The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 7

(Chapter song ‘Believer' by Imagine Dragons)

FINN-Present Day

“Jax. Talk to me.” I push open the morgue doors.

“Hey. How was the game?” He's elbow deep in a rogue on the table, cutting something out. When he’s not on the ball field, he’s here. Hanging with dead people. I don’t know why he likes it down here, but it keeps his miserable ass happy. I swear he’s cut off all emotion except anger. Him and Marcus should be tight, but they try to kill each other at least once a week. I feel like a babysitter more than a Head Alpha.

I clear my throat. “You didn’t watch?”

“No. Why would I?” He side eyes me and yanks out intestines.

I cough into my fist to choke back my lunch. “Ugh…because you’re a friend?”

“I had better things to do.” He says.

I cinch my brow. “Like what?”

He shrugs. “Scrubbing toilets, mopping floors, licking light sockets."

I narrow my eyes. “What do you got, smart ass?”

He rubs the back of his bloody hand on his forehead. “Not much. Inside here is pretty normal aside from lower than average bodyweight. Which means they are eating as much. The heads a bit more of a mess.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“It’s hard to say, but it’s slightly different from all the others I’ve studied. I need a more of an expert on this. Graham Mitchell is a biology professor in Phoenix U. If I can call him in and take a look…”

“We have a state of the art medical lab. You shouldn’t need outside help.” I side eye the rogue.

“Mitchell has been studying the changes in the rogues for over a year. He might have some information I could use.” He rips out the stomach and empties its contents into a bucket. I’m going to be sick.

“OK. Call him, but I don’t want him here.” I thump my finger on the metal examination table.

“You need to stop being such an asshole. It’s not their fault.” He glances at me as he castrates the dead dog. Now, my dick is uncomfortable. I’m out of here.

“Just figure this out. I want a report on my desk in a few hours.” I grumble and leave.

The last thing I want is any of those southern dicks around my city. After the attack by Zanders father, they can kiss my furry ass.

My dad built the alliance we have now, that’s all we need.

We can solve this, beat it and keep it beat.

I don’t need complications. My private life is complicated enough.


“Trezner has been smoking this season with 50 points so far. He wins this game, this will send him the top. He may even beat Gretzky.”

“Let’s not get too crazy, Tom.” The announcers chuckle. “But, Trezner does have high hopes of sitting pretty at the top of the league if he can keep those penalty minutes down.”

“That’s a good point. With 45 minutes collected so far and 20 games left, his throne could be threatened the longer he stays in the box. But he’s a man who means business, Don. Nobody’s spared with Trezner on the ice.”


The puck passes and a Bruin intercepts.


I come in on his left and smash his ass into the boards. My blades pops the puck and I snatch it. I circle around for a rush on net and pass. Few more legs and the pass is brought back.


We form a diamond for a little Bruin in the middle.

I handle the puck as the Bruins close the doors and pass just as their center tries for it.

Casey passes it back and I pass to Rich. The Bruin defenseman moves in and Rich makes a quick pass to Casey and he takes a shot on goal. The goalie blocks, their center smacks it and it dumps into the rink. We all turn and chase the bastard down into our zone. Waylin picks it up and runs it around our net. He comes out the other side and passes to Victor.

The Bruins come in hard and plant Victor on his ass. He goes down and Rich picks up the loose puck.

He passes to Casey and we ride it into the attacking zone.

He slaps it to Rich who crosses the blue line and I come in solid.

This is it.

He passes as I enter the play. I pull my stick back and fuel my arms with power. I see the window and bring the pain.

Just as my blade connects with the puck, I’m side checked and sent sliding across the ice on my knees.

When I’m stopped, Gilletti sends a wave of snow into my face from his skates and throws a smirk. This guy has been pushing on me the whole game.

That’s fucking it. I get on my blades and rush him. “WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?”

He pushes his chest out. “What’s wrong, Trezner? Can’t take a little hit?” He shoots out a sarcastic grin.

I point to the ice as I push on him and he glides backwards. “THAT WAS A BULLSHIT HIT! I WASN’T IN PLAY!”

“From what your girl told me last night, you’re never in play.” He snorts.

My face falls and my rage boils. I don’t care what you say, you bring April into this, I lose it. “THE FUCK…” I throw my gloves off and slam a fist into his head, sending him to the ice and knocking his helmet off.

I straddle him grab his jersey and lay my fists to his fucking face. He tries throwing back, knocking my helmet off, but he pissed off the wrong guy.

