The Amethyst Pack (Book 1)

Chapter Chapter Three

Before I went to bed I had called Carla once more, she was so happy I had found somewhere to stay, even though she was super worried about me. She and her father had argued with me that they would give me £100 to get me started and in the end I gave up, letting them transfer it to my bank card that they had help me get set up years ago, they would put a little money in it when it was my birthday and Christmas, I usually let it pile up so I had some still saved, not a lot but it would get me a few extra bits from time to time.

At 7am Mr Henson burst into my room, screaming at me to get up and get out as I groaned on the bed. He walked off in a huff as I rolled my eyes and packed up everything I owned, which wasn’t a lot.

I took a quick shower before going downstairs dragging my suitcase behind me, making sure my locket was clasped firmly around my neck, no way could I forget that!

“No! You are not eating my food, you are no longer a part of this house, get out!” Mr Henson shouts at me as I go to grab a piece of fruit as I sigh and place it back down…Great, no breakfast today…

I grabbed my jacket and put my rucksack on my back while I dragged my suitcase out behind me.

“See ya later assholes!” I shouted as I made my way from that horrid house.

I walked slowly to the café, dragging my case, it clunked against the ground, one wheel spinning crazily. This was going to be a long walk… I groaned.

I heard some guys up ahead, and low and behold, it’s green eyes and his two buddies.

“We really need to stop meeting like this” Craig grins as I roll my eyes and drag my case behind me.

“Let me help” One of the twins says with a sweet smile.

“I can deal with it” I answer.

“Where you off to? Going on a trip?” The other twin asks.

“Moving house…” I sigh.

“Where’s the rest of your stuff?” Craig asks.

“This is it…”

“You’re joking, right…Tell me she’s joking Daniel…” The second twin, the one with hazel eyes and light brown spikey hair, said.

“I don’t think she’s joking David” The first twin said, he looked identical to his twin and yet had darker hair which swept across his face.

“Listen, I don’t need your help. Thanks but I can deal with this. Have a good day guys” I sigh as I continue my walk.

“Hey, please, just let us help you” Craig sighs as he places a hand on my arm, a tingle goes up it before I yank my arm to me.

“Please, don’t touch me” I whimper, even though I was curious at the feeling of him touching my arm…

“Sorry! No more touching! But, please, we just want to help” He says with a smile.

I want to believe him, I do, but I found it hard to trust anyone anymore…

“Listen, we’ll just take you where you need to go and then leave you be” Daniel smiles.

I bite my lip, I really didn’t want to carry this suitcase the whole way on my own, it was so awkward, but I didn’t know these guys, why would they help a girl like me?

“Ok, fine” I said as they all grinned. David grabbed my suitcase with ease as they all began to walk with me.

“So, why are you moving?” Daniel asks.

“Got kicked out” I sigh.

“By your parents?” Craig questions.

“Nope, foster home” I murmur.

“Oh…Sorry…Where are your parents?” Daniel asks.

“I really don’t think that’s any of your business” I snap.

“Woah! Sorry, just trying to get to know you” He raises his hands in surrender.

“Why? Why would you want to get to know a girl like me? I’m sure there are plenty of other better people to talk to” I roll my eyes.

“If you keep rolling your eyes they’ll stay that way” David smirks.

“My friend always tells me that” I laugh.

“So are you going to live with them?” Craig asks.

“No, do you know the café The Pit? They’ve got a flat upstairs, I’m going there, I start work there too this week” I smile as they nod slowly.

“That place is always dead…” David says.

“Well maybe if people gave it a chance it would be able to do better”

“I’m willing to give it a chance, especially if you’re there” Craig smirks as I blush.

“Are you guys new to town? I’ve never seen you before” I ask.

“Yeah, we moved here recently with a few others” Daniel smiles.

“Ok…Why? This whole place is a dump” I chuckle.

“Our…Uncle, is looking for an old friend” David says.

“Oh really? So you won’t be here for a long time then?” I question.

“This is the last place we have to look for her, so if we don’t find her, we’re done, we’ll see what he decides, we might stay if we like it” Craig says.

“I’d get out of here if you can, I would” I sigh.

“Then why don’t you?” Daniel asks.

