guy in front of me.

I throw my hand up and open my mouth.


I slam my mouth shut and my jaw goes slack when I see Claudia duck under the rope on the other side and run to Marcus. She’s in a short Jean skirt and a Silver Bullets crop top. She’s also wearing a ball cap backwards.

His face looks stunned as she throws his arms around his neck then he smiles a flashy smile and turns her around.

“Alpha Cooper! Who’s the girl?” A reporter shouts.

“I’m Claudia Vinelli. Two L's" She grins. “Alpha Cooper’s new Luna.” She smiles for the cameras as the questions start flying.

“When did this happen?”

Marcus glances at Claudia. “Well, it’s not official yet. We have to wait for the moon. Don’t we sugar?”

“Yep, but the moon doesn’t matter.” She waves him off. “We are deeply in love and no moon is gonna tell us different, ain’t that right, Slugger?” She jumps up and kisses his cheek.

“Miss. Vinelli! Can you comment on your families recent attacks?” A reporter arches a brow as he holds out his phone.

“Honestly, I only hold the name. I ain’t a part of any of that. I think it’s horrible what they’re doing.” She says in a tone that I can only label as fake. She’s a Vinelli through and through. My hands itch to get a hold of my mace as I scrunch my face in hated for her.

“That’s right. My baby has no affiliation to the lycans who are creating the attacks. Her aunt is a wonderful person and loves Claudia very much. Claudia doesn’t have a dishonest bone in her body.” Marcus hugs her shoulders as I vomit in my mouth.

She looks up at him and preens.

Please, kill me. This is absolutely sickening.

He takes more questions and just happens to look around. Our eyes meet and I narrow mine.

I spin around and leave the area. I’m fuming and can’t believe I could accept this. Hearing him talk up the Vinellis had my blood boiling.

“Sophie wait!”

I stop and cross my arms.

He runs around and faces me. “Please. Don’t be mad.”

“What’s she doing here?” I grit.

“She…” He stops and places his hands on his hips.

“She’s not going back to New York, is she?” I feel my body temperature rising fast.

His eyes meet mine. “Soph. She has a point. If we’re gonna make this convincing…”

“Goodbye, Marcus.” I push past him.

“Sophie!” He grabs my arm and spins me around.

“Marc, why?! I thought this show was for her parents and that’s it!” I whine. “What about us?”

“There’s an us! Of course, princess. There’s an us. That hasn’t changed. Think of Dia as like a roommate. A loud, obnoxious roommate.” He smiles.

“Dia?” I arch a brow and cross my arms.

He rubs his neck. “She…um…her…It’s just easier to say, alright? It doesn’t mean anything.”

I roll my eyes and shake my head. I look past him to the crowd and in the middle, Claudia is soaking up the attention.

“Princess, please.” He finds my eyes. “I meant what I said. You’re mine.”

I glare at him. “According to them, you’re hers.” I snarl and turn around. I leave him there as more fans run by me to get their time with Cooper.

“SOPHIE!” He yells to my back, but I don’t turn around as I head out of the stadium.

Once out front, I stop by a planter. I sit, lean on my knees and rest my arms on my thighs.

I know I agreed to this, but that was only because I thought I’d never have to see it. Now that I have, I’m wondering if it’s worth all this. How can Marcus commit to me if he has to play house with Claudia?

My first real boyfriend and I feel like I’m getting screwed and not in a good way.

This sucks!


I look up and Jax is wasking toward me with Audrey. They’re both dressed in their lacrosse gear.

Jax stops in front of me. “What are you doing out here? Where’s Marcus?”

I stand up and frown. “Find out on the 6 o'clock news.” I grumble and stride off to my bike. I need a drink. A hard, stiff drink.

I slam my bike into gear, squeal my tires and drive off to find the trashiest bar I can find. I suddenly have the urge to knock some heads as I drink her perfect hair, eyes and body away. The last thing I want to remember when this night is over is Claudia Vinelli.


The next morning, I’m so hungover, my wolf has no hope in hell of keeping up. I barely remember last night except the giant bar fight I got into. I remember sirens and broken glass. I have no idea how I even got home.

I look at my phone through sore, red eyes. 12 pm. Shit. I had work at 9. I check my messages and sure enough, several calls from my manager and texts from Marcus. I erase those and shoot a message to my boss saying I had a family emergency.

I get up and my face hurts.

As I stumble to the bathroom, my face isn’t the only thing that hurts.

I stop at the mirror. Faded bruising on my cheek and forehead say I took some hits. My ribs and back also have some nice black and blue marks. Great.

My hair looks like a rats nest and I smell like brewery. I start the shower and clean up.

My head stills pounds and the hard thumping on my bedroom door doesn’t help.

I hold my head as Jax opens the door. “Ow.” I scowl as he steps into my room.

“That’s a pretty big understatement.” He gives me that disapproving dad look.

“Not now, Jaxton.” I moan as I pull my hair back into a messy bun.

“No. We’re doing this now. You want to tell me why I had to bail your ass out of the drunk tank last night?” He walk over to me and leans on my dresser.

