The Arranged Bride

Chapter Chapter - 02

Nicholas POV

"Christina, I'm busy." I sighed.

"Don't give me that shit, you're too busy to call me for two days?" she yelled.

"Yes, I was and still am." For fuck's sake, I'm the CEO.

Dad gave me the business when I was 28, and he knows he's retired, but he's so addicted to this place that he has his own cabin. So he comes at least twice a week for important meetings. "We've been together for a long time. Nick, you have to take me out on a date, don't you, baby?" she demanded.

I sighed. "Uh... well, I'll tell you."

"Goodbye, baby, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Breathing heavily, I put down the phone.

I've dated Christina once or twice in the past few months and she now considers herself my girlfriend, although I've never actually asked her. She is a blond blonde with a slender build. She's beautiful and everything is fine, but I don't like commitments.

I really don't trust other women except my mom and sister. My first girlfriend cheated. A few years later, I took Clara seriously again. Things were fine, but one day she became pregnant with Ethan. After that, her behavior started to get weird. She used to provoke pointless arguments, demanded too much, and even started avoiding me. Blaming it on her pregnancy hormones, I let everything slide until one day I went back to drunk Clara.

I was outraged that she was so careless with her pregnancy, but her words twisted my heart. She vaguely stated that she was disgusted by the idea of a baby and that she simply did not accept the idea of being a mother. She's been talking about how she wants to be free to live her life, and how much my illegitimate child is standing in the way. I took her to bed and the next day I got her to sign a contract that said she was not allowed to do any harm to her health during her pregnancy. After the baby was born, she was allowed to leave the baby with me and get her life back with a million dollars.

As the perfect example of a gold digger, she accepted the offer without hesitation, and here I am the single father of my 5-year-old boy Ethan, my sunshine. He was one of the best things that happened to me. I can't imagine what my life would be like without him.

So back to where we came from. I haven't made commitments since then, because all commitments are the same, and I'm well aware that Christina is not an exception, but, I don't love her. just attractive... Now I am pissed. First of all, I have a lot to do other than Christina and her stupid date.

Tired, I sat down when I saw Ethan and his nanny Amy enter my cabin.

"Dad!" He smiled happily at me.

"Ethan here." I took him from Amy.

"Mr. Carter, shall I go to lunch?" Amy asked.

"Yes, I'll get him."

Nodding, she left.

"Dad!" he sings, with the big smile he'll use when he's about to make a request.

"Yes, dear." I paid all my attention to him.

"I want to go out for ice cream." I rolled my eyes inwardly. How did I see it. His overly sweet tone was suggestive.

"Not now, Ethan."

"Please dad." He gave me those puppy eyes, but I had to be strict. Too much sugar is not good for him.

"Do not."

"I want ice cream!!" He started to lose his temper.

"I said no." I raised my voice and he flinched before jumping off my lap and running out the door.


I ran after him, but when I got out of the cabin, I lost him. I couldn't see him and started going to the most relevant place, Dad's office.

I go so fast. Speaking of Ethan, I'm really excited. But I stopped when I saw Ethan holding the hand of some woman, she had her back to me, she was talking to Dad, but I was just focusing on Ethan. "ETHAN!!" I shouted.

Three of them turned to look at me while I kept my stare at him.

"Why did you run off? I have asked you to not go anywhere, haven't I?" I sternly asked him while he kept looking at the floor and hid behind my Dad.

"Ethan, answer me." I raised my voice at which he jumped and looked up at me, tears rolled down his eyes but he being the stubborn kid shook his in a no.

I tried again but he refused to answer. I was getting pissed of, when I was going to again open my mouth, the woman who earlier had held his hand, turned him around. Pulling him by his hands in hers, she bent down in front of him.

Only then I noticed her face for the first time. She had brown wavy hair that fell down her shoulders in beautiful waves. Her eyes were a deep and mesmerizing shade of grey. She had an almost negligible bit o makeup on her face and her lips with the nude lipstick made her look so simple yet elegant.

"Sweetheart, you shouldn't have run away like that and your Dad was worried about you. What if you had got hurt? And you should reply when you're spoken to baby." She spoke in such a soft voice with a fain smile yet seriousness that she even had my full attention.

Ethan stayed silent for a few seconds and then wrapped his arms around her neck, taking her in a hug. She looked taken aback but was quick to recover and brought her hands to hug him back. He cried on her shoulders.

"I-I am s-sorry... Dad he... he shouted at m-me... a-and I was... I was angry... I... I am sorry..." he mumbled out the words and I was feeling a bit sorry for raising my voice at him. I can't let my stress come in the way. He is a child and is to be treated like one. I rubbed my temple in frustration.

"Sssh... don't cry, you won't do it again right?" She asked him while rubbing his back.

"Y-Yes, I won't." he pulled away to look at her.

"Good." she wiped his tears and stood up to look at us. Her eyes rested on me for a brief second before she looked at Dad.

I was quite shocked at what I saw for Ethan definitely wasn't the obedient kid to give in to someone easily but with her it was so smooth. I am sure Dad had the same expression before she spoke again. "Uhm... I guess I will take your leave now." she said in general.

I looked at her to take in her whole appearance and honestly she was beautiful.

"It was nice meeting you Sophia. " Dad said.

So her name was Sophia....

"Same here Mr. Carter." she replied and left without even acknowledging me.

Well I didn't introduce myself....

"Sorry Dad." Ethan took my hand with a cute pout.

"It's okay little guy, just don't repeat this okay? Dad is sorry for yelling at you darling." I mumbled to him.

He laughed.

"Let's go then?" I asked, taking his hand. He nodded and we walked away while I kept thinking about some grey-eyed beauties.

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