“I have nowhere to go and no money to go with. This is the first time I am able to make any money, so I will, in time…” I answer and he nods.

“I get it…So, do you know many people around here? I’m guessing you went to school here” Daniel asks.

“I did go to school here, just finished, I know most people around here, it’s a small town, but I don’t really like most of them” I answer.

“How old are you?” Craig asks.

“Seventeen” I answer.

“Cool! Me and my twin here are eighteen, Craig is the old man at twenty” Daniel shoves him as Craig glares, before changing to a smirk.

“Why don’t you like most of the people?” David asks, his eyes piercing my soul, like he’s trying to work me out.

“Listen, if you’re sticking around you’ll hear plenty about me I’m sure. I haven’t had a great life, ok…People either push me around or ignore me like I’m scum on their shoe…Do you mind if I just have a short amount of time talking to a few people without them looking at me like I’m a freak…I’m sure you’ll hate me soon enough” I answer.

“I couldn’t give a shit about rumours I never listen to them. I would rather know truth from the source. We all have history, some worse than others, it doesn’t make us bad people” Craig says.

“We’ll see” I shrug, I was sure they’d hate me too soon enough.

“What’s your name? You seem to know ours now, but I haven’t got a clue who you are” Daniel chuckles.

“Lucy” I answer as they smile.

“You don’t look like a Lucy” David tilts his head.

“What does a Lucy look like?” Daniel laughs. Little did he know, I really wasn’t a Lucy.

The boys keep on chatting as we continue to walk, they ask me little details about the town, it was nice, to finally talk to someone in this town, they treated me like an actual human…Maybe life was getting a little better finally…

I zoned out for a little while, flickers of my life running through my mind, I hated my new name, I just wanted one person to know it, I wanted to be me…But would I ever get to do that…

“Hey, Lucy, you ok?” Daniel stopped a moment as I caught up to him, the other two ahead of us as they joked about.

“Yeah…I was just…Thinking…” I sighed.

“Messed up past?” He says.

“Yep…” I answer.

“You can tell us you know…We won’t judge…” He says.

“I barely know any of you, I’m not going to spill my every secret, you could be weirdos!” I smirk.

“I’m not a weirdo…My brother, yeah he’s weird…Craig, he’s brooding and cocky, but not so weird…I don’t expect you to spill every secret right now. But get to know us, we want to get to know you. We aren’t going anywhere, we’re loyal to our friends” He smiles.

“I don’t really have friends, I have one, Carla, but I won’t be seeing her any time soon” I sigh.

“Why?” He asks.

“She lives in a town I used to live in for a while but she’s moving to a different country now with her parents, so we won’t be able to visit like we did before. She used to come see me once a month, now it might be like, once a year”

“Ah, yeah I can see that being a little difficult. But, if you let us, we’d like to be your friends, we’ll make you trust us one day” He smiles.

“We’ll see then I guess” I chuckle.

“Eww look it’s the orphan!” I hear Lyndsey cry out as I spot her with her girls on a bench as she eyes the guys.

“Oh great… Here’s where you learn all about me…Was nice knowing you guys” I roll my eyes as she gets up, placing her hand on Craig’s arm.

“What can we do for you?” Craig’s eyes glare at her as she smirks.

“What are you doing with HER?” Lyndsey points her fake ass nails towards me as I try to take my case back off of David.

“No, I’m carrying it” He shakes his head as I groan in frustration.

“Please, I just want to get out of here” I whisper.

“We’re friends with her, so why don’t you and your merry little group of bimbos head off now” Daniel says as I look at him wide-eyed as he smirks at me.

“EXCUSE ME!” She shrills.

“You heard him” Craig smirks too.

“You want to be with her! She’s damaged goods, nothing but a disgusting orphan. She’s got major issues…” She starts.

“Here it comes…” I murmur as I see Craig look towards me with concern in his eyes.

