The Artist

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

We sat down the street, in a bistro that made the best-grilled cheese sandwich on the planet. Mo was still a little shook by my loss of control back at the office/studio. It was fun watching her form her plan of attack. She wasn’t going to let it go.

“So that was…wild,” Monica said as we waited for our food. “Care to share?” I couldn’t stop the smile, shrugging at my best friend.

“I forgot to tell you that my bullshit meter was full from this weekend,” I said matter of fact. I would not be talked down to or bullied. I sure as shit wouldn’t let Mo be talked to like that either. Mo just stared back at me. Lost, that was a look I’d seen on her face a lot. She still found it hard to believe that I lived the way I did. Socially and technologically detached from the media-driven world we lived in.

“You don’t even know who you just hung up on, do you?” My wonder women asked me. I shrugged my shoulders at my dark-haired friend.

“No, and I don’t care,” I told her truthfully. “I don’t have to take being threatened or bullied, and neither do you,” I promised her, it was hard enough being a female in this world. I would not be degraded because someone felt like power tripping.

“Even if that bully was Alexander Castillo?” Momo looked worried.

“Who’s that?” I asked, totally lost to who she was talking about. The look of disbelief on Mo’s face never got old. I was by far the hardest person she’d ever worked with.

“Henley, are you being serious? How do you not know who Alexander Castillo is?” She asked me. Completely mortified that I did not know who this person was.

“Is he a musician in one of my favorite bands?” I asked but didn’t wait for her response. “The answer is no because the name would have rung a bell,” I said. “Which means one of two things. He is a new Alpha, with a god complex, or he’s an old Beta, with small man syndrome. Either way, he can call one of the other twelve artists who had showings with me this weekend.” I tried to ease her worry. “I’m in a good place financially, Mo. I don’t have to take the shit, not in my studio, not with my art. If some ego Alpha needs to assert himself over a Beta, he can call an escort.” Mo sat there for a moment, thinking it over.

“You’re right, Henley. It’s that I can’t afford to lose this job, and I love it.” Mo told me. She looked worried. It was hard for women, like us, ones that wanted to work and live on our own.

“And you won’t,” I promised my dearest friend. “I won’t leave you out. That’s not what friends do.” She smiled at me, and I smiled back. Taking her hand in my and squeezing it.

“Ok, you’re the boss, no bullshit, not today. “Mo smiled. “If he calls back on Friday, I will see how full your meter is then.” She joked.

“If you need help checking it, let me know.” I laughed.

“No messages.” Mo looked relieved when she checked the automated service when we returned.

“Good, I’m going back to the studio,” I said as I turned for towards the stairs.

“Ok, but play something good.” She knew I was heading straight for the stereo.

“That’s all I play Mo,” I said as I walked up the stairs.

“What about that guy that moans like a wounded cow? That is definitely not good music.”

“Wounded cows around the world love him,” I yelled down the stairs. Mo was right; that song was not my favorite. But my hands had been covered in black chalk, and I was too lazy to skip the song. I turned on my music center, found the track, and blasted it. “You’re right, Mo. He does sound like a wounded cow.”

“Moo!” She hollered back up the stairs, and I laughed. The next two days passed smoothly. Kita was supposed to be back today, which always put me at ease. My estrous was due any day. A dangerous time for any Omega. Especially one living illegally and unbonded. I was a misidentified one, living an illegal life. A truth that I had kept from Mo. If I were ever to be discovered, I didn’t want to get her involved. She couldn’t be held accountable for something she did not know about.

“Henley, I’m leaving,” Momo called up the stairs. I didn’t stop what I was doing. A new idea had me in its clutches.

“K, leave the door unlocked. Kita will be here soon,” I called back. My hand moved carefully across the canvas.

“See you tomorrow,” Monica called out, I mumbled a reply, losing myself to my idea. I marked time with songs. One after another, they played as I continue to birth an image I’d dreamt. The image of a wolf that contained a raven. Two beautiful and culturally symbolic animals. Completely individual, yet iconic. Animals feared and worshiped in many cultures. Mystery and wonder ran in my mind as I worked enthusiastically. I had heard heavy footsteps on the stairs four songs ago. Kita would not interrupt me; he would wait for me to finish. Finally, content that the picture matched my vision, I leaned closer to the canvas — gently blowing away the loose specks of the black and gray chalk. Setting the chalk down, I stretched my back. Sore muscles reminded me I’d been hunched over for too many hours, making a spa day sound better and better.

“You’re too quiet, Kita,” I said to my unusually silent friend.

“I didn’t want to interrupt you.” A deep voice that was not Kita’s caused me to whip around. Panic and outright fear pulsed through me, kicking my heart hard.

“You? What are you doing here?” I asked the sadist artist from the exhibits.

