The Arranged Bride

Chapter Chapter - 16

Nick's POV

I was going down for breakfast but stopped as I heard Ethan and Sophia talking.

Honey, me and your Dad need time to adjust to each other. So we had decided to sleep separately.", I heard Sophia say.

"Does that mean you don't love Dad? Is he mean to you?", Ethan asked.

Now what is she going to say? That not just mean, his father had been an absolute jerk to her? I wonder what will Ethan think of me considering he has gotten so close to her.

"No baby, your Dad is not mean to me. It's our joint decision. It's just that we want to first know each other well. When we do, we will sleep in the same room." She said and I was really relieved. I surely did misjudge her. While I had insulted her at every instant, she had saved my image in front of my son. I was really feeling guilty of how bad I had treated her.

Ethan nodded and they both sat up.

"Sweetheart, this sleeping thing stays between us three, ok? I can make you understand this because you are a smart kid but others are not as smart as you. So it's our tiny miny secret, okay?" She convinced him and I was thankful because it wasn't the best of ideas to let our parents know about how we sleep or else they would surely come to stay with us.

"Yes Mom." He said.

"Mom, grandma says that family outings are the best way to bond with each other .So why don't we go out, just me, Dad and you ?" He asked. For a 5 year kid he was smart to find a way for his parents to bond.

"Baby, I don't think that's a good idea. Dad maybe busy." She said. Did she not want to go out with me? Well I didn't give her a reason to look forward to spend time with me.

"I think that's a very nice idea. And no, I am not busy."I said. She heard me but didn't turn around. Maybe she was uncomfortable after that kiss.

"Really Dad?", Ethan asked.

"Why not?", I replied. I wanted to think differently of Sophia and for that I needed to spend time with her. I needed the outing.

"But Dad, why were you listening to us? We were talking and it's bad habit to listen like that." Ethan said and I didn't see this coming. This kid! "Uhh sorry?" I said like a question.

"Yes, should be." Ethan said while nodding seriously. I was amused yet dumbfounded at this. Is he really 5? Sophia burst out laughing.

"Oh my God! Ethan are you really 5 or what?" Sophia asked mirroring my thoughts.

Ethan grinned and then joined her in laughing. I was feeling really embarassed

"If you're done laughing can we decide where to go?" I asked in an embarassed tone.

Her laughter seized and she slowly turned around.

"Are you sure it won't be a bother..." She trailed off as she was lost in staring at me or more specifically my body. I stood there without moving, looking at her. This was the first time she was gaping at me for such a long time. The kiss must have had something to do with it.

I cleared my throat. Coming out of her trance, she looked at us. I was smiling mischievously at her and Ethan was doing the same.

She was blushing so hard on being caught staring and I found it cute.

Cute? Calm down man.

"I-I'll go and get ready" she blurted and ran into the bathroom.

I chuckled at her antics while Ethan giggled.

"Ethan come lets go for breakfast." I took him to the dining.

"Where should we go Dad ?", Ethan asked as we were halfway through our breakfast.

"Movies?" I suggested.

"No, we went for movie yesterday. Shopping done. Then ?" He said.

"How does amusement park sound?" I heard Sophia. She came and as usual sat down beside Ethan. She was wearing a white top and a denim shorts which was greatly displaying her long legs. I was staring at her when Ethan spoke.

"Uh I have never been to one but I have heard that it's a very fun place." Ethan said.

"Never? Why but your father must have been there right ?" She asked looking at me.

I looked away and she understood my answer. I was never really interested in these things.

"Oh my God really? I can't believe that you guys have never been to an amusement park. But it's okay, better late than never. We will go today and have a lot of fun." She clapped her hands, all excited and she looked so childish.

"Amusement parks have rides right? Will we go on them? " Ethan asked.

"Of course we will." Sophia chirped.

"Can't we go to restuarant for lunch ?" I suggested.

Sophia looked at me like I have lost my mind.

"Really that is what you call outing? Rich restaurants filled with rich snobbish people where you pay a lot but still have to maintain your decorum, sit straight, eat like the food doesn't affect your taste buds and smile sophisticatedly while making small talks over expensive wine? Sorry but that is not where you can bond. I have been there only to get tired without even doing anything fun."

She looked at me after her rant and I just stared at her with an amused expression.

"What?" She said.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Fine then, amusement park it is." I surrendered.

"Yess", Ethan clapped while Sophia grinned.

After our breakfast Amy came and took Ethan to help him dress up.

"Uhh I will go and get ready." I said standing up.

"Nick", Sophia called.

I turned to look at her.

"Thank you for coming with us. I know you're doing it for your son but still thank you."

I nodded at her. I felt like she still had something say.

Anything else?" I asked

"Umm yeah, can you come wearing casuals to the amusement park today?", She said. Ofcourse she had not seen me in anything other than suits while I am out. "Don't worry, I wasn't going to wear suits to the amusement park." I said.

She nodded and left.

It had been two hours since we were there and I was pretty exhausted. The Ferris wheel had my head spinning.

It seemed as if Sophia had suddenly become a kid. She was dragging us from one ride to another and Ethan was enjoying it. Seems like he has got a new friend!

"Nick, one more ride please, just one more." Sophia pleaded.

"No, you had said this before the last ride as well." I said.

"Please." Both of them stood side by side and pleaded. I almost melted.

"No.", Both of them pouted and looked so cute but I was done for the day and couldn't give in.

"Ok, now I am hungry." Sophia said putting her hands on her hips

"Okay where do you wanna eat?" I asked her and her face lit up again.

"Come with me.", She took Ethan's hand in hers and started walking. She stopped in front of a hot dog stand.

"Three hot dogs please ", Sophia ordered.

"Oh we are so not eating from here. "I announced.

"And why is that?" Sophia asked

"We don't know if it's even hygienic." I reasoned to which she just rolled her eyes.

"But I want to and I'm sure, Ethan wants to eat it too, right Ethan ?"

Although he didn't know what were we going to eat, he just nodded to her grinning.

"See, come on, it's not that bad. Try it once." She handed me one .

I reluctantly took one bite. It was not bad but I wasn't going to say it.

"I know you like it. It's okay, you don't have to say it and wound your ego." Sophia said biting on her hotdog. I just smiled to myself.

Ethan and Sophia sat there laughing with each other and I kept looking at them. I felt strangely happy and peaceful. Whatever this feeling was, I wanted it to stay.

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