The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 31

(Chapter song ‘Hockey Night In Canada Theme' by Instrumental All Stars, ‘Seven Nation Army’ by The White Stripes)


‘What a game! Trezner’s really bringing it all out tonight. The Canadiens are all over the place. They just can't catch him.’

‘You got that right, Tom. Coming out of the gate, the first period looked like World War 3. The hat trick performed by Williams tonight should get him MVP and Trezner has been a force to be reckoned with, I’ll tell you. He gets down in that Habs zone and he does not let up. I actually think he’s set a new record for shots on goal.’

‘Pretty sure he has, Don. But Peridot isn’t letting him through. That’s got to be frustrating.”

‘The Habs have a good goalie this year. The youngest in the league. Trezner must be really feeling his age.’

‘Maybe that’s the reason for the announcement in the locker room today, Don.’

‘I think so. I do believe he still has a lot of good game in him, but I can’t say I blame him. Family come first. Let’s…Let's take a look at what he said in the locker room.’

‘Sure. Roll the clip.’

‘Alpha Trezner! Is it true you’re retiring from the league?’

‘Uh…Yes. As much as I love hockey, my obligations at home have become more important. I’ll finish this game and officially retire once I get the cup back for Axelridge.’

‘Does this have something to do with the recent crime wave in the city?’

‘In part, but mostly, my family needs me and it’s time to hang up the skates.’

‘Do you think you’ll turn coach?’

‘Coach? Um…I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to see what the future holds.’

‘What are you going to do after this?’

‘Well…spend time with my family and focus on Axelridge. I want to make this a great city for players and fans. I’ll be making sure that no matter what, that puck will drop center ice.’

‘Alpha Trezner…’

‘Thanks guys. No more questions.’


‘Well, you heard it. The great Finn Trezner, ending his 23 year career in hockey.’

‘Like I said, Tom. Nothing, I mean nothing, is more important than family. I think he’s doing a great thing.’

‘The game won’t be the same without him, Don.’

‘No, it won’t. But, as we know, the game goes on and we truly thank Trezner for the amazing hockey he’s played over the years.’

‘Yes, definitely. The second period is about to resume so let’s go down the ice.’

“Hey, Trezner! Ready to get your ass kicked!”

I skate around Thomas as he smirks. “Pucker up, big boy. You’ll be kissing my ass while I’m carrying the cup.”

Spinning around I group up my guys. “OK. We have five minutes to break this tie. Keep it tight. Keep it fast and don’t give em inch.”

“Sure thing, Cap.” Rich hits my glove with his.

I eye them. “This one’s for Casey.”

“For Casey.” They all mutter.

“Davidson, you protect that net with your life, got it?” I grab his shoulder and stare into his eyes.

“Got it.” He slams his cage down and skates off to the net.

“Let’s give ‘em hell.” I smirk.

“HAMMERS HIT HARD!!” They all shout and we break away to take our positions on the ice.

I look over at Ethridge who’s taken Casey spot as right wing. Casey sits in a medically induced coma now. Doctors don’t know if he’ll ever wake up. What ever has him, has him locked up in his body and won’t let go.

This win is for him, Ben and every kid we have in lock up waiting for a cure to this disease.

I can’t let them down.

I square off at center ice and prepare my stick. The Habs center eyes me and I eye him right back.

“Hope you’re not expecting a participation trophy, Trezner.” He chirps.

“Damn. You mean I don’t get to bang your sister? Fuck, I better call her.” I smirk.

“I don’t have a sister, you dick.” He grits.

“Oh. I guess your mom will have to do.” I grin.

He snarls just as the puck drops. I slap my blade over it and fire it over to Rich. He catches the pass and skates for the blue line. Once over, he passes to Ethridge.

The fans are slamming the stands as they scream.

My skates shred the ice as I come up the center. “PUNCH IT!”

Ethridge passes to me and I don’t even think, I one time it and the goalie lands his chin pad in the way. Rich catches the rebound and fires. Peridot smacks it with his stick. The puck gets hit to the corner and we slam into it for the dig. We fight for the puck as Rich hangs back.

I smack it out and Rich scoops it up into the top right net.

“YEAH!!” I jump and throw a fist up.

The crowd goes insane as we break the tie.

We jump on Rich to celebrate the goal and take off back to center ice for the next face off.

“Enjoy it now, Trezner. There’s still 20 left.” Thomas says as he crouches in front of me.

“Hope you perfected that backswing, Thomas. Hate to see you humiliated in two sports.” I cackle.

