The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 37

Rosalind's POV

I barely can process in my head what Emma just said. Nicole is... dead? I look down at the ground as my eyes start to water.

Ace and other members run over to us when they notice Emma.

"Luna Rosalind and Beta Emma, what happened?” One of the pack fighters ask as they look at Emma, that is covered in blood.

Emma and I can't answer as we both take it in.

"No! I won't accept this! She is not dead, she has to be alive!" I say as I look at Emma.

The blood that covers her is her own, as her head is bleeding a lot along with her right arm and legs.

"She is though.. They killed her and almost killed me.” Emma then blacks out and one of the fighters move quickly catching her so she doesn't hit the hard ground.

Ace and the others look at me, since their Alpha is gone, they turn to their Luna. But, I can't take care of this pack with what just happened to Nicole.

“Luna, I'll take her to the pack Hospital.” The boy that caught her says before he turns and runs her in.

I can feel Ace and the rest of the fighters looking at me, but I don't bring myself to look at them. I close my eyes, hoping that when I open them I will wake up from this bad dream

Before I open my eyes, I feel someone wrap their arms around me in a hug. It's not Clayton, so I open my eyes and see it is Ace. He pulls away and brings my face up to look him in the eyes.

"Will you tell me what happened? I can tell it's not good." He says. I finally bring myself to speak again, "Someone killed Nicole," I pause.

I turn to the pack fighters, "Get the trackers and kill the wolves that murdered the Alpha’s sister.” They nod and hurry off.

I turn and head inside the house as I mind-link Clayton.

“Clay, Nicole, she's." I pause what I am saying as I burst out into tears. Soon Clayton mind-links me back,

“Rose what happened?! Are you okay?! I can sense you are sick and hurt.’

While I wipe tears from my eyes I answer him, “Nicole is dead. She was murdered.’

He doesn't answer as I feel his sadness, but that sadness soon turned to anger.

Jason's POV

"We killed Clayton's mate.” One of my men that I sent out to kill her says.

My plan worked perfectly; Got the SnowMoon Pack to kick out their Alpha Ella, she went to Clayton's pack for safety so I told Blake the news and he then wanted to attack Clayton for Ella, but Clayton being the dumbass he is, he decided to help her get her pack under control, leaving his little mate Rosalind out of his protection.

I smile, "Wonderful." I say as I walk over to one of the six men that stand in front of me. He looks frightened as I grin evilly,

"But this is the end for you, we can't have Clayton tracing you back here.” With that, I rip the guys heart out of his chest and he falls to the ground, dead.

I face the others, "Which one killed her?" They all point to a tall guy that has his arms and face covered in blood.

I walk over to him and do the same thing to him. As I turn to walk away one of the guys speak, "..She had a girl with her. We didn't get to kill her right away, but she will most likely die from her injuries.”

I turn around as anger fills my body.

They couldn't handle this one task!

I pin the guy that said that to a tree, as we are all standing outside where I meet them secretly. I don't need Blake to know of this, I still need him for covering my tracks up.

"Why didn't you kill her?" I ask him with a growl. He gulps before answering, "She was to fast, she got away.”

"Who was she?" I ask.

"We don't know, she had a high ranking though, like a beta's rank.” and that's the last he said as I dig my nails into his neck, soon killing him. At least these idiots can tell who's a beta and who's a Luna, otherwise they could've killed the wrong girl instead of Rosalind.

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