The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 20

(Chapter song ‘Shout’ by The Isley Brothers, ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ by Taylor Swift)


It was just breaking dawn when I woke up. I stretched out my sore back and grinned. My bunny made me sore. I love it. We needed this reconnection. I have a really good feeling this time. I just need to keep connecting with her and I think we'll end up in a great place.

With Ben happy, this will be good her. She won’t have to worry about him so much anymore. He’ll get proper training and discipline, meet new friends and gain a new outlook on his future. I think we’ll see a big improvement in his attitude.

I roll over to my sleeping bunny and take a moment to admire her beauty. My ass is damn lucky to have her. The thought of her giving me another chance has my stomach twisting in knots.

I think I’ll surprise her with breakfast.

I kiss her forehead then slip out of bed. I grab my phone and freshen up.

I slip my naked ass downstairs and find my clothes. I look around at the dinner we left, so I pull up my jeans and clean up the living room.

Once I do that, I head to the kitchen.

As I pull out a frying pan, my phone rings. I look at the name.

“Freddy?” I search for eggs as my agent asks me where I am. “I’m at Aprils”

I put my phone on the counter and press speaker.

“What are you doing there?”

“That’s none of your business, Freddy.” I say as I pull out some milk.

“It is when you were supposed to be in the airport an hour ago.”

“What are you talking about?” I say at the phone.

“The photo shoot in New York City…”

“What?” I grab my phone and pull up my schedule. Sure enough. “Shit.” I hang my head and sigh.

“Get your ass on a plane now.”

“Freddy, I can’t…”

“This is a multi million dollar promo gig. Get your pretty ass dressed and here now.” He demands. “If they walk because you’re a no show, you’re done. These are big time sponsors and when they talk, people listen.”

“OK. Give me an hour.” I hang up, clean up and get dressed.

As I leave, I remind myself to shoot April a text from the plane. Hopefully, she won’t be too pissed. This was a prior engagement booked, so she can’t fault me for skipping out.

After heading home to pack, I hit the tarmac and Freddy’s there with our traveling press corps. Each one begging for an exclusive as I board the plane.

During the whole flight to New York, I was interviewed, wined and dined by puck bunnies Freddy brought along and grilled on my part in this shoot. I was exhausted by the time the one hour flight was done.

When I got to the studio, it was nothing but take after take. The producer was a complete dick and I was starting to question if I even cared about my reputation and walked.

I felt like I had the shit kicked out of me by the time I got home. It was 9pm when I stepped off the elevator and started down the hall to my penthouse. I pull out my phone and keycard. I stop in my tracks and look at my phone. That sick feeling you get when you remember something really important you had to do, smashed my chest.

“Fuck!” I stomp and open a message.

YOU: Bunny, I’m so sorry! Freddy called and I had to leave. I swear I didn’t mean to leave on you like that and I was going to message but…just…text me back ok?

YOU: Oh I also forgot to mention, I’m picking Ben up at 8 on Saturday for a guy day. Have him ready.

I hit send and open my door. I’m instantly hit with laughter.

I shut my door and drop my bag. I furrow my brow at the sight of five Alphas on my couches with beer, popcorn and stadium food.

“EH!!” Eddie shouts.


“He’s back!”

“How was work, Darling?” Marcus chuckles.

I rub my forehead. “What are you guys doing in my apartment?!”

Jax points to Eddie. “He had Animal House so, we called movie night.”

I flop my arm on my side. “At my place?” I'm really too exhausted to deal with this.

“Yeah.” Marcus says as he shoves popcorn in his mouth. “You have a big screen.” He says with his mouth full.

I throw my hand to my wall of windows overlooking the city. “There are five other towers out there all with big screens!” I grit.

Griffin shrugs. “Yours was closer.”

“And you have the best beer.” Noah tips his bottle back.

“Alright.” I walk into my sitting area and step over legs, beer and food. “Eddie. Give me the key.”

“Awe! Why?” He argues.

“Just give it to me.” I hold a hand out and crook it.

He pulls out the card and thumps it in my hand. I hold it up to him. “You can have this back when you learn to be more responsible.”

“Jeez, dad. Take a chill pill.” Eddie snorts.

I point to him in a threatening manner and walk to the kitchen for a drink to calm my nerves.

Jax gets up and heads to the fridge. “How did it go with April?”

He cracks a bottle and hands it to me.

I tip it back. “You know, I think this time, I got it. I just need to spend more time with her and less time with you degenerates.” I smirk.

He shoves me as he takes a swig. He thumps his bottle into my chest. “Hey, we love you too. We deserve attention just as much as she does.”

I chuckle. “You’re drunk.”

