The Amethyst Pack (Book 1)

Chapter Chapter Five

The next few days I finished up cleaning up the flat and working in the café. I didn’t hear much from the boys at all.

Craig had messaged me that they would be away for a week as they had some business to deal with, at least that gave me the time to pluck up the courage to come clean about who I was.

I thought I would have heard off them by now about finding the girl…Well me…But I hadn’t, and I was getting a little nervous. They weren’t pushing me for it though, so I was guessing whatever had them off for a week was keeping them busy.

The more time I spent with Vance, Pauline, and Tony, the more I loved them. I was learning so much from them.

I had managed to help them tidy the café a little more too, I had bought some paint and had painted over the plain white wall with a huge scenic design. Vance had looked at me in shock as he came in the next day, he loved it, it really brightened up the place as I had done a huge sunset over a beautiful forest with a lake at the bottom.

Vance had bought me a brand-new sofa as thanks as we were seeing more people come in as I helped tidy the place up.

He was becoming a great mentor to me and was helping me out so much so anything I could do for the café and him I was doing.

I was considering telling him the truth about me too, I trusted him, I don’t know why I trusted him so much when I had always found it so difficult to trust anyone before.

A knock at my door distracted me as I was painting the walls in my kitchen a deep red.

“Coming!” I shouted, quickly placing down the paintbrush, and smiling at my work as I noticed the dots of paint on my skin, chuckling.

“Hey, I know it’s your day off, but would you mind coming to help out downstairs, it’s packed downstairs, your cakes are flying off the shelf and Tony could do with some help” Vance smiled sheepishly.

“Sure, but I might need to take a quick shower first” I showed him my arm as he laughed.

“Red…Wow…It looks great. Go shower and come down when you’re ready. Thank you Lucy” He smiled before turning to go down.

“Vance…” I murmur.

“Yeah?” He turns back looking at me curiously.

“Can I…Can I tell you something tonight…No judgement…” I ask.

“Of course, when we close up we’ll have a little chat with a cup of coffee” He nods smiling before rushing off.

I quickly clean off my paint brush and do up the tin of paint before rushing into the shower.

Getting into a pair of simple black trousers and a new shirt I got ready to work. Putting my hair up into a bun to keep it from getting in the way in the kitchen.

I hurry down the stairs after locking up the flat as I fly into the kitchen with a grin at Tony as he chucks me my apron and tells me to get to work.

“Can you sort out the salads for me while I’m on the hot plates Lucy” Tony asks.

“Yes chef” I reply with a mock salute as he chuckles.

As I’m cutting up the lettuce I take a peek out the chef window as I see just how busy it was, the tables were packed with people, I had never seen it so busy. Pauline was rushing with Vance table to table.

Nearly all the cakes I had baked the day before were gone too.

“You have the knack for cooking kid, I’ll give you that” Tony smiles.

“My mum taught me how to bake” I smile at the memory.

“I would love to meet her” Tony smiles.

“She died…” I murmur as his smile falls.

“Kid…I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” He places a hand on my arm.

“It’s ok. Both my parents died in a fire when I was eight…I don’t really tell many people…I don’t need the sympathy.” I give a small smile as he nods.

“My dad died when I was fourteen, car crash, drunk driver ploughed straight into him. I know the feeling kid” He says as we continue to keep cooking.

“Does it ever stop hurting?” I mutter.

“Never, you learn to live with it, it gets easier but still hurts” He replies as I nod.

“How long does it take to make a salad?” I hear a whiney voice outside as I peer around and see Lyndsey with her group of prissy girls.

“Oh great, bitch patrol” I grumble.

“Girls from school huh?” Tony nods towards them.

“Yep… Made my life hell” I sigh.

“Oh my god, is that Lucy in the kitchen! I don’t want that skank making my food!” She shrills as I roll my eyes.

“Our girl Lucy is well trained in the kitchen and I will not take any abuse of my staff. If you do not wish to have your food then feel free to take it elsewhere” I hear Vance growl at her.

“I’ll take my business elsewhere. I can ruin your café in a snap” She snaps her fingers.

“No one else here has an issue with my staff, just you, so please make your way out of the door and don’t let the door hit you on the way out” Vance says as he winks my way as I giggle.

“I’ll ruin you!” She shrills.

“Does anyone here have an issue with the food they have?” Vance shouts out as the customers are all watching the scene unfold.

“Only that there isn’t more!” One man laughs as he bites into a cake.

“Compliments to the chefs!” Another lady smiles.

“You’re all stupid! THAT girl is a dirty, violent orphan!” Lindsey screams.

“Get out! You vile little girl!” Pauline shouts, grabbing her by the ear and throwing her out the café as I watch on, mouth open in shock before I burst into laughter.

The whole café cheers at Pauline as she takes a bow and winks at me.

“Thank you” I say to both Vance and Pauline.

“I won’t have such a beautiful, smart, young girl be ruined by such a vile creature like her. Too many nasty things out there without more trouble” Pauline smiles before getting back to work.

“My niece always was a cruel bitch” Tony grumbles as I whirl to him.

“Your NIECE!”

