The Arranged Bride

Chapter Chapter - 50

Sophia's POV

When Nick left the room I couldn't comprehend why. I saw him settling in the car and driving off. I was always scared of having this talk with him, scared of being left alone. When Ethan had brought the topic up in the car, I could feel Nick's stare on me. I knew he had noticed me tense up.

When he spoke about the baby, my immediate reaction had given away my uneasiness with the topic. I had to tell him about it. So I took a deep breath and decided to speak.

I told him that I couldn't give Ethan what he wanted. There was a brief moment of silence between us before Nick asked if I can conceive or not. His tone seemed so distant and cold but there was a trace of vulnerability in it. I told him that I could but before I could elaborate, he walked away.

At that moment I could feel my heart breaking. Did he discard me because I won't be able to carry a child. No, what am I even thinking? I know he would come back once he cools down. But I didn't know that he was so keen for a ch- Wait..........Shit! He got it wrong.

He asked me if I can conceive or not and I said I can. Now he thinks that I don't want to.

Oh God! That pig-headed, stupid, impatient man!

Nick's POV

By the time I had reached home, it was pretty clear in my head that she would have never said something like that. It was fucking stupid of me to act on impulse.

I parked the car and rushed in. The house seemed calm. I ran up the stairs into our room, but swinging open, I found it empty. The sense of Deja vu hit me hard.

What had I done! Maybe she wanted to tell that she needs some time or something and I didn't even listen to what she had to say.

I hope I didn't fuck it up so bad for her to leave the house. I searched each and every room before I came across one of our maids.

"Did you see Sophia?" My voice came out just as impatient.

"I saw Mrs. Carter going to the backyard a few minutes back." I didn't wait a second before sprinting off in that direction. My eyes landed on her back facing me when I breathed out in relief.

I slowly walked up to her and I knew that she could feel my presence. I carefully sat down beside her.

Sophia." She kept staring in front of her.

"I am sorry." I mumbled to which she sighed.

"I was fifteen at that time when one day in school I felt this immense pain in my lower abdomen. My parents were called and I was taken to the hospital. They ran some tests on me finally it was learnt that I had some gynecological issues." I clenched my eyes shut, realising how wrong I was.

"The doctor said that if I ever conceive, the pregnancy won't be a smooth one and my life will be at a much greater risk than the baby's." Sophia still wasn't looking at me. She was staring off into distance and her face held a painful smile. The guilt coursed through me for assuming things beforehand.

"Sophia-" She cut me off.

"You know, with time I learnt to grow with it but still I feel that void in me. Like every other woman I too wanted to hold my baby for the first time, teach him to walk, hear him or her speak for the first time but... She trailed off. Her eyes were glossy by now.

I shifted closer to her and took her hand in mine in an attempt to comfort her where I was the one to contribute to her pain. I was grateful that she didn't snatch her hand away.

"It took me a lot of courage to speak to you on this but you didn't even let me complete. You just left assuming that I didn't want to carry your child." I looked at her shocked. "How?" She hang her head down with a sad smile, tear drops escaping her eyes.

"I can understand what you think but what bothers is that you could think that. Do you not know me?" This was the first time that she looked up at me, hurt evident in her eyes.

I opened my mouth a few times but nothing came out. I was guilty, so guilty that I had nothing to say.

"It's a sore topic for me and you just

added on to the bitterness and pain. When you left, at first, I felt so helpless. I felt like you will discard me from your life because I can't give you a child." I vigorously shook my head in disagreement. "Believe me when I say that I had never felt so weak in my life." She was silently crying. I felt my heart break into million pieces at the sight. She

looked so vulnerable and knowing that I was the reason behind it, was

intensifying the ache.

"Sophia, I- it was - I know it was so so stupid of me to walk away like that, but- I felt like I was going to hear those same things, those same words which I had heard from Clara. I was scared of being rejected again.

But I could have never thought of


leaving you, even if what I thought was true. You are too important in my life to be thrown away. Heck I for sure know that I would crawl back to you even if you throw away

my everything in flames." She k

on staring at me. I was growing nervous with every second. I wanted. her to atleast say something.

"Sophia, say something, scold me, shout at me, hit me if you want but just say something please. I am sorry, just- please." The desperation was so clear in my words.

She came up and positioned herself on my lap. I was confused of what she wanted to do. Nevertheless, I put my hands around her waist, securing her on my lap.

I was ready for any kind of punishment she wanted to give but what she did confounded me. She held my face with both her hands and pecked my nose. I looked at her surprised while she faintly smiled at me. "What are you... I don't deserve this." I blurted out. She sighed and nodded.

"Yes you don't. You're an idiot, a pea-brained pig." She paused for a second before continuing. "But then you're hurt. You're hurt from your past experiences and I want you to let go of them, to move on. I am your present and I am not Clara. By letting your past in, you're hurting

not only me but yourself too. Just know that I love you way to much to ever intentionally hurt you." Saying this she kissed my forehead and wrapping her arms around me, put her head in the crook of my neck.

"I don't even know how the fuck did I end up with you as my wife but I couldn't have been happier. I love you so fucking much. You are one of the two most beautiful things that ever happened in my life. I am so sorry for hurting you, I am so damn sorry." I pulled her closer to me.

We stayed like that in each other's embrace for some minutes and for a few more

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