The Arcade

Chapter 13

The weeks passed in to months, and before anyone realized it, summer had come. The temporary reprieve from academics had brought with it warmer weather and higher spirits.

Holly and Cosmo’s relationship grew into a very deep friendship, filled with young love, hope, and future promises. With that came the strengthening of the friendship between them all: Theo, Bobby, and Cosmo – with Holly as a sort of kid sister to the other two boys. They felt a sort of protectiveness toward her, and that made for a very tight-knit friendship amongst them all.

Summer was spent mostly in each other’s company, with Holly frequently joining the trio at The Asylum. To be sure, she kept up with her girlfriends, but her growing relationship with Cosmo took the better part of her time.

One day, while Holly was shopping with her friends, and the boys were at their usual haunt, the topic of conversation between the three turned to Theo’s upcoming birthday. He was going to be sixteen, and that was a big deal.

“So Theo, whatcha got planned for the big day? Chuckie Cheese? Shakey’s? The house?” Bobby asked while Theo blasted asteroids out of space.

“Not sure.” Theo replied. “I’m kinda leanin’ toward doing something at home. Chuck’s is too kiddy for my taste, and Shakey’s is getting’ old. Same ol’, same ol’ – ya know?”

“Well,” Cosmo chimed in “I think if you want to go with havin’ it at your house, we should. Plus, you’d be able to invite more people, and it wouldn’t be so cramped. You’ve got that awesome gazebo thing goin’ on, plus the fire pit, and all that deck space.”

“Hey yeah!” Now it was Bobby’s turn. “Think about it, dude – lights, music, food…it’ll be great!”

Theo brightened, nodding while he concentrated on the game “Yeah – that does sound pretty good! I might even be able to talk my folks into springing for a live band.”

“Dude – that would be totally righteous! A live band! Do you have any idea how totally cool that would be? You’d have people begging to come to your party!” Bobby was practically bouncing up and down at the prospect.

“Well,” Theo added “first my folks have to go for the idea. Let’s not get too excited until we see what they say.”

They all agreed on this, knowing of course that Theo’s parents would more than likely throw him a birthday bash like no other – first because it was his 16th birthday, and second, because Theo was their only child, and they absolutely doted on him.

The big day came, and with it presents, friends, and yes – a live band was actually hired to play at Theo’s birthday party. It was the kind of party that most teens would love to have.

The party was indeed held at Theo’s house in the backyard. The deck, terrace, gazebo – all was strung with garden lights of the paper lantern variety. The music was provided by a local cover band, and they did a reasonably good job reproducing the hits that graced the more popular radio stations.

All the foods and soft drinks one might imagine at such a fête were present, as well as about fifty or so kids from school, and many of their parents. Also on hand for the celebration were family members, and personal friends of Theo’s parents.

It was an exciting night for the boys – especially Theo, who received more birthday gifts than he imagined he would. The best gift of all was from his grandfather: a brand new 125cc dirt bike – complete with helmet, boots, riding leathers and gloves. It absolutely gleamed.

It was after he had opened all his other presents, thanking each and every person for their gift (some gave cash, which he was especially happy with), that his granddad rolled the motorcycle out of the tool shed and onto the patio below the deck.

“Happy Birthday, Theodore!” His granddad said with a big grin, as a hush fell across the assembled guests. “Your dad told me you’ve always wanted one of these, and there are plenty of woods and trails around here for you to enjoy – so…enjoy!”

At that, the party guests all gave Theo a big cheer, as he just stood there, mouth hanging open. Bobby was the first to speak. “Wow Theo – woodja lookit that! A dirt bike!”

“Yeah,” Cosmo added “that’s too cool for words, Theo.” Theo just stood there until someone in the crowd shouted “Speech!” The rest of the guests soon took up the chant with “Speech! Speech!”

Theo had cleared his throat and began to thank his granddad, as well as his parents and all the people who had come to wish him a happy birthday. As Theo was giving his speech, Cosmo was forcefully reminded that it wasn’t long after this night that Theo lost his life while riding that dirt bike.

