The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 28

Chapter song ‘Lightning Crashes' by Live)


I open the car door and Ben gets out his side.

I stuff my hands in my pockets as walk around the car. My heart aches as I watch a distraught mother run out of her house crying.

“Hi, mom.” Ben mutters.

I smile as she practically trips over herself to pull him into a hug and cries into his shoulder. I’ve never seen Ben hug her so tight. The street light shines on his tears as he feels her relief that he’s safe and knows that no matter what he does, he’s loved.

I walk up to them and place my hand on his head.

“I'm sorry.” He chokes.

April breaks from him and throws her arms around my neck. I hold her head to me. “I told you I’d bring him home.”

“Thank you.” She sobs.

I pull her head back and kiss her lips.

In the corner of my eye I see Ben trying to not feel awkward.

I break the kiss and grab his head. He smiles as he wraps his arms around us in a group hug. I kiss his head. I look at them both in our huddle. “Everything changes today. Got it?”

Ben nods. “Yeah.” He wipes his nose with his sleeve.

April sniffs. “Yes.”

“Come here.” I pull my family in for another hug. I feel whole. Complete. This is where I’m supposed to be. Not in L.A or New York. Right here. With the two most important people of my life. Jobs come and go. These people you only get once…ever. Take that for granted for a second and you may never see them again. I understand now that I taught my father that lesson. Unfortunately, that’s where it stopped. Luckily a thirteen year old boy had the guts to remind me of that before it was too late.

The other thing he reminded me of was that I also belong in this city. My pack needs me now more than ever. Especially when it comes to what I have to do now.

I wipe Aprils cheek. “I have to go to the Hub. I have other people’s kids to save.”

She looks at Ben and cups his cheek. “Go. Bring the babies home.”

I hold her chin and kiss her again. I slide my hand behind her head as I fill her with my love. I separate and look into her eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She smiles as she wraps her arms around Bens shoulders.

I turn to my boy. “And you…I may love you, but we are having a massive talk when I get home. You’re not off the hook for this one.”

“Can’t wait.” He grins.

I ruffle his hair and turn to my car. As much as I want to sit with my family, I have to face the toughest part of my job.

I want to save everyone, but I reality is, when it’s you or them, you have to make some extremely hard choices.

So far, we’ve identified 24 of our kids that didn’t survive the war. I now, have to tell 24 families that I couldn’t save their babies. The only thing I can do, moving forward, is try to save the ones that are left.

From what Ben told me, the ones out there were the 17, 18 and 19 year olds. The ones in the city are kids like him. They’re growing soldiers under our streets out of our kids and it’s my job to shut this piper down.

It’s time to be the Alpha I’m supposed to be.

After delivering the devastating news to the mothers and fathers, I took a moment to myself to reflect on my leadership as Alpha.

This whole time, I allowed us to be infiltrated, infected and wounded. I was so wrapped up in puck drops, endorsements and gigs, that I didn’t see the damage my absence caused to the people who trusted me with their most precious possessions.

I lean my elbows on my desk and cover my mouth with my hands as the names of 24 dead kids burn themselves in my brain. I will never forgot the cost I had to pay for my neglect.

I refuse to pay that cost again.

I walk into the Hub and the guys are all sitting at their spots. They all have looks of serious concern on their faces. They aren’t bickering. They aren’t goofing around. I think they now got a good dose of reality like I did. We regret hard and we will never forgive ourselves for what we had to do.

I walk around the table and sit at my spot.

The Alphas all are leaned back with their heads hung low.

After a moment of silence, I cough and sit forward. “OK. I know this is hard and we want to beat ourselves up about it, but right now, there 150 other kids who still need our help.” I look around the circle. “We can’t let Michael, The pied piper or the Vinellis win this. We can’t let another kid die. We certainly can’t let the 24 that did, die in vein.”

The Alphas nod in silent agreement.

I stand and walk into the circle. “Going forward. Live traps. I need something strong enough to hold the largest of these Croak-R rogues.”

“You want to trap them? Then what?” Eddie asks.

I press my lips together. “Well, we’ll hold them. Indefinitely if we have to until we find a cure. As of today, our first priority is to make sure the Vinellis can’t use our kids against us again.” I lean on the table and cross my arms.

“What about the ones here?” Jax grumbles.

I look down and nod. “We will work with John. He says he knows a way to draw out the piper. Once he’s out in the open, we grab the kids.”

