The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Will You Help Me Or Not

There was no denying the feelings we shared for each other but were they enough? I've never given any thought to finding my mate because truthfully, I wasn't sure if they were that great to begin with. I mean the only people that I ever saw happy were Beta Skyler and his wife. My (cough, cough) father, had two and both of them left him. I never knew Romero or Damon's stories and I wasn't at Crane's pack long enough to ask so my argument stands.

We cleaned up the bathroom then went back to his room. He laid down while I sat with my legs folded underneath me and stared at him.

"It's not nice to stare you know." He said with a cocky grin.

"I need to ask you something?" I blurted it out before even thinking.

His smile turned to a serious scowl as he watched me nervously. "Ok. What do you want to know?"

"Have you heard of any women going missing around town?"

He got out of bed and grabbed his boxers off the floor sliding them on as he walked over to the balcony doors and closed them pulling the drapes tight to shield the sunlight starting to peek in. He turned around and looked at me with narrowed eyes. "I've heard some things but nothing ever became of it. Why?"

"The night of the gala, I saw some men abducting a woman and I followed them to this place where she was pratcially sold to someone else. I think it's a sex trafficking operation and I need help shutting it down."

His brows shot up and his eyes widened at my words. He paced in from the bed running his hands through his hair then resting his hands on his hips. "What do you mean you followed them?"

"That's not the point. Did you hear me? SEX TRAFFICKING!" I said as I threw my hands up in the air and exaggerated the words. "I need to save those girls and I need your help."

"Mila, do you realize what your suggesting? You want to take on some powerful people and this goes deeper than you think. You need to let the WBI handle this, I can assure you they have been monitoring this for years and if you try anything you could blow the entire investigation."

"I know what I'm getting myself into but if you won't help me then I'll just ask Finn."

His face turned red and his jaw twitched as he clenched his teeth. "Fuck no! You will not need his assistance with anything."

Wow, touched a nerve there didn't I skippy?

"Well either you help me or he does but I will get into that place and I will take them down." I stood up and walked towards the balcony reaching for the knob when he grabbed my wrist.

"Mila wait." He sighed and took a deep breath then said "I'll help you, but on my terms or it's not happening."

I turned around and looked into his eyes hoping for the strength to stand my ground and not run and jump in his arms.

"Ok. Your terms, but my plan. Deal?"

He hesitated before he said "Deal! So what's your plan?"

"I want you to bring me there and sell me."

"No. Absolutely fucking not!" He said before he turned around and walked to his bed.

"I thought you said we had a deal?"

"That was before you told me about this crazy idea of yours. You really think I'm going to hand you over like a sheep to slaughter? These are notoriously bad people and I will not endanger you by using you as bait."

I grabbed the door knob and flung it open stomping towards the ledge when he stopped me again. I spun on my heel and jabbed my finger into his chest spitting my words out viciously. "Don't be fooled by my size, Alpha! You may call me wild one but you have no idea what I'm made of. I WILL get in that building and I will shut that whole got damn place down."

"And what exactly are you going to do when you get in there? Huh? This place is crawling with armed guards and top of the line security. No one who goes in there ever comes out."

"You just worry about getting me in there and I'll take care of the rest. Ok?"

"I know I'm going to regret this but for some reason I can't let you do this on your own or with that pup of a roommate. So when are we doing this?"

"Tonight! I'll be here for 8 and I'll take care of everything. Just make sure you're dressed in a nice suit." I pecked his lips and opened the door running out into the balcony before I stopped and looked down realizing I was still naked and turned back around. "Ugh do you think you could give me a ride?"

He chuckled and said "What's wrong little wild one, is running around in the woods naked suddenly an issue for you?"

I folded my arms across my chest and said "Not during the night!"

He walked to his closet and grabbed some jeans and a shirt then threw me a pair of shorts and a hoodie. "I'm sorry I don't have women's clothes sitting around but you can wear these home for now." He smirked as he pulled his jeans over his gloriously right ass and pulled his shirt down over the stone wall that made up his stomach.

I smiled as I put on the shorts and folded them four times before they stayed on my hips then slid on the hoodie basking in the smell of his Kenneth Cole collogne lingering on the collar.

"Ready?" He asked as he grabbed his keys off the dresser and opened the bedroom door.

I nodded my head and walked out following down the stairs then entered a massive living area which practically took up the entire first floor of this luxurious cabin. I glanced around amazed at the cozy and warm feeling it brought me. Even staying in that condo with Finn never felt like this. No, this place was covered in the Alpha beasts scent and it flooded my senses making my wolf stir. She rarely ever gets excited about anything but between last night and his overwhelming fragrance she couldn't sit still. She was strutting and prancing around in my head like a beauty queen showing off for her crown.

I shook my head as we got into his truck and headed to the highway. Ten minutes later we were pulling up to my condo with a furious looking Finn pacing back and forth on the doorstep with his phone to his ear. He froze when we he saw the truck park and Tanner walk around it to open my door. He grabbed my hand and helped me down then closed it and pulled my face to his planting a kiss on my lips, making my face heat up and my knees buckle.

He released his hold on me and smiled then said "Tonight. 8pm. I'll be waiting!"

Then he turned around and got in his truck driving away making me feel so lonely without his presence.

"MILA! Where the hell have you been?" Finn asked.

"I...uh...well...I went out for some air this morning and ran into Tanner." I quickly dodged ran inside hoping to make it upstairs before he could interrogate me but his lightning speed made it to the door before I did.

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