The Arranged Bride

Chapter Chapter - 19

Nick's POV

Today when I woke up, the first thing I saw was Sophia's face. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. We were facing each other. The sun rays falling on her brown hair and face, made her look so beautiful. I wanted to see her grey eyes that never fail to mesmerize me.

Looking at her, brought back memories from yesterday.

When Christina started with her story, I was really tensed that everyone would believe her and I was right. I could see in Charlotte and Ryan's expression that they were fuming. Even Erica looked away in disappointment while Caleb looked worried for me. But looking at Sophia, I couldn't read her expression.

I had never treated her well. Besides, she had seen me with Christina twice. She didn't know that me and Christina were never a thing and I regreted not protesting the day when Christina declared herself as my girlfriend in front of Sophia.

But when Sophia didn't believe a single word of her's, to say I was shocked, was an understatement.

But then, she told me that she had heard me ending things with Christina and I was glad she did.

I know she couldn't believe me easily and it was natural considering how much of a jerk I have been to her. But I promised to win her trust. I don't know why it matters to me but it does. I want her to trust me because in any relationship, trust is important.

Relationship? Was I going to give our relationship a chance? But I had lost my trust in love. Can I ever love her like she deserves?

She is polite and compassionate to all our maids, she speaks nicely to the bodyguards and drivers, she cares for Ethan and loves him like he is her own. She even saved me from embarrassment in front of my sister and her friends yesterday. She is so pure yet so strong. She is a beautiful woman inside out.

I was still staring at her when she finally fluttered open her eyes and looked at me. I removed some strands of hair from her face without breaking the eye contact which caused her to blush. Cute. Sophia."


"I don't know how to say it, shit!" I took a deep breath before sitting up and continuing.

"This marriage was fixed by our parents. I was literally forced in this marriage and I was not at all ready. I had lost my belief in love and more specifically women. When I heard that you have agreed to marry me without even properly knowing me, I thought you are one of those gold diggers who just want rich men as their husbands. But then I realised that you're far from my imagination and you're not concerned about money. I know I shouldn't have judged you without knowing why you had married me. "I looked down after this. I wanted her to say something.

She sat up and looked in front.

"It's true that I don't care about marrying a billionaire. I had agreed to the marriage for my parents. They had never imposed their decisions on me. Even my consent in marriage was my sole decision but they wanted me to settle down and be happy in life. I couldn't dishearten them when they were only imagining a happy married life for me." She said smiling at the thought of her parents.

"And I fucked it up pretty bad for you. You were ready to give this a chance whereas I had been pretty much an asshole to you since day 1. I-I am sorry. "I turned my gaze towards her and she just nodded. "I don't know if I have the right to say this. Uhh if you can forgive me and you're ready to give me a second chance, will you come on a date with me?" I was really nervous. It had been more than 6 years that I had asked someone on a date. I forgot the nervousness that comes with it.

She flashed a pretty smile at me.

"Yes, I will go on date with you." I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Thank you. So tomorrow be ready by 7 ." I said and she nodded.

"Nick, why did you say that you don't believe in love?" I knew I had to open up to her if I decide to be with her but not now. I didn't want to speak of these at this moment.

"I will tell you but not now.", I said in a pleading tone yet a bit of finality was in it. Can't be helped as I am not too polite a person.

"Okay, now let's get dressed else we are going to be late." She said and moved into the bathroom. I smiled to myself and went out to get ready.

Sophia's POV

I was getting ready for the date with Nick. We were going for dinner, so I put on a champagne gold satin dress. I accessorized it with a sleek golden necklace, a pair of dazzling earrings and transparent heels. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked nice.

Yesterday when, I woke up beside Nick, I saw him intently staring at me. I blushed under his gaze. What I didn't expect was his apology and when he asked me out on a date I was surprised.

He looked guilty and from his confession I could understand that there was some strong reason behind his general distaste for women.

I like him, so I couldn't discard the thought of giving this another chance. Everyone deserves a second chance right ?

My chain of thoughts was broken by Ethan as he rushed into the room.

"You look soo beautiful Mom!", Ethan gushed.

"Aww, thank you sweetheart." I pulled his cheek to which he pouted. He didn't like to be treated as a child but I can't resist doing it.

"Are you going on a date with Dad ?", Ethan asked.

"Yes, honey but we'll be back soon." I assured him.

"No no, don't come back soon, spend time with Dad ." He said with wide eyes. I chuckled at his expression.

"I will."

"Are you ready?", Nick came into the room while wearing his watch. He was wearing a black shirt, the first two buttons undone, paired with grey chequered pants. He looked so hot, I guess I will get a lot of mean glares from women.

When he looked up he stopped in his tracks. I saw him taking in every detail of my appearance. I felt blush creep up my cheeks.

"Dad, close your mouth or flies will enter ." Ethan giggled and I chuckled at his words.

Nick quickly closed his mouth and playfully glared at Ethan.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad." Ethan waved and left the room.

"Bye baby." I said.

"I'm not a baby." Ethan yelled and we laughed at this.

"Shall we? Nick said, offering his hand and I placed my hand in his.

"We shall." I smiled.

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