The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 35

(Chapter song ‘Dynasties and Dystopia’ by Denzel Curry)


‘The Security Complex has been silent on the condition of the 80 teens they have in custody. In a statement released today, Alpha Trezner states they are working on a cure and hope to get the children back to their families soon. When asked what cure they were working on, the Alpha refused to comment saying it was a confidential matter between the Complex and the families.

Since the last attack on the city, no children have been gone missing. The Enforcer Units are relieved. However the rate of overdoses on a new drug dubbed Croak-R, have continued to rise. The Health Unit stated a rare combination of chemicals within the drugs is causing an allergic reaction within a percentage of the population. Since there’s no indication on who would have this reaction, the Health unit is strongly suggesting the public refrain from using the drug.

The usage of the drug is still a big concern for the city and Enforcers are trying to get Croak-R off the streets. The public is asked to watch for any members close to them for signs of drug use. If they do find someone using Croak-R, the Unit is strongly urging you do not engage the user. Instead, call the Security Complex hotline and they will help. Again, for your safety and theirs, do not try to confront them yourself.

More on this story at 6’

The street car stops in front of the Complex. I get off and rub my nape. The piper may not be stealing our kids anymore, but rogues are still popping up and leaving the city to join the Vinellis.

It's gonna be a fight, but I’m confident we can clear our streets and save the pack. I have to for my family and the people who trust me with their lives.

Out of the 150, 70 had to be taken to another facility outside the city. The Rogue Sickness was so deep in them, the reverted to their wolves and won’t shift back. So we have them contained until they either revert back or die. An outcome I’m praying never happens.

The 80 we have are still with us in a way that allows for some communication, so we’re focusing on those kids to test any cures we come up with. Until we figure out how Croak-R is formulated, we won’t have a cure. We need the creator.

The lycans have backed off for now and I haven’t heard anything from Michael since I dumped him in the lake. I’m sure he won’t stay silent for long. I’ll be ready when he shows his face.

The Vinellis have backed off their posturing since we’ve started live trapping the rogues they have. Taking this player off the board seems to be having some effect, but the lycans pose a huge threat still.

A new boss, Vincent Vinelli, has announced he’s taken over the family. Our intelligence says he’s Antonio’s brother. They’ll be more organized now, but we’re still more than organized. We’re ready to defend this city at a moments notice. The Vinellis can bring it.

I walk into the Complex and smile at the people who walk by. Work seems so much brighter now even with all the problems we have. Maybe it’s because things seem so much clearer.

My phone rings and I pull it out as I get to the stairs to the Alpha floor.

I answer the phone and it’s a video call.

“Hey, baby. I thought you had a meeting this morning.” I grin at my mates beautiful face.

“They canceled, so I’m home with the princess today.” She kisses Tristen’s cheek as she tries to grab the phone.

“Hi, baby…Daddy loves you.” I smile at the phone. “I miss you so much.”

“Oh sure, you miss her.” April teases.

“Of course, I miss my Queen. That goes without saying.” I chuckle.

Tristen tries to eat the phone.

“Ah, don’t eat daddy!” I tease with a laugh. People look at me weird and some chuckle as the walk by.

April pulls the phone from her. “Will you be home for dinner?”

“Yes. The world would have to implode for me to miss casserole night.” I smirk.

I walk down the hall to the Hub room and hear a loud thud of someone throwing something against a wall followed by a loud growl.

I stop and my eyes widen as it happens again.

“What’s that?” April asks.

The thud sounds like someone’s trying to throw something through a wall now and the growl is laced with curses.

“Um…I think the world imploded. April, I’m gonna have to call you back.” I say as I approach the door slowly.

More growls that almost shake the room come out.

“OK. Be careful.” She says. “I love you.”

“It's probably Marcus and Jax going at it again. I love you, too.” I hang up, stuff my phone in my pocket and rush into the Hub.

I slow at the top of the stairs. The guys are huddled at the entrance to the net room.

Another booming growl and the thud.

I raise a brow and join the guys. I look in the room and Jax is apparently showing a lacrosse ball who’s boss and not in a good way.

“What’s going on?” I look around the guys.

“Well…Jax’s…He’s a little frustrated.” Griffin scratches his temple then folds his arms.

I nod as Jax fires another ball into the lacrosse net with pure anger. He’s wearing his helmet and full gear. He’s in war mode. Whatever has him pissed must be pretty big to have him releasing like this.

“I can see that. Why?” I search the guys for answers.

The lacrosse ball rolls back to him and he picks it up in his hand and fires it. I rolls back and he cradles it. He rears up and launches a perfect overhand shot. I’m impressed.

Marcus leans past Noah. “She’s back.” He sings like that poltergeist movie.

My mouth goes small and my brows go up. “No.” I breathe with shock.

Marcus nods. “Oh yeah. Live and in living color. She showed at Tryouts today. Acting like she owned the place. Jax came here and started this. He hasn’t said a word.”

“Except the occasional ‘fuck you’.” Noah adds.

I approach the entrance with caution. Jax is a nice guy, but he can be a loose canon if he’s mad enough. If she’s back, he’s pretty fucking mad.

“Jax…” I say as calmly as I can. As his good friend, I have to talk him down.

“Go away, Finley.” He growls as he swings a side shot into the net.

He walks over, picks up the ball in his stick and walks around the room, cradling it by rocking the spoon back and forth. His empty hand is making fists over and over.

“Look…I get your mad…” I start.

“I’M FUCKING PISSED!” He booms at me from behind his black helmet.

I hold up a hand. “I get it. I’d be totally pissed too, but dude, it’s been what? Twenty years? Maybe it’s time to let it go.”

He rushes me and points a gloved finger in my face. “I don’t fucking forget.” He grits.