“Yes, don’t judge me…I can’t stand my brother, nor his devil spawn” He shakes his head in disbelief at his family.

“The more I find out, the more shocked I am about you Tony” I laugh as I finish up the last of my orders, putting them on the window for Vance to take.

“How are those boys of yours?” Tony winks at me.

“Not my boys…But I haven’t heard off of them in a few days” I sigh.

“Oh one of them is yours alright…I’ve seen you glance outside every time the door goes. So, which one do you like?” Tony smirks.


“OR do you like them all you saucy minx?” Tony chuckles.

“NO! I like Daniel and David, but not like that…” I laugh.

“So you DO like one of them…Craig, isn’t it? Good looking kid” He winks.

“Shut up” I blush as he just laughs.

“Last orders now guys” Vance passes the last tickets as I get on with a few salads and cold desserts.

“Don’t let life get in the way of love Lucy…Never forget that” Tony smiles.

“Thanks Tony, but it’s not love” I roll my eyes.

“Keep telling yourself that” He laughs and gets on with cooking the last few orders.

Tony and I kept messing about in the kitchen, chatting absolute rubbish while cleaning the kitchen as Vance and Pauline closed up.

“Well, I’m all done so I will see you tomorrow little Lucy” Tony smiles and waves as he chucks his apron at me as I throw it onto the hook.

“See you tomorrow big fella” I smile.

“Bye Lucy!” Pauline smiles as Vance lets them out of the café and closes it behind them.

“Coffee?” I ask Vance.

“Oh yes, black, no sugar, I’m sweet enough” He laughs as I roll my eyes and make his coffee along with making myself a hot chocolate.

He gestures me to take a seat on one of the bar stools as I sit next to him, I glance up nervously.

“So, what is it you need to talk about?” he asks

“Firstly, my name…It isn’t Lucy” I sigh as I look down.

“So, if it’s not Lucy, what is it?” he doesn’t look at me any different and it spurs me on to tell him more.

“Serena, Serena Baldo” I answer.

“Serena Baldo…Baldo…I’ve heard that name before…Of course, the fire! Oh my sweetheart! Tell me you aren’t the missing daughter?” He says, eyes wide.

“I am…But it’s complicated…” I sigh.

“Then tell me, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. I cannot keep you safe unless you tell me” He says.

“Wait…You’d keep me safe?”

“Of course, ever since meeting you I’ve felt something, like a need to help you, a need to keep you safe. You’ve become like a part of the family and I would do anything to make sure you are safe. You’ve helped me in ways you can’t imagine…Now it’s my turn” He smiles and puts a hand on mine.

“Thank you…But we’ll see once I tell you everything” I sigh.

“Then get on with it” He chuckles as I smile a little before delving into my whole life, from the fire, to Lucien, to foster families and right up to where we are now.

“If you want me out, I understand” I sigh as he’s been silent for a few moments now.

“You know Lucien Braven?” He says as I look up at him.

“Yes…Do you?” I ask.

“Yes…He’s…well known in… a certain part of town…”

“For what?” I raise a brow.

“I’m not sure I’m the person to tell you all this Luc…Serena” He sighs.

“Please! If it has to do with why my parents died and why he’s been looking for me…I need to know Vance. PLEASE” I beg.

“Ok. Come with me” He says as I hop off the stool with him as he wanders into his office.

“What are you doing?” I say as I watch him lock us in his office and close the curtains.

“Making sure we aren’t interrupted” He grumbles as I begin to get nervous.

“Vance…” I murmur as he goes into a filing cabinet and pulls out a huge, extremely old book and thumps it onto the table as I watch on with confusion.

“This world you live in, there’s more to it than you think…” He says as he begins flicking through the book before finding whatever page he was looking for and turning it to face me.

“What…Hold on…I know that symbol…” I look at the book and there on the page is the inscribed image that’s on my locket.

“That is the symbol of the Baldo Pack…” He says looking at me intently.

“Baldo Pack of what?” I was getting more confused by the minute…

“Of werewolves Serena…Your father was the Alpha of the biggest pack in the UK… You will become a wolf too…That’s why Lucien is looking for you…That’s why you have such a connection with the boys…It’s your pack” He says, my eyes flicker from the book and then to him as I smirk and begin laughing, bent over and tears coming out.

“And people thought I was crazy” I laugh, but as I look up he’s got a fierce look in his eyes as they change colour, I scream and step back, my back hitting the wall painfully as I hiss out.

“This is real Serena. I am also of this world…I’m not a full wolf, but I am…supernatural…of sorts” he sighs.

“I…I…I’m dreaming, I fell asleep…I’m high on paint fumes…” I mutter to myself.

“Sit down Serena…I will not hurt you. I will still protect you, if not more now. You are safe with me” He says calmly as I sit on the chair in shock in front of him.

“What are you? Your eyes…They changed colour…” I murmur.

“I was a hunter, someone that kills things such as werewolves and vampires. However, one day I met my soulmate…a werewolf named Olivia. She turned me and I was thrown out from my tribe of hunters. They tried to kill me and managed to kill my mate, I have tried to keep myself from that world ever since” He sighs, I could see the heartache in his eyes.