“What if they fight back?” Noah asks.

“We subdue, only. There will be no more killing of kids. None.” I eye them all.

I push off the table. “Let’s get our kids back.”

The guys stand and leave the room.

I sit at my station and stare at the footage brought back from intelligence. The small, insignificant building that holds our kids is eerily quiet.

I lean on my laced fingers. “I'm coming. Hang on.”


“Alright, John. How do you lure out a Piper?” I ask as I watch the weird ass hunter walk around the inner circle.

“It’s quite simple, really…If you’re willing to do it.” He stops and arches a brow.

I cross my arms. “What?”

He continues to pace. “Well, a piper always needs to be paid, so…Make him a counter offer.” He stops in front of me and lifts his chin.

“Cut a deal…with a freak mercenary? You’re out of your fucking mind.” Jax growls.

“Am I?” John responds. “It does seem like having him your side is a tad better than having him on theirs, don’t you think?”

“Wait. He’ll just…switch sides?” I ask.

“If the price is right, yes. He’s a service. Of course, he’ll go where the money is. Pipers don’t have loyalty to anyone but themselves. If your need is greater than the Vinellis, he’ll be interested in a negotiation.” John nods to me.

“OK, but what can he do? We don’t want New York’s kids, man.” Marcus scowls.

“It doesn’t matter because he won’t be executing the deal. Once we get him out of hiding, we’re capturing him and putting him down.” John turns to Marcus.

“Ok. How the hell do we tell him we want to talk?” Noah asks.

“We need an in to that hideout.” I mumble. I pull out my phone and contemplate if I really want to do what I’m thinking. “I know how.”

I push off the table and dial. Walking to the center, I put the phone to my ear. “April. Can you bring Ben to the Security Complex? We need his help.” I look around to my Alphas then John. He gets a look on his face and nods as I think he understand what my plan is.

I just hope I’m doing the right thing.


“No! Absolutely, not! Finley, are you insane?!” April protests loudly.

“April. We need Ben to deliver a message that’s it. Then we'll get him out. He'll be wired and tracked the whole way. He won’t get hurt.” I reassure.

She points in my face. “You can’t guarantee that.”

“Mom, I want to help.” Ben says.

“Ben, those are dangerous people. No.” She says to her son.

I place my hands on her arms. “I need to save those kids, baby. This is only way we can get them away from him safely. Ben will be safe. They won’t hurt him because he’s one of them. Please. Just trust me.”

Ben joins my side. “I can do this, mom. The kids are in big trouble. Let me help.”

She looks between the two of us and chews her fingernail as she holds herself. She lets out a worried breath. “OK. He better be 100 percent safe.” She scowls.

“You can stay here and watch the whole thing. He’s just delivering a message. That’s it.” I try to calm my baby's nerves. Mine are going through the roof. I hate my own plan more than she does.

She hugs her son. “Be so careful.”

“I will, mom.” He smiles at me and I smile back.

I take Ben from her. “OK. So we’re going to drop you off where there’s kids. You find them and we’ll come in and pretend the fight them. When you run, follow them back to the hideout. Once there, you tell Cornell that your Alpha has a counter offer.” I stare into his eyes. “Don’t do anything else. Just play like your on his side. When he leaves, sit tight. The guys will come for you. Make yourself known to them and they will pull you out before we round up the kids. I don’t want you getting mixed up in the containment.”

Ben nods. “OK.”

“Great.” I wrap my arm around his shoulder. “Look at you. A big hero.” I shake him a bit.

He chuckles and looks at the floor.

I lean to his ear. “I always knew you were just like your dad. He was a big hero, too.” He turns his head grins. I nod to him and tap nose.

He laughs and I pull him in for a hug.

I lead Ben down to the transport truck and grab his cheeks. He jumps in and I grab his head. “Remember. I’m with you the whole way. I’ll be watching you and making sure your safe. If there’s trouble, I’m coming for you, Ben. Bank on that.” I give him a serious look.

He gives me a half smile. “I know.” He mumbles.

I kiss his forehead. “Go. Make me proud.”

He shuts the door and the driver starts the truck.

‘Drop him off outside the nearest uprising. We'll be right behind you.' I link.

‘Yes, Alpha.’

I watch them drive off and blow out a breath.

“My boy.” I stuff my hands in pockets and turn back to the complex to get ready for my part.

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