The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 10

Syble (Magnolia)

I stalk slowly over to Rohanor around the pairs of wolves sparring, my gaze not faltering from his. I stop just inches away from him and he visibly tenses from my invasion of his space. He looks down at me impassively and raises a brow.

“I don’t have a partner. My last one was a disappointment and Incandis is still going at it with Runidar. Spar with me.”

“No.” He huffs at me immediately without even contemplating my request.

I sigh dramatically, “I get it, you don’t want me embarrassing you in front of your pack.”

His eyes narrow, shifting from green to black and back again. “I know what you’re trying to do. It’s not going to work.”

“All I’m trying to do is find a sparring partner. But if you’re too scared to fight me I’ll have to find someone else who will rise to the occasion.” I say, the last part louder drawing attention to Ro and me.

His eyes go black and this time they don’t change back. The other men stop what they’re doing to witness his response to my challenge.

“No weapons. No gifts. Come on big boy…I’ll go easy on you.” I taunt once more.

I don’t know why I find provoking him to be so entertaining. I can’t help but challenge him. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that back home no one tells me no. I’m not used to being challenged, and I get the sense that being challenged is as equally foreign to him as it is to me.

His hands are clenched so tightly his knuckles are turning white, his body radiating a heat that wasn’t there moments before. He rips off his shirt giving me a prime view of his broad chest and washboard abs. I drink him in as my eyes dip down to his waist, below his belly button, following his happy little trail down to the top of his pants hung low on his hips.

He leans forward, startling me, and whispers in my ear in that deep voice of his, “are we going to fight, or are you going to eye fuck me all day?”

“Just checking for weapons.” I say smoothly, but inside my core is molten.

I grab the hem of my shirt and lift it up and off of me in one fluid motion so I’m only wearing my sports bra and leggings. I can hear his sharp intake of breath. His gaze warms my skin as his eyes trail across my body, across my chest, down my stomach to my waist and hips.

“Are we going to fight, or are you going to eye fuck me all day?” I whisper his words right back to him.

Ro grabs me by the back of the neck but I twist out of it grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm along with me. Game on. I step back from him and hold my hands behind my back awaiting his next move. He wastes no time and sends me several quick punches all of which I dodge with my hands still behind my back. He swings at me wide but I turn so I’m facing him sideways before leaning back so he swings right over me. I stand back up and twist myself around him so my elbow jabs directly into his kidney. Coupled with his momentum from the missed hit he stumbles forward off balance.

He whips around, clearly incensed at my hit on him. He throws fist after fist, elbow after elbow at me pushing me back, but I dodge and duck out of the way of them all. I distract him with a kick to the left but he must have predicted my tactic as he catches the next fist I send him with ease. He pulls on my arm so I’m flush against him and his heat is sending warm tingles throughout my body. He pins my other hand behind my back pressing me closer to him.

“Compromising position you’ve found yourself in, little dragon,” he breathes against my ear.

I pretend to blush, rising slowly on my tip toes pressing my chest to his. It’s not hard to pretend to be affected by him; his touch, his breath on my neck. I lean my head back as if offering my neck to him before head butting him square in the nose. It breaks instantly, blood pouring out of his nose. He immediately releases me but instead of looking upset like I expect, he grins wickedly.

We continue on like this for several more minutes. Me dodging his blows, him tiring himself out. He catches another punch of mine this time spinning me around so my back is to his front and his arm around my neck. Holding on to the arm he has wrapped around me I lift my knees up to my chest and kick them down using my body weight to pull us both forward and onto the ground. The impact loosens his grip on me and I’m able to flip myself so I’m straddling him on the ground with my hand wrapped around his throat.

I slide my hands over his chest, lean down closer to him and whisper, “thanks for the fight.” I’m beaming on the inside, absolutely high from our fight and my hard earned win. It’s exhilarating to finally spar with someone who isn’t afraid to hold back.