“I’m wounded. You don’t even know my name.” The massive Alpha smiled down at me. Perfectly straight, bright white teeth shivered me with the realization of his dynamic.

“I don’t want to know your name,” I told him truthfully.

“Again, you wound and me, Ms. Allred.” His voice was smooth but not entirely. Its hidden roughness rasped across my senses, making them feel excited and scared at the same time.

“You look far from wounded,” I said, holding my ground as the Alpha approached. “What do you want?” I demanded as I tried to get a hold of my emotions. He only smiled as he looked down at me. And not a funny smile, more like alarming. The sadist didn’t need help in that department. He was tall, taller than Kita. His body dwarfed mine.

“The same thing I want days ago when you blew me off at the exhibit, and then later on the phone.” He didn’t hide his feelings, broadcasting his displeasure in his posturing and scent. The same way all Alpha’s flexed their dynamic. The dangerous smile that didn’t disguise his feelings hit me funny. “I don’t enjoy being disregarded.” He informed me. This wasn’t the first time a self-proclaimed Alpha god bullied me. He was simply the first to do it in my studio.

“Not many do,” I said. “Remember that when you leave here.” My attitude was purely survival.

“You’re very spirited for a Beta.” He said as he slowly took me in.

“It’s the red hair. We are notoriously spirited.” I retorted as I moved away from where I had been working — creating a larger space between us.

“I will remember that in the months to come.” He said as he started walking around my studio, looking at my work, glancing at me as I watched him.

“What do you want?” I asked again.

“Isn’t it obvious what I want?” Bright green eyes I’d rarely seen pinned me briefly.

“I wouldn’t have asked if it was obvious," I snapped at him. He chuckled, shaking his head as he continued to catalog my work.

“I want to commission you, to work for me.” Again, his voice pricked along my senses, freeing a rush of goosebumps over my skin.

“An artist does not typically commission others; they create their own works.” I was calling him a liar, point-blank. He stopped short, turning towards me. I noted the look of total surprise. This was not an expression he wore often.

“You think I’m an artist, truly?” He asked, very perplexed with my response. “You’re an interesting creature.”

“Creature?” I asked, “because I’m a Beta or an artist?” I asked, offended by his choice of words.

“Artist, of course, and if you’d taken the initiative, you would know that I’m not the stupid artist, you think I am.” He sounded annoyed with me.

“Why would I? I had no interest then, or now for that matter.” I said, meaning every word. His jaw flexed, either out of frustration or anger.

“Do you insult all your patrons like this?” He demanded, growing more agitated with me by the second.

“You’re not my patron.” I reminded him hotly. “Not now, or in the future,” I said firmly.

“Why not?” He demanded arms crossed. He looked like a grown man having a tantrum.

“Your rude and thickheaded.”

“Says the pot to the kettle.” He remarked, his brilliant green eyes held mine. It was disturbing to be the focus of their scrutiny, making me way more uncomfortable.

“You’re in my studio, not the other way around,” I said, that shut him up, which was oddly more unnerving, his silent demanding power struggle.

“Your mate must not be very firm with you.” The sadist finally said, watching to see how his crazy comment would affect me.

“My mate?”

“Yes, the Alpha’s scent that taints yours, Henley.” He narrowed his eyes on mine. “Where is he? Where is your mate?” My heart fluttered, confused by the feeling of relief and fallacy. I usually had no trouble getting behind the protection Kita’s presence gave me. Catching myself off guard, I became more defensive.

“Do you think that is any of your business?” I asked him. “I am not interested in knowing where you keep the women you torture.” I glared at him.

“Your choice of words are as colorful as your hair.”

“I will keep that in mind as I watch you leave my studio.” I used my eyes to direct him to the stairs.

He didn’t move; he just stood there. Tall and imposing, making me incredibly nervous. I was no match for an Alpha his size. His massive body hummed with a tone of irritation that I was afraid of. In the short conversations we had, he’d opening challenged my dynamic. As if he knew I was not Beta, asking me to prove it to him. This Alpha was trouble, the sooner he left, the safer I would be. The silence grew more strained as I boldly told him to go. Green eyes demanded I respect his station. He was very used to commanding those around him. I was not interested in being lumped into that group. A worried sweat bubbled on my skin as I wondered how the hell I was going to get out of here. I didn’t have time to form an escape plan.

“Hen?” Kita’s voice called to me as he came into the office door and bounded up the stairs. Relief washed through me instantly. “Whose gangster ride is outside…?” The question died on his lips as he froze at the top of the stairs. “Mr. Castillo!” Kita’s entire body was openly showing his surprise.

“You know who he is?” I asked, shocked that he did.

“Everyone knows who he is, Henley,” Kita said as he walked into the studio. Not everyone knew this Alpha. I stared at my starstruck friend. “I hoped to meet you on Friday, sir,” Kita said as he nervously extended his hand to the annoying Alpha.