“She’s a good for nothing slut who lost her virginity at fourteen, she’s beaten up so many people until they are nearly dead! She’s been institutionalised because she’s a fucking loon! Why would you hang out with her? She’s better off dead in a ditch. Her parents didn’t even want her” Lyndsey cackles as the rage inside me grows as I step towards her as she eyes me with a look of content, she was trying to stop me having anyone…

“My parents died in a fire, it’s not that they didn’t want me Lyndsey and you know that! I was raped but you know that too! You know everything about me because I told you when we first met, I thought you were my friend and you were just faking it for gossip. I am fed up with you spreading shit! If you carry on doing it then you’ll find YOUR head caved in!” I snarl out as I face her.

“You’re crazy…It’s all in your head!” She laughs as her group chuckles behind her.

“Lucy, back off” Daniel says calmly.

“Yeah, back off, no one wants you here Lucy…If that really is your name?!” She smirks as I go to hit her a hand wraps around my arm, stopping me. Tingles run up my arm as I notice it’s Craig holding me back.

“Don’t, she’s not worth it” David shakes his head.

“I think your nose is a little crooked Lyndsey, did I break it last time?” I smirk as her hand goes to her bandaged nose with a gasp.

“Your nose is fine Lyndsey” One of her lackies say.

“Boys, you’re more than welcome to join us, we were about to get the bus to the city” Lyndsey smiles, eyeing the boys again.

“Sorry, we’re busy” Craig growls.

“You can’t be seriously staying with her” She stomps.

“Of course we are” Daniel says beside me as I look up at them, they all smile at me…They were actually staying…After everything she said…

Lyndsey glared at me before huffing off back to her bench, waiting for the bus.

“They’ll learn what you’re like soon enough! They’ll leave you too!” Lyndsey calls out as we begin to walk away once more.

We walk in silence as I notice we are nearly at the café.

“Look…I…You don’t have to do this…I’m used to being alone…You’re welcome to go spend time with who you like…I get it if you guys want nothing to do with me…” I sigh as we stop opposite the café.

“You’re not getting rid of us that easily gorgeous” Craig smirks and I blush.

“We don’t believe rumours. We’ll wait until you are ready to tell us your story. Not words coming from some bimbo” David smiles.

“Yeah, I told you, we’ll be your friend” Daniel smiles as Craig gets a call, puts up a finger and moves off to answer it.

“Thank you” I smile, things were really looking up.

“Guys we’ve got to go…Uncle has a lead on the girl” Craig says.

“Just go, I’ve got this” I smile as I take the suitcase from David.

“Wait, can I have your number so we can message you?” Daniel asks.

“Sure, here, put your numbers in, I’ll message you all, so you have it” I pass my phone over as they each put their numbers in.

I send them a text each:

Thanks for the help guys

They all smile as they each wave goodbye and rush off swiftly as I dragged my case over to the café.

7:50am…I was early as I peered in to see if anyone was inside. I saw a little movement and knocked.

Vance peered out from his office and smiled as he unlocked the door for me, letting me in with a smile.

“You’re early…”

“They booted me out as soon as the sun practically rose” I roll my eyes.

“I never liked Henson…Guy was a dick in school” He laughs

“You knew him?” I raised a brow.

“We went to school together, he was the schools drug-using dead beat, to think he takes care of children now appals me” He sighs.


“Yes…Now, anyway, I’ll take you upstairs and we’ll get your case in so you can do whatever you need up there today. I’ll have you starting in here tomorrow, let you get settled first” He smiles.

“Thanks” I smile as he takes my case and frowns.

“This can’t be all you have…” He frowns.

“Yeah it is” I shrug.

“That’ll change. I’ll help you with whatever you need. I want you to feel at home here, everyone deserves happiness” he smiles as we go up a set of creaky stairs.

“Thank you Vance”

“Now, I’m sorry, it’s going to need a little work” He grimaces as he opens the door and there’s a puff of dust as he coughs a little and we walk inside, it’s dark and dusty. I could smell the damp as I saw the windows were boarded shut.

“Any reason for the windows being boarded?” I ask.

“Ah, it was for when we had that terrible storm, didn’t want the windows broken, I’m afraid I haven’t had time to take it down…” He says as he flicks on the light switch as I flickers a few times and then turns on.

The place was covered in dust and cobwebs were everywhere, it was like an old attic, but it had a small kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and lounge. It was a good size and with a little work, it could be something I would be proud to call home.

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