The Alpha's Young Mate

Chapter 27

Rosalind's POV

I wake to light shining in through the windows. At first I don't know where I am but then I realize I'm in Clayton's room.

I stretch like a cat and then crawl out of his comfy bed. I swear he has a bed made of clouds.

I look around and notice he is not in his room; which means he probably didn't come to his room to sleep, he needs to get some, he can't keep going when he is sleep deprived.

I go to his bathroom and get in the glass shower. I wash my hair with his shampoo, since mine isn't in here.

After the nice long shower I get out and I dry myself off before getting dressed in my clothes that were in here already.

Last night when I was talking to him in his office some of my stuff was moved to his room.

Once I'm dressed I look over at a chair in the corner of the room that had a grey teddy bear on it.

I run over to the chair and grab the teddy bear as I hug it like a child — I remember I threw it at Clay when I was first mad at him, 1 guess I forgot about it after awhile. But man, I missed this bear.

I put the bear down back on the chair and then head down stairs to Clay's Office to see what he's doing.

I really feel the need to see him, my bond to him is starting to get stronger already and I haven't even shifted yet.

When I get to his office I open the door without knocking and see he is not in there.

I leave his office and walk to the kitchen and living room, nobody is in there.

Where is everybody?

I walk outside, and there I see everybody gathered around. I look to my right and see a HUGE cake — I've never seen anything like it, then I look to my left to see my mom walking over to me.

"What's going on mom?"

She smiles, "It's your birthday party and it makes you officially the pack Luna. The pack is celebrating since there hasn't been a full time Luna to this pack for 50 years."

I forgot about that, Clayton's grandpa had a mate, but she died in a rogue attack 2 years after Clayton's dad was born. Next was Clayton's father's mate, she just vanished. Nobody ever knew where she went and soon enough it killed Clay's dad. But now there is me, Clayton's mate.

"Oh." I say to my mom as my dad and a group of fighters walk over to me.

"Luna Rosalind.” They bow their heads in submission while my dad kisses my cheek.

It's weird to be called Luna Rosalind, I'd rather be called Luna Rose, or even better, Rose.

One fighter, named Jacob, starts talking to me. "Luna Rosalind, when are you and Alpha Clayton planning on having pups?”

Typical pack members, always wondering when the next Alpha will be born.

My dad growls, "Not until she is at least 18." He says looking over at me with a very serious and scary look.

I just can't take that look seriously.

I laugh at him and walk away over to Alexa, Aiden, and Ace.

Alexa starts jumping up and down, I swear she is part Kangaroo. "OH MY GOODNESS ROSE YOU'RE GOING TO SHIFT TONIGHT!"

"Yea." I laugh as she hugs me. "You're getting up there in age you oldy." She tells me.

"Lex, you're older than me."

"But I'm still in better shape than you.” She says pulling away from the hug and winks at me. I roll my eyes and they stop, landing on Ace. I smile at him and he walks away.

I hope he finds his mate soon, it will help him with all of this.

I then feel someone hug me from behind and kiss my cheek. I immediately elbow the person in the gut and got out of their grip, before turninv around to see Clayton.

He looks at me confused, I just laugh. "I didn't think it was you at first, sorry.”

He shrugs and then smiles, "Rose, there's someone I want you to meet." Clay motions for me to follow him, before I do I wave by to Aiden and Alexa.

I walk behind Clayton as he walks over to a big group of people surrounding two girls.

One girl has long, curly dark brown hair, light brown eyes that look somewhat like Clayton's dark ones. She's very pretty and looks to be about 18. But with werewolf ages there is no way to tell if she is actually 18 or if she 28 but looks 18.

The other girl has short red/brown hair, soft brown eyes with navy green around them, and looks to be around 16 or 17. She is also very pretty.

I look at Clay as he starts to walk over to the one with long curly hair, I feel my body tense up and I get jealous as he gets closer to her.

"Rose, this is Nicole, my little sister. Also the Luna to the NorthernTails Pack."

Clayton has a sister?

She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Hi! You know, I never thought Clayton would have a mate half as pretty as you." Nicole says. Clay looks at her and frowns, she shrugs her shoulders, "Sorry Clay.”

He shakes it off, "And that is Emma, her Beta.” Emma smiles at me and bows her head in submission.

"Wait so you're the beta of the NortherTails Pack? Wow! I've never met a girl beta before.” I tell Emma

She smiles, "There's very few of us. When one of us female Betas meet our mate, our mate becomes the beta, I haven't met mine yet thank god."

I laugh slightly at Emma as Clayton grabs my hand and starts leading me away.

"hey! I wasn't done talking to them!"

"Sorry Princess, but you've got a birthday to celebrate with a whole pack wanting to talk to you.”

After being stuck talking to pack members for hours we finally decided to eat some cake.

Well, Alexa, Emma, Nicole, and I decided to.

When no one was watching us we all grabbed hold of the cake platter and brought it behind the pack house so nobody can see us.

We all sit around the cake in a circle as we just eat it with our forks. "This, is, awesome, cake.” Nicole says between huge bites of cake. Out of all four of us, Nicole has ate the most, I'm surprised she's as skinny as she is and can eat that much.

"Oooo0oh yea it is." Alexa says as she chews her cake slowly, savoring it. We all freeze when we hear someone clear their throat. We look over and see my mom with another older pack lady.

"Rose, what are you doing.” My mom asks/demands.

I swallow the bite of cake that is in my mouth, "Eatin cake?"

"Get up and go wash your face off. You have frosting all over it.” My mom says, "All of you should.”

Emma stands up, "Sorry we ate all the cake.” Emma then looks at Alexa, Nicole and I.

Emma then laughs at us three. I look over to Alexa and Nicole as they look at me. We all start laughing at our cake covered faces.

"Maybe we should go wash off.” Nicole says.

We all get up and head inside the pack house laughing. When we enter the kitchen I look over at the wall and my laughing comes to a stop. Soon Alexa stops laughing as well. Alexa and I look at the message written in red liquid on the wall.

I then look at Nicole right as she stopped laughing and sniffed the air. "Mom?" she said as she snapped her head in the direction of wall. Her mouth drops open as she runs over to the wall that says,

You're next.

Nicole's eyes fill with tears as she looks over at us, "T-this, it's, m-my mom's B-blood..”

Alexa runs out of the house as soon as Nicole says those words. Emma comforts her Luna as I stand there and keep re-reading the message. What does "you're next’ mean?

Soon my dad, Clayton, and Aiden along with some other guys storm into the house followed by Alexa.

"What the hell happened!” Clayton yells as he walks over to Nicole, he then sniffs the air and his eyes snap to the wall.

For a moment Clay just stands there looking at the wall, but then he turns and embraces his sister in a hug.

My dad walks over to the wall, "What does you're next mean?"

"I take it that it means someone is going to die." Aiden points out as he hugs Alexa.

Alexa is just shaking, she may be a werewolf but she can't stand blood or death, ever since that time when her and I saw a rogue’s head ripped right off by Clayton

"But who?" My dad asks turning to look at Clay.

Clay looks at me and back at Nicole, "It's in my mom's blood, she may have vanished when I was young but I know her scent," he pauses and walks over to me and wraps his arms around me before continuing, "it's a threat meant for either my sister, myself, or the Luna.”

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