The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 53

Rosalind's POV

When I got back to the kitchen and cleaned up the spilled flour I noticed something; all the cookies, the cookie dough, and two men were gone.

I sigh to myself and shake my head before Kali and Maddie come back into the kitchen. Immediately Kali opens her mouth to yell but I put my hand over her mouth.

She looks at me confused and I release my hand as I say, "I have a plan.”

Kali smirks, "What is your plan?”

"Well, they expect us to be mad and they know in a few minutes we will be after their butts. But, what if we act like it's not a big deal, they'll think that we will have revenge coming for them and it will drive them crazy." I tell her.

Kali nods and says okay, but little Maddie doesn't like the plan as she yells, "IMMA KICK DADDY!"

I pick Maddie up and tell her, "You can kick your daddy and Clay later. Okay?" Maddie crosses her little arms and says "Fine."

I then put Maddie back on the ground so we can remake cookies for the Christmas dinner I plan on having tonight.

Once we were done with the cookies and making the dinner for tonight, I started setting up the large table that can seat everyone with the help of my mom, Kali, and Alexa.

"I can't wait for Santa to come tonight!" Maddie cheers as she runs into the dinning room and jumps into Kali's arms. Kali laughs at her daughter and soon Clayton, along with Kaleb, walk into the room.

The two Alphas look slightly nervous as they do so. Maddie glares at them before she jumps out of her mother's arms and leaves the room very sassily.

"Wonder what that was about.” Kaleb says.

Kali rolls her eyes, "She is upset you two ate all the cookies.”

Kaleb and Clayton's faces turn pale and they look at each other. I laugh as I say, "Oh don't act so scared of your own mates. It's fine, we don't care that you ate them.”

Clayton walks over to me and clears his throat, "You can't fools us, Princess.”

I shake my head before turning around and I go back to setting the table as I say, "We're not trying to fool you. We made more cookies so it's okay.”

I can feel Clayton's uneasiness and I smile to myself. The plan is working perfectly.

"Oh come on. What you two are planning?” Kaleb asks.

I look to Kali and she looks at me and we both smirk.

"We're not planning anything.” Kali answers him.

The room goes completely quiet for a minute and finally Clayton yells, "WHAT ARE YOU WOMEN GOING TO DO TO Us?!"

I turn around and walk so my body is against Clay's as I say, "Babe, we're not planning anything. No need to worry." With that I kiss his cheek and walk out of the room and he mind-links me,

“Are you really fine with it? Or are you and Kali planning our deaths?"

I smile to myself and don't reply.

The next morning I wake early when I remember “Santa’ has come and I want to see all the young pups in the pack’s reaction as they open the presents Clayton bought them all.

When I try to sit up Clayton pulls me back down and tightens his grip around me.

"Clay." I say as I rub my eyes.

"Hmm?" He says as he snuggles his face into my neck.

"We need to get up.” I tell him.

He doesn't answer and I say it again.

"I wanna sleep.” He mumbles into my neck. I sigh and turn myself around so I am facing the sleepy Clayton.

I kiss his lips softly, feeling many sparks fly between us, before I push him with all my strength off the bed. He hits the floor with a loud bang. When I don't see him get up I sit up and lean over the edge of the bed that I pushed him off of.

"You alright?" I ask as him. He doesn't answer.

"Never mind, your fine. But come on, get up.” I say as I get off the bed, placing my feet right next to the sleeping Clayton laying on the hard wood floor.

As I lift my foot to walk away, I feel his hand grab my ankle and he suddenly pulls me down on top of him. He try to stand up but he just tightens his grip.

I smile, "Get up you lazy bum.”

"No." He argues.

"Yes." I tell him as I wiggle around to get out of his strong arms.

"Only if you give me a kiss." He says. I look at his face as I lay on his chest. He pucks his lips into the duck-lips as he keeps his eyes closed like he is still sleeping.

I laugh slightly before I kiss his lips. After the kiss he pushes me off him before he stands and helps me up. We walk downstairs into the living room as Clay yawns and can barely keep his eyes open while we hear little kids cheer and say 'look what Santa got me!"

Once we reach the living room Clayton suddenly is wide awake and he quickly sets me on the couch next to Alexa before he runs out of the room.

Alexa looks at me, "What is that about?"

I shrug and Maddie runs over to me with the new teddy bear Clayton got her. "Look what Santa gave me Rosie!" Maddie says as she hands me the black teddy bear.

I smile, "Cool! What'd you name her?"

Maddie frowns, "It's a he,” I apologize and she then smiles as she continues talking, "but I named him Darkness, kinda like mommy and daddy's pack!"

"That's a awesome name! Did you show your dad yet?" I ask her as I look around the room to see Kali is up, but Kaleb not in sight.

"I'll show him right now, but I'll have to wake him up.” She pauses and whispers, "He's scary to wake up.” She then giggles and runs upstairs.

I laugh at her before Clayton comes back into the room along with my dad. Clayton smiles at me and stands so he is in front of me.

"My young mate," he starts off as he takes my hands in his. Everyone in the room stops what they are doing and look to us.

"when I first saw you I knew I was in love. I had a speech and poem all set for this moment since that day. It started out with Roses are red and violets are blue, but all my words, now with me standing here in front of you have gone away. All I can manage to say right now is that I have loved you for years, and I will love you for millions more, even when I am dead my love will remain for you.” Clayton says as he stares at me with his chocolate eyes.

I didn't realize my eyes were watering until I feel a tear stream down my face as he pulls out a small box from his pocket.

I open my mouth to speak but he starts talking again, "So I ask you, my Rose, will you marry me?"

I can't speak as I just smile and nod my head yes. Clayton opens the box and takes the silver ring with the moon on and puts it on my ring finger before he wraps me in a big hug.

"I love you." I whisper into his ear.

"I love you too."

I forgot everyone was in the room until I heard Maddie say, "I missed itl"

Clay and I laugh as we feel Maddie hug ours legs. We look down at her as she pouts, "I wanted to hear her say yes!"

I laugh slightly and wipe away my tears before I bend down to Maddie's height and kiss her head. Maddie smiles and runs away over to the tree surrounded by presents.

Kali runs up to me and hugs me along with my mom and Alexa.

When they release me from the hug my dad walks over to me. He doesn't say anything as he smiles at me. He hugs me tightly and kisses my hand, before Maddie runs over to me with a present in her hand. "Rosie, this one is yours from Santa!" She hands it to me and I look at Clay. He shakes his head no, "Not from me." He says.

Wondering who it's from, I open it.

Once it is open, the smell of blood intoxicates the room. I pull out the dead Rose with a card tied to it. Clayton growls and grabs the present from my hands before he reads the card out loud.

"Blood is red, roses are dead. Enjoy the time you have with your pack Luna Rosalind, it won't last long.” As soon as Clayton says those words he throws the dead flower, the card, and the box it came in into the fire place.

He then grabs my hand and hurries out of the living room to his office.

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