The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 12

(Chapter song ‘Lose You To Love Me’ by Selena Gomez)


“So I think we can go skating at the pond then catch a movie downtown. We can have dinner after. What do you think?” I look up from phone and Finn's engrossed in a conversation with Peter.

The bell rings and the campus fills with kids heading home. They shout and laugh around us.

“Finn.” I get his attention.

“Hm? What?” He turns on the picnic table we’re all sitting on.

“Our date? What do you think?” I repeat.

He smiles. “I think it’s great. Whatever you want.” He cups my head and kisses me quick.

He turns back to Peter. “If we put the DR here and the DL here, we stop this from being open ice, see…”

“What movie?” I ask.

“Oh OK. I got it now.” Peter says.

“Finn!” I bark.

He turns back to me. “What, bunny?”

“What movie should we watch?” I ask with a hint of frustration.

“Uh…Surprise me.” He grins. “You’re the movie buff. My bunny always picks the best movies.” He kisses me again and turns back to his hockey talk.

I look at my phone. There’s no point talking to him now. I pocket my phone and get up.

“I’m going to practice. You picking me up later.” I stand and wait for a response.

He barely looks my way. “No…I have practice. I’ll call you later ok?”

“OK.” I pick up my bag and walk away.

“Love you!” He shouts.

I’m fuming because this is becoming a really bad habit. Since he’s missed the draft picks, he's been more focused on the game than he has me.

When I complain about it, he says it’s important for our future. He has to work and focus on hockey so we can be happy. The problem is hockey is the only thing he focuses on. We hardly date anymore because he’s always on the ice. He forgets to call and text. He shows up and begs forgiveness, but it only lasts for so long. His dad calls and he’s off running to the rink.

I don’t know what to do to get my Slapshot back. This is getting to be too much.

Like yesterday when I came out of practice. He was waiting by his car surrounded by girls who wanted his autograph for winning the finals for the Wolverines. He was happily signing them. Joking around and laughing with them as they flirted. You could tell he was soaking up the attention like a sponge. OK. I get that it’s a big deal, but I don’t want to share.

Through the whole school, it’s a constant bombardment of how cool he is. How talented. Everyone is so star struck, it’s almost sickening. He’s even won over some kids from the other sports. This group of guys that are Alphas and all want to be his friend.

I may be jealous, but it’s not what you think. I want to get back when it was just us. I’m jealous that everyone else has his attention, but me.

The only thing I have to hold onto is that once the pressure of a majors contract is off, I’ll get my Finley back. I just need to be patient.

“It won’t happen.” Sadie, one of my cheerleading friends. I’ve told her what’s going on between Finn and I.

“Why not?” I ask as I lean on the sink in the locker-room.

She finishes her lip-gloss and straightens her brown haired ponytail. “Because. He’s popular now. What do you think will happen when he’s in the NHL making it big. He’ll not only have hockey fans, but millions of dollars. Face it. He’s gone.” She looks herself over, trying to look seductive.

“What do I do, Sadie?” I whine.

She turns to me and leans on the sink beside her. “You enjoy the ride. Spend his money. Grab your own fan base. You’ll be a celebrity couple. Use it.” She says and turns back to the mirror. “I mean. If Craig makes it big, that’s what I’m doing. I don’t need constant attention. Just give me the green, baby.”

“That’s not love, Sadie.” I fold my arms.

“Close enough for me.” She shrugs. “As long as I’m cared for, I’m good with everything else.”

“Yeah. I don’t think I can do that.” I mumble and look at the floor.

“April. If he gets the majors, you’ll be sharing him with the world.” She rests her hand on my shoulder. “Better get used to it now.”

I look into her blue eyes as she winks and nods. I watch her bounce off in her red, white, and black uniform to the field and I’m left thinking, I don’t want the world to have my Finn.

I shake my head. No. Finns not like Craig. He wouldn’t let that happen. He loves me too much. Finn wouldn’t just let me disappear like that. I’m sure of it. Saturday, we'll have a special anniversary and I’ll feel better.

Or so I thought.

Saturday, Finn got taken by his dad for an unscheduled early practice. I decided to meet him there and we can leave for our date.

They’re doing a practice game and I’m snapping pictures like I’m his paparazzi.

“Finn!” I wave.

He smiles and skates over to me. He’s all sweaty in his uniform. He looks so cute with pink, flushed cheeks. I lift my phone. “Smile!”

“Bunny! Enough!” He chuckles as he raises his hand.

“I can’t help it. I love my Slapshot so much, I have to record every moment.” I grin.

“None of the other hockey girls are taking pics like they’re going out of style.” He smirks.

