The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Mission Complete

He walked deep into the trees before he stopped and pushed me up against a tall one. His hard dick was digging into the corner where my thigh and sex met and the harder he thrust the more rage pulsed through my veins. Just his touch made me want to bend every finger he had at an unnatural angle as I watched him beg for me to stop.

This little dickwad had no clue what he was getting himself into. I moaned playing along as he kissed down my neck and across my chest. Then before he could continue I pushed us both off the tree causing him to loosen his grip on me and letting me drop to my feet. He looked at me with sheer confusion as I smiled at him and bit my lip.

I pulled my romper down and let it fall to the ground, standing there completely naked and said "Please Max, touch me here." And I pointed to my nether regions then laid down on the ground waiting for him to weaken his defenses.

He stalked towards me with pure lust in his eyes and said "Someone's rather eager? But what the lady wants, the lady gets."

Then he was on top of me, kissing down my chest to my stomach. I arched my back and waited for him to nestle his head in between my legs. I rolled my eyes internally at the ridiculous position I was in, making a mental note that next time I won't be handing myself over as bait for some nasty asshat to touch me right before he dies.

He finally made his way to my sacred place and looked up at me as he stuck out his tongue to lick my sweet essence then without warning I clamped my legs tightly around his head and locked my ankles causing him to turn red and grab at my thighs with panic written all over his face. In one quick jerk I snapped his neck then released his head letting it fall to the ground with a thud. I got to my feet and stood over his lifeless body and with one swing of my arm I ripped his throat out with my claws and threw it on the ground.

I picked up my clothes and put them on while I searched for the tracker phone. It only took one ring before I heard the code word on the other end.

"Officium est!" I said and quickly hung up. I grabbed my things and headed off down the road to the hotel calling Damon as I walked. I passed a stream and rinsed my hands, trying to clean as much of the blood off as I could before someone saw me.

He had a bag of clothes placed a mile behind the hotel for me to change into before I returned to my room along with rubbing alcohol and a scrub brush to remove the tattoos, makeup remover and a set of matches for me to burn everything with. I quickly changed and took all the accessories off, cleansed my entire body with the alcohol and wiped the yucky shit off my face throwing it all on the ground in a pile. I doused it with the remaining alcohol and threw a match in the center. In 45 seconds it was all reduced to ash.

I waited for the fire to settle down then threw dirt on top to smolder it completely and turned around to walk back to the hotel. We wouldn't be staying another night so Damon was waiting for me at the at the edge of the woods. Once he saw me he started our journey back towards the pack house. It wasn't long before my adrenaline took over and I ran past him shifting into my wolf the second I leaped from the ground.

I ran off the excess energy as my legs flexed and contracted beneath me in a full sprint. My fur was swishing in the wind and I could feel my heartbeat increasing. It was invigorating and the thought of his terrorized look before he died made me feel, alive.

But there was always something in the recesses of my mind that kept telling me this was wrong. I hated that feeling, the feeling of remorse, the feeling that no matter how many times I did this it never made me feel better, it never made the pain from my past fade, if anything it enhanced it, fueling my anger and murderous personality even more.

I laughed internally as I ran into the moonlight. I was truly fucked up in the head if I thought murdering dozens of disgusting wolves would ever make me feel happy. But then again, why would I want to be happy, I mean it's not like I ever experienced it so why should I crave something I never had.

We finally arrived back home and my body was screaming for some sort of relief. My bones were aching from the run and my head was throbbing. I ran upstairs still naked as the day I was born and turned on the shower as hot as it could go. I walked in and let the water run down my face taking all the grime with it. I scrubbed my body raw trying to get the feel of his grubby hands off of me as well as the rest of his blood.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally managed to rid the irony smell from my skin and jumped into my bed. I knew Romero needed some sort of report but I was too tired and emotionally dishelved to discuss it right now. Even after all these kills I still needed to take a mental moment to process everything and remind myself that what we did was for the good of our kind.

I tossed and turned the entire night trying to forget the look on his face as he suffocated in between my legs. Their eyes always haunted me which is why I tried to never look into them until they were dead but it's kind of hard when the prey is literally trying to eat you out while you have his head in a leg lock, pressing on his carotid arteries to disrupt the flow of oxygen to his brain.

I finally gave up and rolled onto my side trying to think of anything else but death. I stared at the wall wishing the sandman would make a visit but obviously he would was on a 12 year hiatus because sleep has never been a friend of mine. The clock seemed to stand still the longer I watched it and eventually I threw off the covers and went downstairs to raid the fridge.

"You know eating this late at night isn't good for you." Romero said behind me as he grabbed a water from the door.

"Yeah well not getting sleep is bad for me too so I guess I'm screwed all around." I said as I closed the door with my foot while carrying two bowls of food in my arms.

"So what's keeping you up now?"

"Same shit, different day."

"Talk to me Li."

I gave out a loud sigh and shook my head. He didn't need to know my reservations about our lifestyle. Maybe there's a reason why I'm the only female assassin in this pack because I never let my girly emotions cloud my judgement, until now.

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