The refs blow whistles. The Bruins fight with Hammers to stop it. The crowd is on their feet screaming. I barely hear anything. I want this fucker taken out.

I connect with his nose and feel the quick snap of his bridge.

The refs and some players separate us. Once on my feet, a ref gets in my face. “5 MINUTE MAJOR AND EJECTION FROM THE GAME!”

“FUCK THAT! HE MADE AN ILLEGAL HIT!” I yell back. I’m sweaty, heated and fired up. I should be lucky I got that. Pushing back on a ref could get me more.


My coach is turning red as he yells at another ref and the Bruins coach is dealing with his players broken nose.

I pick up my helmet and gloves and skate to the gate.

The arena fills with boos as I cross onto the ramp and head down to the locker room.




“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I grumble as I walk down the ramp. Chants and sneers follow me the whole way.

As soon as I enter the hall, the reporters are there waiting to strike.

“Trezner! This is devastating! How do you think the team will do in this game?”

“What started the fight?”

“Will you be issuing an apology to the Bruins?”

I furrow my brow and throw up my hands. “Not now, OK. Get out of my face.”

I’m still heated and in no shape to be making statements.

Once in the quiet locker room, I throw my helmet across the floor to my stall. “Fucking dick.”

I look at my bloody knuckles. The skin I broke has already stitched itself back together. The Bruin will be out for at least 4 games with the beating I gave. Being human, he can’t heal like I can. Yeah, I crossed the line, but so did he. Next time, he’ll keep his mouth off April. I don’t care if she’s not my girl, she’s my friend and I won’t have anyone talking about her like that.

I wash up and get dressed.

I’m tying my shoes when Coach comes in. “What the hell?”

“I lost it. I'm sorry. He said shit I couldn’t let pass.” I grumble.

He stands in front of me with his hands on his hips. “We are down to the wire. The last thing we need is you flying off the handle.”

I sit up. “Look. I said I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” I grab my hockey duffle and stand.

“What’s going on with you?” He places a hand on my chest and stops me.

“Nothing. Personal shit.” I glance at him.

He points in my face. “Keep your personal shit off the ice. I mean it. You’re a great player, but that doesn’t mean you’re safe from career enders.”

“Whatever.” I push his hand out of my face and leave. Like I said, I’m too pissed off to have any kind of logical conversation.

After fighting off the vultures, I make it to the parking lot. Popping the trunk, I throw my duffle in. Before I get in, I see something going down in the corner of the lot.

There’s two patrol cars with red and blue lights on and two Enforcers are standing in front of a blonde kid and…

My eyes widen. “Shit!” I quickly jog over. “Ben?!”

When I get there, the Enforcers have the boys leaning their backs on a car.

“Whoa. What’s going on?” I interject myself into the circle.

“Alpha Trezner? Shouldn’t you be playing?” One of the Enforcers say.

“Yeah…I got sent home early.” I flick my head to Ben who meets my eyes for a second and looks down at the ground.

“Damn. There goes my 50 bucks.” The other grumbles.

I point to him. “What is going on?”

“These two were caught breaking into cars.” The Enforcer crosses his arms.

“BEN!” I whip my head to him.

“It’s not true! We were just looking!” The 13 year olds defends.

“From inside the car? Yeah right. Turn around.” One orders as he pulls out a pair of cuffs.

“Whoa…Hold on.” I put up my hand. “Did they take anything?”

“We checked their pockets, they don’t seem to have anything on them.” The dark haired one says.

“See…looking!” Ben scowls.

I throw a finger up. “Shut up.” He scowls at me harder.

I turn back to the Enforcers. “If they didn’t take anything, I’ll take it from here.”

“We can’t let you do that, Alpha.” The light haired one says.

I walk up close to them. “Look. I know these kids, OK. They’re good kids. Don’t do this. If there’s no harm done, I’ll take them home to their parents. I’ll make sure they get punished properly.”

They look at the boys then back at me. “OK. We'll let them off with a warning, but next time they won’t be so lucky.” The dark haired one throws a warning look to the boys. “Let's go.”

They walk to their cars. The light haired one stops. “Trezner. Any chance for playoff tickets?”

“Gotta visit the ticket booth.” I smirk. “Wouldn’t want to be nailed for bribing law enforcement.”

“Right. You’re just a cheap bastard!” He laughs.

“Right.” I chuckle back. “See you at the Enforcer Charity Ball.”

“We'll keep your seat warm.” They chuckle as they get in.

