The Artist

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


Jamison had spent unknown amounts of time dissecting Henley’s life. Past and present what he had learned was disturbing but not helpful. Nothing that I could use to help the rebel be content. That was the only reason I was here at an appointment I’d never imagined would need to take place. But I could not win a war if I was blind to my opponent. I would need a different strategy to stay the course with Henley.

“Mr. Castillo, what a pleasure.” A small attractive woman said as she shook my hand. “Please, have a seat,” The woman smiled friendly. She was a petite and shapely thing. Even in her high heels, I towered over her. Large blue eyes framed with designer glasses, complemented by perfectly braided hair she’d coiled and pinned. The hot library look was every teenage boy’s dream. “What brings you to see me today?” The woman asked.

“Omegas,” I said as I took my seat across from her.

“You’ve come to the right place then.” Rain Stark was a well-known historian. Her research regarding Omegas made her expertise priceless, which was the point of this meeting. Henley’s resistance had forced me to seek help.

“I hear you’re the expert on all things Omega.”

“I’ve heard that too.” She smiled at me.


“Besides the fact that I am one?” Rain’s voice was a bit sarcastic, “Mr. Castillo, I have devoted my life to studying and preserving our history.” Rain said.

Omegas were few in numbers. A problem that our government had been working on solving for years. There were simply not enough of them to populate properly without intervention. Millions of dollars where paid in research, studies, and breeding programs. Most Alpha’s would die of old age while waiting for an Omega to born. “So, are you buying or selling?” She asked, taking a pen from on top of the desk.

“What do you mean?” The question was odd, irritating me instantly. Rain put down her pen, folding delicate hands, to rest them on the desk.

“Men like you, and feel free to be offended.” Again, her tone of disrespect rang loud. “Come to me for one of two reasons. You want to buy a pure Omega, or you want to sell the “defective” Omega you bought off a farm. Which is it?” Rain Stark was an interesting woman. Not hesitating to label and offend me, all in the short space of a minute. She may look like a harmless kitten, but she was all lioness. Shrewd and calculating.


“Interesting.” She sat back, surprised.

“Please," Rain nodded towards me.

“My Omega is not defective; she is… strong-willed.” It wasn’t exactly the truth. But how could I tell the stranger my mate loathed me?

“Strong-willed,” she repeated. “That is, by far, our best trait, Mr. Castillo.” Still, the little Omega’s eyes lit up.

“Strong-willed to the point of rebellion and defiance.” I clarified, “That trait is far from desirable.”

“Rebellion and defiance are in the eye of the beholder.” Rain said, raising a curious brow to me. “Where did you purchase your Omega from, Mr. Castillo?” She asked, almost buzzing with excitement to hear what I said next.

“I did not purchase her. She found me.” I clarified. “She called to me.” Rain rocked completely back in her seat, looking both amazed and worried.

“Really? that’s even more interesting.” My words had meaning to her, ones that I did not understand. “Please.” She asked me to continue. I wasn’t a man who believed in the fairy-tale endings or romantic notions. Fucking was pleasurable, addictive, and gratifying on a physical level. Every woman I’d ever slept with knew the rules from day one. Enjoy the ride while it lasted. I’d always intended to find an Omega, one that would be mine. Bonded, claimed, and precious enough to be called my mate.

“What revelation are you looking for?” I asked, slightly defensive of her intrusiveness. She, like Henley, looked at me with little respect.

“That depends on what you have to tell me, Mr. Castillo.” Rain said, watching as she rearranged herself in her absurdly small office chair. “You said she called to you; can you elaborate?”

My attempt to curb my hostility failed instantly.

“You want to hear me say that she lured me like a siren? That she stole my breath with one look? That her scent robbed me of the ability to think about anything but her?” I ranted, embarrassed to confess my feelings to this stranger, let alone in the presence of my second. The immense displeasure in my voice didn’t matter to her.

“Did she do all these things?” The Omega pressed.

“Yes.” I ground out the reply. Bitter and angry that I had to share those emotions. It was only my fear of Henley’s well-being that pulled them from me.

“Tell me, Mr. Castillo did this… female make the other Alphas around her respond the way you did?” The question seemed irrelevant. I would have fought them all to claim Henley. Although I never thought about it. Rain was right. Henley had interacted with the general masses for years. And yet, she remained unclaimed and untouched. Her body had been pure when I knotted her for the first time.

“No, I seem to be the only one.” I was confused and content by my admission, torn between the realization. The words I spoke were double-edged. The Omega I claimed despised and longed for me. If only for a short time. Rain’s stunned look, paired with her amazed chuckle, pulled me from my thoughts. My attention returning to the Omega across from me, I looked for a clue as to her meaning.

“Well, consider yourself honored, Mr. Castillo.” Rain paused, giving me the oddest look, I had ever seen. “Few Alphas will ever know the joy of an Omega. Fewer will be blessed to be touched by a freeborn.”

“Freeborn?” My second asked.

“The rarest of us Omega’s.” Rain said, addressing Jamie. “Those of us who were born unknown.” She boasted as she looked at us.