I can barely see his eyes as he flares them at me.

“No…you’re right. You don’t forget, but you can forgive. Just a little bit.”

“Fuck that.” He growls and goes back to smacking the shit out the ball.

“She may have changed, Jax.” I say as I lean on the door.

“She hasn’t. She still the biggest fucking loudmouth, pushy, little…” He growls deep and dark as he fires the ball.

“OK. So maybe she’s here for a reason.” I suggest.

He stops and keeps his back to me.

“Don’t. Don’t even fucking say it.” He turns his head slightly and grinds.

“Just talk to her.” I sigh.

He turns and joins me at the door. His dark eyes meet mine. “No.” He snarls quietly and smacks my shoulder with his shoulder pad. He throws his helmet across the Hub and leaves.

I blow out a breath. “Does anyone else think that’s way more that just mad at your ex stuff?”

Marcus leans his elbow on my shoulder. “That guy is my best friend. If this woman has him this pissed, my boy has it bad.”

I scrunch my brow. “Ya think?”

“Fuck yeah. That guy is a tank. Nothing penetrates his chest. Audrey shows her face? His tanks just been busted. Guarantee it” He slaps my chest and leaves for his seat.

I mull it over. “OK.” I mutter and walk to the top of the circle. I still have to talk to him about this Black Mace thing, but I think I’ll wait until he calms down. I don’t need to compound his stress.

“OK. While Jax dispels whatever is going on in his head…”

“Big boobs and blonde hair.” Marcus chuckles as he crosses his arms.

“Marcus, really?” I tilt my head as the room groans.

“It’s the truth. He got run over.” He motions to his back. “Deep tread marks.” He nods.

“OK. Axelridge. Focus.” I lean on the table.

Noah leans on the table. “So we looked into the reports of the car they found in New York State. You were right. The Piper’s gone.”

I lean back and rub my forehead. “John?”

“The body in the morgue matched his description. We haven’t been able to get in to confirm it, but judging from the scene, it looks like the Piper escaped.” Marcus informs.

I take a breathe. “OK. Keep an eye on the streets. I want to know the second he shows up here. I’ll warn Phoenix and Falcon. He may try his shit there.”

Marcus taps his pen on the table. “We got a call from Falcon. They may have a breakthrough in the cure, but what’s concerning is the rogues have changed the game plan. They’re after Alliance Labs now.”

I furrow my brow. “Why?”

He shrugs. “They don’t know. They also don’t know why the labs have activated. They had them closed for last 10 years and someone has remotely brought them online.”

I tap my fingertips together. “Try and hunt down that signal. I’m sure Hunter and Gideon are all over it, but let’s see what the Hub can find out.”

He nods.

I turn to Griffin. “How’s the ice wall coming?”

“Installation is complete and testing is proving to be a success. The panels will be complete all around the island. We were able to amplify the electric grids between each panel to 20,000 volts. Any horse’s arse will fry if he even thinks of crosses between the walls.” Griffin leans back and smirks.

His Irish eyes may smile, but he can be a twisted son of a bitch when he wants to be.

“Good. I want this island protected before that ice freezes. If they’re not afraid to cross the water anymore, we need that barrier.” I say as I eye the circle.

“Aye.” Griffin nods.

“I also want training increased for level 4’s and up. I need everyone fresh. I have a bad feeling that things are going to get worse before they get better.” I order.

Eddie nods. “I’ll develop the training programs and inform the leaders.”

“Good. I also want a recruitment for Enforcers with specialized training for Croak-R.”

“A drug unit.” He states.

“As stupid as it is, we need one now. We don’t want this getting out of hand so, we need more boots on the ground.” I say.

He writes on his tablet. “I’ll put that in the works.”

I lean on the table. “I need all of you to shore up your packs. Up the training, beef up security. Once they feel they can’t get in here, they’ll go after you. I can’t have that.”

“I’d love to see those limey bastards get in my pack.” Griffin growls.

“Yeah, good luck, assholes.” Eddie laughs. “Try and attack a pack on a mountain.”

“It would be suicide. They wouldn’t dare cross my border.” Marcus grits.

“Just incase. Prepare yourselves. We’re an island, you guys are out there. Axelridge will protect you, but we may not get there in time. Please, do what you can.” I look around to all my friends.

The room mumbles in agreement.

“OK.” I stand. “I have to go and get some work done before my lunch date with a beautiful woman.” I smile.

“April.” Marcus grins.

“My daughter.” I wink.

“So weird seeing you as a dad. I mean you’ve been dad like to Ben, but now, it’s like a different man standing front of me.” Marcus stands and crosses his arms.

I nod. “I think I see things differently now. These kids, man. They’re our future. If we can’t give them the best life we can, what’s the point?”

He bites his bottom lip. “I like that. I like that a lot.” He taps my chest. “You almost busted this New Yorkers heart with that. Almost.” He winks and chuckles.

“I know you’re a softy, Marcus.” I push past him. “You may act tough, but you want to save them all just like I do.” I chuckle as I leave the Hub.

It's true. I will always try my hardest to save everyone. It hurts when we can’t, but at least we almost died trying. That’s all that counts. Not one person is not worth saving. Everyone deserves a break be it shelter, safety or love. I don’t care who you are.

That’s the number one thing I will teach my kids. All my kids. Every soul on this planet is important and it’s up to you to make sure you are your best self to protect that. Will you win them all, no of course not.

The point is you didn’t turn your back. You didn’t do things for yourself. You faced the fight to protect the ones you love. If you make mistakes, you own it, learn and move forward.

You use your head and your heart to make this world the best place it can be with you in it.

The last thing you should be able to say to yourself at the end of the day is…you were the solution, not the problem.

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