The Assassin’s Mate


6 years later

"Happy birthday, wild one!"

I opened my eyes to see my sexy mate lying completely naked next to me with his very hard dick standing at attention. I licked my lips hungrily and rolled onto my back as he settled in between my legs spreading me open wide and licking my overly sensitive, swollen pussy. His tongue caused an awakening in my body and I couldn't help the desperate moans escaping my mouth.

"Tanner, please. Goddess, please fuck me. I need you."

He ran his finger down my slit then eased it in sending my heart rate soaring as I gripped the sheets. "Fuckkkkkkk."

My hips starting bucking against his hand as he flicked his tongue over my clit making my eyes roll into the back of my head. My legs were shaking and I was so close but he stopped. He started kissing all the way up my belly to my throat. Then he laid down on his back and grabbed his dick saying "It's all yours wild one. Come and take it."

I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth as I sat up and crawled over his legs and stared up at him while I swirled my tongue around his tip. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes as I took him entirely into my mouth and let my tongue dance around his shaft as if trying to memorize every vein and ridge. His dick twitched in my mouth and it only made me want to swallow him further. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and started pumping up and down as I bobbed my head back and forth at the same time. I could feel his whole body tense up so I pulled it all the way out with a pop and sat back on my heels

I watching the amazing man before me throbbing for my pussy and I couldn't wait any longer. I climbed up his body and rubbed my center over his hard rod then placed my hands on his chest as I lowered myself onto him. I was so tight that I felt like he was going to split me in half but the stinging pain soon melted into a delectable pleasure as I began bouncing on his dick. He gripped my ass tightly as I squeezed my wall muscles around him.

"Fuck wild one. Fuckkkkkk." I could feel his dick swelling and I wasn't that far behind him.

I picked up my pace and leaned back placing my hands on his thighs making his dick hit the perfect spot and soon I was screaming out as my body reached the peak of delight and he filled me to the brim with his cum. I slowed down wanting to feel every last sensation and continued milking his cock til the last drop only stopping when the most intense wave of pain started in my back and wrapped around my belly. I clenched around him and stiffened up waiting for the pain to pass as I took deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth. He slowly helped me off of him and laid me on my side while kneading my back.

"I think it's time we stop having sex until the baby comes Li." He said in a soft gentle tone.

If I weren't in so much discomfort, I would have turned around and slapped him for even suggesting that he deny his very large and very pregnant wife the best thing he could ever give her before she had a baby attached to her boob for the next year.

"I'm not due for another two weeks Tanner and if you even think about keeping it from me I'll tie you to this bed and take it whenever I want."

He growled and pulled me closer whispering into my ear "Remember the last time you tied me up? It didn't last very long so I suggest you use silver next time." He nipped my ear making my back arch as I pushed my ass against him making him tap it lightly and say "Not again wild one. I have breakfast to make for my beautiful wife."

I snorted at his reply, not feeling attractive in the slightest with this humongous belly protruding in front of me throwing off my balance and causing me to waddle everywhere I went. He kissed my cheek then climbed out of bed grabbing his pants and walked out the room.

My energy level had dropped to zero so it didn't take long before I was sleeping again letting my mind drift to this sweet little angel inside me and how perfect he or she would fit into our world. We had been too busy in the last 6 years to even think about starting a family but it didn't take long before I became pregnant. I remember the night I found out and how scared I was to tell Tanner. I didn't want to ruin his great start at King with a baby but the Moon Goddess had different plans.

A little while later Tanner returned with a tray of blueberry pancakes, bacon, fried eggs and a cup of warm milk, since I wasn't allowed to have coffee. I inhaled deeply letting the sweet smell of syrup fill my nostrils before I dug in. Tanner ran to the bathroom for a quick shower then went to the office to finish up some paperwork. He had been extremely busy in the last two months but I knew he was trying to get things finished before the baby came but it seemed like the faster he finished the more work came in.

