The Assistant (sequel to The Beta's Mate)

Chapter Going Slow

Elizabeth sat in the hospital cafeteria sipping her strong, hot coffee, when Royce walked in. He quietly poured himself one and sat down with her. They sat in silence for a moment as he watched silent tears track down his mate’s face. Watching them caused a twisting in his gut, knowing that he was the reason for them. Royce decided to open with a slightly less volatile topic than the one about them being mates. He cleared his throat, trying to find a safe approach.

“You know, you should never run from a predator. Our first instinct is to give chase.” Royce took her small hand in his, holding it gently.

“Sir, I don’t know if I can go through another relationship with a strong male. Losing my husband damn near killed me. It was months before I felt anything approaching normal. As a matter of fact, Duncan is the first man that I have been out with since Daniel passed away.” At the mention of his head of security, Royce growled.

“Oh hush. We didn’t know that you and I would be mates. Duncan does not have those kind of feelings for me. If you want me to stay, Royce, you will not do anything to him. And don’t act like you have no idea what I’m talking about, either. In the two weeks that I have been with the pack, I have watched best friends almost turn on each other when it comes to mates.” She tried pulling her hand from his, but he wouldn’t let her. “May I please have my hand back?”

“I’m sorry. I just need to touch you. I don’t expect you to accept me right away. The fact that you have not rejected us outright gives me hope. I am old enough that I can reign in my wolf. I can be patient with you. Let me court you, Elizabeth. Let me show you how great it can be between us. A wolf is always faithful, always loving and always tender with his mate. Let me show how it works. You’ve had a human relationship. let me show how we, as pack, treat our women. That’s all I’m asking for, Elizabeth, a chance.”

Elizabeth sighed. It was important for her to do this, she knew. But, still, it was going to be hard. Taking a breath to steady herself, she answered. “Royce,, I honestly don’t know that I can accept you. I will try. However, I will warn you, there will be times that I appear to push you away. This is just my way of letting you know that I need time to myself. As far as courting me goes, that’s fine. However, I am setting some boundaries. I know about the pull for mates and I’m ok with that, I guess. But, you can do nothing to encourage it. You will not manipulate our mate bond in any way. You will not try to initiate any type of physical intimacy of any kind. In fact, holding hands is as far as I think our contact should be. At least for a while..........”

Royce lifted his head to look at something over her shoulder as she was speaking, watching someone approach. Elizabeth knew instinctively that it was Duncan, because Royce began to growl as he got closer. “Stop that!” She whispered forcefully. Royce looked at her, astonished. “Don’t look at me like that, Royce. He’s not a threat to you.” She said as she frowned at him.

“Elizabeth, Miranda is awake and asking for you.” That’s all Duncan had to say. She was on her feet and quickly walking to her daughter’s room.

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