“Is that how I got home?” I ask as I stride across my floor to my closet.

“Sophie!” He growls.

“Look. I went out for some fun and things just got heated.” I shrug as I carry my clothes to the bathroom.

“Heated?! You put 10 guys in the hospital?!” He says through the door.

“They deserved it…I think.” I scrunch my brow as I pull up my pants. “Anyways. They’ll heal.” I say back.

“Not the point, Sophie!”

I throw my shirt on and open the door. “Ugh! Stop! You’re not my father!” I throw up my hands as I walk by him.

He grabs my arm and stops me. He glares in my face. “I’m the next best thing to dad. He would be just as concerned. You may be my sister, Sophie, but I won’t allow you to continue this behavior.”

“Just stop! Those guys weren’t innocent people, alright. All of them had it coming. I’m sure a lot of them have warrants. I did the city a favor.” I spin and walk to the door.

“This is about Marcus, isn’t it?”

I stop in my tracks as him and Claudia enter my painful brain. I suck in a breath. “No.” I exclaim and walk out.

“Don’t lie to me, Soph.” He says as he follows me out.

I get down to the living room and spin around. “Did he tell you?”

He stops and rubs his nape. “Yeah, we…had it out. It…wasn’t pretty.”

“So, you know.” I kick out a leg and cross my arms.

He sighs. “Sophie. I get it. I know you were hoping you and Marcus could be a thing, but you just have to accept that he chose someone else. He says it's for the truce and he really likes her.”

I cock my head as I hear his words. By the sounds of it, Marcus didn’t tell him it was fake. “She’s a Vinelli.” I clench.

He falls down on the couch and I flop down beside him. “I know. Trust me. I’m not happy about it, but he’s right to an extent. The heart wants what it wants. If he sees something in Claudia, who am I to say anything?”

“She can’t be trusted, Jaxton! What are we going to do?” I lean my head on my hand as I rest against the back of the couch.

He shakes his head. “Nothing. All we can do is pray she’s good for him. I’m not saying we have to trust her, but I am saying it’s none of our business who Marcus sees. Unless she’s like a spy or something.”

“You’re running backgrounds on her, aren’t you?” I ask as the corner of my lip ticks up.

“Duh. You think I’d trust Vinelli around my best friend without running one? Do you not know me at all?” He scowls.

“Actually, I don’t, but thank you. I was going to do the same after I got some pain killers into me.” I say as I walk to the kitchen for a hangover drink.

“Don’t worry about Marcus. I’m sure he knows what he’s doing. Worry about yourself. You’re becoming reckless, Soph. If you don’t stop, you could really hurt yourself.” He walks to the kitchen and stops at the island.

“Jax, I’m not 6. I’m 26. I know what I’m doing too. I don’t need a babysitter.” I say as I down some tomato juice and vodka.

He shakes his head. “Until you properly acclimate to society again, you’ll be my 6 year old baby sister. I’m not letting up, Soph. So, you might as well get used to me being dad.”

I drop my glass on the counter and lean on it. “If that’s your play, then maybe I find my own place.”

He mirrors my image. “Great defense. How are you gonna pay for it?” He arches a brow.

I pick up my glass with attitude. “Touché.” I drink the last of my juice. I hate being broke.

I walk back out to the living room and sit on the couch.

“Look, Sophie. I know adjusting is hard. Maybe you should talk with someone.” He sits down beside me.

“Oh yeah. Great conversation with the therapist. I can’t adult properly because I spent my entire life living with the Black Mace who’s my sister in law disguised as my brother because she’s a Shapeshifter. Yep, I could totally see a healthy discussion coming from that one.” I snort.

He rolls his head to me. “You don’t have to say it like that.”

“Jaxton. I spent my life living under assumed names, moving from city to city and hiding from my family to protect Audrey’s secret. I can’t go to therapy.” I shake my head and grab a pillow. I hug it as I truly feel how fucked up I am. The only one who actually makes me feel normal is Marcus and now, even that’s ruined. “The only one who gets me is shacking up with New York’s finest witch. I’m on my own.” I mumble.

“Kid. You’re never alone. I may not know everything thing you went through, but I kind of do. I think that’s why I cling to Marcus so tightly. I was forced to be a man when I wasn’t ready. Marcus gave me the responsibility to care for him and now, I want to do the same for you. Is it so hard to believe I love you that much?” He turns to me and runs a hand down the back of my head.

“I’m lost, Jax. I don’t know what to do.” I play with the edge of the pillow as I think of all the thoughts I had after that night with Marcus. I can’t believe I gave myself up to him.

He rests his head on mine. “You take it one day at a time.” He whispers. “You ask for help. I will always help you, kid. Always. Without question. Please, believe that.”

“Yeah, ok.” I mumble.

He kisses my hair. “I have a council meeting. Why don’t you find Audrey and go for lunch? Talk to her. She can help you just as much as I can.”

“I think I will.” I give a half smile and he waves bye as he leaves.

I pull out my phone and there’s six more messages from Marcus all wanting to talk.

I groan, leave him on read and text Audrey. It might be time for a girl talk anyway.

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