The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 35


The three of us explode together, ropes upon ropes of my seed spurting into her womb when she ignites, green flames dancing on her skin. Her exhausted body collapses on my chest while Varian and I remain locked inside her, letting her burn.

Varian mindlinks me, Fuck, that was —

I know.

I could feel it the instant I gave into the pull, like a missing piece snapped into place. With one kiss she melted away years of our resolve that we didn’t want, or need, a mate.

We still have a lot to talk to her about though, Var. We can’t take this to mean that she’s all in just because we are. Hell, we still don’t really understand who she is, or who’s after her and why.

A protective growl emanates from his chest.

She’s ours. I don’t need to know anything else.

We’re going to need to know a little more than that if we’re going to keep her safe. I snarl, the words coming out harsher than I intended. I bury my nose in her hair, the action immediately calming my wolf and me.

We’ll discuss this when she wakes. Her fire is dying down, let’s run her a bath and worry about this later.

Magnolia’s flame extinguishes. Varian is the first to pull out and she groans softly at the loss. He leans down and lifts her off of me, cradling her bridal style and carrying her into the bathroom. I run her a hot bath complete with some rose scented bath bomb I found in the cabinet.

I remember from the lake how much she loves being in the boiling water, so I charm her bath to stay boiling while we grab new clothes and some food to bring back to her.

Varian places her gently into the tub, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. Magnolia blinks up at us with tired eyes. “Relax, love, we’ll come back to check on you in a bit.” With that we leave her to recover.

Varian and I make our way down the hall to the guest room Incandis showed us to earlier. We quickly shower and are surprised to find several sets of spare clothes meant for us in the drawers and closet.

Wanting to get back to Mags as soon as possible, we hurry down to the kitchen to procure dinner for the three of us. Varian thought she might appreciate a little room service to give us privacy to talk.

We finally get down to the kitchen where Kat, Incandis, Runidar, and another male we haven’t met yet are engrossed in a lively debate regarding proper torture techniques. Kat smells us before she sees us, smiling at us knowingly as we enter.

“How’s Magnolia?” She asks, unable to hide her impish grin.

“Fine, taking a bath I think,” I say as neutrally as possible. I just learned that Incandis is her brother. I’m not ready for the ‘my brother and I are fucking your sister’ conversation just yet.

“Kat told me that Mags filled you in on some things.” Incandis is being intentionally vague.

I nod in response. “We were sorry to learn that it’s your family who are missing.”

Incandis clears his throat, his racing heartbeat gives away the emotion he’s trying to suppress. “I appreciate that, thank you. You helped us when you thought it was just another colony member, your tireless efforts will not go unrewarded. I’m sure Mags will agree.”

He throws his palms up, “but enough of the heavy. We have a plethora of food laid out for you. For now just eat up and relax as best as you can.” He gestures to the buffet before us, truly an embarrassment of riches.

The man that had been sitting next to Runidar excuses himself, muttering something under his breath, and walks out of the kitchen without another word.

Kat and Runidar don’t need to be told twice, they begin piling their plates high with everything the buffet has to offer, picking up their torture conversation with Incandis where they left off.

Varian and I start putting together a tray of food to bring back up to Mags, interjecting our own opinions into Incandis and Runidar’s debate. When our tray is at maximum capacity we excuse ourselves.

“We told Magnolia we’d bring up dinner for her, hopefully she’ll eat something.” Varian explains when the group eyes our tray with intrigue.

“That’s a good idea, I can bring it up to her if you want.”

“Actually,” Kat interjects, “I was kinda hoping you’d take me on a tour?”

Incandis readily agrees to Kat’s suggestion.

Thanks, Kat. Varian says to her through mindlink.

Kat smirks at us and sends us off with a wink.

We make a hasty retreat, eager to get back to our mate. We’re taking the stairs two at a time to get back to her.

We finally arrive at her door only to find that it has been left ajar.

Ro, did you leave her door open like this with her in the bath? Varian chastises me through our link.

I enter her room, the scene before me causing a feral growl to shake the walls. I immediately lose control of my wolf and shift right there in the room.

— — —

Syble (Magnolia)

I wake up in the bathtub, the smell of roses wrapping around me like a hug. I don’t know exactly how long I’ve been asleep. I must have dozed off for at least thirty minutes but the water is still perfectly boiling. I’m deliciously sore everywhere, every movement a reminder of their hands, lips, tongues on every inch of my body. I was surprised by how good it felt to let go, how right. And how they made me spark.