“This is…crazy…Wait…your mate…How did you know she was your mate?” I ask. I remember when Craig had randomly said mate, he couldn’t have meant soulmate…could he.

My mind was going crazy, a thousand things were running through my head and yet it all made sense.

Why my dad could work from home, why he seemed so important to people in our old town. The way I felt different all the time, like something was missing…My locket…

“You will feel like they fill your mind even when they aren’t around, your skin will tingle when they are near and you will miss their touch…It will be much stronger the longer you are around each other, you may not feel everything as you’ve not known each other long if he is your mate…”

“Wait I never said…” I started.

“I’m not stupid Serena, you look at that boy differently, Craig right?” He smirks.

“Yes” I nod.

“When do you turn eighteen?” He asks.

“In like…Three weeks” I answer.

“Shit…That soon…Your rage, that is a sign of the wolf within you, your emotions are elevated. If you haven’t been taught to shift before your eighteenth birthday you will shift on the night of your birthday.” He says.

“So why didn’t my parents tell me?” I sigh.

“I don’t know, of all the people to be told of their origins, you should be one of them. Yet, they shielded you…The fire…I think they were trying to hide you from the hunters…” He sighs sitting down with his head in his hands.

“My parents really were murdered…Then what the hell does Elise have to do with this?” I ask.

“I don’t know…But she worries me…I’ll do some research, but we need to get you to the boys, I can protect you, but even I have my limits. You need the pack” Vance says.

“Shifting…Does it hurt?” I ask.

“At first…It’s agonising. But as you learn it gets better”

“Can you teach me?” I ask.

“I don’t think I am the best person to do that Serena” I shakes his head.


“I haven’t shifted in over twenty years. I no longer hear my wolf, it would be excruciating for me to return. Once you push your wolf from your mind, the more it will hurt. Your wolf is a piece of your soul, it’s like ripping half of you away” He sighs.

“Why would you do that?”

“When I lost Olivia I lost everything I ever loved. I decided never to shift again as it was a reminder of what I lost. I left her pack and moved on. I never returned”

“I’m sorry Vance…”

“I can’t believe you are taking this so well…” Vance raises a brow.

“I think I’ve always felt like something has been missing…I definitely didn’t expect this, and I still don’t know about it. But seeing is believing right?”

“Yes…Maybe I should…No…Oh I don’t know…” He sighs with his head in his hands.


“I cannot protect you at my full strength without my wolf...” Vance looks lost in thought, like he’s fighting his own thoughts.

“No, don’t put yourself through pain if you don’t want it. I won’t force you into something you don’t want” I urge.

“You truly are amazing Serena, you put everything and everyone before yourself. No, I will do it. For you. I won’t leave you alone to deal with this, even if that means I will go through this pain, I’m doing it for you” He smiles.

“So, you’ll teach me? Show me?” I smile.

“Yes. However I can’t do this alone. We will need the boys and Lucien. You will hold a lot of power that I won’t be able to control by myself. You will need someone that is in complete control of their wolf or you could go running into a street or anything as you won’t be in your own mind for a while”

“So I have to get the boys…I’m scared Vance…” I murmur.

“I know, but you told me. You can do this.” He smiles coming around the desk and gives me a hug as I tense up a little before settling down and hugging him back.

“I’ll message the boys and sort out a meeting”

Serena to Daniel: Hey, are you guys back yet? I need to see you all…

Daniel: Not yet, we will be soon. What’s up? You ok?

Serena: It’s about Serena…

Daniel: You found her!

Serena: Yeah

Daniel: We’ll be back tomorrow. Can you sort out us meeting her tomorrow evening?

“Tomorrow evening ok with you Vance?” I ask nervously.

“Yes once we’re closed at 8pm” He nods.

Serena: Yes, after work though.

Daniel: Ok. 9pm, we’ll text you an address. Is she ok?

Serena: She’s fine, nervous…but fine.

Daniel: Good. Craig says hi by the way…

Serena: Say hello to him for me too. I miss you guys

Daniel: Aww cute, we miss you too Lucy. We’ll see you with Serena tomorrow, we gotta go. Be safe x

Serena: See you tomorrow.

“All sorted?” Vance asks.

“Yes, tomorrow after work, he’s sending me an address…Which is now coming through, some house on the outskirts of town…” I answer.

“That doesn’t surprise me. Now go home and get some sleep. Try not to worry too much. I will make sure you never get hurt again. You can have a better life now” He nods looking at the address.

“Thank you Vance.” I smile as he unlocks his door and I make my way to the stairs.

“See you in the morning Vance” I smile.

“Goodnight Serena.” He nods as he makes his way out from the café and I go up to the flat.

I had so much to think about now and I had no idea what to think, I still thought this was all crazy and yet it made sense. Like I was waiting to hear it.

Tomorrow would be the day that I found out if it was all real, if I really was a werewolf…So crazy…

I got washed, changed, and slid into bed as my hands fiddled with my locket.

If this was all real then why didn’t they tell me? Was it hunters who killed my parents?

Tomorrow was going to be a long day…

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