“So what if I am.” He leans to me. “I’m Alpha enough to be in touch with my…”

“Jax! It’s the best part!” Eddie calls.

“Fuck you. I love togas.” He grins, shoves me and rushes back to the movie. He bounces on the couch beside Marcus.

My entire living room fills with chants of “TOGA! TOGA!” as I hold the bridge of my nose, questioning my life choices.

I was about to clear house when my door bell rang.


They look at me like I have a screw loose.

“Thank you.” I sigh and open the door.

“April.” I smile and lean on the door.

“Finn.” She looks over my shoulder at the guys and arches a brow.

“Hey, beautiful!!” Marcus yells out.

“April! Tell Finn to stop being a dick!” Jax shouts.

“You need to ditch Finn and hang with me.” Eddie grins.

I shoot him angry look as he cackles and chugs his beer.

“OK out!” I point to the door.

“But they togas!” Jax growls with a mouthful of food and throws his hands to the TV.

“I will throw you off the balcony.” I scowl.

“Come on guys, we can finish this at my place.” Marcus gets up.

Jax gets up too. “Is the hot tub fixed?”

“Yep and I have the girls on speed dial.” He smirks.

“Sweet! Time to deliver the Griffin special.” Griffin jumps up, rubbing his hands together and Jax fist bumps Marcus.

Marcus shoves Griffin. “This time use a bedroom or I’ll clean the pool table with your face!” He growls.

“Oh, please. Like you haven’t, you miserable pox.” Griffin scowls back.

“Yeah, but the mess comes from me so I don’t care!” Marcus barks.

“GUYS!” I snap as I flop my hands out.

The five of them wave me off and dance out of my apartment singing “Shout!” and chanting “Toga". The halls fill with cackles as I shut the door, shaking my head.

April walks into the apartment and I follow.

“Sorry about them.” I thump over my shoulder.

“I’ve known you guys a long time, Finn. Very little surprises me anymore.” She says as she looks around at the mess.

“Did you get my text?” I ask as I walk closer to her.

“I did and we need to talk.”


She spins around. “Just because we have sex, doesn’t mean we are together. Let’s make that abundantly clear. So no more baby, bunny or dinners.” Her brows stitch together and my collar heats up.

“Bunny, it wasn’t…”

“Hey! What did I just say?” She snaps.

“April…” I step to her and she holds a hand up. She stops me with a finger.

“It also doesn’t mean you have access to Ben.” She says sternly.

“What? April, I’m sorry! I couldn’t help it! I couldn’t say no.” I plead.

“I could’ve forgiven that, Finley, but you went entire day…AN ENTIRE DAY…with not one word about where you went! I was left guessing if you meant everything you said last night.”

“April, please…I’m sorry…I just forgot…The set was so busy…”

“That makes it better, Finn? You forgot? You forgot me! Me, Finn! Again!” She shouts.

I press my lips together and nod. I hold my hands in a prayer pose in front of me. “I promise…OK…that will never…ever happen again.”

She crosses her arms. “No, it won’t. I’m done with you and you’re done with Ben.”

She pushes past me and I follow her to the door.

“April, I get us, but don’t take me away from Ben.”

“He doesn’t need you, Finley.”

“April, I’m trying to help…He needs a mentor…a father figure.” I say to her back. “He wants this. You can’t do this to him.”

She whips around and points in my face. “Don’t you dare tell me what my son needs. We don’t want you, your charity or your celebrity, Finn. Both of us are done.”

I completely snap at that point. I grab her head and slam my lips on hers. I ask for entrance and she gives it to me. She whines on my lips and I melt into her, giving her my most heartfelt apology.

I wrap my arms around her head and waist as she holds my back. I slowly break the kiss, sucking on her full bottom lip. “You may not need me, but I need you. I’m sorry.” I mumble on her lips.

“I can’t do this again.” She says.

“Yes, we can. It’s gonna take work and patience, but we can.” I stare into her gorgeous brown eyes.

She steps back. “I have to go.” She turns to the door.

“OK.” I open the door for her. I hope she got that I’m serious about this.

She stops. “I’ll have Ben ready on Saturday.” She mumbles.

I smile. “Thank you.”

“He needs a man in his life. I’ll agree to that, but I can’t agree to a father.” She adds.

I nod. “OK. No more dad stuff.”

“No more dad stuff.” She says.

I shut the door and hold my hand on it. I don’t know if I saved anything, but I will admit this whole thing needs to change.

I pull out my phone and dial. Putting it to my ear, I clean up after my deadbeat friends until the other end picks up.

“Freddy? I need to renegotiate my contracts…Don’t whine…I need to free up more time so, I need to ditch some…Are you crying?...” I stand straight and furrow my brow.

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