The Arrangement

Chapter Prologue

A scream echoed through the halls. A blinding pain occurred in her neck and spread throughout her body. Her body shook and trembled. She lay gasping on the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The pain of losing a mate was worse than anything she had ever felt because it was more than just a physical pain, it was also a mental pain. It felt as if her body was slowly being torn apart, and it was in a way. Her other half, her mate, soul mate was dead. No more coming home to a house of a pine scent. No more being swept into loving arms. No more sweet kisses. Because he was gone.

She could feel hands on her face, her body, but she couldn’t determine who was touching her. She could hear panicked voices but couldn’t distinct what was being said. She couldn’t bring herself to care. All she could think about was that her mate was dead and how she wanted to be dead along with him.

She vaguely remembered her body being picked up and carried away. She could feel herself being poked and cut into, however she felt no pain. She felt nothing. Her eyes slid to a space a bystander would say empty, but she saw her mate there, smiling down at her, telling her to be strong. His hand came up to her hair and caressed it, and it was almost as if she could feel it. She fell unconscious with a smile on her face.

Little did she know that another faced a similar fate.

An Alpha, in a Pack not far from hers, lost his mate as well. Only, she died in his arms, the Alpha unable to do anything but hold her. He was too late. They had gotten to her first and he had watched helplessly as they drove the dagger into her chest. Then they were gone, back into the shadows. The Alpha held his mate as she took her dying breaths. Tears fell down his cheeks and he pressed his forehead to hers. His hand gripped her tight, as if he could keep her there with him. His mate just smiled up at him and told him to be happy. That whatever he did, as long as he was happy, she would approve. And that if made choices that caused him to be unhappy, she would haunt him for the rest of his days.

He gave her a small smile and pressed his lips to hers one last time. And then her chest stopped rising and her heart stopped beating. The Alpha let out a roar that shook the world itself.

Little did they both know what fate had in store for them.

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