After I finished my breakfast I wobbled over to the shower and let the warm water ease the tension in my back. I'd been having contractions for weeks but usually a bath and staying hydrated made them better. I sat under the steamy stream doing my deep breathing exercises as they passed making sure to keep track of how many I had every hour. It was worse during and after sex but I wasn't complaining in fact the pain actually heightened my pleasure which made me want to fuck Tanner all day and night.

Once I felt relaxed enough I got out and decided to go for a walk around the pack. Since Olivia and Finn had their mating ceremony three months ago I hadn't seen either one of them and I was getting lonely without my best friend and soon to be godmother of our little blessing. Finn had chosen to stay at our pack as one of Tanner's finest guards so he was responsible for training all them along with being the head of security.

I grabbed a mint green dress and a long knit sweater from my closet and slipped on my boots then made my way downstairs. I decided not to tell Tanner my plans because he would have told me not to go and I'd rather him scold me later than letting him prevent me from leaving when I wanted to.

I slipped outside and let the chilly December air fill my lungs. The pack was alive with people running around and saying hello as they passed, pretending like I wasn't even there, which is strange because I hardly make it out the door before they bombard me with questions or small talk. I continued walking towards the square where we had a few different shops added to it and decided on a hot chocolate from the bistro. Finding a bench, I sat and wrapped my sweater around me putting the cup to my lips when I felt panic flow through me.

Li, where are you? Are you ok? Why did you leave without telling me?

I rolled my eyes at his overprotective Alpha King ways and took a deep breath before I answered.

Tanner I'm fine! I'm in the square drinking hot chocolate. I came to see Olivia and Finn but they weren't home so I stopped for a treat.

Please tell me you're at least inside?

I paused thinking of what to tell him when I heard him growl through the mind link. I knew I had about 30 seconds before he came barreling down the street to take me home so I ignored him and tried to relish in the last moments of peace. I took a sip of my delicious velvety chocolate drink and tapped me foot on the ground counting down from 30 when my chest started vibrating and I felt his worry hit me hard.

"Elise Reeves, what the hell are you doing outside in this weather?" He helped me up from the bench and wrapped a blanket around me then hugged me tight.

I loved this man more than life itself but I haven't gotten a moment to myself since he found out I was pregnant. Ever since then he's been lecturing me on what not to do, giving me restrictions and I was even put on a baby safe diet not to mention the hovering! I knew everything there was to having babies, I had become a midwife after we took over the throne but he still didn't trust me to be alone. I knew that he would become a mess while I was expecting but if anyone knew when something was wrong it was going to be me, I mean it was my body for goddess sakes!

"Tanner baby, I'm fine! We're fine! I love you but you have got to let me breathe! There's nothing wrong with me getting out some fresh air, in fact it's good for me."

"Li I know I've been crazy lately but I've just been so emotional, like I don't know what to do if you aren't by my side. I don't want to smother you but if anything would ever happen to you, especially now, I don't know what I would do." He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist.

My heart dropped at his admission, how could I have forgotten that he could feel everything I felt! I was a horrible mate for not blocking my internal fears from him. We knew that my pregnancy was going to be high risk because of my Lycan blood but I chose to hide my emotions rather than let everyone know how I really felt.

"I'm so sorry Tanner! I thought I was hiding it so well but I was only making you feel worse."

"Li, even if you were trying to hide them from me, I know you well enough to know you were terrified even without feeling your emotions. You can't hide anything from me! Now let's get home and get you two warm."

When we arrived at the pack house it had warmed up outside, being a little after noon, and everyone was basking in the rays of the sun. I smiled at how much our members had grown in the few years since our whole lives changes and how amazing they were at adapting to it. We were now the greatest pack there was and no one would deny it or even try to mess with us. When we made it inside, total exhaustion hit me and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed. Tanner lit the fireplace for me and helped me into bed then tucked me in as I drifted off to sleep.