“No one can be born unknown,” Jamison said she laughed, the musical sound of true laughter filled the large room.

“Alphas, you’re also full of yourselves. Even more so of what you believe you control.” She tried to get her composure back

“There are genetic tests done at birth. No infant leaves the hospital unidentified.” Jamie reminded her.

“I didn’t say we were not identified. I said we were unknown.” The blonde beauty clarified. “Evolution has gotten tired of your brutality and misuse of power. You are no longer the ones in control.” Her words were outlandish and open hearse. Rain was boldly challenging the laws that ruled our lives. Her entire body hummed with a rebellious energy.


“Your greed is ending your reign, Alpha. Omegas will rule. We will choose our fate and live free.” The rebel Omega said.

Jamie made a disbelieving grunt, openly pissing on her proclamation, offending the Omega. The humor left Rain’s eyes.

“How many years has your Omega lived as a Beta?” Her question made the point. The glaring was unnecessary. “She has known for years that she is Omega. And yet she chose when to call to your Alpha. She picked you as a suitable mate.” I was angered to feel the faintest flush stained my face. The sound of Jamie choking on air did not help anyone. The room grew cold and tensed instantly. The Omega’s eyes narrowed as she looked at us.

“What have you done?” The words were demanding and wrapped in the promise of her wrath. The beautiful sexy secretary morphed into Joan of Arc.

“What was my right to do. I took her as my mate. She’s bonded and claimed.” I told her firmly.

“You took her?” Her expressive eyes started to glow with agitation. “A freeborn Omega, she did not choose you? You forced yourself on her?” Rain said the words like they were unbelievable. Her body began to shake as she seethed with rage. “You forced a bond?” She hurled her accusation at me, repeating my words as she rose up out of the chair.

“By right and position.” I firmly informed my genetic submissive.

“By right and position?” The tiny Omega dared to yell at me, rising out of her chair, posturing as if she were a threat to me. A door at the back of the room burst open, and two agitated Alphas rushed into the room — a dark-haired male called to the little one.

“Rain, what’s wrong?” He demanded, racing to the Omega’s side.

“This barbarian has defiled a freeborn.” She hissed at me. The look of outrage that darkened the man’s features was almost as unnerving as her wrath. “Get out.” Her voice was filled with ice and loathing. Her poorly veiled emotions chilled and angered me.

“I have the power to claim, Omega. I have rights.” I shot back. The only thing saving me from her physical attack was the speed of the Alpha at her back. Thick arms restrained the hellcat as she lunged at me.

“You took something precious and sacred that did not belong to you.” She accused me as the second Alpha growled a warning as he moved towards us. Jamison flew from his chair to defend me.

“Get the fuck out.” The Alpha ordered, breathing in the scent of the upset Omega had them protective.

“No,” Jamison boldly refused as he spoke for me. “He didn’t know.”

“Didn’t know what? That you had no right?” The little Omega again moved towards me. “You’re not in control anymore, Alpha.”

“She was an unclaimed Omega.” I reminded her defensively. “Her body called to me. And I claimed her.” Defending my right as Alpha.

“Liar, you took her body by a forced claim.” Rain said, pushing against the Alphas body. “That’s why you are here.” The Omega wasn’t right. She was misinformed. Henley’s body did respond to me. It was her heart that fought me. I couldn’t nurture one without the other.

“Please, his mate is suffering. Help her.” Jamison spoke for me, begged on behalf of Henley. Two more Alphas appeared. The one holding the hellcat released her and handed her to one of the newcomers. A man large enough that I’d hate to have to fight. He started to purr for the Omega. She relaxed a fraction.

“You have upset our mate.” The beast of a man said. His choice of wording overshadowed the chaos of the moment.

Rain sat on the large couch wrapped in the arms of her Alpha. The beast purred as he massaged the base of her head. Her perfectly pinned hair fell loose as he calmed her physically.

“Do you see these men, these Alphas?” Rain asked, the ire of her mood only controlled by the men at her side. “They are mine. Alphas, I chose.” Rain explained, glaring at me.

“How is this different from what I did?” I challenged her. She hissed at me.

“I asked caveman. I did not take.” She said. Her Alpha doubled his efforts the purr changing to soothe her rattled nerves.

“Why?” I looked to the men at her back. “Why do you need more than one mate?” I wanted clarification.

“My first was afraid. He worried that some greedy pig would do exactly what you have done,” she said. “I love him as much as he loves me.”

“Freeborn Omega’s are rare and incredibly dangerous. I will not risk her life.” The giant Alpha spoke. “My brothers are loyal to Rain and each other. This pack is how we thrive.”

“You all claimed her?” I asked, fascinated, and envious of him.

“Brothers.” The Alpha called to the others. “She claimed us.” I felt jealousy kick my heart as the Alphas simultaneously pulled their shirt collars aside. Revealing dainty teeth marks that scared their flesh. Pride filled the room as the men purred with purpose.

“Tell me what you feel the bond?” Rain asked, as if knowing she had me on the ropes. It was rare for me to be outmatched. I was, this Omega had far too many things in common with Henley.

“Bitterness.” The confession hurt. Rain smile, finding joy in my pained revelation.