My mother never said much on the matter of sparking, only that it was as rare as the planets aligning. That, like the planets, mutual and reciprocated trust, respect, love, have to align for a spark to ignite you and for an unbreakable bond to be forged in flames.

Some dragons go their whole, long lives without ever sparking with someone else. That’s not to say they aren’t happy with their partners, but their relationships are missing something more… something intimate. More often than not, dragons will spark after being together for many years, decades even.

My parents are rare. Mom said that she and dad sparked early on in their relationship. She told me how easy it was to trust my dad, to let go of her control and give herself over to him and vice versa. To fall, knowing beyond a doubt that he’d catch her. All mutual, all requited.

I hear the door open and surprise myself when I smile, anticipating the sound of their voices, the way they smell of rain on fallen leaves, their electrifying touch. But it’s not the twins that enter the bathroom, it’s Xander.

“Xander, what are you doing here?” I instinctively use my hands to cover myself even though there is a mountain of bubbles atop the water.

“Those wolves downstairs said you were taking a bath, I thought you might want some company.” He winks, flashing me his perfect smile.

I can’t help but reciprocate a small smile while rolling my eyes. “Always the charmer.”

He chuckles and nods before his face hardens, “In all seriousness, Mags, I haven’t seen you in over a week, you come home wounded, with four wolves tailing after you...I came to check on you.” He grabs a large, fluffy towel from the linen closet and holds it up for me. “Let’s get you dressed so we can catch up.”

“Could you just leave the towel for me? I think — I just…I could use some privacy while I get out of the tub.” I can’t bring myself to look him in the eye.

His eyebrows lift up momentarily, surprise registering on his face no doubt in curiosity at my new found modesty. He is, after all, well acquainted with my body. Now I understand my mother’s warnings against fraternizing with a guardian. Though neither of us has feelings for the other, it’s still just as hard figuring out what to say, how to move forward.

No matter how many nights I spent with Xander, however many moments we stole, he’s never made me feel even a fraction of what I feel with the twins. I couldn’t resist it, try as I might to rebel against the invisible pull towards them. Just thinking about them now sends a shiver down my spine and a need for them straight to my core. I wonder idly where they are and why they left.

“Can I turn around yet?” Xander asks amused. He’s turned around so his back is to me. It’s not exactly what I meant when I said privacy, but it’ll have to do. I step out of the tub careful not to slip and wrap the bath sheet around my body, tucking it in under my arm.

“Yeah it’s fine I’m covered.” I take a few steps into my room, heading to my closet so I can get dressed in something more appropriate but Xander is glued to the spot. Shock registers first on his face, softening into amazement.

He approaches me slowly.

“Oh my Gods, Mags,” he breathes, smiling and shaking his head in disbelief. “You’re glowing. Your skin…,” he runs his finger tips from my shoulder down the length of my arm. “It’s — it’s shimmering, sparkling.” His smile only widens, a hint of mischief kisses his eyes. “You sparked, didn’t you?”

I flush crimson. “Is it that obvious?”

“Mags, please, I think I know you better than anyone. I’m just glad someone got my Queen to let go, you’re a tough egg to crack.” He winks at me and wraps his arms around me in a comfortable embrace.

A feral growl suddenly rips through the room, shaking the walls. Xander snaps into guardian mode and pushes me behind him, putting himself between me and what I now recognize as Ro and Varian fighting for control with their wolves and losing the battle.

Having undoubtedly heard the noise, Incandis and Kat appear in the doorway, watching in equal terror as Ro gives in to the shift.


Ro’s wolf stands before us in his full, dominant, glory. Teeth bared, lips curled into a tight snarl. The tension around us is thick. Seconds feel like minutes as no one dares to even breathe. Varian looks as enraged as Ro did, but thankfully he was able to control his wolf.

Incandis and Kat are looking back and forth between the four of us. Incandis has a look of helplessness, not sure what to do or say to any of us. Kat looks thoroughly amused, like she just won front row seats to the most entertaining spectacle.

Before I can say anything, Xander’s golden wings unfold and shoot back, propelling him forwards in an effort to block Ro from getting to me. Ro leaps into the air as Xander flies towards him, their bodies colliding in mid air. They crash back to the floor, Xander beneath Ro with his arms around his neck.

Varian rushes to my side, his eyes pools of ink, checking me over for injury. He pulls me to him with desperate need, burying his face in my neck, breathing in my scent. My skin is electrified everywhere he touches me, calling out for him.

All I want is to stay wrapped in his arms, but I have two errant males to sunder.

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