“Li? It’s time to get up little wild one! It’s almost 7 and you haven’t had supper.” I felt his soft lips brush against my cheek and I couldn’t help the rush of hormones that invaded my body.

He chuckled and said “I will gladly fuck that pussy all night long but you need to eat something and we have to celebrate your birthday.”

I groaned at his response. Ever since we met he had been trying to get me to celebrate my birthday but it wasn’t that special of a day for me, ever. In fact I had never done anything for it, which is why I would never tell him when it was but the sneaky little shit called Romero and he told him. But maybe now it would be different since I would more than likely be sharing my birth month with our baby and I couldn’t think of a better reason to celebrate it.

He helped me up and into the bathroom, where the shower was already running, and peeled me out of my clothes and led me into the shower where he joined me. He massaged my back while washing my body with the most amazing smelling soap. After we were done we got out and he dried me off slipping my robe over my shoulders and tying it in front of me.

“I have a romantic dinner for two set up for us at the restaurant in the square and I bought you a new dress just for the occasion.”

He walked out of the closet with a beautiful long sleeved, floor length, blush pink angel maternity gown. I stared at it and tears began to fill my eyes. It was the little things that he did for me that made me so happy to be his. I walked up to him and stood on my tippy toes planting a kiss on his lips. He helped me into it then went to the closet to get dressed himself. When he was done we got in the car and drove to the restaurant, since a light sprinkle of snow started to fall.

The town was so quiet and still that it was almost depressing but we had strict rules about the members being home at dinner unless they were required to stay out otherwise. We really pushed the importance of family time with them and to our surprise they really enjoyed it. The bonds became stronger and the children were sure to always be loved, no matter what. Any signs of neglect were handled by me immediately and if someone couldn’t care for their child for whatever reason they were placed with a loving family, no questions asked.

I stared down at my belly and rubbed it in circles smiling when Tanner places his hand over mine. His favorite thing was to read to the baby every night, no matter what time it was or if I was sleeping or not, he pulled up my shirt and got as close to my bump as he could then started reading. When he was finished he would pepper it with kisses and the baby would just squirm around with delight.

We parked the car and once we were out we walked into the restaurant. It was dimly lit and completely empty, which I suspected he had something to do with. The hostess led us to the back room and when she opened the doors the entire room shouted "SURPRISE!"

I gasped as my heart nearly exploded from the vast amount of emotions that hit me. I began to tear up again as I looked around the room at all our friends, family and pack members standing there smiling at me. Olivia ran forwards and wrapped me in a hug pulling me out of my shocked state.

"Happy Birthday Li!"

"How...when...why?" I asked as I looked at Tanner.

"I've been planning this for years. Ever since you told me you've never had a party, and this year just seemed like the perfect time."

Tears began falling down my face in streams, dripping down on my dress, refusing to stop. A birthday party? He threw me a birthday party! I grabbed him and hugged him tight. If there was anything he was good at it was totally surprising me.

A few more guests came up and talked with me then we headed to a table set up in the front full of presents, some wrapped in colorful sheets and others in baby themed paper. I walked around the table looking at them all when Romero and Damon stepped out behind a box surprising me the most.

"Happy Birthday!" They said in unison making me tear up again.

"Oh my goddess what are you two doing here?"

"Did you really think we would miss your birthday party?" Damon said as he walked up to me and hugged me followed by Romero.

I stood there as all the people I loved surrounded me and it warmed my soul tremendously. I was so happy to have them in my life but most importantly in our baby's life. We all talked for a while before a humongous cake was wheeled into the room. It was the most beautiful 5 layer gold flake cake, towering over me, decorated with pink and blue polka dots adorned with a 25 at the top. Not only had this amazing man thrown me a birthday party but he also made it a baby shower in disguise, which I also said I didn't need, because let's be real what could a royal baby need that he or she didn't already have?