The puck drops and the Habs get control and we go in for the attack.

Thomas makes a break and I land a check right on his side. He lands like a starfish on the ice as I pick up the puck and rush into a breakaway. The ice is open and it’s just me and the goalie.

I cross the blue line and Kristoff nails me. I fall to my knees and the puck is stolen. Ethridge nails him on the boards and the puck is loose. I scramble for it and meet Thomas. He shoves me, but I throw a hip check, grabbing the puck again.

I slap it to Rich and he runs it in. He shoots and the goalie hits it to one of the defensemen who dumps it down the ice.

The Habs winger grabs it and runs to our zone.

We cover the ice and tighten our defense. Thomas shoots and Davidson blocks it. They crowd the goal and try to get the rebound. It pops out and Thomas slaps it right between Davidsons legs just as the end period buzzer goes off.

“Fuck!” I turn and skate back to the bench.

The scoreboard changes to 3-3 and the battle will be tight going into the third.

I sit on the bench as the coach goes through the next play.


I look around the guys and a big smile crosses my face.

I get up and go to the glass that separates the fans from us.

April is on the other side with Ben.

“Hi! When did you get here?” I offer a fist bump through the glass to Ben and he returns it.

“Top of the second. I heard your retirement announcement. I know this is an important game for you and I thought we should come and cheer you on.” She grins.

“Thanks. We could use all the support right now.” I thumb to the scoreboard.

“You’ll win. I believe in you.” She places her hands on the glass.

“Me too.” Ben says.

“I love you.” I say as I put my gloves on her hands.

“I love you too.” She puts her lips to the glass and I huff a laugh. I lean and kiss her lips. I could tell people were snapping pictures, but I don’t care. My baby deserves all the kisses no matter how silly they are.

“K. Gotta go back to work.” I offer my glove to Ben again and say bye.

“GO! FINN! GO!” April yells.

I laugh and shake my head. My little cheerleader is back apparently.

The third begins and we take to the ice.

We control the puck the first face off and the Habs push back hard.

I hit them into the boards and gain the puck, but I get taken out and they steal. The fight continues right up until the first shift change.

Rich dumps the puck and I skate to the gate.

Miller jumps onto the ice and joins the game.

I take my seat and watch the fresh players fight for the win.

They skate down to the attacking zone and the Habs goalie is a virtual wall. The kids good. Too good.

“We need to knock this wall down.” I lean on my knees and shake my head.

“We need tribute.” Rich says with a smirk.

“Ok.” I look up and down the bench. Guys are looking at the floor. Ethridge is picking at his nails and Rich is checking his phone.

I sigh. “Fine. I volunteer as tribute.” I grumble.

“The captain always goes down with the ship.” Rich laughs.

“Don’t laugh, when I leave, your ass is tribute.” I point in his face.

“I ain’t that stupid. Enjoy the box.” He shoulder bumps me.

“Thanks.” I snip.

My shift starts and I jump the wall when a player walks through the gate.

The puck is dumped into the attacking zone and hit back down the ice from the Habs defenseman.

We pick it up and run it back with me in front.

“PASS IT!” I yell as I get to the attackers neutral zone.

Wilson passes it up to me along center ice as I put the plan into action. The tribute? Intentionally piss off the net rat and eliminate himself from the game. I will go down for it, but I’m toppling the Habs wall.

I pass the puck to Rich and he ‘fumbles’ it, handing control to the Habs.

They play their defense and I shove my ass in the goalies face. He can’t see shit and shoves on my back.

“Fucking move!” He grits.

“Ya, that ain’t happening, sieve.” I smirk over my shoulder.

I intentionally block his view, pissing him off even more as the puck goes around my guys.

My skate enters the crease and hits his pad. That’s his breaking point. He stands up, cross checks me hard across the back and I go down.

I punch the ice, stand and throw my helmet off. “Let's go, pylon!” I growl as I skate into his chest.

Gloves and helmets come off and he throws a punch to my head. I land one right back on his fucking nose. Blood gushes everywhere as we’re both crowded.

The fans yell, scream and curse my very existence.

The Habs forward line come running. I dared to touch their goalie. Can’t blame them for wanting to take me out, I’d do the same. I’ll take the punches.




They throw punches as I try to swing my way out. I take a few shots to the head, until my team clears the dog pile. I land a few more punches to the goalies head before the refs break us up completely. I'm pushed out of the area, my nose and head are bleeding bad, but the goalie looks worse.