“Please stop squirming.” He groans. I roll my eyes behind my blind fold, he can take a broken nose but not me sitting on him? He sits up, propping himself up with his hands. I realize now how intimate our positioning is. I also become aware of the crowd of wolves who are watching us with keen interest.

Ro’s eyes cloud over and a few seconds later all the men that had been training are quickly packing up and exiting the training center.

“Why’d they all leave?” I ask Ro, still in his lap.

“I told them to.”

“How? You didn’t say anything.”

“Mindlink, every wolf in the pack can link with each other.” Ro answers.

There’s another clang of the door opening but this time it’s Varian.

“How was train…ing?” He stumbles over his words as he takes in the sight of Ro and me.

I stand up and put my shirt back on as Rohanor does the same. Varian gives his brother a stern look before handing a small box to both Incandis and me.

“What’s this?” I ask as I open the box unceremoniously. Inside is a brand new smartphone.

“I’ve programmed it with mine and Rohanor’s numbers in addition to a few other ranked members of the pack. We need a way to be able to contact you since you can’t mindlink.”

“You didn’t need to do this.” He could have given us a burner phone, he didn’t have to go out and buy two brand new, top of the line smartphones.

Varian frowns, “it’s already done. Just say thank you.”

I scowl at him, taking the phone out of the box. I search for his name in the contacts and send him “thank you” via text instead.

He rolls his eyes when his phone alerts him to my message. “Come, let’s freshen up for lunch and then we have a meeting with the first shift of trackers to review their findings.”


I’m on my way back to the training center after leaving Syble to train with her group. It’s taken me twice as long as I had expected but I was able to procure her and Incandis two new phones with all the amenities. Really I just wanted to buy her one, but Ro pointed out that it would seem odd to give something just to her.

The whole time I was at the store I kept thinking about what Incandis had said to me earlier this morning. Women rule in our colonyThey’re strong, fearless,…reveredWe’d go to any lengths to defend her.

It’s not dissimilar to how our wolves feel about our mate.

In less than 24 hours she has certainly shown that she is both strong and fearless, if not a little reckless. At least more so than any she-wolves in the pack. But she also seems so sure of herself, confident, the very definition of alpha female.

I shake the thoughts out of my head, what am I thinking? It’s probably from the shitty night sleep I had last night. I could smell her from our room, I stayed up waiting to hear the sound of Incandis leaving her room to go to his own. My wolf couldn’t settle until he knew she was alone.

I take the new phones and head back home. There’s no one inside the packhouse when I get home so I link Ro asking him where everyone is. He links back that they’re still in the training center.

Before I even reach the door it flies open and two dozen of our warriors come pouring out. They all keep their eyes on the ground and mutter hello on their way by me, probably heading for the packhouse dining hall.

I walk through the door they just exited from and shout out for Ro, “How was train…ing.” The sight before me makes me fumble over my words. Syble is in a sports bra straddling a shirtless Rohanor. She gets up and throws her shirt back on. I peel my eyes off of her in time to notice Ro adjusting himself before putting on his shirt as well.

I narrow my eyes at him, letting him know that we will be discussing what transpired here later. I thought we agreed to keep things strictly business and yet here he is underneath her, sporting a hard on!

I hand her and Incandis identical boxes and watch as they open them. When she questions me I explain to her why having a phone is necessary. She can’t mindlink with any of us, she needs a way to reach us any time, any place. I keep telling myself it’s for business but really it helps placate our wolves’ need to ensure the safety of our mate.

“It’s done, just say thankyou.” I try and fail to make it sound less like a command and more like a request.

My lips twitch up in a smirk when she grabs the phone and messages me a written “thank you.” I’m quickly learning that she will find any way she can to worm her way around doing what I ask, everything has to be on her terms or not at all. Such a pain in the ass, so defiant, challenging me at every absolute spitfire.

I roll my eyes at her and turn grinning triumphantly to myself while texting her back, “you’re welcome.”

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