“Did she willingly accept you into her body, or did you force that as well?” Her question set her Alphas on the defensive.

“Willingly, I felt it.” That was not a lie. Henley had taken me with gratification.

“What did you feel?” Rain challenged me, forcing me to share personal emotions.

“Completion, a feeling that I’ve never felt before,” I spoke honestly. “Her body sings to mine.”

My meeting with Ms. Stark was unnerving, gaining information, and disappointment at the same time. Justifying myself to a stranger was degrading. Being judged by her was insulting. I was an Alpha I didn’t have to atone for that. My bruised ego bubbled under my skin. The lengths I had gone to for Henley were unappreciated by the Omega. Mocking, disrespected, ignoring, uncaring, Henley had committed far greater offenses then I. Yet, I suffered, not her. The more I allowed myself to stew in the blackness of my wounded pride, the angrier I became. Henley was where I had left her. Entering the studio door, I assumed the catatonic woman would be sitting on the floor. I was shocked to see her back bent, actually drawing. Approaching the desk with hope, only to be stuck in the heart. Pages and pages of the imposter. Large drawings, all of the unworthy Alpha. Images of him, detailed and created with the loving hands of my Omega. Reasoning left my mind. I roared the warning too late, lunging as I ripped the paper from her hands. Henley’s shock was genuine, cowering from my violence. She grabbed for a drawing, holding it to her chest. I tore the desk apart, shredding everything she had created.

“You have dishonored me and my claim.” I thundered at her.

“I never wanted you,” Henley said, clenching the only paper I had not destroyed. Blues eyes burning with fear and discontent.

“Omega, you have no choice in the matter.” I snapped as I reached for the picture she held.

“No,” Henley said, daring to bat my hand away. She fought to keep his picture. A black hatred that I had never experienced before stole my vision. When it returned, my hand was around Henley’s throat. The fear that was there before was gone; she didn’t struggle; she didn’t fight me. Henley stretched her neck, offering it to me. Rejected and wounded, a jealous involuntary action, I tightened my grip. Henley made a deathly whimper as I cut off her air.

“Alexander!” I heard the voice of my second before he struck me from behind. His fist rained massive blows to my flanks. Forcing me to release Henley. She fell to the floor, landing hard. Gasping and wheezing, gulping in air as she lay there. Looking at me with a mysterious array of emotions. They didn’t matter, I had almost killed her. I had lost again.

Neither of us spoke as I filled the bathtub. Moving to Henley, she tensed when I undressed her. She had not tried to stop me. She had not fought or begged for her life. Henley would have let me kill her. There were no words that could touch the pain of that truth. My soul wept in my chest.

Henley’s delicate neck was discolored, the hellish bruises I left shamed me. I’d lost control, hurting her because I was jealous. That alone was an unforgivable act against my mate. I purred as I used the sound to sooth the Omega I had injured.

“Relax, Henley,” I openly begged her as I pulled her stiff body against mine. She was understandable rigid, reluctant to listen to me. The hot, fragrant water did nothing to mask the scent of my earlier aggression. It still soured the air around us. Henley had every right to be afraid of me. I wrapped my arms around her chest, forcing the unwilling Omega’s back to my chest. Demanding that she not only hear but feel my repentant purr. It took far longer than it should have for her to relax, even a little. But every battle I fought with her was the same, and I lost far more than I won.

“I met a woman today that hates me more than you do,” I said. “If that is even possible.” My heart ached to say this, but I was desperate. Beyond fearful that I could lose Henley. “She is an Omega, a freeborn Omega, like you,” I said, pressing a warm washcloth to her neck.

“Freeborn?” Henley asked, her voice was low and hoarse. More evidence of my sins.

“Omega’s who are misidentified. There are more out there, Henley, Omegas, just like you.” I said, trying to soothe her physical pain away.

“I don’t understand.” She whispered.

“I didn’t either, but it’s true. Rain is one of them, one of you, Henley, a freeborn.” I felt Henley’s body take in my words. Curiosity and wonder fluttered in her chest. “She said that evolution had not forgotten the Omegas. You have been gifted, made different than the others.”

“Different how?” She did not hesitate to ask what I dreaded to admit. I swallowed my pride, knowing she would not miss the opportunity to shot me through the heart.

“She has Alphas, four of them, “I hesitated as I prepared for pain. “Mates, she chose and claimed.” Silent minutes passed as Henley processed what I shared. Time, I waited for her to cut me to bone. When she didn’t, I grew more uneasy.

“Omega’s do not claim Alphas.” That was not the response I was expecting.

“Freeborn Omegas break all the rules, Henley.” Truer words were not possible. Henley had taken her rebellion to a cosmic level.

“What does she look like?”

“Before or after she tried to rip my head off?” I humorlessly asked her. Henley’s body went stiff before she sat up, turning to look back at me. A mixture of odd emotions raced in her eyes. I wasn’t able to watch them. I was far too distracted by the sight of my bruises on her neck.

“She attacked you?” Henley’s question wasn’t odd. It was the tone that threw me. Enough to pull my eyes back to hers.

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