The Arranged Bride

Chapter Chapter - 26

Nick's POV

As I kept playing with Sophia's hair, she slept peacefully with her lips parted. I had shared my story with Sophia yesterday and honestly I had felt better after talking to her. I want to trust her, I want to be with her and maybe someday fall in love with her. I don't know if I am going to be left with a broken heart once again but still I want to take this risk.

I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't realise when she woke up. I looked into her grey eyes which were staring back. Her beautiful grey eyes were the first thing that I had noticed when I saw er in the office for the first time and they have never failed to captivate me. A soft smile was playing on her face which automatically had my lips curved up in a smile.

"Good morning." She said, stretching her hands and yawning.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Nick, I was thinking of going to the park today with Ethan." Sophia excitedly said.

"No." My response was quick.

"No ?" She looked confused. It was Saturday and she had obviously planned to go out.

"I got to be at the office today. So I can't come with you guys and I don't want you to go alone." I explained.

"Nick, I am not a baby. I can take care of myself and Ethan. Not that we are going for a battle." Sophia pleaded with her puppy eyes. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but Leo will be coming with you." I spoke in a no-argument-tone and she nodded.

"Okay, now let's have breakfast. I will make it." She spoke and I nodded.

Sophia placed two plates of bacon, pancakes and eggs in front of me and Ethan and left to bring another plate for her.

"Mmm this is so tasty. Isn't it Dad?" Ethan looked at me.

"It is." I smiled.

"You like it ?" Sophia asked smiling to which Ethan nodded his head eagerly.

"I have even told my friends that my Mom is the best cook." Sophia gave a small laugh at his words.

"You did? Aww, thank you baby." Sophia cooed.

"I am not a baby.", Ethan pouted and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Yes, you are my baby." Sophia pulled his cheeks and laughed while Ethan looked away huffing. I was enjoying my breakfast and watching their playful banter.

"Do you want to go to the park today?" Sophia asked. Ethan instantly snapped his head towards Sophia and smiled like he wasn't angry at her a second before.

"Yes! And we can have some icecream as well?" Ethan hopefully looked at her and she nodded.

"Yess!" He pumped his fist in the air and we giggled at his antics.

"Dad are you coming with us?" He asked his smile still intact.

"No honey, I got to be at office for something important but I promise to make it up to you. We will go shopping tomorrow and buy the game you have been asking for. Okay?" If possible his smile widened

even more.

"Thank you Dad. You're the best." He beamed.

"Oh so now he is the best?" Sophia faked hurt which had Ethan thinking.

"No, he is the best Dad and you are the best Mom." He came up with an appropriate answer.

"Hmm, you're such a smart kid." Sophia said and I agree to her. Ethan is really quite smart.

"Welcome son. I have to leave now." I said getting up from my seat and kissed him on the forehead. I did the same with Sophia before leaving. Sophia's POV

After Nick left, I sent Ethan to get ready. I changed into a simple sundress and went downstairs.

" Shall we ?" I stretched my hand towards Ethan. He happily nodded and held my hand.

"Good morning Mrs. Carter." Leo greeted as we came to the car.

"Good morning Leo and call me Sophia and no, Nick won't mind." I said before he could object. He smiled and nodded.

I sat at the bench watching Ethan playing with other kids. He is a very outgoing boy and it took him very less time to bond with these kids.

Leo stood beside me in a alert mode. I asked him to sit but he denied.

Suddenly, I heard a very familiar voice call me. I turned to look at Brandon, my ex. As I had said, I had dated a few guys but none of those had worked out. But Brandon was never over the idea of 'us' no matter how many times I had made it clear to him.

"Hi, Brandon." I gave him a tight-lipped smile.

Sophia, I missed you." He smiled but I chose to ignore his statement.

"Nice to meet you again." He frowned upon my words.

"You know, you don't need to be so formal with me. We are not strangers." I kept quiet not knowing what to say.

"Sophia, can we talk?" He asked.

"I guess we are ?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No I mean privately." He said and looked at Leo.

"I don't think we have anything private to discuss." I knew it was rude but I didn't want to talk to him alone because I was afraid that he would again start on how perfect a couple we were and then I would have to be eventually rude to him else he won't stop.

"Sophia please, just five minutes." He pleaded.

" Brand-"

"Please, Sophia." I sighed and reluctantly agreed. I looked at Leo asking him to keep an eye on Ethan. He nodded understanding my unspoken words.

I walked with him a bit far from where Leo was and waited for him to speak.

"So, you are married." He said looking everywhere else.


"Are you happy ?" I knew what he was trying to come at.

"Yes, I am." I stated.

Are you sure? Are you as happy with him as you were with me?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at his question.

"If we were so happy when we were together, then can you explain our breakup?" I crossed my arms against my chest.

Sophia, you could have given us another chance-" I cut him off.

"Please Brandon. We have had this talk over and over again and my answer is still the same. And now I am happily married. So please just forget it." I was tired of this.

"But Sophi-" Leo's voice cut him off.

"Ethan wait." I heard Leo shout. I snapped my head towards them and what I saw had my world crashing down.

I couldn't bring my legs to move. I was fixed to my spot and it was like everything was happening in a slow motion. Leo running after Ethan, Ethan stopping in the middle of the road to pick up the ball, a car rushing towards him, him getting hit by the car and collapsing on the road.


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