The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 55

Rosalind's POV

I was going to let Clay go and just kill that guy, but one thing came to my mind and I ran after Clay outside.

Right as he was about to get in his car I stopped him.

"Clay, you need to stay here. What if he expects you to leave and comes here to our pack? You need to stay here to protect everyone.” I tell him as I look into his chocolate eyes.

"I need to kill him." Clayton says through gritted teeth. He's letting his angry wolf take control, so I grabbed his hand with mine to calm him and let him come to his senses.

The sparks flew widely and he sighed, "Okay. I'll stay.”

He then turned to look at Drake, "You and Damon will have to take some of the fighters and go to the LycanRiver Pack. Find Jason and bring him here so I can take the pleasure in killing him myself."

Drake nodded and soon my dad left with him.

As Clay and I walked back to the house Kali came outside. She walked over to us and gave me a big bear hug.

Confused I ask, "What's with the hug?”

She doesn't let go as she says over my shoulder, "Kaleb, Maddie, and I have to leave sooner than we thought.”

She releases me from the hug and Clay asks her, "Why leave so soon?" Kali frowns and whispers, "Kaleb thinks it's not safe here for us with what all is going on. Sorry guys.”

I smile at her letting her know it's okay, "It isn't safe, so you are making the right decision in leaving. Just visit us more often!"

Kali smiles and nods, "We will, that's for sure!"

"I think you should name her Violet, get it! A flower name after he mother!" Alexa cheers. Alexa, Clayton, my mom, Ace, and I are all currently sitting in the living room thinking of names for the baby.

Ace throws a couch pillow across the room at Alexa and she frowns. I laugh at them, but I stop when I feel Clayton is still angry and worried. I look at him as he sits next to me.

I chuckle slightly at him as he sits with his arms crossed and his eyes locked; staring at something — he looks like a statue. He turns his head and looks at me before saying, "What?"

I shake my head and kiss his cheek before answering, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Right now let's focus on a name for the baby!" Clayton smiles slightly and says, "Well, I know our first born will be a boy so let's name him something like Calvin or Colin.”

I raise an eyebrow at him and everyone else in the living room look at him. He looks around at us before shrugging and saying, "What?"

"I know it will be a girl.” Alexa tells him in a sassy way.

Clay shakes his head, "Nope. It's going to be a boy."

My mom smiles and joins in, "Why do you think that?"

Clayton looks down at my tiny baby bump. He smiles and says, "I can feel the baby's strength someway, and that is too much strength for a girl."

When he says that Alexa throws the pillow, that Ace threw at her, towards me. I catch it before smacking Clayton in the face with it. "Hey!" He growls playfully. I stick my tongue out at him before Ace says, "If it is a boy don't name him Calvin or Colin, name him something like Eric.”

Clayton shrugs his muscular shoulders, "So far I'm liking Colin, but I like Eric too."

"I like those names, so if it's a boy we'll name him Colin or Eric. But what if the baby is a girl?" I ask.

My mom smiles at me as she sits on the couch across from Clay and I. "Name her Blue if she has your eyes, Rose."

"Blue? Why Blue?" Alexa asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"When Rose was born, Damon wanted to name her Blue because of her big blue eyes.” My mom tells us all.

"What if she has brown eyes like Alpha Clayton? And to be completely honest, I hope she looks more like Rose.” Alexa says.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Clayton asks her. Alexa answers by saying, "Cause you are ugly."

"That's mean.” Clayton says before Ace blurts out, "If she doesn't have Blue eyes name her Ari or Evelyn.”

Clayton nods, "I like those names. If the baby is a boy, which the baby probably is, Eric or Colin. If it's a girl Ari or Blue."

Right as I open my mouth to speak my mom jumps up off the couch. We all look at her as her eyes start to fill with water.

"Mom? You okay?" I ask.

She doesn't answer and just stares at the floor, I stand and walk over to her, "Mom, what's wrong?"

She raises her watery eyes from the ground to look at me and whispers, "Y-you're father. He's.. dead.”

