The Assistant (sequel to The Beta's Mate)

Chapter Behind His Back

Elizabeth pulled up to what Dylan had called the pack offices. It had to be three stories high. As she was getting out of her car an older man (wolf?) approached.

“You must the lady the Alpha pup hired to take care of Royce.” His face looked no older than hers, but the feeling of great age set upon him. Looking at him she could shadows and pain in his eyes. Pain that hinted at unimaginable loss.

“Yes sir. I am she. And you are?“ She asked without thinking. Realizing her mistake, Lizzie gasped and paled. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to offend you, sir. If you’re a ranking wolf, please.....” He was laughing at her.

“You’ll do, lass. You’ll do. I’m Duncan, and I’m head of pack security. We will be in close contact and I thought it best if I introduce myself, before you became overwhelmed.” Duncan grinned, thinking that she might be just the thing that the Alpha needed. Letting his gaze wash over her, he stock of her. She was an attractive woman, for a human, small in stature and frame. Long hair twisted into a heavy bun at her nape, he bet it would hang close to, if not to, her waist. Green eyes in an oval face. Combined with her long red hair and freckles, you could be forgiven for mistaking her for someone younger.

“If you’re quite done, may we go in. I imagine the Alpha and I need to meet and then I need to get settled in my quarters and unpack.” She knew Duncan was giving her more than a casual perusal. It felt like he looked her over and cataloged every single detail about her that he could see. She knew that wolves could be intense, but she really hoped that she didn’t have to go through this every time she met someone new.

“Ah, here comes the Alpha pup now. I expect that he’s coming to rescue you from me and my questions. I don’t have many. Your life was an open book and your background check was not very difficult. I’ll see you around, human.” He turned and walked away.

“Lizzie! I’m sorry I wasn’t able to greet you when you arrived. I was on the phone with dad.”

“On the phone? But......I thought, I thought that Alpha Royce was here. Does he even know about me? Dylan? Dylan! What have you done! You might just get me killed or ......I’m leaving. You should have discussed this with your dad.” Elizabeth was angry. Never in her life had she been maneuvered like this.

“I’m sorry Lizzie. When we talked on the phone, dad started packing for a long trip. It seems that he decided to attend the Alpha’s conference in France this year. He won’t be home for at least another week. Maybe two. I never had a chanced to tell him face to face, and this isn’t something that I wanted to tell him over the phone.” Dylan was frowning by the time he was done. He wasn’t used to having to explain his actions to anyone. Let alone a human. “Come on, I’ll take you up to your room and show you dad’s office. Then at dinner, we’ll talk. I promise.”

“Ok, for now, I will agree to this. Does your sister and her mate know about me? Or it that another surprise for me?” Tonight at dinner, Lizzie, I promise. Not until then.” Dylan infused his voice with a small amount of his alpha power to make her comply. When her lips compressed into a tight line, he knew two things. One, that he had succeeded and two, he had just angered and hurt his friend.

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