The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 30

Clayton's POV

Rose walks into my office smiling.

"Hey princess.” I say as I stand up from sitting behind my desk.

"You're done with your work for today?" She asks, her sweet voice echoes in my ears like a melody.

"Yea, why?" I ask as she walks over to me. "Because, you need to sleep.” She says as she grabs my hand in hers - sparks fly all the way up my arm as she does and she starts leading me out of my office.

"I don't need to sleep.” I laugh as she walks to my room.

"Yea, you do.” She protests as we walk into my room.

She pushes me down so I sit on the bed and she says, "Now, get some sleep.”

I chuckle at her, "I'm serious Clay." She says raising an eyebrow at me. "I'll take a nap, if you take a nap with me."

"I'm not tired though.” She points out.

“I'm not sleeping then Princess.”

She glares at me playfully before she says fine. I chuckle as I stand up and take my shirt off. When I throw my shirt down on the floor I notice Rose staring at my abs I smirk and crawl into the bed.

She follows and lays down next to me as I wrap my arms around her, never wanting to let her go.

I roll over and wake when I don't feel Rose next to me. I get up and stretch my arms out before grabbing my shirt and heading down stairs. As I put my shirt on I smell pancakes, did I sleep all day yesterday?

I walk into the kitchen to see Lacey, Rose, Emma, Alexa, and Nicole. Lacey is currently cleaning up pancakes that are on the floor, Emma dancing for some odd reason with Alexa while they are setting the table, and Nicole is laughing with Rose while the are flipping pancakes. I chuckle slightly at the view and sit down at the table. Emma and Alexa both say at the same time, "Morning." Before they each sit down.

I give them a smile and then look over at Nicole as she flips a pancake, but it flies all the way up and lands on Rose's head.

Rose growls playfully at Nicole and they laugh. Rose takes the pancake off her head and walks over to me,

"Sleep well?"

"Yea." I say answering her.

"So nobody bothered to wake me up yesterday?" I add on, they all stop what they are doing and look at me.

Alexa then says, "Rose told us not to wake you."

I look over at Rose as she smiles at me, I raise an eyebrow at her and she says, "What? You needed the sleep! Besides, everything was fine." "What I something would have happened? Then it wouldn't have been fine." I tell her, Rose shrugs and says, "I'm the Luna to this pack, I had everything under control.”

I'm just going to have to believe her on that.

"Have some yummy breakfast.” Nic says as she puts a pancake on the plate infront of me.

My stomach grumbles as I scoff it down and eat 15 more - what? I'm hungry! I didn't eat any lunch yesterday, or dinner.

Emma laughs, "Geez, eat enough?”

I nod my head yes as Rose, Alexa, and Nicole laugh.

I forgot Lacey was in the kitchen, until she said, "Damon wants to talk to you, Alpha. He's outside watching the fighters."

I sigh and stand up, leaving the crazy girls in the kitchen and heading outside to find Damon.

When I see him he turns and walks over to me,

"Clayton, Ace found his mate.”

"Yea? Why do I need to know this?" I ask. I don't care much for Ace since he was Rose's boyfriend.

Damon sighs, "His mate is a rogue.”

Rose let a rogue stay in the house?

I growl, I don't want any rogues near my pack with what all is going on. "Where is he and his mate.” I demand, Damon points me to the pack house, "They are in the living room."

When Damon says that I turn and head to the living room, as I do Damon says something, but I ignore whatever he said.

I'm just angry a rogue is in my pack house, since how well it went last time with Chase and his mate.

I storm into the house and walk into the living room to see a black haired boy and Ace talking

I pin Ace to the wall, "Where is your mate. I will not let a rogue be on my territory!"

Rose, Alexa, Emma, and Nicole all hurry into the living room when they hear me yell.

Rose runs over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder, "Clay, calm down. His mate is Issa.” Rose says as she points at the black haired boy. Ace has a male mate? I didn't see this coming.

I release Ace and take a step towards his mate, but Rose gets infront of me.

"Clay, don't you think of harming Issa.”

"Rose, move."

She shakes her head no.

"Move." I say using my alpha tone. She doesn't move though.

I look past Rose at the frightened boy, and I sigh. I look back at Rose and then exit the room to my office.

I didn't realize Rose was following me until we were both in my office. "Clay, you need to stop stressing about the rogues.”

"l can't, Rose!" I yell as I run a hand through my hair.

"Why not?" She asks with a soft voice. "Because! What if they hurt you! Or kill you!" I yell as I walk so I am standing infront of her.

"They won't kill me-"

"WHAT IF THEY DO!" I yell, Rose jumps at the tone in my voice. I stop yelling and cup her face in my hands,

"Rose, you and my pack are in danger. I can't let a rogue stay here. What if something happens to you again and you end up in the hospital like last time? What if that rogue is working for someone like Chase's rogue mate, Cassie, was?"

She opens her mouth to say something but I speak again before she can get a word out, "I just don't want you to ever get hurt."

She looks directly into my eyes.

I forget everything as I stare into them, before I softly kiss her lips. When we both pull away I smile and she blushes, causing me to smile more.

Suddenly, I hear a scream.

Damon then mind-links me, “Alpha Clayton!"

'What?' I say as I run out of my office and outside.

I stop running to see a member of my pack laying on the ground — bleeding out to death from cutting his neck open.

"What happened?” I growl out. Damon walks over to me, "He killed himself after he said they are coming for “her’.

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