With those words she collapses to the ground and starts balling her eyes out. Clayton shoots up and I can tell he is mind-linking Drake, as I hug my mom

I look out of Clayton and I's bedroom window to see Drake pull into the pack drive way.

My eyes fill with more tears as I watch.

Alexa and I watch as two of our pack members exit the car.

"Out of the 6 men that went, only 2 returned. And neither of them are my father.”

I say to Alexa as she tries to comfort me.

With Drake and the other pack fighter was the dark haired guy I bumped into at the Becoming Alpha party and he is also the man named Jason.

Drake and the fighter brought Jason to the front of the pack house as Clayton stands there, waiting.

I feel Clayton's anger as he speaks to the blood covered, Jason. Realizing I don't want to just watch this, I turned and exited the bedroom.

"Rose! Where are you going?" Alexa yells as she follows after me.

She grabs my arm and turn me to look at her, but I just push her away and hurry down the stairs before going outside.

As soon as I was outside I heard Jason say, "All Luna's to this pack must die to pay for what happened all those years ago.”

He's talking about the first two werewolf packs called the GreyCrescent pack and the ViciousAsh pack along with the first Luna — but that is not what is important to me as I walk over to Clayton, Drake, the pack fighter, and Jason.

Jason looked over at me as he saw me and he smirked.

When Clayton realizes who Jason was smirking at, he punched Jason in the gut; causing Jason to fall to the ground on his knees.

Clayton then mind-links me, “Go back inside. I don't want you to see this.’

I don't listen to Clay as I am blinded by both my anger and Clayton's, but mine is more dangerous as it is mixed with pain and pregnancy hormones

I quickly push past Clayton so I am standing in front of Jason.

The blood covering Jason then hits my nose, and I notice one thing — it is my father's blood.

My vision becomes red as I kick Jason so hard he gets thrown backwards.

"Rose, go inside!" Clayton growls.

I didn't listen again as I kept kicking and kicking Jason as hard as I could until Jason started coughing up blood.

Drake grabbed my arm and tried to move me away, but that just caused me to turn and punch him in the face. He let his grip go of me and I continued to kick Jason more.

Suddenly, my anger stopped as Clayton grabbed me with his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground. His touch calmed my anger and I starting balling my eyes out as he carried me inside the pack house.

Once we were inside Clayton set me down on the floor. I didn't look at him as I stared down at the ground. Clayton lifted my chin up gently with his hand so I would look him in the eyes.

He didn't say anything, he just looked at me and before I knew it he kissed me. Along with that kiss, I heard the sound of Jason getting his head ripped right off.

Clayton's POV

I wake when I hear a scream. It's Rose's mom; ever since Damon died Lacey has been screaming in her sleep.

I look over at Rose to see her waking up. She looks at me quick before she gets up and wobbles out of our room, with her now big belly, to go comfort her mom.

Rose is half way through the pregnancy, and lately, she's been having that “motherly’ sense to her. Instead of acting like 16, she's been acting like she's 30 with five kids. At first it was weird to have her knowing what's better for the pack members and I, but now it's like she's always been in charge.

After about 10 minutes of laying in bed waiting for Rosalind to come back to our room I decided to get up and go find her. I know I know, she's probably fine but I don't like when she is gone for too long.

As I walk down the hall to the room Lacey and Damon used to share, I look over and notice a calendar — tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

I smile to myself; Rose and I have everything planned out for the wedding, but we don't have a date set yet and so far I'm liking the Valentine's Day thing.

Not wanting to make any plans without Rose, I mind-link her, “Wedding tomorrow?"

It doesn't take her long to reply, "Why tomorrow? And that's kind of out of no where. It would take all day today to set everything up.

I chuckle slightly and say, “Tomorrow is Valentine's Day."

Right away she says, “Alright, but we'll have to start decorating right away this morning.’

"No! Put the table over there!" Alexa yells at me and Ace as she points to where she wants it. We both roll our eyes at the girl before setting the table down where she wanted it.

Right as Ace and I were about to walk away to do something else Alexa said, "Actually put it back where you had it before.”

Ace and I exchange a look before swearing under our breath and moving the table again.. and again... and again.

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