The party was just getting into swing when I excused myself to the bathroom. I was having contractions again but I knew all the excitement and walking around would cause me some pain. I placed my hands on the counter and leaned down trying to ease the pain but it wasn't working. I knew that if I didn't get a handle on them my Alpha mate would be barging in and make me leave so I put a block up and tried my deep breathing techniques. I must have been in there too long because Olivia walked in to check on me and she only had to take one look to see this wasn't a drill.

"Liv, please go get Tannerrrrrrrr. Aughhhhhhhhhh."

She didn't even have to go get him because before I knew it he was by my side rubbing my back and talking me through it. When the pain was bearable to move, he led me to the car and straight to the hospital. He was so calm and I was a bundle of nerves, wrapped tightly in a neat package. I tried to imagine happy things like holding our baby and smelling their head while snuggling them close but the truth was, I was terrified that I would endure the same fate as my mother.

Within minutes we pulled up to the hospital and walked straight to the maternity suite, which was reserved especially for the Luna, and got settled. The doctor checked me and said that I was barely 4cm so I got up and walked around the entire ward for the next hour then used the bouncy ball to help my pelvis loosen for an easier delivery. Tanner sat by my side and helped me through every contraction while rubbing my back and belly or telling the baby stories of all our travels while I took a nap. It was almost 10 when the doctor came in and checked me again.

“Well Queen, it’s time to push!”

I looked at her in disbelief, it was rare for a women to progress so fast let alone with her first baby but I listened to her anyway and got into position. Tanner stood at the side of the bed while holding my hand and whispering soothing words into my ear. The pain was intense and exhausting but nothing I couldn’t handle.

“Just a few more pushes Queen you can do this.”

Tanner wiped my forehead and face with a wet towel then kissed me on my nose and said “We’re about to be parents!”

I smiled and took a deep breath ready to meet our baby then bared down “Aughhhhhhhhhhh.”

“Push, push, push. That’s it, almost there, just a little more. And here is your baby momma! It’s a BOY!” She said excitedly!

The sound of his cry filled me with so much joy that I was sobbing as Tanner kissed my face and they laid him on my chest. The nurse was wiping him clean and he continued wailing and turning red he was so mad but once I wrapped him in my arms he quieted down instantly. I ran my finger down his cheek taking in every little feature from his big wide eyes to his cute little nose, counting his fingers and toes while he took in everything around him.

He latched to my nipple easily and once we were done having our moment I swaddled him tight and passed him off to Tanner. I laid back and couldn't help but smile as he walked around the room talking to him and kissing him, telling him how amazing he was and how happy he was to finally meet him. He was my perfect birthday present.

"So mommy, have we decided on a name yet?"

I laughed at his question because there were dozens of possibilities but when I looked at his innocent little face I knew instantly what we should call him. "Wyatt Ashton Reeves."

He looked at me with a huge smile and said “You never told me that was an option.”

“I didn’t think of it until two hours ago. The names just popped into my head. It just hurts that he will never meet your parents or my mom so I figured this was the best way to honor them.” Tears pricked my eyes as I thought about what amazing people we had both lost.

His parents passed away in a horrible accident right before his brother took over the pack so I chose Ashton from their names, Asher and Leighton and Wyatt was my mother’s last name. I don’t know why I never thought of it before but it just seemed fitting now that he was here. He brought him to the nursery as every one gathered on the other side of the window and introduced our son to our family and friends. The official ceremony wouldn’t be until we got home, but we knew no one would leave until they knew we were both ok.

Once he got back to the room I tried letting him nurse again then laid him in the bassinet and fell asleep. I knew Tanner was going to be up all night so I was fine with them getting a little bonding tonight, momma needed her rest. From today on our lives were forever changed once that beautiful bundle of joy arrived and I couldn’t have been any happier!

I hope you all enjoyed the bonus chapter! Sorry it took so long but now that it’s done I can focus on my new book coming out soon. It’s called The Big Bad Wolf Mate. Stay tuned for the release date!!!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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