When things calm a bit, the Habs doctor assesses the goalie and our doctor checks my face. I rang his bells for sure. He’s not skating right.

I’m delivered a five minute penalty for goalie interference and our little goalie friend is taken off the ice for cross checking me. Yeah, I did him dirty, but this is war.

Now they have no choice but to put their weak goalie in who has a dying save record. The Montreal coach is not happy.

I give him a snarky look as he yells at me from the bench. I lean back and enjoy my break. My sacrifice is a gift to the Hammers. I’ll just sit back, wipe the blood off my nose and wait out my time.

The Habs lose two for the after brawl and we’re now at a face off of 4 vs 3.

Gunter takes my spot on the power play line and when the puck drops, he smacks the puck so hard, his winger almost missed the pass.

The Hammers charge up the ice and the Habs brace for impact.

They crowd their net and try to close the holes, but it’s just not good enough. We swarm them like hungry sharks.

We're everywhere and they don’t have enough defense to stop us.

The puck is flying back and forth across the ice around our diamond formation. It doesn’t stop for a second.

Rich passes to Ethridge who doesn’t hesitate when he bashes it to Gunter.

Gunter grabs the puck, skates around the net and lands a perfect wrist shot right by the goalies waist.

“FUCKING, YEAH!!!” I yell from the box.

The stadium explodes as we break the tie. Thomas throws his helmet across the ice.

He skates by the box and I yell “FOUR!!”

“Fuck you, Trezner!” He yells back.

I sit back down, laughing my fool head off.

Habs take control at the next face off and fight their way down to our end.

Thomas sets up a slapshot and beans our goalie right off the mask. Davidson hits the ice in visible pain.

“WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU ASSHOLE!” I bang on the glass of the box as my team crowds him and shoves him around.

Davidson is leaning on the net and shaking his head. Play is stopped while coach and the doctor check him out. His mask protects his head, but a slapshot to the face cage will still fucking hurt bad.

The stands are going nuts as Davidson indicates he’s OK. He nods as the doctor asks him questions and he throws his helmet on. Now, I’m going to shove this win down his fucking throat.

Play is resumed and my five minutes is up.

I hit the ice and find the puck. The Hab offenders jump out of their box and it’s now 5 on 5.

I pass to Rich and Thomas tries to take him out. He circles out of the way and passes to Ethridge.

Ethridge runs for the blue line and we follow.

The Habs form a diamond around the net and we come in for the kill.

With just 50 seconds left, we have to keep the puck in their end.

Rich gets the pass and shoots. It’s stopped and rebounds. A Hab defensemen grabs it and Ethridge intercepts his pass. We pass it all over the attacking zone until Ethridge shoots and again it bounces off the goalies pads.

Rich shoots and Thomas steals. I cover his ass and dare him to move. He passes to his left winger and Rich slams him into the boards. He hits the puck back to me and I rush it like a train. I pull my stick back and just give her. My blade slaps the puck and it flies into the top net.

“YEAH!!!” My entire team screams. The stands explode. The bench empties and they just pile on us at the goal net.


I throw my helmet and we all hug each other as the Habs skate to their bench.

I break away and skate around the rink with my hands in the air.

“TREZNER! TREZNER!!” They chant as I throw a fist in the air. I skate backwards and do a back flip which only adds to the insanity.

I’m riling the fans up more when I hear my name.


I turn to the Hammers bench and April and Ben in there. She's bouncing on her toes with her arms stretched out to me. I skate so fast to her, I almost take myself out on the boards. I grab her head and kiss her like it's my job. The crowd by the bench bangs the glass and yell congratulations.

I pull back, sucking her bottom lip. “This win’s for you.” I mumble with a soft smile.

“I love you so much.” She mumbles back.

“I love you, too.” I kiss her again as the end game buzzer rings out and the Hammers continue to celebrate bringing the Stanley cup home.

Small explosions happen over head and the arena is covered in confetti. Red and white spot lights flood the area as they spin.

I place my forehead on hers. “Me and you, baby. Forever.”

“Me and you.” She grins.

She kisses me as Ben claps my arm and shakes me. I break the kiss and grab his head. I knuckle his hair and he laughs, trying to shove me off.

I turn them around and raise their hands in the air. The fans stand up and clap and cheer. I wrap my arms around their necks and kiss Aprils cheek.

Getting the cup is an awesome retirement gift, but the best is yet to come. I can feel it already. The moon is coming and the air is changing.

This will be the best Blue Moon ball ever.

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