“Likewise.” The Alpha known as Alexander Castillo retorted, running scrutinizing eyes over my best friend, which pissed me off.

“Um, sorry I am Akita Harper, it’s a privilege to meet you, let alone see you in Henley’s studio.” Kita was too excited to see his rude manners.

“Your little Beta is an exceptional artist. Almost as stubborn as she is talented.” The Alpha verbally jabbed at me.

“It’s the hair,” Kita said. “Makes her a handful.” He teased as he came up to pull me next to his side. “She’s been like a wildling all her life.” Kita smiled down at me.

“Childhood friends?” Mr. Castillo asked.

“For as long as I can remember,” Kita replied, smiling as he playfully rubbed my arm. The look the Alpha gave us was intimidating. Kita was too busy gushing to notice my anxiety. The awkward silence should have been more enough to raise the alarm. But Kita misread it. “I apologize you were here discussing something privately. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Kita said as squeezed me tightly. I panicked, opening my mouth to say something, but Kita cut me off. “I’m so proud of you, Henny,” Kita said as he kissed the top of my head. “I’ll be waiting outside; it was a pleasure to meet you.” Kita nodded as he passed the Alpha. And just like that, he left me with the sadist. The sound of the front door closing was dooming. My chance at escape closed with it. I was so going to have words with Kita. I turned quickly, intending to follow right behind Kita.

“I will see you out,” I said, walking to shut down my media center.

“He kissed you on the head like a child.” The Alpha sounded shocked, yet pleased. I didn’t understand his meaning. But who would?

“So?” I snapped, punching buttons as fast as I could. Unsure why I was growing more nervous being alone with him.

“That’s not how an Alpha kiss his mate.” He informed me.

“You say the stupidest things.” I turned to look at him. More to see if he was serious. “Who cares how he kisses me?” I remarked nervously, Alexander rounded on me, stalking purposely forward, backing me up against the wall. Panic blossomed in my blood, followed immediately by blistering heat.

“I care. If you were mine, you would be kissed properly.” He said a second before he picked me up, stealing my breath away with his kiss. One taste of my surprised lips, and he growled. It was hot; I forgot every rational, self-preserving skill I had honed, turning feral. His lips parted, I gasped. Wanting to feel the beautiful perfect teeth he’d shown me earlier. My tongue wanted to know what they felt like, so I did. He shuddered, maybe I’d surprised him. I’d shocked the hell out of myself. The moment left me clenching muscles that never moved unless I was in estrous. Fear and realization jumped on board. I froze, knowing that I could screw up if I hadn’t already.

“I cannot believe I did that.” Upset and sick that I had let my guard fall. Especially with an asshole like him. I panted as I tried to squirm and push out of his arms.

“Why?” Alexander asked; his warm breath felt erotic as it moved over the shell of my ear. “It was fucking hot. I enjoyed it.” The Alpha said as he pushed me flush against the wall. I had no doubt he enjoyed it. His body was hot and hard, and perfuming the air with an intoxicating scent that was tempting my senses.

“What? No, this was wrong.” I pushed back. “I need you to leave.” He didn’t release me, groaning a disgruntled protest that did not help me one damn bit.

“You’re right; this is not the time.”

“This will never happen again,” I said. The mocking laugh Alexander gave me burned, embarrassing me as it painted my pale skin red. Green eyes watched it race across my face, hands still holding me. He brushed his thumb against my lips.

“Soon, sweet Henley.”


My driver held open the door, not even seated. I hit the call button on the screen.

“How did it go?” My second asked me as he leaned up against the desk in my office.

“If she’s a Beta, I’m the Pope in disguise,” I said, my body was still reeling from the brief contact with the red-haired hell-cat.

“You’ve seen all the hospital records. Every physician who’s ever tested her reports the same. She’s Beta.” Jamison said for the hundredth time.

“Bullshit, she looks Omega, she smells like one too.” Not to mention feels and tastes, I thought to myself. I inwardly groaned at the painful erection that threatened to separate my slacks. “Has she been tested since she was three?” I asked, adjusting myself.

“Not that I have seen reported. But there would be no need to.”

“Those tests were conducted 17 years ago. I want them done over.” I ordered.

“Ok,” Jamison said, crossing his arms across his chest. “How are you going to do that, your holiness.” My second asked me, laughing at me with his eyes. “You have no authority to do that. And from the way she feels towards you, she’s not going to give you one willingly.”

“I will worry about the details later. I want you to look into an Alpha named Akita Harper.”

“She already has a mate?” The worried look stiffened Jamison’s spine.

“She has an inferior Alpha who placates her.” I clarified. “I will be back within the hour. I want to know everything.”

“Yes, your eminence.” My second said, mocking me as he walked away.

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