The Archaeological Chronicles - The New World

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 up and running! Hope you like it :)

- time

To be a shadow on a perfect night,

From the fire of a million lights,

And I’ll be lost but not forgotten,

By a million.



‘’I can already tell you now, that this is not a good idea,’’ Zuuri says as he rolls up the sleeves of his moss green shirt.

Getting ready to start working on the human.

Her unconscious form is placed on the hospital bed, naked.

If we are supposed to get any work done, we need to physically see her body to be able to heal it. Her mid back-long dark blonde hair is sprawled underneath her.

I find it so fascinating that almost no humans have the same hair color. The same goes for their eyes. To be such fragile beings, they have their qualities.

I’ll give them that.

We have been in contact with humans for thousands of years. They just never seem to remember it, and those who do are long dead. We also have advanced techniques so that these stupid beings won’t recognize us as anything other than a human like themselves. But that is a different story.

They always feel as if they are so advanced, so ahead of their time.

Ignorant beings.

They have never been advanced. Clever, yes, but never advanced. I think the only time I was mildly impressed by humans was during the great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Rameses II is my personal favorite. His humor always made me laugh.

And his taste in women.

Mai’yri – I will never be able to pronounce her name correctly – thought that our meeting was random. That she was just an unlucky soul.

Well she is unlucky, but it was no coincidence.

I have monitored and watched that girl since our actual coincidental meeting a few years back. She never saw us, but I definitely saw her. And that was it for the human girl. That, too, is a different story.

‘’Do you have a status report of her body?’’ I ask.

Zuuri nods, deep in concentration as he hover his hands above her naked body and examining her internal organs with his gaze.

He was always good with human anatomy. And the human brain. So good that I made him study it more.

To me, human feelings is foreign, but he understands them. Sees them.

Zuuri is a kindhearted soul, I’ll give him that. He cares for humanity, and all other living beings for that matter. I admire his love for the living.

I struggle to have the same point of view. But it doesn’t matter anyways.

I will always be superior. Smarter. Three steps ahead of everyone else.

I could be called an alien. It’s not incorrect, to be honest. I am so much more than the human brain can comprehend. So, calling me an alien would be the short and easy explanation for it.

‘’Brother,’’ Zuuri interrupts my thinking.

‘’The scanning is complete,’’ he starts. ‘’Her eyesight is pretty bad. Easy fix. Both of her knees have pretty aggressive inflammations, her lungs do not work optimally – asthma I believe they call it – a few allergies here and there but nothing other than that,’’ he explains.

I nod as I stare at her naked form.

All of these are easy fixes for us. If we share energy, we’ll be able to do it both quicker and more effective. However, we need to regain this energy loss. One way or another.

‘’Good, let’s get started,’’ I say as I roll up my sleeves as well.

He hesitates. And I see that there is something on his mind immediately.

‘’What?’’ I bark.

He jumps a little, too far into his own mind – or hers? ‘’Well,’’ he starts. He sighs and shakes his head.

This cannot be good. ‘’Spit it out Zuuri, I don’t have all day,’’. I roll my eyes at him.

‘’Her body is functioning well, but her mind…’’.

‘’What about it?’’ I press.

‘’I see that there has been some trauma, I just can’t figure out what. People? Closeness, not like intimacy, but closeness to her physically? Control?’’ he says as he concentrates on her mind.

‘’I cannot reach it all. She has it deep in there. That was the only key aspects I could pull out. My advice is; if you want this girl to remotely even acknowledge you, you need to do it her way and not yours. I’m afraid her mind will not tolerate anything else. I don’t know what will happen if not,’’.

I scoff. He cannot be serious. The human mind is so fragile!

‘’I’m serious brother,’’ he says seriously. ‘’The human body may be fragile, but their minds are surprisingly strong,’’.

He brushes a strand of hair from her face in a curious manner.

He wants to know her now, I observe. Wants to know her inner thoughts. He hasn’t even talked to her, and he still has taken a liking to her.

I know the second he does things like this, always so easy to read.

He sighs again.

‘’Let’s get started,’’ and hover his hands above her once again.

I do the same.

I told her I would fix her up.

Her body will never be in pain ever again. She’ll never need glasses again.

She better be grateful of it when she wakes up. The energy I lose from doing this better be worth it.

Who am I kidding? I’ll just eat it from her later on, after she’s woken up.

I wonder what chaos she will start when she wakes up, I muse as Zuuri and I heal her body.

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