“OK. Maybe I’m excited about our date.” I smile.

His mouth goes small. “Date?”

I arch a brow. “Duh. Our two year anniversary? You promised to take me skating.”

He scrunches his nose and buries his face in his arms on the board. He lifts his head. “I’m sorry, bunny. I forgot.”

“That’s OK.” I grin. “Just go get dressed.” I bounce on my toes, but he’s not moving nor does he look excited. I stop and my brows stitch up. “What’s wrong?”

He rubs his nape. “Remember that recruiter I told you about?”


“He’s coming here. Bunny, he’s checking me out for try-outs. I’m sorry. I can’t go on a date. I have to practice.” He leans on the board and reaches for my hand. “I’m really sorry. I promise. Once try-outs are over, I’ll take you skating. Go have fun skating with the girls.”

My mouth turns to a frown as I fight the lump in my throat. “Our anniversary.” I say quietly.

“Bunny. I love you. So much…It’s just…this is way more important. I need this majors contract. Once I have that, I’ll spend every anniversary with you. Right now, I have to work.” He squeezes my hand and puts his helmet on. “I’ll call you later.” He lets go of my hand, pushes off and skates back to his team.

I wrap my arms around me, turn and walk out. I was so excited and he wasn’t even a bit remorseful that he broke my heart. He made it all about him and what he wanted.

A tear slips out as I wait for the bus. I half expected him to run out here or text me to come back, but I’m sure he has no clue I’m gone.

This proves one thing. There’s always going to be a try-out or big game or big audience. If this is what it’s going to be like, I don’t want it.

After living another week in Finn's shadow, I decided I had enough. He was either going to pick me or pick the game.

I stood at the door to his penthouse and rang the bell. I waited patiently as I ran through the ultimatum I was about to deliver.

The door opens and Finns dad stands in the doorway. He’s much bigger than Finn, but they look exactly alike. Only his dad is much more scarier.

“Good evening, young lady.” He says with barely any emotion.

“Alpha Trezner. Is Finley here?” I say meekly. His Alpha is extremely strong.

“He is. Come in.” He opens the door more and I step into the extremely large penthouse apartment that overlooks all of Axelridge.

The large windows open up to a big balcony. The kitchen is off to the left and the huge living area is filled with hockey stuff and couches.

“FINLEY!!” His dad bellows.

Finn bounds down the stairs. “Bunny? What are you doing here? I told you I’d see you at school.” He walks up to me.

“I didn’t want to wait.” I say. My body heats because I have no idea how he’s going to react to this.

“That’s good because I have amazing news!” He grabs my hand and pulls me across the living room out onto the balcony.


He stops, grabs my head and kisses me hard.

He breaks apart, letting me breathe. “I love you so much, bunny. I did it.” He grins.

“Did it? Did what?” I look into his blue eyes.

“I got in. I got the try-outs, Bunny. The recruiter picked me up! I’m in!!” He grabs me and hugs me tight.

“Finn. Finn!” I struggle as I push him back.

He studies my face which is not as happy as his. “What’s wrong?”

“I…I don’t want it.” I say as my face turns sad.

He looks at me with confusion. “Don’t want it? What do you mean?”

“I can’t go with you, Finley. I can’t.” I try not cry.

“April, what are you saying?” He swallows.

“I’m saying I don’t want what you do so…it’s either me or that.”

He steps back. “You want me to quit?” he says low.

“If you love me…” I whisper.

He turns, scrubs a hand down his face and walks to the balcony railing. He leans on it and I lean on it beside him.

“This is a majors contract, April. Do you know what that means? It’s what we wanted.” He turns to me.

I look down at the traffic 30 stories below. “I thought is was what I wanted, but I realize now, I want to do so much more with my life.”

He leans to me. “I’m going to be a superstar, April. I can give you anything you want!”

I turn to him. “I was happy when it was just you, me and hockey. Now, it’s you and the world and I don’t want it. I don’t like the attention you get, Finley.”

“I love you but, I can’t give this up.” He states.

I press my lips together and nod. “Then it’s goodbye.”

“Two years? Gone, just like that? April…” He reaches out to me and I back off.

“Goodbye, Finley.” I turn and walk back into the apartment.

“April!!” He calls to my back.

A tear falls as I walk past his dad and out the front door.

I cried all the way down to the front lobby and ran out of the building. I don’t know how far I ran but I stopped on a bench and just let it all out.

As I cried my heart out, I realized I had to do it. There was no way I could share him with hockey and be happy. Ending us was the only choice I had. Finley is absorbed into it. It’s his life.

Unfortunately, that life has no room for me.

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