The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter The Agreement

4 days later

Today was finally the day I would be released from this metal hell. I have been down here for 7 days and I was only allowed to eat twice.

I was sitting in the corner of the box staring at the door when I heard my father stomping down the stairs. My body began to tremble as he got closer to the cage. He stopped and inhaled deeply.

"For goddess sakes Elise, you smell like trash." He growled in disgust.

He unlocked the door and reached in pulling me out. It took me a while to stand up after being cramped up for a few days and my body was aching from sleeping on the metal floor.

I didn't have enough strength to speak or walk but I managed to follow him back up the stairs as quickly as he did.

Once we reached the top he turned to me and said "Go get yourself cleaned up and change into something nice. We have visitors tonight." He said with a devilish smile.

He turned back around and stormed off to his office. I looked around for Lily to see who the visitors were but she wasn't anywhere around so I went to the shower hall and took a bath.

I pulled my favorite yellow dress off my shelf and put it on. Then I slipped on my white sandals and sat on my makeshift bed waiting for my father to come get me.

Something didn't feel right about what he said and my stomach was a bundle of nerves. Whoever was coming over tonight was important and I couldn't help but think it had something to do with me.

Suddenly the door to my room opened and my father walked in. He looked at me with hooded eyes and grabbed my arm hoisting me off the bed.

"You better be on your best behavior tonight and don't do anything to embarrass me, understand?"

"Yes, sir." I said looking down at my feet.

He walked out of the room and I followed a safe distance behind him. Once we got to the kitchen I could hear familiar voices. The Beta and his wife along with the Gamma and a few other important members of the pack were all talking.

But there were a few new voices that I didn't recognize. That must be the visitors.

When we got to the table, my father sat at the head and he gestured for me to sit next to him. Unsure of his intentions, I sat and kept my head down throughout the entire meal.

I have never sat at the dining table with my father. Ever! I was never allowed to leave my room for meals because he didn't want me to make the other wolves uncomfortable around me.

Once dinner was over, father asked a few of the men to come to his office to speak with him. "Elise, will you please stay here in the living room. I have to speak with Alpha Crane for a moment." He spoke so nice but I knew he was only doing it because of our company.

"Yes, sir." I said as I kept my head down.

A half an hour later Beta Skyler came into the living room and asked me to come with him to the office. I immediately stiffened and started to think about what I could have done wrong when he bent down and said "You didn't do anything wrong Elise. Now please come with me before you upset him."

I nodded my head and followed him down the hall. We reached the office and walked in. There were three big men staring down at me. One man had drawings all over his arm and his hair was in a ponytail behind his head.

The other was just as scary but he had no hair at all. The last one the Alpha. His name was Alpha Crane.

Alpha Crane was a very nice man with a soft voice "Hello Elise, my name is Alpha Derek Crane."

"Hello, Alpha Crane." I said never lifting my head.

"Elise, Alpha Crane will be taking you back with him to his pack house in Montana." My father said with a smile on his face and joy in his voice.

I jerked my head up in surprise and looked up at him with confusion in my eyes but immediately turned away when I realized what I had done. He growled lowly reminding me never to look at him.

I shuttered at the thought that I would be punished for the disobediance I just committed. But Alpha Crane looked at him in a disappointed way before he turned back to me.

"Elise, your father and I have agreed that it would be best for you to continue your learning with my pack. It seems the tutor you have been acquainted with has been, a bit behind in your studies and since there are other issues with you going to school here, we believe you will be more comfortable elsewhere."

"But what if I don't want to go?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

My father stood up scraping his chair along the floor and slammed his hands down on the desk "This is..." I cowered away into the corner of the office awaiting his fury.

Alpha Crane stepped forward and held his hand up to silence my father.

"Elise, I know you are frightened but I promise you, you will be very well taken care of."

I nodded as tears rolled down my cheeks. How could my father just get rid of me like this? I knew he hated me but to send me away, that was just evil.

I looked at Alpha Crane and he smiled taking his handkerchief out of his pocket and handing it to me so I could wipe my face.

"Elise, you will be leaving in the morning. Mrs. Jones has started packing your things and you are allowed to take anything you want." My father said with a stern look. "Now go to bed. You need to be up and ready for 8am."

"Yes, sir." I said with disgust in my voice. It was official, I hate this man. Why would the Moon Goddess give me to him only to be treated like scum.

I was glad I was leaving. I would be far away from this place, far away from him and I wouldn't be abused any more.

I went to my room and sat down on my bed. I looked around at the 2 boxes and thought about whether or not I should take any of it with me. I didn't really have much to begin with so the decision was easy.

I didn't want anyting to remind me of this place, of him. I vowed from this day forward, no matter what, I would never forgive my father and that one day I would get my revenge.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes waiting for the morning to come so I could be taken away from this horrible place. The only people I would miss would be Beta Skyler, his wife and Lily.

I shot up out of bed and remembered Lily. I couldn't leave without telling her so I took out my pencil and paper and left her a note.


I have to go away. My dad is meen and he made sum man come take me. I love u and I wil rite wen I get ther.



I put the note in my pocket and opened the door then ran to her room and put it under her door. I got back to my room and layed down crying myself to sleep. I would miss her so much.

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