He now knew that this was another thing he could change – something he must change.

“Hey there, doofus – you okay?” Holly was peering at him with that wrinkle between her eyebrows that told Cosmo she was concerned.

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine. Just listening to Theo blather on – you know how he is.” He tried to sound casual. Holly didn’t buy it.

“I don’t think so. You looked like you were somewhere else just now.”

“No, really – it’s cool.” Cosmo replied. “I was just thinking about Theo on that dirt bike. Now he’ll probably spend more time on that, and less time at The Asylum.”

Holly looked at Cosmo. “You’re not really jealous of a motorcycle, are you?” she chuckled.

“Nah…I’m kinda jealous of him” Cosmo smiled back. “I’d love to have one, but my folks think I’d get myself killed trying to ride one.”

Holly slipped her hand into his. “You’re probably safer in a car anyway, knowing you. After all, didn’t they used to call you ‘wipe-out’ in grade school or something? I think that’s what your mom told me. She said you use to trip over your own shadow.”

Cosmo gave her a little nudge. “Hardy har-har…” Holly giggled, and Cosmo’s chuckle followed shortly afterwards.

Inside, Cosmo was still furiously trying to recall exactly when that accident happened/will happen. Theo wasn’t going to die again – not if was up to him.

He had to talk to Sal.

The party had gone well, everyone had a fun time, and even the clean-up hadn’t been too bad – thanks to the caterers. Theo thanked each of the guests as they left, exchanging words here and there with relatives and friends alike.

Long after the last guest had left, Theo, Bobby and Cosmo sat out on the deck in the moonlight. Holly had stuck around until her mother picked her up. Before she left, she gave Theo a peck on the cheek before again wishing him a happy birthday.

As the three boys sat around a table sipping the last of their sodas, it was Theo who spoke first. “This has been the coolest night of my life, ya know?”

Bobby took a sip of soda, then replied “Everyone deserves an awesome 16th party, and I’m just glad we were here to share yours. Besides – your folks really know how to throw a bash, man! I mean – a live band, dude! How cool is that?”

“Yeah,” Cosmo began “you’re mom and dad really went all out. That’s pretty righteous of them, ya know?”

“Totally.” Theo agreed. “Totally…”

At that moment, Theo’s mother stuck her head out the patio door. “Bobby – you’re mom is here.”

Bobby stood up and called back “Thanks! I’m on my way!” He looked down at Theo, still in his chair. “So dude – when do you think you’re gonna try out your bike? Me and chuckles here wanna be the first to see you fall off…”

Theo just shook his head. “Ha, ha. I was thinking of next Saturday. You guys comin’?”

Cosmo looked at him. “Next Saturday? Yeah, we’re comin’.”

Bobby began to protest “Hey, I think I gotta help my dad next Saturday…”

Cosmo looked at him “No, you really need to come with us.”

Bobby just looked at Cosmo. “Yeah, okay – I’ll be there. Just let me know when, alright Theo?”

Theo looked up “You bet, dude. And hey, Bobby? Thanks for comin’.”

Bobby smiled and replied “Dude - free food and music! That’s a no-brainer!”

Theo snorted and shook his head in mock disgust. “That’s our boy – always thinkin’ with his stomach.” Cosmo chuckled.

They both turned when they heard the patio door, and Theo’s mom stuck her head out to let Cosmo know his dad was waiting out front.

“Thanks, Mrs. Castelhano!” Cosmo stood, and turning to Theo said “Well dude – I gotta jet. It was a really great party Theo, and I can’t think of a better birthday-boy.”

Theo swung a leg out in a mock-kick. “Stop or I’m gonna go all misty. Just wait until your party, dude. We’re gonna hire Ozzy to play your gig!”

Cosmo just snorted. “Yeah. That’ll be the day! Happy birthday, chump. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yup. I’ll call you around noon or something. I don’t think the folks have anything planned after Mass, so we should be clear.”

Cosmo nodded. “Cool. See ya then.”



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