They drive off and I turn to the boys. His friend Colin looks like he’s shitting himself and Ben looks angrier than I did. I throw out my disapproving glare, cross my arms and stare into their souls.

After an uncomfortable silence, I ask a simple question. “Why?”

Ben shrugs. “I don’t know.” He mutters.

“I know it’s not about money. I give you a sizable allowance. What could you possibly want to break into cars for?” I continue to stare them down as the barely teenagers remain silent.

“Benjamin!” I bark.

“I don’t know! Bored, I guess.” He kicks at the ground.

I nod. “Bored…You’re bored. OK.” I walk between them and grab them by their napes. “Walk.” I order.

I take them into the public locker room away from the press and fans. I go to the closet, pull out a cleaning cart and I toss them both towels. “I want this room spotless.”

“What? No way!” Ben’s voice cracks as he argues.

“Now, Ben!” I lean to him and order. My face shows him I’m not playing.

They both grumble under their breath and get to cleaning the locker room.

I step out of the room, pull out my phone and stare at my contact list. How do you tell an already stressed mother her son was caught stealing? I weigh the decision of even telling her at all. She’s been doing so well and fighting the good fight despite my efforts, I don’t know what this kind of news could do to her.

I lean on the door frame and scrub a hand down my face. Maybe we can keep this between us.

A little mentor talk could help. I haven’t had a sit down with him in a while and this seems like a good time to do that. April doesn’t need to know about this.

After the boys finish, I drop Colin off and head to April’s.

I glance in my rearview. “I didn’t tell mom.”

He looks at his phone. “Thanks.”

“I'm not going to. We'll just keep it between us, ok?” I watch the road and try to meet his eyes, but he doesn’t even look at me.

“Sure.” He mutters.

“Tomorrow, I’m picking you up at 5. We’re going to have a long man to man. We’re due for one, you hear me?” I tell him how it’s going down and he doesn’t even flinch.

“Whatever.” He grumbles.

“Hey! Respect!” I snip.

He glances up. “Sorry.”

I pull into April’s driveway and park. I spin in my seat. “5pm. Be ready when I get here.”

“Yeah, OK.” He opens his door and gets out.

I get out and follow him. He walks inside. “I’m home!”

April pops out of the kitchen. She sees Ben, then me.

“Hey.” I wave.

“Finn? What’s…” She looks concerned.

“I just ran into Ben and thought we could hang out for a bit.” I smile.

“Oh.” She folds her arms. “Well, that’s nice, right honey?”

“Yeah.” He kisses his moms cheek. “I’ll be in my room.”

“Ok. Hey, I’m leaving for work. I won’t be home until after midnight. Dinners in the fridge. Do your homework. I’ll be checking.” She points at him.

“Whatever.” He hops up the stairs and a door closes a second later.

She shakes her head. “Teenagers.”

“Yeah.” I chuckle. “Should he be left…”

“It’s fine. He’s very responsible. Knows all the emergency numbers and not to have friends over. I had to get a third job to pay for extra bills. We’re a team. He gets it.” She says.

“April, I can give you money. You don’t need to work.” I cock my head and cross my arms.

“I know. I’m just…saving that’s all.” She says.

“For what? If you need something, call me. That’s what I’m here for.” I explain.

“Finn. It’s nice that you help, but I want to do this. I want to show Ben that if you want something, you work for it.” She says.

I can’t really argue with that. “Ok, but don’t stress yourself out. You’re supposed to be trying to get your teachers license back. Focus on that. Let me take care of the house.”

“It’s fine, Finn. Really. Thanks for dropping Ben off, but I’m late.” She motions to the door.

I turn to the door. “You call me if you need anything.”

“I’ll leave a message with your assistant.” She smiles.

I love seeing her smile even if it’s over a jab at how busy I am. “Ok, smart ass.” I kiss her cheek and leave. “I’ll be picking Ben up tomorrow for some guy time.” I inform her.

“Sure. I think he’ll like that. He’s been so moody over the last few months. It worries me sometimes. He could use it.” She opens her door and gets in.

“See you tomorrow.” I nod.

“See you.”

I get in my car and leave.

I never pictured my life like this. I wanted so much more. Beyond hockey and fans. More than awards, product promotions and royalties. As stupid as it sounds, what I wanted was much more simple. The fact that I let it all get complicated just shows the power of the game and the life of an Alpha. It’s so easy to let your dreams fall through the cracks when life throws you distractions you can’t fight.

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