The Arrangement

Chapter Chapter Five

Sebastian felt uneasy about being separated from his sister. He was worried about Madeline being left alone with Emerson. He didn’t want her to be in a different Pack where he wasn’t there to protect her. He didn’t want her to be forced to mate a man who wasn’t her mate

Madeline had been through enough, and he hated himself for making her go through more. She was his sister damnit, he was supposed to protect her. Not force her into these kinds of situations where he won’t be able to be there for her. And yet he was because it was either this or the Pack would be overrun by Rogues.

“Now I know you’re worried about your sister. I would be too if I were in your place. So, I have assigned Epsilon to Madeline. There will be two with her at all times unless she is with my son of course. They will be there to escort her around the Pack. If she wishes for some space they will follow at a distance. I have instructed the others to keep an eye on her if she is not in the Pack House. I promise you that she will be safe here.”

Alright, that helped ease his worry a little bit.

But only a little bit.

“I would like to know how she’s doing. Just for the first few weeks. I want reports on how she is, what she’s done, who she has been with.” He said. “I’ve been with her all her life. I know what triggers her, I know how she is when she’s feeling depressed or anxious.”

Benjamin smiled and nodded. ’Of course. I will inform you myself, every week. And if others or myself sense something is off, I will tell you immediately. If I believe it is severe, I will call your parents and invite them over to help.”

Sebastian nodded. It made him feel better, that the man before him seemed to care about Madeline’s wellbeing as much as him. “Thank you, Benjamin. It means a lot, to know that my sister will be taken care of.”

Benjamin smiled and nodded. “Do not thank me. She is family now, as you are. I will make sure she is as well as can be.”

Though his reassurance made him feel better, Sebastian couldn’t help but still be troubled. He little sister was in good hands yes, but…there was just this nagging feeling. His instincts were telling him something wasn’t right. And he knew better that to doubt his instincts. He would make sure to tell his spymaster to keep close tabs on the Night Walker Pack. He didn’t want his sister to end up dead like their former Luna, Abigail.

“How many wolves will you be sparing to us?” Sebastian asked, changing the subject. In all honesty, Mystic Peak needed many wolves until they could get their numbers up again.

“Seventy-five. I would offer more but I need the other hundred and twenty-five to guard the rest of the Pack.”

Seventy-five plus his thirty wolves would hopefully be enough to drive the Rogues away and keep them away. Mystic Peak had small numbers, only about two hundred and fifty members. They used to have more, but after the war, their numbers had dwindled.

“Thank you. It has been hard on us and the Rogues grow more and more bold every time.” Sebastian sighed and looked down at his hands. “I have lost several wolves to them, and several more after their mates took their own lives.”

He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose his mate. He didn’t want to think about it. he loved Natalie with all his heart. Without her, there would be no Sebastian. He would not be able to go on with life as his sister did. He was not strong enough for that. So he prayed that it would never happen to him.

Benjamin nodded his head. “It is a terrible thing when one loses their mate. I remember what Emerson was like. As his father, it was heart breaking to watch him fall apart. To watch him lose his will to live. I am very thankful that he decided against death. And I do hope that this arrangement will allow him to live once again.”

Sebastian understood this feeling, for it was heartbreaking to watch his sister waste away. “I do hope so as well. Madeline…. she….it was like living with a ghost for the first couple of years. She didn’t smile, didn’t laugh. She barely ever left her bedroom.” It hurt to think about it. “I hope that they will learn to live, together. If not to love then to at least find themselves again.”

The man before him smiled softly and nodded his head. “I hope so too. I miss seeing Emerson’s smile. I miss my son.”

Sebastian understood this. He missed his sister as well, not whatever this empty shell was.

“Why don’t you join us for dinner before you leave? Tonight, our cook is making her famous lasagna. It is something that you will not want to miss out on.”

A smile returned to his face. “Of course.” Any excuse to spend more time with his sister he would take. He just wanted to make sure she would be in good hands with Emerson. Sebastian didn’t trust him. his reports have told him that the Alpha is a brute. He’s violent and his self-control is questionable.

So he would keep a close watch on him tonight. Nothing would go unnoticed.

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